Say You’re Sorry

Lindsey was consumed as she typed furiously into her phone. Her job at the bakery had finally became too much – from being surrounded by forbidden sweets with her sensitive stomach to the owner constantly calling her in to work all evening with no notice, it finally wasn’t worth the torture anymore. She had just thrown down her apron and walked out leaving open mouths and shocked faces in her wake. A brief thought of panic about paying rent passed quickly, and the satisfying feeling of rebellion took over as she sipped her iced latte walking back to her loft.

She was so wrapped up in telling her friends about her exit, she hadn’t even noticed Brett standing on the sidewalk. Crashing into him, latte first, he cried out –

“What the fuck”

Lindsey looked in horror as her coffee now covered Brett’s white dress shirt and black dress slacks. “Oh no” she thought, but her recent rush of rebelliousness took over, and she was surprised at her own words: “Wow, why did you jump out in front of me like that?” she said with a roll of her eyes.

“Excuse me!?” Brett said, with a clear tone of frustration. “Are you at least going to apologize? I was on my way to something important, but now will have to reschedule – can’t go to a meeting looking like this”

“Nope, bye” she said and started to walk away, secretly feeling horrible but still a proud rebel from the morning’s events.

Suddenly she felt a firm grasp on her wrist and was stopped in her tracks. Brett’s strong grasp held her in place as she turned back to him. She hadn’t even looked up at him yet, but now she noticed his broad shoulders and wavy blonde hair loosely tossed to the side. His blue eyes pierced hers as he said, “Oh no, the least you can do is help me clean this up, but you will definitely tell me you’re sorry before the end of our encounter.”

Before she could protest, she found herself being led down the sidewalk, following an angry stranger to who knows where. An unexpected flash of excitement went through her body as Brett’s shoulder and back muscles stretched his shirt; he had such a powerful way of carrying himself she just found herself letting go as they walked. “what has got into me today?” she wondered. Soon, Brett opened the large glass door of an upscale building, he paused for a second to reassure her, “You will clean my clothes, apologize, and you will be back on your way.” Lindsey gulped down nervousness as she now felt like she did need to make up for ruining this man’s day.

“Ok, I will help clean up, but I won’t apologize for you stepping in front of me” she said with another roll of her eyes, trying to hide her inner thoughts about the clear outline of his body showing through his soaking wet pants.

“Before you leave, you WILL say sorry, and because you are being a little brat, you will also thank me for letting you do this. No doubt in my mind.” His voice was so sure, that she wondered what was in store for her.

When they reached his loft, he unbuttoned his shirt and smoothly pulled it off revealing a chest and arm full of tattoos. Lindsey was flushed at a thought of his strong arms grabbing her by the waist, as he took off his belt and slid down his slacks with no hesitation. In the laundry room, she loaded the brown stained clothes into the washing machine and started to walk out when Brett grabbed her waist and effortlessly placed her sitting on top of the washing machine.

“Stay” he commanded with a forcefulness in his voice she had never experienced. She wanted to say something by was suddenly quiet as the washing machine clicked on. The vibrations of the wash cycle subtlety making their way through her legs and butt.

She peeked out of the laundry room and could see Brett going about his business, making a phone call to reschedule his meeting. “He must be the boss” she thought as she pictured him using that same forceful voice to command action at work, she felt a wetness under her skirt at the thought, amplified by the now increasing movement of the wash cycle.

“Why did I wear such big underwear today?” she thought, then snapped back wondering why she ever worried Brett would see them. She leaned forward making more direct contact with the vibrating machine under her and closed her eyes thinking about Brett’s strong hands grabbing her waist. Oh My God, she thought, as her arousal was starting to soak through her underwear. Grinding herself on the metal, she lost track of time until she heard the ding of the wash, opening her eyes to see Brett watching her movements.

“You look like you are enjoying yourself” he said, then after a pause, “for now”.

Saying nothing, she hopped off the washing machine and moved shyly to the dryer. Once she started the dry cycle, she noticed Brett was still in the doorway.

“Ready to apologize?” He asked

“Never” she said, though not nearly as confidently as she had felt earlier. “You can finish this now, see ya”

As she started walking past him, he suddenly grabbed her waist and pushed her front against the running dryer. “Hey” she said as he pushed her by the back of her shoulders bent over the dryer, feeling the cold metal on her chest. She then was in shock as she felt her skirt lifted over her butt, exposing her wet, and not sexy at all, underwear.

Brett’s hand grazed her butt and he said, “these are not what I was expecting, you will have to do much better next time.” She started to say ‘next time?’ but a smack rippled through her backside as he spanked her, hard. She felt the sting through the fabric, and also the excitement shoot back through her. She was so embarrassed, nervous, and turned on at the same time. All the feelings multiplied as he slowly peeled her underwear down, dropping them lightly by her feet.


A harder and more stinging slap with no underwear to take the edge off made Lindsey squeal. He lightly rubbed her reddening skin, and his fingers found their way to her vagina with a light tough across the opening.

“I am going to tease you until you say sorry, the more you resist, the worse it will be for you”

Before giving her a chance to even say anything, another 2 hard spanks quickly hit her, and she felt her hands being held behind her back. His fingers again found her vagina, this time reaching for her now throbbing clit. As he rubbed circles around the edge, she could feel her arousal building. His pressure increased just right as she felt herself getting closer and closer. “Mmmm” she moaned lightly, when he suddenly pulled back and gave 2 more of the hardest spanks yet.

“Sorry?” he asked sternly

“Never” she moaned with her last bit of will power.

Her whole pussy was now throbbing with arousal, and she was now determined to cum without giving Brett the satisfaction of an apology. She felt him behind her, still holding her hands back, when his hard cock pressed up against her from behind. It teased her entrance while he said, “I am going to fuck you any way I like, and you will be a good girl and say nothing until you are ready to say sorry”

She melted at the thought of his power over her, and felt his cock fill her vagina. His hands left hers but quickly wrapped her hair in his grasp and pulled her back onto him pushing the entire length into her. With a few hard thrusts, she was again feeling waves of pleasure that she couldn’t contain. His pace increased and pulled harder on her hair, taking all control away from her. His other hand found her nipple and squeezed sending pleasure straight to her clit.

“Oh Yes” she cried out, but he pulled out a moment too soon for her, and with the hardest spank yet, made her convulse with frustration of being so close.

“OK, OK, I am sorry, just make me cum, I can’t take it any longer” she pleaded

“Thanks Baby. See was that so hard?” Brett asked as he re-entered her and pressed her more firmly against the dryer, still running and now warm on her skin. He pushed her body down fully bent over the machine and pounded her with hard thrusts until she could feel his cock start to throb. She herself was so close and as he let out a grunt, she reached the peak. Waves of orgasm went through her as he hit her G-spot over and over.

With a loud, Uuungh, and a last deep thrust, he let loose inside her and she could feel his throbs though her vagina. His pleasure, after her own, made Lindsey nearly start a 2nd orgasm.

As Brett pulled out again, the dryer dinged with completion.

“If you want this to happen again, there is something else you need to tell me” Brett reminded her

“Thank you, Sir” She gasped, trying to catch her breath resting on the dryer.

He leaned forward and whispered in her ear, “Next time, no underwear” He led her, still dripping and gasping, out from his apartment. He shut the door quickly behind her without another word.
