Solving my problems 3 [mf][MF] [Size]

I read the story “Solving my Problems” and I couldn’t help but relate to the poor guy with the big dick. I know, I know, please, save any smart ass remarks until the end of this.

When I was a kid, before puberty hit, I had a long dick. It was still a little boy’s dick, even if a bit longer. Thin and occasionally when having a bath as a boy mom would tell me I got wire in my wiener. I only knew this happened occasionally, not often, but I never knew it was used for more than just taking a leak until junior high. Middle school was a nightmare for me because we had to change for gym. At first, it wasn’t really an issue, but when in Grade 8, it changed, rapidly. I couldn’t help it, my boxers, and I never had briefs, would sometimes fall open when changing and my dick would fall out. I would be teased by other boys for carrying a snake around in my pants and all sorts of shit like that.

I played baseball, third base, and the school uniforms were not always well fitting. In my case, it was something less than desirable. I got the biggest pair of pants I could, but they were too tight in the crotch. They looked baggy everywhere, except in the crotch. My mom stopped joking about it and bought me a grownup jock strap, which was a snug fit and an adult protector. It was actually as uncomfortable as all fuck, and I always looked forward to the end of a game. It got better as I grew, through grade 8 and graduating to High School. When I got to High School, that was a bit different. I was bigger and so was everyone else.

If I thought anything was going to be any different, I was disillusioned pretty quickly. In fact, it got worse.

In Junior High, there would be a few twitters from girls when I walked passed them, occasionally. In High School, the sophomore and seniors didn’t bother to hide their curiosity, once word got out about my dick. By now, it was grown to almost its adult size and it was obvious I was carrying a package beyond normal. It got to the point where I would be wearing my jock strap even without training or a game on.

One afternoon, after a game, we had to remain on the field as a service for a former student and baseball player who had been killed in Afghanistan. We had the service, then into the showers. Usually I would find something to occupy my time and always be the last one in the shower, alone. Unfortunately, that wasn’t going to happen and when I got into the showers, the normally noisy room was suddenly quiet. I had no leeway here, I had to have a shower. The school was strict on personal hygiene so I couldn’t avoid it. No one said a word, but clearly I was the center of attention. I hated it. I was in and out of the shower in record time.

By the time I was a sophomore, I was not just getting stares and whispers, I was the butt of any number of jokes. One particularly tasteless on was when I was walking near a group of girls, one said rather loudly, “Elephant Man.” and dropped her forearm so her elbow was in her crotch and raised her fist like an erection. What she didn’t know was a teacher could see her, hear her and saw her action. I was relieved when she was suspended for “inappropriate behavior”. However, more than a couple of the female teachers looked at me rather funny after that, same with one of the men teachers. I didn’t have any issues with them while I was at High School but after graduating College,… well that’s another story.

In my senior year, I finally got a date, a serious date. Shelly knew the story, but curiosity got the better of her. I’m not bad looking, tall, dark hair, but a bit of a stand offish character. We went out and had fun. I liked being in her company, she in mine because I didn’t expect sex on our date, Shelly told me. I didn’t expect sex at all actually. So anyway, we dated for a little while, made out a lot and finally got to the point where I wanted sex. She did too. At that point she ruined it by asking if it was as big as she heard.

I thought she just wants to look and afterwards tell her friends it was huge. I got up and started walking out the door. She asked me what I was doing and I told her if that was all she was interested in, go talk to someone else. I left.

For the next few days I got nothing but text messages and phone calls that I ignored. One of the guys on the team came to me and told me to stop being a jerk and talk to Shelly. I wasn’t interested in being humiliated, so told him to mind his own fucking business. He replied with something I still remember, “She is really cut up and is trying to tell you she’s sorry she upset you. So get off your ass and just talk to her.” I knew his sister was Shelly’s best friend, “That way I don’t have to listen to her crying in my sister’s room. She really does like you man, more than me right now, I tell ya!”

WTF? I thought. Okay, cutting a longer story short, we got back together, and she told me she was sorry and all that. Shelly also told me she wasn’t a virgin and she really liked me. She wanted sex, simple as that. I hadn’t even had a date with anyone else at that point, so having sex, sure I’ll do that. When we got the opportunity to be alone, at my place when mom and dad were out. We downloaded and watched a porn movie in my bedroom, together. She had some experience, more than me as all I had was porn and spanking the monkey. I undressed her, touched her breasts, like she was directing me. We weren’t going to fuck, she said, because we didn’t have a condom and I had to promise to go buy some the next day. I did so and she told me we can fool around a lot more.

For the first time I saw a pussy. A real live, breathing, well wet, hairy, pussy. I learned she like touching it and she was going to show me how to do it properly. She masturbated for me, then asked me to take over. I did and while we kissed a lot, I had my fingers rubbing her. She asked me if I thought she was really wet there. I knew that women lubricated when about to have sex, so I said, yes, she was. She told me to try to lick her. I was surprised, but she said this is normal, we’d seen it in the porn we had just watched. I should try it. Then she would rub my dick and suck it too, but we weren’t going to fuck. If I really did want to fuck, then I was going to have to lick her anyway. Seems with all her friend’s who have sex, they all complain their guys are too selfish. She found that with her previous boyfriend, so wanted me to be different. Learn to please her too, yeah okay, I am up for that.

I got my first lesson in licking pussy, cunnilingus as it’s officially known. Weird, it was. She talked me through it, I did lick her, she told me to look for the little lump at the top of her slit, and lick that. It’s her clit, she said. I did. Then she told me to run my tongue down and feel for the hole that was her love tunnel and poke my tongue in and out of it. I did that too. After a short time, she told me to lick my way back up to the clit. I wondered how I was doing, in my head, but didn’t stop. She was making some noise, telling me she was really enjoying what I was doing. I had to keep going now, see if I could squeeze a finger inside her love hole while I was still licking her. I tried but she called out, “No! Wrong hole!” So stopped.

I kept licking her, for what seemed like ages. I had an idea, I wiped my tongue over her clit, then my bottom lip. Her noises and actions grew, “Keep going!” She cried, so I did. I was laying between her legs her knees up and suddenly, she grabbed my head with her thighs, crying “I’m cumming!” She moaned and made so much noise I thought someone is bound to burst in on us. Mom and dad were out, but the neighbors weren’t. When she finished, she flopped back onto the bed and gasped. After a few moments, she told me to stop, if I was to keep going she would get very sore. She said she was going to get her breath, then she would play with my dick and suck it. She asked what I did, I told her and she told me that I was the first to do that, and it felt great. Put that in my box of tricks, I thought, for future reference. I really couldn’t wait to do that again, I got such a powerful surge from it and I don’t understand why.

I started undoing my belt and she told me to stop, she would do it all. Okay, I thought. I lay on the bed, it was a double bed, had been for as long as I remember. It was mom and dad’s bed before I had it, and the mattress was still good so they kept it when they got a new bed. A few moments later, she came and climbed on me, laying on me, naked, her legs either side of me. She kissed me, soft, lingering kisses and pumped her pelvis into me, grinding on my dick. Soon she slid off my face and opened my buttons, easing my shirt off. She kissed my chest, tickling me with her long hair. I could feel her tits on my cock, and she looked up, but didn’t say a word. She opened my belt, undid the button and unzipped my flies. By this time my dick was getting really hard.

She pulled my jeans off and my boxers half came off at the same time. For the first time, I had a girl looking at it. She didn’t move, like she was hypnotized or something. She looked up at me then at my dick, her eyes were wide open, like in shock. She said nothing, but very gingerly, she reached out and touched it. She took hold of it, the first person to hold it other than me, ever. “Takes two hands..” she said and with both hands, she ran them up and down my dick. “Wow, it’s heavy!” Not what I was expecting, but I was in heaven, I didn’t care. I told her this had never happened before and I wasn’t going to last long.

She lowered her head and licked my knob, while her hands were on a down stroke. She timed it spending time licking my knob, around the ridge of the knob, across the eye. That was really nice, sensations were just pouring into me from my dick. She told me I tasted nice, and I saw a string of fluid stretching from her mouth to my dick. I felt her lips on the knob, then sliding over it, and soon covering it, like I’d seen in the porn. She stopped and said in this really guarded voice, “It’s big, too big.” “What do you mean too big?” “I can’t get any more in my mouth, is what I mean.” “Well don’t stop!” I cried, “Keep doing what you were doing!” She did, she kept stroking my cock, kept licking it, kept caressing the knob, the ridge with her lips. I quickly grabbed a couple of tissues from the box I keep alongside the bed and told her to keep it up. She did and it wasn’t long before I was going to blow my bolt!

“I’m cumming too!” I cried “Cumming! Cumming NOW!” I felt my dick go over the top and my balls contracted, spurting its juices. I got the tissues up, just to hit her in the face. She hadn’t got out of the way when my first stream shot out and hit her right in the face. I pulled my hand away and she pulled out of the way. My dick, pointing straight up, let go another stream of semen, which came down on my dick and pubic hair. I got the tissue back for the third shoot, just in time to stop it going everywhere. There was an awful lot of it, I thought, well it was the first time. “Fuck!” she was saying over and over, “What’s the matter?” I asked.

“It’s in my fucking eye! Stinging like shit!” “Quickly,” I said, “Into the bathroom.” I took her there and ran warm water over a hand towel and gave it to her. I was standing there, an open shirt, nothing on the bottom, half a boner and semen running down my legs. Shit! I thought, this is going so fucking well, not!. She wiped her face and held the hand towel out to me, I wiped over my dribbles, saw a spot or two on the tiles so wiped that up too. Rinsing the hand towel and wringing it a bit, I wiped over me again, seeing that she too had cum on her tits, dribbles from her face, I expect. I wiped her over and dampened the hand towel again. By this time, my half boner was growing again. Something caught my eye and there was Mom, in the doorway of the bathroom!

FUCK! She looked at my dick, her jaw dropped, then she saw my girlfriend, naked. She turned away and said, “Get into your room, dress and be quiet.” My girl was frozen, so I grabbed her hand and took her back to my room. Mom had walked off and made a noise clattering down stairs, calling out, “No, it’s nothing, he’s only cleaning up a mess he’s made in the bathroom.” to dad. We dived back to my room, quickly got dressed and opened my door, in the hallway when I noticed a large wet spot on the carpet. FUCK! I told Shelly to stop, quickly going back to the bathroom, grabbing the hand towel and padded the wet spot. It didn’t look a lot better. but it was certainly less noticeable. We went downstairs where I made some introductions, but mom had that ‘you’re in so much shit’ look on her face. Dad was really happy to see I had a girl and the look he was giving me was that guy look that says ‘hope she’s a good fuck’.

That night, after Shelly went home, Mom and I had a discussion. The first of several embarrassing and uncomfortable discussions for me and no, we didn’t fuck for all you perverts out there thinking it. Basically, she told me that weapon like that needs to be used very carefully. She talked to me about protection and without giving out details I told her that Shelly wasn’t ever going to allow us to f- have sex without a condom. Mom was happy I had a girlfriend, happier she was insisting on safe sex, but really warned me to be damned careful how I used it.

Shelly was the only girlfriend I had in high school. We tried to fuck later, but I couldn’t get into her. She was just too tight and I was too big. It hurt her terribly, even more so that we couldn’t do it, so technically, although I learned how to pleasure her with my tongue and fingers, I was still a dick virgin when I started college.

College was another experience. I had a baseball scholarship to an eastern college, lucky me, but no girlfriend. I couldn’t stand it any longer, I needed to get a fuck. The girls at college were the same as Shelly, willing to play, but so afraid they wouldn’t let me fuck them. One night I had enough. I had been saving up some money and searched for a brothel.

I rang a number and made an appointment, got the address and knew this wasn’t going to be cheap. The place wasn’t gaudy, understated, perhaps, but it had a discrete entrance so I rang the doorbell. The madam opened the door and welcomed me, introducing herself as Madeline, making sure I had an appointment. Madeline was a redhead, with ruby lips, and an ample body. Somewhere in her mid-forties, I think, she was actually attractive, for her age, (terrible prejudice I know). She showed me into a room with a bench, covered with a sheet, and a couple of large, soft towels. It was warm in the room, comfortable, somehow intimate and understated. The wallpaper was warm, the lighting low and a large sofa was positioned in one corner. A full length mirror stood in the opposite corner alongside a set of drawers covered with a linen shroud, cleaned and folded towels, various oils and lit aromatic candles on top. There was quiet music playing over hidden speakers, familiar and comforting mall music I call it. This was a very clever and clearly well thought out establishment, far beyond what I was expecting. It was a pleasant, relaxing, environment.

“So, John, what can we do for you this evening?” Madeline asked, knowing it was my first time in the establishment.

“Well, I would like a full service,” I started. “Massage and full extras, whatever is available.”

“Well, you have certainly come to the right place.” Madeline responded. “We do provide a whole range of services here. But the base fee is two hundred dollars for a full body massage for thirty minutes. If any more time is required, that it is an extra hundred per half hour, which is payable to me, in advance.”

Shit! I pulled the two hundred I had and paid the fee. “So what would you prefer, John, we have both male and female masseuses.”

“Oh, do you? Female, please,” I replied. That was a surprise.

Madeline nodded, “Oh yes, I have the perfect young lady for you, I think. Her name is Angie.”

“Just the half hour.” I told her.

“OK, I will leave you alone, now. If you care to undress and lie on the massage table. Angie will be with you in a minute or two.”

I undressed and laid down on the table, waiting. A few moments later, this woman came in and went to the chest of drawers, taking hold of an oil container. She was very attractive, with long black hair, a shapely figure and a seriously good looking ass. She was wearing a tight one piece strapless dress, that had no belt. I couldn’t see any lines where her panties might be, so assumed she wasn’t wearing any.

She turned and said, “What would you like me to do after I have massaged you?”

“Lots of things,” I said as she started massaging my back.

“Well, lots of things cover a range of services, so how about some oral lessons, then some good old fashioned missionary work?”

“Sounds good to me,” I said, as she worked her way down over my ass and then my legs. Time was hard to judge but I knew my cock was running rampant here. When I laid down I made sure it was pointing at my belly button so it could grow with a minimum of resistance. I still had to lift my hips twice, but it was okay. Angie patted me on the ass and told me to roll over. I did, keeping an eye on her face. When she saw my dick, hard and long as it was, her eyes popped open and her jaw dropped.

“Th-Tha-That’s fucking huge!” she stammered.

“Yes, I know,” I replied.

“I’ve never seen anything like this before!”

“No? Really?” I think I was a little disappointed here.

“Jeeeezzzuusss,” she said, “Look, I’m sorry, I don’t think I can handle this one. I’ll get you someone who can.” I must admit I was fucking annoyed, but there was also a bit of resignation here too. “Wait there, we have someone who can help you.” That, I must admit was a bit more heartening. Angie left and a few moments later Madeline knocked on the door and came in. I had a towel over me by then, sitting up and my erection was gone.

“I’m sorry, John,” she said, “Angie has only just started here so is a bit reluctant to continue with you. She said you were something really special.”

I shook my head and replied, “Well, I don’t know about special but I hope I-, I stopped, feeling a swell of emotion, “I just wanna get laid properly! If you can’t help me then who the fuck can?”

“Gently John. I can understand you being upset but please, let me help.” Madeline was soothing and I’m not normally an angry guy, all those discussions with mom and Shelly about how big and dangerous I could be came home. If a hooker can’t take a dick my size, what fucking hope do I have? “You’ve never had sex before, I take it.” I nodded, “Made out a bit but no penetration?” I nodded again. Madeline nodded too.

“John please, let me see it.” Fuck! This woman is older than my mom, and she wants to look at my dick. “I’m going to lift the towel, John.” She reached over and lifted the towel, but my cock wasn’t erect. “Wow,” she said, “Even slack it’s a good size. What does it look like angry? Can I touch it, please?” I nodded and Madeline caressed it, running her fingers along its length and over the knob. It started growing and she caressed it again. It grew and grew. As it got bigger, Madeline’s eyes didn’t widen, she wasn’t shocked, but she smiled, “I can see why Angie was frightened, she is definitely not the girl for you. This is a lovely big cock, I haven’t seen one like this for a long time. Oh my!” She stroked it a bit more, “I’m going to suck it a little, if that’s okay with you, John.”

I couldn’t believe it. I was going to be sucked? I nodded, not trusting my voice. Madeline lowered her head and I felt her lips wrap themselves around my knob then slide down, further and further. FUCK! No-one had ever had that much of my dick in their mouth before. I felt I grew some more. She lifted off and said, “Someday John, I will have that, if you come back, but not tonight. I have someone who will be willing to help you John, but you’ll have to promise me you won’t run away with her.” She smiled, “She will love you, believe me.” I nodded and her smile widened, “Good, her name is Venus, I’ll bring her right down. You relax and let Venus take care of you, okay?”

“Oh anything, Madeline, if it works.” Madeline smiled again and told me it would work, for sure as she went out the door. A few minutes later she returned with a smaller blond and really gorgeous woman with her. “John, this is Venus,” She was shorter than Angie so how the fuck was this going to work, I thought? “Hello, John,” came this mellifluous voice. “erm..Hi,” I answered. I was really stunned by her beauty, she was shapely under her outfit, I’m sure. Madeline said something to Venus and said to me, “I’m going to let Venus take over now, John.” I just nodded, not taking my eyes off Venus. I mean she really was Venus, even more beautiful than any painting or statue I had ever seen of her namesake. I heard Madeline leaving, closing the door behind her but it didn’t really register.

Reaching up, Venus eased the shoulder strap of her dress over a shoulder, then pulled it down to expose a breast. My dick jumped to attention. For such a small woman, she had big tits. She didn’t move again, then, in that sexy tone, said, “I understand you’re rather well built, John. I like big dicks so will you let me play with you?” I couldn’t trust my voice so just nodded. She smiled, her white, even teeth complementing the skin tone and hair color. She was everything I knew to be beautiful and maybe I was going to fuck her!

Venus pushed my shoulder to get me to lay on the bench, face up. She lifted the towel that was covering my dick and her face lit up with what I could only call excitement. “Oh!” she said, “Oh my! Hello you beautiful cock!” She ran her hand along it’s full length and taking gentle hold, lifted it up. Without hesitation, Venus slid it into her mouth. She took a good length in, stroking up and down and when she lifted off, she kissed the end of it. “Madeline said you have never had intercourse before?” “No I haven’t.” “Then I’m not going to use a condom. I’m clean, so is that okay with you?” “Oh yes!” I cried, finally I was going to be fucked! Properly fucked!

Venus stood back up and stripped off her dress, her trimmed bush a slightly darker shade than her hair, but still blonde. Venus climbed onto the bench, between my legs. Without slowing she just swallowed my cock and began sucking me. I was pumping my hips into her really quickly, she stopped, lifted off my dick and gripped it hard, her thumb pushing into the base of the cock. I lost that cum sensation quickly. “Sorry, John, no cumming too quickly. I suck and fuck you, okay.” “Is with me,” I strangled out. “Good I’m going to try to edge you for a bit, make it last longer, okay?” “Oh yeah! For sure!”

She went back to sucking me and the feeling of her lips passing over my knob and down the length of my shaft, and my knob easing through her throat, she was certainly a sucking expert. If I started reacting too strongly, she would stop and again press the base of my cock. She kept this up for quite a while, me lasting far longer than I have ever lasted without cumming before. She lifted off again, kissing the knob all over. “That was unbelievable!” I said. “Yes, it was, you know how far you were getting down my throat?” She asked, “I love it!”

“Look, we’re going to fuck now. I want you inside me.” she said, “When you feel you’re getting close, pull out, okay?” “I won’t last long,” I replied, “Even pulling out!” “This is your first time, so try, please.” I nodded as she maneuvered us both so that she was underneath me, her legs spread wide. “Ease it into me, then gently push in and keep going until I tell you to stop.” I nodded and, while on my knees, I held my cock, wiped it up and down along her slit and felt it grab at the bottom, I eased my knob into her then slowly pushed and pushed.

I can’t tell you how indescribably pleasurable that was. Fucking brilliant as I slid deeper and deeper into her, she then said, “Stop!” She gasped and I realized I was so busy paying attention to my dick I had not given her a moment’s thought. “Oh,” she cried, “You’re really filling me up! I fucking love it!” I pumped in and out of her, pulling out as far as I could then pushing back into her. Every now and again she would jump as I felt something blocking my further entry, I would pull right out, take a break and then plunge into her again. Every time I did that, it was easier to get into her. She was dribbling moisture, a mix of our pre-cum I think. I could hear her pussy squelching as I pushed into her. Then I got so worked up I couldn’t hold it any longer. I started cumming with my cock seizing up as it pumped string after string of semen into her. I didn’t know or care if she had cum at all. I knew she was threshing around under me, making a lot of noise, but I couldn’t tell if that was acting or real pleasure.

I collapsed on top of her, gulping air into my lungs. THIS WAS FUCKING! and I WANT MORE! Oh I felt a wave of sheer exhaustion sweep over me, all my muscles flaccid in response to the release of my cum. Venus wrapped herself around me telling me how wonderful that felt. How lovely it was having my dick inside her. I can fuck her anytime I want! That was good to hear, but the blackness of my release took me down to a state of blissful somnambulance. I could hear Venus saying something, but I couldn’t make out what it was. I slowly came back to myself and grew aware of what Venus was saying.

Even almost flaccid, my cock was still inside Venus. She was hugging me and kissing the side of my face. She was telling me how she loved my dick in her. She told me that I was not to fuck anyone else, only her. Come back again and ask for her, every time, she really loved my dick. Then she was saying I’d better move, get going, but Madeline wanted to talk to me before I left. I shook my head as if to clear it and looking her in the eye, asked her if she had cum, had I made her cum. She smiled and told me I was very close to making her cum, but no. She didn’t expect me to get even that close. She was just being kind, I thought. But she reiterated she loved it, having my big tool inside her. Come on, better move, she had to clean up and so did I, get dressed and go and talk to Madeline.

I then said to her, “Cleanup? Sure.” I immediately lifted off her, snuck down and without warning, buried my tongue in her pussy. I licked and lapped her cum filled snatch, sucking and swallowing my own cum. Guys, don’t knock it, or think less of me, I had cum all over Shelly and licked it off once before and didn’t mind. I had lost my virginity to this beautiful woman, even if she’s a hooker, she’s still beautiful, so I wanted to repay her kindness. She fucked me without a condom, so I repaid that with a good pussy licking. At first she was not happy, I think, she did say we didn’t have time, but she didn’t say no. When I got to work with my tongue, she stopped talking about time and started saying “Ooohhhh” and “Aaaaahhhhh” which was followed by “Hmmmmmph” and “Yes” and “YEs” and “YES!YES!YES!” I might not be much of a fucker, but I knew how to eat pussy.

He legs gripped my head and squeezed. She wasn’t big but she was certainly strong. Her thighs held me in place as I munched her labia, slurped semen and tongue fucked her, drawing her cum out of her, along with a big gulp of my own cum. I swallowed the lot, reveled in bringing this hooker to orgasm, fuck I was good. I knew it for sure now, not just with Shelly, I could do it with any woman now. Venus fell back relaxed after her orgasm. She too was gasping, saying she wasn’t sure which was better, my dick or my tongue. I was just going to have to come back and fuck her again.

Taking a breath, I told her I was only a college student who really couldn’t afford to come back often. Venus smiled and told me that sometimes, fate steps in and that I might win the lotto, so never worry about money, come when I can but be sure to ask for her. She then kissed me, on the lips, her tongue inside my mouth. “I know that doesn’t mean much to you, but a hooker never kisses her clients or fucks them without a condom. I did both with you, so don’t let me down. And if you don’t fuck anyone else, I’ll not use a condom with you.” She got off the bench and grabbed some wipes, wiped my dick down, cleaning it up. “Next time, I’ll clean you up with my mouth too. Promise!” I must admit to a degree of skepticism here, but I laughed and said sure, I would look forward to it.

We got dressed and left the room. Venus took me to see Madeline who took me into her private room. “So how did it go? Was Venus good for you?”

“Oh yeah, she sure was.” I replied enthusiastically. “Okay, I would love to have your repeat business, would you come back again? Let me know and I will make sure Venus is available for you.”

I told Madeline I was only a scholarship college student, who wasn’t working at this time. Between training, playing and studying I wasn’t going to be able to develop the income to make it a regular thing. Her eyes brightened a little. “Look, Venus was really happy with you. She loved it, and she is really the only girl I have that could service you.” A shrewd look passed over her face. “How would you like to be able to have sex with her regularly?” “Sure, but I can’t pay.” “Well, about once a month, we have parties, well I call them parties. We have a live sex show and Venus is a natural for it.” I must have looked surprised or shocked or something as she then said, “With your build, you’re a really handsome guy, you would be a favorite too.” I must have been dense as what she was saying wasn’t really connecting. “Well, I’m proposing you do a live show, that is, in front of an audience but you get to fuck Venus. If you’re up to it, you can also get to fuck any of the women clientele that come to these parties. You’d get paid handsomely for it. There is a different audience at most parties, but often there are people who require discretion. From everybody”

What? Paid to fuck Venus? “Look, there are a lot of women who come to my parties, older, professional women who really don’t have time for building relationships or married couples looking for some additional excitement. They pay well for being there, of which you get a performers fee, and then additional fees if you service a client.” “You mean guys?” “You’re straight,” she said, “And with your dong, I doubt there would be too many guys who would want you fucking them in the ass, so no, likely only the female clients.” She then told me how much I could make in one night. The basic performance fee for fucking Venus was enough for me to live on for more than a week. If I was to do two woman as well, then with the little I get from home, that would be enough to live on, not comfortably, but a lot better than I have now.

I didn’t even think about it.

Right now, I have Venus at my side, without much in the way of clothing on between us, ready to make my debut fucking in front of an audience of about twenty guys and eight women. I am nervous, but with Venus leading me on, it’s going to be fine. She tells me I’m going to make a lot of people jealous tonight, I hope she’s right. I think I’m going to love fucking!
