Snow ploughed

Some of you may of noticed from my other confessions that i have knack for making men instigate alot of my sexual encounters. I do this this becauce, being married it works well for me if i have diminished responsibility should i ever be found out, especially seeing as during lockdown its pretty much impossible for me to travel beyond the town i live in so i decided to test this method to get a quick fix locally.

Id been hatching this plan since the snow had started and allthough i wasnt sure if it would even work i was keen to try, so when my husband suggested we go into town to stock up on bits i immediately seized the moment and persuaded him it would be a bad idea to drive in the icy conditions and that i should walk into town on my own. He agreed and the plan was on!

I dashed upstairs and excitedly got dressed into a knee length, figure hugging white lycra skirt which was slightly transparent so the panty line of my white satin knickers was visible through it and a matching white knitted V neck jumper that displayed my cleavage before finishing the look with a knitted bobble hat, scarf, mittens and finally a waist length bomber jacket that ensured my arse was visible.

There was no way it would make sense for me to leave wearing my white stilettos but they was a crucial part of my plan so i smuggled them into my handbag and went ahead and put on some more sensible flat ugg boots before calling out to my husband that i wouldnt be long and making my way outside.

As i cautiously teeterd along the highstreets slippery footpath i knew the conditions were perfect for my plan. The snow was falling heavily and laying thick on the ground and due to the weather and the covid restrictions the ammount of shoppers was alot less than usual but enough for me to be able to pick and choose my target.

The location id choosen was ideal to. It was a narrow, dimly lit passage that was bridged overhead by the top floor of a old victorian building. It lead off the hightreet to a small carpark which was a short walk to the other end. It had no cameras and there was a delapatated wooden gate that was hanging off its hinges about a third of the way into the alley which lead to a small secluded area off to the side which was used to store bins and dumpsters.

I walked into the alley and then into the small courtyard off to the side and quicky kicked off my ugg boots and stashed them behind one of the bins. I took my white stillettos out of my handbag and wiggled my toes into them before cautiously tip toeing on the slippery cobbles to the alleys entrance and peeking around the corner to select my victim. I watched for about five minutes as unsuitable elderly or middle class types past by. I needed a man with questionable morals if this was going to work.

Then i saw them. Two working class types swaggering down the highstreet throwing snowballs at each other and shouting obnoxiously. this was it! These were my guys!

My heart rate soared as i quickly took off my glasses and carefully placed them on the ground before laying myself down onto the freezing cold footpath with one leg underneath my body and the other stepped wide apart. I gathered my skirt up in my fingers until it glided up my bare thighs and fell around my waist so my knickers were on show and laid down onto the cold ground.

My breasts rose and fell as i anxiously tried to control my breathing as the boulshy loud men drew closer. I watched the alleys entrance through my parted legs until they came into view and took a deep breath. This was it!.

“Heeeelp… help meeee.. please.. i need help” i saw him skid to a halt and put his arm out in front if his pal to halt his swagger. “What the fuck.. bruv look.. whats that?” I felt my knickers moisten and the frosty air bite at the wet spot stinging my pussy lips slightly as the two men cautiously approached. My breath was visible in the air as i struggled to control my breathing as they stood over me.

I whimperd quietly, faking a wince of pain while keeping my legs spread nice and wide. “Whos there? Is sombody there? Ughhh.. stupid shoes.. I fell.. its my back.. i cant move..and.. ive lost my glasses.. i cant see.. i cant see anything without them”

I feared id judged the pair to harshly as one of the men saw my glasses on the floor and picked them up “there they are. Look” but as he went to pass them to me his friend stopped him. “Hold on mate” he stepped over me with his feet either side of my body and bent down, waving his hand in front of my face “you cant see nah? Can you see my face?”

I shook my head as i laid there secretly deaperate to be violated as he chuckled sarcastically “well you are in pickle aint ya”

He suddenly grabbed my handbag and dragged it down my arm before snatching it violently from my grasp as i whined in protest “Hey what are you doing!” He took out my purse and riffled through it. “Fuck no fucking cash” he slid out my bank card and crouched down and tapped it on the end of my nose “whats your pin?….PIN NUMBER?? WHAT IS IT?” i just stared blankly at him in defiant silence until he stood up and stepped over me and suddenly grabbed shoulders of my coat and began dragging me along the floor as his friend franticly questioned him “mate. What the fuck are you doing?”

The cold cobbles stung my soft arse cheeks as he disrespectfully slid me through the gate and out of sight, barking in response to his friend. “Shut the fuck up. Stand there and keep watch”

He straddled my waist and pinned my little hands down either side of my head and leant forward so we was nose to nose with our foreheads pressed together and softly spoke to me as he stared into my eyes. “Your gonna give me your pin number or….. your gonna give me your snobby cunt.. now… whats it gonna be?”

I blinked up the blurry figure and sputterd into a nervous chuckle. “I dont have any money.. im.. im broke.. for gods sake just.. do what you have to do”

I gasped in suprise as he pushed his forehead onto mine and growled angrilly at me before grabbing each tail of my scarf and snapping it tight around my neck. My little hands tingled in my mittens as he franticly wrapped each end around my wrists and tied them into a tight knot.

the smell of alcohol and tobacco on his breath made me wince as he leant in, holding the sides of my face and pressing his mouth to mine. My high heels scaped the icey ground as i kicked my feet in protest as he turned his head and forced his tongue into my slack mouth and greedily explored, stirring his tongue in a circular motion before plunging it down my throat. His friend snorted with laughter as i squealed into his mouth in response to the sharp stubble on his face burning my soft skin as he forced his tongue deep into my throat until i croaked and gargled.

My scalp tingled from oxygen starvation as i desperately inhaled and exhaled through my nose and squirmed underneath him. His friend cackled with laughter as I lifted my hips off the ground in an attempt to try and tip him off but only succeeded in providing him a better veiw of my wet silky gusset. I tried to push him off with my hands but only strangled myself with my own scarf. I was desperate for air but he was completely over powering me as the struggle continued i remember thinking i was out of my depth and regretting having baited them as my face glowed red and pins and needles consumed my body.

The blood rushed to my head and my limbs went heavy as my vision gradually darkened. I felt the other guy press his finger against the wet spot on my knickers and waggle it hard and disrespecfully from side to side as my legs went limp and i slowly started fade out of consciousness.

I felt my legs jerk and my body involuntarily convulse as he finally released me and i franticly inhaled long and hard. As my senses returned i became aware of his friend pulling my knickers down my legs as the other guy oozed his spit passed my lips before covering my mouth with his hand and demanding i swallow it. I immediately obeyed and gulp

Gulped it down as he pecked and licked down my chin. He slid himself down my body and pushed my bra and jumper up until my big tits burst out and my nipples instantly hardened in the cold air as he grabbed them both and squeezed them together so they stood up on my chest like two big round christmas puddings.

I looked down struggerling to focus and desperate to watch as he suckled on my breast as if to feed on me, sucking my nipple and stretching it until it popped out of his mouth and stood to attention. I laid motionless and limp catching my breath as the two men ravished me. His friend had dragged my knees apart and was parting my pussy lips with his fingers. I could feel his eager breath between my thighs as he wiggled his fingers inside me and began to piston them in and out dunking them deep inside me as the other guy straddled me and reached down and lifted his long hard cock out of his pants and pushed it between my plump tits before sliding it back and forth.

“Show me that tongue bitch” i did as i was told as his uncirmsized helmet glided between my soft firm tits my and slid across my tongue as he fucked my cleavage at a slow and steady pace, hissing through his gritted teeth and moaning in satisfaction. “Mmmm youve done this before you dirty fucking slut”

Eager to calm my attackers i looked up at him wide eyed and slowly nodded my head as i lazily waggled the tip of my tongue into the wetness of his tip. He growled at me in approval as i whimperd in response to his friends tongue flickering around my exposed clit as he continued to mercilessly finger bang me into submission “Arggghhh yeah thats it you fucking bitch.. just like that”

I started to sense victory as he held his breath and increased his pace, grasping the tops of my breasts with one hand and spitefully pinching them together against his solid veiny cock. I instinctively clamped my lips around his swollen end and he released my breasts and leant forward to allow me to suck. I bobbed my head up and down tugging his tip between my lips as he wanked it furiously into my mouth.

My pending orgasm was allready begining to stir inside me as his accomplice withdrew his fingers and knelt between my spread legs before offering up his cock to my wet opening and suddenly impaling me. He held on tight to my thighs and fucked me hard and fast as my limp legs hung over his arms and my feet bounced in mid air, held together behind him by the pulled down knickers around my ankles.

I hummed loudly onto his cock, doing my best to hold eye contact as he pulled my bobble hat off and grasped a handfull of my hair before violently jerking my head back and forth as they both pounded me in unison. He ordered me to keep my mouth open as he slid out and pinned my head down to ground and jerked furiously into my face.

He slapped his heavy cock on my fully presented tongue before suddenly freezing on the spot and aiming it directly at my face. I closed my eyes, bracing myself as a long hot rope of spunk spurted acoss my nose and onto my cheek before spitting three times over my tongue. I closed my mouth and slapped my lips, savouring the taste of his sperm before swallowing it down.

As he stood up and walked over to the gate to keep watch i was finally free to enjoy the fucking id came for. I looked down through my bouncing tits at his pal as he shoved my body up and down on the cold ground and the other started to get impatient.

“Come on hurry up and fuck her”

He responded by gritting his teeth, withdrawing and angrilly jamming hard into me. I yelped with each thrust as he repeatedly plundered my aching fanny as if he wanted it to hurt as much as possible. Each time our pelvises slammed together i felt a flutter deep in my womb. Within seconds i was convulsing and writhing on his cock as my orgasm approached.

The guy keeping watch looked over at us and laughed out loud “shes gonna cum.. the dirty bitch is gonna cum on you”

The guy fucking me had his eyes fixed on my cum coverd face, staring down at me with intense concentration. He slowed his pace and dunked all way down into me one last time and froze shaking as he held himself up on his arms as his hot load spilled into my womb.

“Ugh.. fucking cum right up you bitch”

I couldnt stiffle my shallow gasps as his warm sperm tickled my insides and my body stiffened before erupting into a obvious shaking orgasm. He slowly withdrew his cock from my creampied pussy and casually undid the knots in my scarf before standing up and looking down at me as i laid there shamefully panting fot breath. “GET UP”

i sat up for moment and composed myself before stumbling to my feet and pulling my bra and jumper down as the two men stood in front of me. One of them stepped forward and stood on my pulled down knickers as i looked down hugging myself in shame. He grabbed the waist band of my skirt and pulled it up high over my tummy before folding it down so it barely coverd my bare arse.

He sneered up and down at me “you fucking leave that skirt like that… all the way home.. you got that?” I nodded in silence as he gestured to the gate “go on then slut.. on your way” i blinked up at him before glancing down at his foot. “Um.. your standing on my knickers” he shook his head as he stared intensely in my face “step out of them” i gingerly obeyed him and stepped out of the knickers and struggled to look at him as he bent over and scooped them up. “My glasses i cant see”

The other guy stepped closer to me and slipped them down my cleavage “you dont put those on until your in the highstreet” i nodded again as he reached around and shoved me in the back causing me to stumble towards the gate. “WALK”

I cringed inside as i felt my way along the wall and walked out into the high street. I put my glasses onto my cum covered face and blinked until my eyes focused just in time to see them running away.
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