The Unconventional Masseuse [MF]

James had been working as a masseuse at a small, independently owned massage location for a few years. He enjoyed helping his clients get rid of their stress that they had built up over time. Every massage was a little bit different, but they were all pretty similar. First a quick discussion with a client to see if there were any spots that needed extra attention, or any spots to avoid, then ask them to dress down to their level of comfort, massage back, massage front, get them a drink of water, discuss, done. He was always very respectful of each client, and felt fulfilled by the way he was able to build a special connection with each client during a massage session and his clients were grateful when they discussed the massage at the end. James had friends in other areas of customer service who had difficulties with disgruntled customers, but he got to work with people, and genuinely help them to feel better.

One day Lauren was scheduled for a session with James. She had a 1 year old at home, and this have been her first chance in a long time to get out of the house and have some time to herself. Before her session, James asked her “what are your goals for the session? Do you have any particular trouble spots that you want me to focus on?”

“No, nothing in particular” Lauren said.

“Ok, so just general relaxation?”

“Yes, definitely, and even if it just comes down to me taking a nap in a quiet place, I’ll enjoy that too”

“Hehe, totally, I get where you’re coming from. Well, I’ll give you some privacy, and get undressed, lay down face down on the table, and then I’ll come in and we’ll get started.”

When James reentered the room, Lauren was lying there on the table with the sheet laying over her body. James could see the curves of her body which had brought a life into this world, and nurtured it for the first year of their life. He folded the sheet down so that it only covered from her butt down to her feet, and began carefully working on the muscles in her shoulders and back. Even though typical guys probably wouldn’t have called her skinny, he still felt that she was pretty slender, but had curves in all of the best places, with wider hips, round butt cheeks, pretty substantial boobs, and he delighted in being able to feel the muscles in her back deep down underneath the surface of her skin. She exhaled as he provided pressure working out the kinks in her mid back. James knew that he was giving Lauren the relaxation that she deserved.

As he transitioned to her legs, and repositioned the sheet to cover her back, James uncovered her leg, scooting it out to the side slightly. He tucked the sheet around her buttock, but Lauren complained “that’s a bit tight, can you loosen it up a little bit?”. James untucked the sheet, and just draped it over the curve of Lauren’s butt. Almost immediately, he realized that he didn’t do a good job of covering her up modestly, as per the guidelines of the massage parlor, but he didn’t really want to fix it and bother Lauren again. As he worked the muscles on Lauren’s thigh, he noticed that he could see her pussy. Not much was exposed but he could see just a little wavy ribbon with pink from her labia. She was unshaven, but her hair was trimmed short and the short black hair framed her little pussy nicely.

James continued to massage Laurens legs, helping to work out the tightness from her thigh to her calf on each leg. He asked her to turn over and lie on her back, and he would cover her again with the sheet. As she turned over, he admired the curve of her hips, and day-dreamt of her womanly figure. He started again massaging her shoulders and arms, he kept thinking of her hips and how much he wanted to place his hand right between them. He ran his hand down Lauren’s side, and felt the shape of her hips, and uncovered her leg again in order to work on her calves. As he transitioned to the second leg and noticed that he could see four ruffles of her pink inner labia now, and realized that she was getting aroused by his work on her legs. She readjusted, moving her legs slightly, and he noticed there was a slight shine from wetness on her pussy.

James slowly moved up her thigh, brushing along her trimmed bush as he slowly moved his fingertips to the folds of Lauren’s pussy. Lauren inhaled a deep breath as she felt the gentle touch.

Laurens thigh muscles tensed briefly, as she realized where she was being touched. James slowly rubbed two fingertips through the folds of Lauren clit. He watched as his fingertips bunched up the delicate pink inner lips of her labia as he touched her lightly. James applied more oil to his fingertips, and buried them deeper into Laurens clit, providing pressure against her. Lauren exhaled, and slowly pushed her crotch against the firm surface of the table.

James could see her rhythmically tensing her thigh muscles as she thrust against the table. Lauren’s hand moved down to her crotch, providing more pressure on her mound, with her fingertips just visible between her legs. James progressed into a circular motion on Lauren’s clit, providing less pressure but more movement. As he moved his fingertips through her clit, her could feel more of her juices coming out, allowing his fingers to slide across her most intimate regions even more easily. His eyes were drawn to notice the skin between her asshole and her pussy, as it tightened with each involuntary clench. Lauren’s breathing started to become more irregular as she began holding her breath slightly, then gasping slightly, then remembering to breath. He knew Lauren was close to climaxing.

He loved watching her enjoy herself, she was wrapped up in the moment, focusing intently on the pattern that his fingers were drawing, overwhelmed by each touch against her clit, and somewhat unaware of anything else that might have been going on in the room around her. Luckily, she was safe in that room with him, totally exposed but being taken care of in the best way. James knew that was what he wanted to do for her in that moment, just make sure that she experienced the pleasure that her body wanted. He watched her pussy as it

tightened once, twice, paused for a second, then tightened a third time, and paused again, she held her breath, or maybe forgot to breathe, James wasn’t sure. And then Lauren’s pussy began to throb strongly, uncontrollably. He continued to touch her clit, lightening his pressure from what he was providing before. Lauren’s moaned twice, and then those moans turned into groans as she felt her climax become overwhelming. Lauren tried to close her legs, but James held them open, forcing her to continue to climax as he rubbed her pussy. She squealed as she couldn’t figure out how to stop her orgasm, she wanted it to stop, but also wanted it to continue.

He began to let off his pressure, lightly brushing around her clit, then brushing against it slightly, causing Lauren to clench again. Then lightly he brushed around again, allowing Lauren to relax, around twice, and then brushed against her clit again, allowing James to see her butthole clench again.

He grabbed her mound and cupped it providing pressure against her clit indirectly, hugging her clit and pressing against her pubic bone. Her throbbing continued but became softer and softer. She felt her syrupy juices, as they dripped down her butt cheek.

“Oh God, I didn’t realize I needed that” Lauren said.

James responded “I think that seemed like you enjoyed it, be sure to hydrate, and remember to release some tension in those muscles down there too, I think your body will thank you for it!”



  1. > through the folds of Lauren clit

    > and buried them deeper into Laurens clit

    > As he moved his fingertips through her clit

    Have you never seen a vagina? Do you even know what a clit is?? It’s a small nub of flesh, you can’t move through it, or bury your fingers deeper into it!

    > He asked her to turn over and lie on her back, and he would cover her again with the sheet. // Lauren exhaled, and slowly pushed her crotch against the firm surface of the table.

    How is she laying on her back and pushing her crotch against the table? Like….. wtf

  2. …did a man write this. No woman on her right mind wants fingers IN her clit. That’s not even possible…

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