Spectacular views from the hotel. [fM]

My company sent me to Dubai to scout out a place for our new offices. It was a financial startup focussed on the European stock market. It was the middle of summer when I landed. I’ve lived in some warm countries but this was something different. Initially I thought I was sweating but my skin felt dry. When I got to the hotel I could see white lines across my face from the salt that was left after the water evaporated.

At night, the view from my window on the 22nd floor was as if I was looking over a Sci-Fi cityscape. It was breath-taking and surreal at the same time. The people at the front desk told me it’s much more bearable in the evenings to go outside. I packed some things and decided to find a restaurant to get something to eat. Fortunately, the Marina has a very long walkway along the waterfront and there were plenty of restaurants. There were also lots more people.

Everywhere you looked there were gorgeous people taking selfies by the water. I was beginning to understand why so many people were flocking to this city. I took some shots and posted them to my Instagram. I walked for a good twenty minutes to get my appetite going. Usually after a flight day I am not that hungry. There were plenty of restaurants and even boats offering trips through the marina with a restaurant on the top deck.

The restaurant I picked was a small family-run Indian. There was seating outside with a continuous running mist machine. I decided it was a good time to have a video call with the family at home to show them the area a little. My teenage daughters are looking forward to moving here. My wife less so. They all have ideas of what it’s going to be like, so I have a list of things to check for them too.

One of the first things I learned was that there was no alcohol served unless you’re at a hotel. Or you must have a special license to purchase and carry it. “Dad show us the marina again” I pointed my phone to the view. I slowly panned back to my face. “Wait. Dad. Is that Irina behind you?” I looked over my shoulder and looking past some very muscular shoulders I see this gorgeous woman sitting. “Baby. I don’t know who that is. Let them have their dinner.” “Dad, ask her for a selfie. She’s famous on Instagram.” “Listen girls. I am not going to ask a random stranger to take a picture with me. Let her enjoy her evening. If you keep this up, I will have to hang up.”

The girls put their mum on, and we continued to have a conversation while I was having my meal. “How far is the beach from where you’re staying?” My wife asked. I had checked in and left to find a restaurant. Between the hotel and the Marina was a footbridge over a highway. No beach in sight. “If you want, I can go have a look tomorrow. Was there anything in particular you wanted to know or see?” My wife is quite hesitant about the move because she’s afraid her rights as a woman might be in jeopardy. We had this discussion before we left and mentioned it a bit during the call. Someone from the restaurant asked if I wanted some desert but I declined I was going to go for a bit of a walk and so I asked for the bill.

Just before I got up a heavy hand rested on my shoulder. I looked up and it was some this very muscular and tattooed guy. It was the guy sitting behind me. “Ms Irina would like to buy you a coffee. Please sit down,” he said with a heavy Russian accent. “That’s okay. My apologies for disturbing your meal. I am just going to go for a walk,” I replied. “I wasn’t asking my friend. Please sit here,” he pulled the chair back he was sitting on. “Oh Maxim, that’s enough of that. Sir would you please join me for one moment,” her accent very Eastern European but seemed to have a British influence. I obliged and sat down. It didn’t look like Maxim was going to give me a choice even with his girlfriend’s permission.

She looked like she just finished at the gym. She was wearing yoga pants, a tank top and had her hair in a tight ponytail. Her skin had small beads of water on them from the mist machines. “Sorry miss, I didn’t want to be rude to your boyfriend. My daughters can get quite enthusiastic about social media.” Irina smiled. “Maxim is not my boyfriend. He works for my father. He’s like a babysitter.” I looked him and up and down. “Maybe you like Maxim?” she chuckled. “He’s one scary looking guy,” I replied. He looked at me and showed his teeth. Irina laughed at my expression of feigned fear. “The beach is just on the other side of those buildings,” she pointed across the water to a forest of tall buildings. “Your phone is pretty loud,” she replied to my surprised look.

“Your daughters were right. This fame, you know, means I get a lot of people always asking me for selfies. It’s been a long time someone showed me some decency and left me alone. I wanted to thank the man who does not know me,” she said in earnest. I took a sip of my coffee and looked at her. I understand why she would be big on Instagram. “I would want my daughters to be left alone so I understand you would want to be shown the same respect.” She bit her lip as I said that. I wanted to change the subject. “Have you been living here long or are you on holiday?” “I live in many places in the world.” I nodded as if I knew what that was like. “Today I am in Dubai and maybe tomorrow I am in Singapore.”

We chatted for a good half an hour about things to do in Dubai. She told me my daughters would love it there but that I might not like it for that reason. We talked about why my wife had reservations about moving. It was very nice to get an insider’s opinion. “Irina, thank you very much for the coffee and your time. I think I will walk for a bit before I go back to my hotel again.” “We can drop you off if you want. The car is right there,” she pointed to a big SUV parked next to the restaurant. “That’s okay. It’s a short walk.” Irina put some money on the table and Maxim got up from his chair. He pulled her chair back and came over to mine. “Miss Irina was not asking. Let’s go.”

It was a very short ride although we had to make some strange road choices because of the layout of the marina and where my hotel was. “This is a new hotel. I have not seen it before. You will show me?” she asked. Looking at Maxim I just nodded. He opened the door for her, and I followed. “I’ve only landed today so I am not sure where anything is.” We walked into the lobby and some of the girls behind the counter pointed at us. At Irina actually. Some wanted to take their phones out to take a picture, but Maxim seemed to have made them change their mind. We got to the elevators and I was looking at the sign to see where the bar was. She placed her hand on the button to call the elevator. “Your room is on which floor?”

The elevator seemed small with us and Maxim in it. Even though it was all airconditioned I felt hot. It’s probably the nerves. I wasn’t sure what was happening. The elevator arrived on the 22nd floor and the two of them got out before me. “It’s here to the right. It’s nothing fancy it’s just a cheap room. You’re probably used to much better,” I explained nervously. “Maxim. You wait here.” He nodded in reply. I opened the door and let Irina in. I looked at Maxim before I walked in myself. His eyes were focussed straight ahead on the wall in front of him. “As you can see the view is pretty nice. The room is very basic. It has everything I need though,” I said nervously. She walked around a little and stopped by the window. It was floor to ceiling glass. The lights of the city were bright enough to light the room. I was getting nervous that she hadn’t said anything yet. What was going on?

“Your wife. You phone her before you go to sleep?” she broke the silence. It took me by surprise and wasn’t immediately sure what she was asking. I automatically took my phone out of my pocket. “Yes. Normally when I am away on business, I phone her quickly before I call it a night.” “It is late. You should go to sleep. Tomorrow I show you the beach, yes?” I nodded. She wasn’t leaving. She was still just standing by the window. “You phone her? You will tell her about our conversation at the restaurant.” Knowing Maxim was outside the door I felt like it was not a question. I looked up the contact for my wife and was about to press the call button. “You put her on speaker but don’t tell her I am here.”

The phone rang. It kept on ringing. Irina was now turning around and walking over to me. “Hello?” my wife answered. Irina was standing right in front of me whispering to put her on speaker phone. “Hey babe. Just calling you because I’ll head to bed shortly.” Irina was now kneeling in front of me. “Aww. Thanks, hun. Did you have a good day? I know the girls didn’t really let you talk.” Irina was undoing my belt and unbuttoning my trousers. I was shaking my head, begging her not to do it. She looked at the door. The reminder that Maxim was just there was enough. She kept going and I was now standing with my trousers on my ankles in front of this hot Russian model.

“Yeah, the flight here was okay. I just had to rush at Heathrow.” Irina was softly blowing on my limp dick. I was forcing it to stay down. “The food was pretty good on the flight for a change. I got a chicken wrap and some good coffee.” Irina smiled and licked her lips. I could feel my dick twitch. “There was some turbulence over the alps.” Irina came in and started to kiss my dick. I felt the blood rush to my head. I swallowed hard. “Are you okay hun?” my wife asked. “Oh, sorry yes. I am just getting changed.” Irina’s eyes looking up at me. She gave me a little wink. I have never seen someone so beautiful so close to my dick. Never have I wanted to stay limp as much as I wanted now.

She blew again. This time her saliva made it feel cold. She couldn’t have known that was my thing. My dick was twitching again getting semi hard. Irina gave me a look of approval. I looked up at the ceiling. “It took a while to get through customs here. The flight was full and it’s a huge airport. I took a taxi to the hotel. Driving through the city was amazi- oooooh.” Irina took me in her mouth. Her tongue was licking my shaft as her lips closed around my dick. It took only a couple of bobs from her, for me to be fully erect. “Are you okay over there? Did you hurt yourself?” “Erm, it was just the bed. The room isn’t that big, and I hit my toe on the corner.” I wanted to concentrate on the conversation so badly. I thought if I could just recall my day and ramble on, I wouldn’t get harder. But Irina was very good at sucking my dick.

My conscience was eating me up inside. I have never cheated on my wife in all our decades of being together. But this woman down on her knees, sucking my rock-hard cock is irresistible. “So, tell me about the area you’re going to see tomorrow. Did you talk to anyone?” My wife asked. Great, I didn’t want to think about Irina, and now my wife is practically asking me to talk about her. Irina bit me very gently to let me know this was my cue. “I did actually. That woman the girls saw on the video. She was talking about the area. She told me to let you know not to worry about any of your rights being taken away. She said she’s never felt as liberated as she did over here.” Irina seems to be satisfied hearing it because she was stroking my cock with her hand and licking my balls. Something my wife has never done.

“That was very nice of her to take some time out.” It was getting more difficult to speak because my breathing started to get a bit heavier. Irina was pressing her tongue on my perineum and licking all the way to the tip of my dick in one smooth and wet movement. I gulped loudly and wanted to grab her head. “Hun. Are you still there? Did you fall asleep?” Irina nudged me. “Oh, sorry no I was just looking to make some tea,” I lied. “She’s taking me to the beach tomorrow so I can show you guys what it looks like. It’s very close to the hotel she said.” I was nudged enough that I could think a little straight again. I wanted to get out of here. I didn’t want my wife to hear me like this. The guilt was slowly having an effect. Irina spotted me losing my hard-on slightly. She pushed me on the bed. “What was that noise?” “That’s just me on the bed. It’s been quite a day.” Irina crawled onto the bed like a predator. She grabbed my wet cock and started to jerk me back to life.

The young woman looked expectantly at me and gestured to keep the conversation going. “You want to tell me about your day? How was the drive from the airport after you dropped me off?” I asked. Some more guilt to put on top of the rest. Let’s see how she reacts to that. Irina pulled her yoga pants off to reveal a smooth shaved pussy. She wasn’t wearing any underwear. Oh no. The thought of that had a physical effect on my dick. She climbed on top of me. “Traffic wasn’t that bad actually. We were early enough. So, this girl is going to the beach with you tomorrow?” Shit. Irina smiled. She pressed her pussy on my dick and started to slide me between her lips back and forth. Her wet pussy sliding over my now very hard dick. I looked her in the eyes defiantly. “Yes. Her and her bodyguard.” “Oh, that sounds lovely.” I could hear the relief in my wife’s voice.

Irina was not happy. She grabbed my dick and pointed it to her opening. She leaned back and rested her hands on my legs. Her feet were next to me on either side of my chest. She sat down hard. My dick went all the way in. She was so wet. My eyes rolled back. I’ve not felt another woman’s pussy in so long. I let a small moan escape. There was nothing I could have done. “Oh, the tea is still quite hot,” I reacted quickly. That was all I could come up with. But I was getting worried because this was just the start. “You be careful now I would like to be married for a while longer to you.” “Me too,” I replied. Irina was having fun with how much I struggled. She was starting to dance with her hips on me. My dick moved in every direction in this young girl’s pussy. I was so turned on. She was starting to moan slightly. “Are you there? Is someone there hun?” I could hear the panic in her voice. “Oh god. Erm no. It’s the TV. The volume is set to low so I can hear you.” Irina kept impaling herself on me. Her young tight pussy felt so good on my dick. It made me feel horrible, but it felt so good at the same time. “Are you sure? It sounds like a girl?” Irina was riding me hard and hearing that seemed to have nearly sent her over the edge. She kept her hand in front of her mouth to cover up. “You want me to turn up the volume babe so you can hear?” Irina kept me deep inside her and she was moving her hips around. I could feel something swell up inside of her. She was starting to lift herself up and letting herself fall again on my dick. With ever penetration my head was hitting what felt like a golf ball in her pussy. “No. It just sounded an awful lot like there was a girl there moaning. You’re not watching porn, are you?” No this was much better than porn. I wanted to cum so badly inside this tight pussy fucking me. I could barely form a sentence. “It’s just some lame TV show on.”

Irina was getting very close. Her pussy was tightening around my dick. Suddenly she jerked her head back and let out a subdued groan. Irina squeezed me out and got off the bed. She got dressed quickly. She took a note from the little table and scribbled something on it. I quickly took the remote and turned up the volume. “See. It’s just the TV. Are you okay? It’s not like this is the first time we’ve been away from each other.” Irina grabbed her things and stealthily left the room. “I know. I know. It’s just that I had a bad feeling the whole day.” I grabbed the note and squeezed it into a ball. “I love you. I always have and I always will. I’m sorry,” I said. “Don’t worry. It’s probably me just missing you. Listen. You go to sleep and call me tomorrow to let me know about the beach. I love you too. I’ll say hi to the girls for you.” With that she hung up. I felt horrible. I sat down on the bed looking over the city. I unfurled the note. <<We’ll pick you up in the morning to go to the beach. Perhaps we can call your daughters. xxx Irina>>

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/lkgwx8/spectacular_views_from_the_hotel_fm


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