My Sensual Power [Str8]

My Sensual Power (part 2)

I wanted to make this kiss one to remember. I could feel her breath against my lips. I pulled her to me and inhaled her scent. Her lips were soft and sweet. I could taste the pizza and beer. I could taste her fire and passion.

I felt myself becoming lost in that kiss. I could feel her hair in my hands and felt her leg slide on top of my own. Her hand was inside my shirt stroking my chest.

I ran my hands across her chest and could feel the heat from her breasts even through her shirt and bra. Her hands were in my hair and I could feel my arousal becoming more apparent as her legs scissor around my waist.

I slid my hands up Isabella’s shirt taking her breasts in my hands. She reached down between them and with an adept slip of her fingers released the bra. I found her neck as my hands found their way to her tits.

When I become extremely aroused I think in more vulgar terms.

I was mildly surprised to find a small sliver stud going through each of Isabella’s nipples and a matching stud going through her belly button. I had never been with a girl with piercings before and felt my hard-on grow, rubbing against the inside of her legs.

Isabella stood up and pulled my shirt off. I was about to ask if she wanted to go into the bedroom. Before I could speak, she unfastened her jeans and pushed them down. In doing so the pink panties she was wearing also came part way down. She giggled as she kicked off the jeans and tried to readjust the panties. I could see she was mostly shaved with only a thin line of hair above her pussy.

My mind was spinning; just moments ago I was hesitating to ask if I could kiss her. Now Isabella was standing in front of me in only her panties. Her pierced nipples stood out darkly against her skin I could see a tiny glimmer as light played off the silver stud, I could feel her breathing becoming uneven.

I was about to stand to remove my own pants, when Isabella pushed me back onto the sofa and straddled my lap. She rose up so her stomach was even with my mouth.

I started kissing all across her stomach as she lowered herself in my lap. Her nipples were now directly in front of my mouth. I took the hint and drew one into my mouth. I could feel the silver stud against my tongue.

Ever so gently I took it in my teeth. I was not sure of the pain or pleasure she may experience. Gently I tugged at the stud. This caused Isabella to moan deeply and push herself into my chest.

My hands were holding the incredible ass I had been staring at for weeks; no longer hidden behind her tight jeans. After a minute of kissing, Isabella removed my hands from her ass. Thinking I had somehow offended her I moved them to her waist and slid them up under her breasts. She however was not offended by my hands but other thoughts as took one and moved it down between her legs.

I slid had my hand inside her panties now and was slipped my finger along her outer folds. She was wet and ready making me all the more aroused.

She wrapped her arms about my head and was groaning. I was not aware if it was groan of pleasure or anguish. I was intent thinking of what was beneath those panties.

I was anxious to taste her. I wanted to taste all of her and I didn’t want it to end; which is precisely what happened.

She pushed herself to a standing position in front of me.

Her hands still on my shoulders she said breathlessly, “I’m sorry Rob, I can’t do this. Not now. I am sorry, so sorry. I told Ryan we would still try to work things out. I’m really sorry, please don’t be mad.”

I sat in stunned silence and disbelief. She slide on her jeans and pulled her shirt back on over her head. “Rob, I am so sorry.” With that she grabbed her jacket and sandals and was out the door.

I was dumbfounded. My mind was in turmoil, my body not at all happy at this turn of events. I had respected the relationship. I had kept my distance never advancing beyond simply friends. It was her decision to come back here alone tonight, her decision to sit so close. I felt tears sting my eyes.

Isabella called a few days later again to apologize; she said she didn’t know what she wanted. She did want to be with me. She loved my passion for everything. How I could talk for five minutes about the flavor of cheese or how I would tell a story made up on the spot just by smelling lingering pipe tobacco smoke. She couldn’t believe how aroused she had become the other night. However, she felt she owed it to Ryan to try to work things out. She requested that I give her some time.

This was the situation that sat and simmered when I returned to school after discovering my new skills. I didn’t want revenge; that wasn’t quite correct. I wanted to be more than friends; I wanted Ryan to be gone. I wanted to own her.

I respected her wishes to give her space. In Calculus she would make small talk but it was clearly very strained. Almost casually she asked what I was doing this weekend. I explained I was heading home Friday night and would spend the weekend with my family; the weekend of my discovery.

The ball game was now in the bottom of seventh and I was no closer to solving my dilemma. I wanted to share my experience and discovery however; I felt betrayed and was not ready to let go the feeling.

Calculus was less painful each new day. By the end of the month Isabella had broken down and asked for some assistance. I told her I would be happy to help; I said I could meet her on Saturday at 3:00, in the Library. The look in her eyes told me she understood; I had not recovered from our evening on my sofa.

Friday night Josh stopped by. He had been pestering me all week to come to the costume party at his fraternity. “It’s going to be awesome” he implored. “Imagine dozens scantily clad females drinking for hours. I’m sure we would find someone to entertain you. What do you say?”

I told Josh, “I’m not really interested in finding someone to entertain me and I don’t think I’ll be much fun to be around.”

“What if I told you I have it on good authority that Isabella is going to be there and had mentioned to Eve that she really hoped you would come by?” trying to offer some hope. “I don’t know what happened between the two of you but it seems she is still interested, for what it’s worth.”

“I don’t know, maybe” feeling slightly hopeful, “I just get the feeling I’m being played.”

Josh presented his theory on women-men and dating. He is a great friend; however, his skills as a relationship counselor have room for improvement.

More or less his philosophy was for me to go the party show Isabella I could have a great time without her and make her come to me. While it may have some merit, I didn’t have it in me to attempt to show I was having a good time only to spite her.

After Josh left I still did not have clear direction as to how I wanted to proceed and was more confused by the revelation she wanted me there.

Later in the morning I made my way to the bakery. I got my coffee and roll and took a back table. It was not long until Ines came over and sat across from me. She appeared as uncomfortable as I felt, “You look like you have lost your best friend” she informed me.

“I’m not sure that I haven’t” I countered.

“Have you done something stupid?” Ines asked incredulously. “I know young men and their hormones” she let the rest of her comment trail off.

I offered, “If I have, I’m not sure what. I had thought everything was going so well, but apparently Isabella doesn’t feel the same.”

“I’ve seen how she looks at you, I don’t think her feelings for you are in question” she said shaking her head.

“Then why would she want to give her old boyfriend another chance?” I demanded. “We spend hours together every week, she seems to have a great time. Why do I have to sit and wait to see if it is going to work out for them and if by some chance it doesn’t then I get have my shot?”

Laying her hand on top of mind Ines challenged, “Whoever said you have to wait?”

Ines needed to say no more. Those six words went straight to heart. I had a say in how my life was going to play out. I would do what I needed and Isabella could make her decision.

Saturday early afternoon I made my way to the library. In two full years, I think this was only the third or fourth time I had been here. I never found studying in this setting conducive to my learning styles. The sounds and smells were too fabricated for me.

I had the impression students would come with their laptops, ear buds and backpacks to show the world, “Look at me, I’m a college student; aren’t I grand?”

I found a table in the center section but slightly removed from the main traffic. I feared too much seclusion would give Isabella the wrong impression. Besides I needed a few spectators for what I was planning.

I spent the next hour attempting to read some the next chapter in Calculus, finding it impossible to concentrate I gave up and simply sat and watched the grand college students come and go. Soon, Isabella walked in to the library.

She arrived close to our set time and made herself comfortable placing her laptop, iPhone/ear buds on the table and backpack on the floor.

After some initially pleasantries Isabella stated, “Eve tells me Josh is have a pretty big costume party tonight.”

“Yeah, that’s what he told,” I replied with my most nonchalant tone.

“Did you know that they have gone out a few times now?” she inquired.

Genuinely surprised I replied, “Really? He hasn’t said anything. I shouldn’t be too surprised, they hit if off well anytime there were at my place.”

“I think so too, she been really happy lately. I think they make a great couple? she stated with enthusiasm. “I was going to go home this weekend but I think I’ll stay here instead. Eve and I found the most adorable, sexy cat costumes. How about you, are you going to stop by tonight?” Isabella asked.

“I haven’t decided yet,” staying non-committed.

Not ready to play the game I simple said, “We’d better get started with Calculus soon.”

With that we opened our books and put in an awkward hour and half of work. Our conversation, as we worked, went pretty much as usual. I was acutely aware of how close her hand was to my own. In the past the little touches seemed a natural occurrence, I felt the loss of those moments now.

I finished up the last of the assignment and placed my text on top of my notebook. Isabella was bent over her papers; hair mostly shielding her eyes from view. I could see her mouth murmuring as she neared the end of the problem.

It was time. I took several slow, deep breaths and began the visualization. As I breathed in I could make out the scent of the shampoo she had used this morning and could detect the scent of a nectarine coming from somewhere off to my left.

I let my mind drift to recall how she had looked when her panties had slid down on her tan thighs. I could picture the thin strip of her pubic hair. I felt my focus deepen.

This was the first time I had ever mentally touched Isabella. I didn’t want to startle her by touching an arm or hand. I wanted to start so small she would not notice anything strange. I wanted her to have the feelings start deep within however I needed her to know that it was no accident. I wanted to see a reaction.

Maybe I did have some desire for revenge; regardless what you call it I began my quest.

I centered my focus once again just below that tiny strip of hair. I pictured her near hairless pussy and moved inward. I mentally imagined her small clit. I knew the aroma of her.

I knew how her clit would be ever so slightly moist from the heat of her legs. I set out mentally to go to the depth of her sexuality. I felt myself relax and begin.

I imagined having her legs opened on either side of my head. I could picture her open; I breathed out and imaged the breath enveloping her clit. I knew she felt a soft breath there now. I heard a soft gasp not more than a whisper.

I continued to mentally blow across her clit once, twice and a third time.

I pictured my tongue softly flicking against her. Again I heard a soft gasp. I continued this for the three or four minutes more time, not more than a slight tremor.

Now I increased the pressure slightly. With this, Isabella was no longer looking at her paper, her eyes came to mine. She had a puzzled expression, but was not about risk breaking the sensation by speaking. I kept my face as impassive as I was able. I let the pace increase marginally.

Her hand moves to the edge of the table and grasped the side. She made no sounds, but I could tell it was having an effect. Again I continued at this pace and steady pressure.

It was the most unusual experience. I could picture in my mine her legs up around my shoulders, thighs brushing the side of my face, her trimmed pussy in front of me; yet here I was with her eyes were locked on my own. Her breathing had become heavier and her hand worked the edge of the table.

If anyone were to look over at her they would certainly become aware of something amiss.

I decided to see how close I could push her. I increased the pressure of my tongue on her clit, although I slowed the pace. After a minute I could hear small gasps coming from her now and could sense she was incredibly close.

I feared she was seconds away from losing it. Her hand locked on the edge of the table and knew in another second she would be lost.

I stopped. With the sudden stop Isabella almost slipped off the chair. She steadied herself with both hands on the table. I could feel the yearning to continue.

With that, I stood up and leaned over to Isabella, “Let me know when you figure out what you really want.”

Somehow I managed to walk across the library and out the door. The cool autumn air was a relief.

I felt a combination strange combination of a powerful rush of energy coursing through my veins and being the biggest shithead alive. I was pretty sure Isabella’s reaction was going to be unbelievably positive or she was going to never speak to me again.

I felt good about the fact that I did not sit by passively. Only time would tell.

I stayed clear of my apartment as much as possible. I wanted our next encounter to be at the party with people around, I was still not ready for conversation.

I stopped by the bakery to grab some more coffee. Al and Ines were both behind the counter. She had her obligatory dash of flour on one cheek. She smiled and said, “You look like you have made up your mind.”

Smiling for the first time in weeks I replied, “I took your advice and took some action. Now only time will tell if it was a smart move on my part or not. I have a favor to ask of you both. A friend is having a costume party tonight and I never got around getting a costume. Do you have any suggestions?”

Al spoke up saying, “A couple years ago we went to a Princess Bride party. I think I still have the “Man in Black” mask upstairs. The shirt may be a little tight but should work I don’t think the pants will fit.”

“That’s perfect! Simon you’re a lifesaver” I said still smiling.

He chuckled and, “You’re so welcome and you can call me Al.” This made Ines and I both laugh. They really are the best people I know.

The party was one to remember. There were all your typical costumes, French maids, police man and slutty convicts, pimps and hoes.

The Man in Black was a hit. I had stopped at a store and was able to get fake moustache that didn’t look half bad. The pirate shirt was loose enough to work fine and I had black pants and boots that completed the outfit.

I was hanging out with Josh, a couple of his fraternity brothers and their girlfriends when Josh tapped me on the arm. It turned and spied two sexy ladies trying to make their way across the room.

Isabella was looking provocative in her cat costume. She also was dressed in all black; a skin tight full body leather outfit. She was wearing high heeled black boots, delightful black bow tie and cat ears. She had whiskers drawn on her cheeks.

I can only assume the Eve was dressed similarly however I couldn’t take my eyes off Isabella.

There were already a number of guys hanging nearby tossing “pussy” jokes at her. I knew this was not the way to win Isabella’s admiration and came to her rescue, so to speak.

“Hello Ms. Kitty” I said just loud enough to be heard.?Can I get you a drink?”

“Well, Dread Pirate Robert. I thought you’d never ask” taking my offered hand.

A slightly inebriated Superman, nearby did not approve of my drawing attention away and started to make an issue.

As politely as I could, I informed him that I was waiting for her arrival and he should accept it. While not happy, this did pacify him for the moment.

“Rob, I need to talk to you about what happened today” Isabella pleaded.

“Now isn’t really the place you know” I informed her.

She begged, “Rob, please tell me what the hell happened to me. How did you do that?”

Before I could say more Josh handed Isabella and I a beer, Eve was close by his side. Isabella was right, they did look good together.

I was just about to congratulate him on a great party when the conversation was interrupted by Superman bursting into the midst.

Shoving me backwards a few steps he shouted, “…until this asshole had to poke his nose in where it didn’t belong.”

More words were shouted, lost among the confusion. All I could really make out was Superman shouting about taking it outside to kick my ass.

Several guys had grabbed hold of him and my ego started to get the best of me, aided by the beer.

“Wait. Wait. I think we can settle this here,” I stated stepping close to him, but in a non-threatening manner.

As quietly as I could and still be heard by him, “Let’s have a test of will tough guy. I won’t touch you and you don’t touch me, but the first one to break leaves the party.”

“What the fuck does that mean? Test of wills?” he laughed but I could sense a little nervousness.

“Look at me,” I commanded staring into his eyes. The bulge outlined in those tights left little doubt as to what I was going to do.

His eyes locked on mine. I could feel the stickiness of the beer that had been spilled on the floor. The rooms smelled of beer and sweat. I drank all the sense in and in my mind pictured his penis and balls all tucked in snug in those red tights.

Mentally, I seized his balls. His eyes shot open, causing all in the immediate vicinity to go quiet.

Channeling my best Clint Eastwood I whispered, “It’s time to leave” all the while apply as much pressure as I was mentally able.

Superman grabbed his crotch, let out a yell, “Oh fuckk!” and staggered out of the room.

Everyone around us was stunned. Finally Josh spoke up, “What the hell just happened?”

No one was really sure what had happened and I wasn’t offering any suggestions.

Tensions vanished and the party resumed. As time and alcohol passed most forgot about Superman’s strange reaction.

The next few hours proceeded without incident. As the party began to abate I walked Isabella outside, “Where you want to go?”

Looking up at me and taking my hand, she said, “Let’s go back to your place.” We walked slowly back toward my apartment. I knew what I wanted but wasn’t sure how this was going to play out or how she may react.

Once inside the apartment, she moved closer to me.

“So, Man in Black, what exactly did you do to Superman?” She asked standing only inches away from me.

“Sometimes people need a little guidance. I told him to leave and he left” I responded.

“So you give a command and people listen, is that it?” Isabella inquired. I could feel the heat coming from her body.

With growing arousal I answered, “Sometimes it works that way.”

“What would you command of me?” she asked looking up into my eyes.

“Get on your knees” I directed.

Isabella did as I told. Looking up at me with those sexy eyes and cat ears and especially the bow tie she made me as hard as I have ever been before.

She opened the front of my pants and took me into her hands. She kissed the tip and caressed the shaft. Her hands were soft and warm.

I wrapped my hands into her thick dark hair and gave my next command, “Open your mouth.” She did.

I was lost inside her mouth. My senses were overflowing. I could smell her perfume and beer and sweat. I could hear the distance bass of the music in the next apartment. I could smell all of her.

With her taking me deep into her mouth I struggled to regain my focus. I pictured her dark nipple and the stud going through. Although for some reason that didn’t seem right, I was struggling with the connection. Then it came to me: she didn’t have the stud in tonight; she had a nipple ring instead. With that realization, the connection became much stronger.

I could see her nipple in my mind, the silver ring entering one side passing through and coming out the other side. I knew how it would taste in my mouth, the tang of the metal, the saltiness of her sweat inside the cat costume.

Standing there with my hands wrapped in her hair and Isabella kneeling in front of me, I mentally took her nipple and ring into my mouth. I ran my tongue over it, sucking slightly. Isabella moaned.

With the ring in my teeth, I tugged at her nipple. Isabella groaned, taking me deeper into her mouth. Through the waves of pleasure, I realized that while I may be limited to two hands and one tongue in real life, my imagination is limitless.

I now pictured what she would be like beneath the cat costume, I knew she would be sweating from the leather. I knew she was getting aroused from the feeling of a mouth, tongue and teeth on her nipple.

While still focusing the assault on her nipple, I began to focus another part of my mind under her thong. While I couldn’t be sure of the color of the thong, I suspected Isabella would be sticking with the black theme tonight. After a second, the strength of the mental connection I formed told me I was correct.

Knowing she was mostly shaved, with only a small strip of thin hair directing the way to the treasure, I now started ravishing her with my imaginary tongue and teeth. I knew how sensitive she was around the labia and how she loved the feel of teeth nibbling. I could sense the strong smell of arousal and sweat. My saliva made her all the more wet.

Isabella was moaning and her breath was coming irregularly. It was taking all of my energy to remain focused. Her mouth was driving me crazy.

I wasn’t sure how much more I could take. I decided that I wanted her to cum right when I did. This was a decision based more on ego than anything else.

What came next was purely spontaneous, a product of an animalistic desire to cum and at the same time brings her along with me.

One part of my mind was continuing the attack on her nipple and nipple ring, and I could still taste the metal of the ring and feel the hardness of her nipple. Another part of my mind had my tongue sliding over her clit, I had abandoned nibbling my way around and was more forcefully using my tongue on her center. Just continuing this for a few more minutes would probably bring her to the edge.

But now I added another dimension. I imagined taking her black leather boots in my arms and raising them above my shoulders as I slid the full length of my cock inside her in one smooth motion.

As I did, Isabella let out a cross between a whimper and cry. Her body was close to falling to the side. She used her arms to wrap around my legs and tried her best to swallow me whole.

I mentally withdrew from her pussy until only the tip was still inside. I pictured myself sliding back in but this time my ego truly did get the best of me. As I slide inside I let my cock expand, growing thicker and fuller.

I cannot describe the images that came next.

It is all lost in jumble of her nipple rings in my teeth, her pulsating clit against my tongue and her pussy gripping my cock as it filled her completely. We may have continued for a minute or an hour, I could not say. Mentally I was in all parts of her body and she knew it.

I came like never before. I came from the physical stimulation she was having on me, I came from mentally fulfilling her and I came from the pure power of what I was able to do.

It rushed over me and crashed down upon Isabella. There were cries and groans from each of us. In my mind the orgasms lasted for several minutes, although I doubt it is physically possible, for me anyway.

I am not positive who recovered first, Isabella I think.

When I finally sat up, I had to laugh. One of her boots was off, the cat ears were lost in the tidal wave of her hair, and she appeared to have just come in from the rain. Despite her appearance I have never seen her look sexier.

It took another minute before either of us spoke.

Isabella rested her head on my chest, “So, will you command me again?”

I loved how she set the stage for me in my moment. “As you wish,” I replied.

[Where do think the story should go from here? My versions always get rather darker as we know “power corrupts”]
