Brothers watch each other (MM, incest, drugs, pee)

When I was about 25, I visited my older brother Greg who had moved to another city a few years earlier. Greg and I had never had a particularly close relationship but we got along better as adults than we had as kids, and I was looking forward to the visit.

The day after I got there was Saturday of a three day weekend. We had talked about going hiking, but it was raining a little and we decided to try the next day. Since we had nothing to do, Greg said, “Well, we could do what I usually do on weekend afternoons, which is to get high and watch old movies.”

He brought out a baggie of mushrooms. I had tried them only once or twice before and I liked the effect. He cut them up and put them in a blender with some fruit smoothie from a bottle, poured the mixture into glasses, and we drank it down. I asked how long it would take to come on and he said, “You never know with mushrooms.”

We decided to go for a walk in the neighborhood and stopped by a bodega for some beers and munchies, since he said he gets the munchies on mushrooms. Just before we got back to the house a little less than an hour later, I could feel myself coming onto the drug. Stepping through the doorway I asked him, “I’m coming on, are you too?” “Oh yeah,” he said.

Quickly I felt euphoric, with every breath and movement feeling good. He put the groceries in the kitchen while I found myself walking into his bedroom. I threw myself on the bed and reveled in the high feeling.

He came and stood in the doorway of his bedroom. “What you doing on my bed?” he asked.

“It just feels really good to lie down,” I said. “I know that sounds silly but it just feels really good. If you’re high, I mean.” I squirmed a little on the bed, delighting in every movement. “Lie down, you’ll see.”

He chuckled. “Let’s go watch the movie.” He went into the living room, and I followed.

We proceeded to watch some really low budget sci-fi movie from the 1960s. It was sillier since we were high, and for about a half-hour we just watched it together on the couch.

Then I sensed he was looking at me. “What are you doing?” he asked.

I looked down and I realize that my handed been slowly stroking my cock through my pants. “Oh, oops,” I laughed. “I guess I just get really horny when I’m high.”

“Yeah, me too,” he said, turning back to the movie. He added, “You don’t have to stop.”

At that moment I realized that I was not just turned on in general by the shrooms, I was starting to get turned on by the situation. I kept rubbing my dick through my pants. “I don’t have to stop what?”

“You don’t have to stop touching your cock.” By now, he was touching himself too.

I kicked off my shoes. He followed suit. We sat slumped on the couch staring at the movie, touching our dicks. Then he suddenly reached over, grabbed the remote control, and turned off the TV.

In the silence, all I could hear were our breaths. I listened to his breath become a little quicker, and mine did too.

“Yeah,” Greg said. He opened his belt and shoved his pants and boxers down his legs and kicked them away. Putting his hand back on his dick, he looked at me and said, Stand up.”

I stood up. “Take off your clothes,” he said. I took them off. Now I was stark naked with a big hard-on in front of my older brother, whose own cock was standing straight up. In my high state, I thought that his hand in particular was very beautiful.

He stared at me, his mouth halfway open, and his breathing quicker. Instead of giving me more orders, he just nodded at me, or at my cock. In response, I put my hand back on my cock and began masturbating in front of my older brother.

By now I was really high and touching my cock felt extremely good.

As I rubbed my cock, he looked back and forth from my dick to my face, as if he couldn’t decide which turned him on more — seeing a young guy jack off in front of him, or knowing that it was his little brother showing him a big hard cock.

After a couple of minutes of increasing the speed and intensity, I came. My come shot up into the air in one or two big squirts and then bubbled down the length of my dick. “Oh shit,” we both said simultaneously.

He was still sitting on the couch jacking off, seemingly in no hurry to come. “Now you do it,” I said, my hand still on my dick.

He looked at me in the eyes with a pleading expression I had never seen in my older brother before.

“Do it,” I said. “Show me how you come, Greg. I want to see the come shoot out of your prick just like you watched me do it. Show me how my brother jacks off and comes.”

His breath grew ragged. I took a couple of steps toward him so that my dick, still slathered with my come and now drooping only slightly, was about a foot away from his face. The expression on his face grew more and more vulnerable the closer he was to coming. “Tell me you want it,” he whispered.

“I want it,” I said, and then he was coming. His come shot up and landed on his own face. He squirmed on the couch furiously pumping his dick.

By this time I was no longer even thinking in advance of my actions. I dropped to my knees and did something I had never done before, to anyone — I took his cock in my mouth. And because I was high, it felt wonderful to have my mouth crammed full of his wet slippery cock. I sucked the last drops out of it, and probably would’ve knelt there sucking his cock for another half hour if, when he finally got soft, he hadn’t gently shoved me off.

After a minute of staring at each other in amazement, we started laughing.

“Fuck, that was hot.”

“That was great.”

“I’m still really high.”

“I’m still really horny.”

After a minute, I stood up. “I have to go pee,” I said.

He followed me right into the bathroom and stood behind me. “Wait,” he said. With his left arm he held me tightly across my chest, and with his right hand, he reached down and held my dick. Pointing it toward the toilet, he whispered in my ear, “Now do it.”

And having my big brother hold my dick while I pissed was just as good as coming.


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