The Babysitter/Dungeon Master – Chapter 1: A New Sensation [Fmmm, Underage, Fem mast]

Hey guys! Re-posting an old story that I’m considering working on again. I posted here before, but deleted it. Might be making some changes to other chapters as I go along, but posting chapter one to see if there’s interest! Hope you enjoy!


“The three of you enter through the doorway, into a large stone room lit dimly by candles along the walls,” I said, my hands gesturing as my eyes went from boy to boy. We were all sitting at my dining room table. Papers, pencils, dice, source books and a variety of snacks were scattered lazily across it. The three boys sat silently, watching me eagerly and listening to find out what’s happening in our game. “In the center of the room stands a tall womanly figure. Her soft white skin seems to have a glow about it. She has soulful brown eyes, and long flowing dark hair. Her elegant white robes, lined with gold, seem to float about in a magical breeze.”

The boys all smiled, and I could tell they felt a great sense of accomplishment. It was Thursday night, which was one of our regular gaming nights. The boys were Will, Michael, and Brandon, and they all lived with their parents on a dead-end street called Amore Drive. Part of a very nice and safe suburb, Amore Drive had four houses. The boy’s fathers had all grown up together as best friends, and all went into a joint business venture after college. They all wanted to live next to each other, and now finding themselves always busy with work, the occupant of the fourth house on the street had become something of a regular babysitter. That was me, Amy Harper.

“That’s her, right?” Will asked, an excitement in his big hazel eyes. Will was something of the leader of the group, not just his character in the game, but also of the three of fourteen-year-old boys in their daily lives.

“I don’t know,” I responded, with a slight smile. “Roll a perception check.” Will picked up a twenty-sided die, tumbled it around between his palms for a moment, and then tossed it onto the table. It bounced and settled on an eighteen. “Yes,” I said, his knowledge check passing. “There is no doubt in your mind that before you stands Ameliah, the Goddess of Love and Luck. She looks at each of you, and then speaks.” I perk my up a bit, projecting my voice in a slightly deep, sultry tone, to invoke the grandeur of a goddess. “Brave adventurers, you have come very far and survived many a deadly challenge. My favor can be yours, granting you divine power, if you but kneel before me, lay your weapons at my feet, and pledge yourselves to me wholly.”

“I walk up, kneel, and place my war-hammer before the lovely Goddess,” Michael said, speaking first, mischief in his pretty blue eyes. “I look up to her and say, ‘Your grace, my service shall be sufficient, send these buffoons from your sight.’” Michael laughed, and I saw Will emotively roll his eyes. I couldn’t help but giggle a bit. Michael was always the one trying to crack a joke, and I must admit I always founds his playful sense of humor rather endearing. I said nothing yet.

“I walk up as well, placing my staff before Ameliah, and kneeling,” Brandon added in, not acknowledging Michael’s joke. He adjusted his brown rimmed glasses on his face, deep green eyes magnified behind them, and looked over the notes he’d kept over the course of the campaign. Without a doubt Brandon was the more classically nerdy intelligent type and was always the one who kept track of in game clues. “I tell the goddess, ‘Your grace, I’m here to pledge the Sacred Oath of Devotion and Bondage and submit myself to your service as Knight of the Lady Goddess.’”

“I walk up next, between the other two, and lay my sword at her feet.” Will spoke lastly, a certain confidence in his youthful voice. “I say, ‘We are yours, your grace, our swords, our hearts, and our courage. From this day, until the end of our days.’”

“The rooms begins to fill up with a white, heavenly light.” I describe, hands gesturing again as they tend to do. “Each of you fills a new power surging inside of you, as the room seems to fade away. The last thing each of you see before you pass out is the Goddess Ameliah smiling gently at you, and then everything goes black.” My hands snap shut the black notebook that I keep my campaign notes in, and I smile deviously at the three boys. “And that’s all for tonight!”

They moaned with disappointment in unison. “Come on, we can stay a bit later!” Michael protested, and the other two looked toward me eagerly.

“I’m sorry, boys,” I answer empathetically, as I push back my chair and stand up from the table. I begin collecting character sheets and books, “We’ll get to play again next week, but your parents said you needed to be home by nine.” I nodded toward the clock on the wall, showing fifteen minutes until nine-o-clock. Dejectedly they stood up and began putting away their pencils and dice into their backpacks and cleaning up their snacks.

“That was so much fun,” Will said, with a big smile on his face. I smiled and wrinkled my nose affectionately at him. The end of a game night always made me feel fantastic. It was a better high than the end of a night partying with friends my own age. Which is weird given the age difference between me at the boys. They were all fourteen-years-old, and I had just turned twenty-eight. I still felt quite youthful though. Whereas my adult friends were all having kids or getting really into their careers, I still felt myself rather aimless. I spent most of my times at home playing video games, and smoking weed. I had no job, thanks to my wealthy father who was rather distant. He did, however, allow me to live I the home I grew up in rent-free. My parents had moved out of it when I turned eighteen, relocating to super nice apartment in the city.

“Yeah, I can’t wait to see what happens next!” Brandon’s excitement was rather clear in his voice too. After the table was packed up, the boys all migrated toward the front door in the living room. They stood there, clearly happy, and wishing the night could go on forever. I followed them into the living room and raised up my arm for the ceremonial high fives. Each boy gently patted their palms against mine, none of them ever feeling the need to slap my hand roughly.

“You boys be good,” I said, stepping around them and opening the front door. “I’ll text you your experience points so you can add them to your character sheets.” They all said goodbye and made their way out the door to their respective houses. I shut the door behind them, turned the locks, and then leaned my back against the door. The smile was still on my face, and I just stood there for a moment reflecting on the night of gaming.

I snapped out of it after a moment, and then made my way toward the kitchen. There was a happy skip in my step as I reached up into a cabinet and pulled out a half empty bottle of cheap rum and a small drinking glass. I sat them both on the counter, and decided I needed music. “Alexa, play Shake it Off by Taylor Swift,” I called, and the robot voice called back “Okay.” The song began to play on the speakers in throughout the house, and I began to move my shoulders with the rhythm.

*“I stay out too late!”* I sang along casually with the song, as I poured a shot or so of rum into the glass and return the bottle to the cabinet. *“Got nothing in my brain!”* I pulled a can of coke from the fridge to mix with the drink. *“That’s what people say!”* I took a sip of the drink and hum the *Mmm-mm* part of the song. *“That’s what people say, Mmm-mm”* I stopped singing along as I take another, longer drink, and put the empty glass back on the counter. Even with the mixer, I could feel a bit of the burn down my throat, but it felt rather nice.

I made my way out of the kitchen, and up the stairs. There were two rooms on the top floor, the master bathroom, and my bedroom. *“But I keep cruising,”* I sang another lyric, making my way into the bedroom, a dance in my step. I stopped moving when I saw myself in the mirror, wearing a pair of loose jeans, black socks, and a black t-shirt with Rick from Ricky and Morty on it. *“It’s like I got this music,”* I kept singing as I pulled the t-shirt up and off, tossing it to the floor. Underneath it was a rather skimpy blue tank top. My pink bra could be seen poking out from the top just a bit. I threw my right hand behind my back, digging under the back of the tank top, and unclasping the bra. Easily and gracefully, I pulled my arms through the straps, and then pulled the bra up from underneath the front of the tank top and threw it to the floor also. *“In my mind, saying ‘It’s gonna be alright.’”* My boobs felt so much better free from jail, and the soft fabric of the tank top sat nicely against my small sensitive nipples. I shook my hips from side to side with the beat of the song, before unbuttoning them and letting them fall to the floor. The chorus of the song kicked in, and I danced about in my tank top and bright pink panties.

Still half dancing, I picked up a half smoked joint and a lighter from the top of my dresser and walked out a curtained screen door onto a balcony. The music quieted a bit as I shut the screen door behind me, and I lit the joint. Shaded by the leaves of the tall pear tree in my front yard, I could stand rather discreetly and smoke. I took a puff and breathed the smoke into my lungs. The neighborhood was quiet, which was quite normal. I liked it. The three families that lived here were very nice, respectable people. They were busy folks though, so none of them really bothered me with anything. I had been babysitting the boys for a few years now, though it didn’t really feel like babysitting. Being fourteen, they were rather capable of taking care of themselves. But their parents liked the idea of an adult keeping an eye on them, and the boys loved to play Dungeons and Dragons. Though they were never words I’d said aloud, it was obvious to me that these boys had become something of my best friends.

I took a longer drag of the joint, holding the smoke in as long as I could, and then exhaled a cloud of smoke upward into the freshly night sky. A few more puffs, and then I put the joint out against a banister and walked back into the house. I sprayed a bit of air freshener onto the balcony, before closing the screen door. I sat down at the small wooden desk in my bedroom and opened my laptop. The head change began to kick in, and I began to feel a literal high. I pulled up a folder of different files related to my campaign and began making notes on next week’s session. I typed away for the next couple of hours, occasionally getting distracted by a random YouTube video, or going down a rabbit hole when I looked up a rule. I found myself yawning and decided to finish the rest tomorrow. I stood up from the desk, stretched out my arms and body, and went to the bathroom for the basic hygiene rituals.

Stepping into my room a few moments later, I made sure the curtain is proper, and that my bedroom door is locked. I open one of the drawers on my tall white dresser, second from the top, full of underwear and socks. My right hand reached in, digging below the variety of textures from an assortment of panties, and grasping something hard. I pulled out my small purple vibrator and closed the drawer. Only four inches, and not particularly girthy, it may not have impressed some girls. But the arrangement of ridges and bumps was something I absolutely loved. Due to it’s dark purple, and odd look, I had lovingly named it Little Cthulu.

With Little Cthulu in hand, I climbed onto my bed, pushed back the black comforter and made myself comfortable on the violet sheets. I poofed my big white pillow and grabbed a black sleep mask and put it over my eyes. “Alexa, lights off.” I said aloud and wiggled as I continued to make myself comfortable on the very soft bed. My left hand went between my legs and pulled the bottom of my pink panties just to the side. I let Little Cthulu rest upon my mound, the tip touching my clitoris. My thumb twisted the bottom of the vibrator, and I could hear the familiar high-pitched hum. The soft vibration immediately sent tingles up my spine. I began to feel a warmth growing between my legs, and it didn’t take long at all before I could feel myself getting wet. I could feel my nipples growing harder, pressing against inside of the soft tank top. My lips parted, and my right hand began moving Little Cthulu as if it had a mind of its own.

I lost my sense of time in wave after wave of pleasure. I couldn’t tell if seconds or minutes were passing as I found the vibrator entering and exiting me. My free hand was underneath my tank top, groping my own breast, and then it wasn’t. I found my thumb twisting the control of the vibrator further, increasing the intensity of the vibration more and more. My nervous system sparked with moments of electric intensity. My conscious mind seemed shoved to the back of my head, overwhelmed by all the incoming stimuli… And then there was a moment somewhere in that ocean of pleasure where the boys came to the forefront of my mind. My fingers twist gently on my nipple as I remembered eager faces rolling dice all night. I felt the vibrator’s vigorous presence moving back and forth inside me as I recalled their smiles and touch of their hands when we high-fived.

I saw them looking at me with those eager eyes as suddenly my orgasm burst through. I whimpered loudly, my toes and feet curling down into the bed my bottom lifting just a bit. My legs began to quiver, and my back arched up. I couldn’t hold onto Little Cthulu anymore, so I slid it up far inside me, and closed my legs to hold it there. My body turned onto its side, and I couldn’t stop from shuddering. My eyes rolled back, and for a moment I felt as if were going to pass out. Finally, my legs spread, and the vibrator slowly slipped out of me and onto the bed, very wet. My arms lay outstretched, and my breaths were deep and labored. My mind went blank for a moment.

After a few moments of recovery, I finally pulled the sleep-mask from my eyes and reached down to turn off the vibrator. I sat there, having finally caught my breath… “What just happened?” I ask aloud to no one. Despite masturbating nearly every day, and being rather excitable about it, that orgasm had felt quite more intense and quicker than any I could recall. My sense of time may have been distorted, but I knew it usually took me way longer than that for an orgasm to build up. My mind made the obvious connection, for it was also the first time the boys had ever come across my mind during a session.

“No…” I said, shaking my head, dismissing the thought. I didn’t know what to think and didn’t have much mental energy left to do much thinking. I laid back down on the bed, pulled the soft black comforter over my body, and almost immediately fell asleep. The next morning I didn’t even think about it.


1 comment

  1. I loved this story so much and was sad I didn’t get to see how it ended! Glad you’re posting it again.

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