Playing with the BabySitter, Taking advantage when he caught me off balance.

I enjoy baby-sitting but it can be a pain in the neck sometimes. Today was one of those days. It had been hot and humid and the kids had been grumpy. They’d been reluctant to eat their dinner and didn’t want to play, or to watch TV, or to read a book, or to lie down. They did want to whinge and fight and complain that it was hot and that there was nothing to do.

After dinner I finished up dumping them both in a cool bath and let them play in the water. I’d have to mop up the bathroom afterwards but it would be worth it for some relative peace and quiet.

Eventually the little monsters quietened down. I hauled them out of the bath, put them in pyjamas, and tucked them into bed. Heaven be thanked, they both went to sleep. I guess the heat and humidity and the whinging and fighting had worn them out. I spent the next half hour just keeping an eye on them, making sure they were really asleep.

Satisfied with the way the kids were sleeping I adjourned to the bathroom and considered the mess. How two small children can make such a mess is beyond me. Practice, I guess. Whatever, the mess was my responsibility so I set to work cleaning it up.

When I’d finished the bathroom was in a pristine condition and I was a mess. A bedraggled, wet, grubby, mess. Fortunately, I had a solution for this problem. When I do a baby-sitting gig I always take a bag with a complete change of clothing with me. I mean, if a baby craps liquid manure down the front of your blouse you obviously are going to want to change it. Small children, I have found, tend to release obnoxious fluids from all their bodily orifices, more often than not releasing them onto the baby-sitter.

The way I saw it a nice shower and a complete change of clothes and I’d be right for the night. I could sit back and relax, watching TV in relative comfort. I headed for the bathroom. My nice pristinely clean bathroom. (Stopping to make sure the little darlings were still snoring their little heads off. They were, thank god.)

In the bathroom I stripped off. I’d been perspiring so hard that all my clothes were wet and smelly, even my undies. I’d be stuffing those things into a plastic bag before taking them home otherwise they’d stink up my case.

I had a shower. I had the water set somewhere between warm and cool and just let it drizzle over me. It was wonderful. Having shortish hair I didn’t worry too much about getting it wet. That’s not to say I was going to thoroughly wash it; I just let some of that cool drizzle play over it.

I got out of the shower feeling so much better. Then I found I’d made just one tiny error when I’d turned the kid’s swamp into a pristine bathroom. I’d forgotten to replace the towels. So there I was, wet and naked and not a towel in sight. I was not, absolutely not, going to put on any of those slimy clothes I’d already dumped. The solution was easy. I’d just take a few steps down the hall and grab a towel out of the linen closet and dry off in the spare room, which was where my case and change of clothes were. It wasn’t as though there was anyone else home apart from the kids and they were asleep and wouldn’t give a damn what I wore if they weren’t. Elsie and Tim weren’t due home for ages.

I stepped out of the bathroom and into the hall and everything went to hell with that simple move. Mick, Elsie’s little brother, was walking down the hall towards me and I’d just stepped out in front of him, naked and wet. When I say little he was younger than Elsie (and me for that matter) but he was still eighteen and considered himself a real stud. I, and the girls I know, consider him to be a real dork. He’s the sort of full-of-himself idiot that makes your natural idiot look smart.

I dived for the linen cupboard but he guessed what I was doing and he was closer to it. He just stepped in front of it, giggling like crazy as he looked at me. I’ll bet the stupid clown creamed his pants when he realised I was naked. I turned around to dive back into the bathroom but he grabbed my arm and tried to turn me to face him.

I was clawing at his hand and swearing at him and he was sniggering at me, telling me to turn around and kiss him. In his dreams or my nightmares, maybe, but nowhere else.

“What the fuck are you doing here, anyway?” I snarled. “If you don’t get you hand off me I’m going to emasculate you.”

That’s the point at which there was a loud slapping sound and a yell from Mick.

“He’s here because I had to come and drop some stuff off for Elsie,” said another male voice. “Get in the car, you little turd, and don’t get out again.”

Mick shot through at a rate of knots, holding one hand to his ear, which is where his father clouted him, I assumed. Now I was alone with his father, although still wet and naked.

I heard the closet door open.

“I assume you were wanting a towel?” said Elsie’s father, sounding far too amused for my piece of mind.

Turning my head towards him a little I could see him holding out a towel and I turned partway to grab it. That rotten man dropped the towel at the last moment, catching my hand, rather than my hand catching the towel. He just pulled and effectively turned me around to face him, with me trying to cover all my charms with a single hand and crossed legs. [read more](
