Morning awakening

We stir in your warm and quiet bedroom as the morning sun starts to enter the window. Under the covers we are both naked, after the sex we had last night. I reach out to you, and my hands make their way over your body. They glide over your shoulders, breasts, and belly. You stir slightly, and I lean forward and kiss you. You stretch and roll onto you front, and I run my hand down your back and over both cheeks of your bottom causing you to make a happy noise.

I pull back the covers and look longingly at you lying there, your round bottom in particular attracting my eye. You grab a pillow that was next to you and push it under your belly, and I recognise with excitement the signal that you are sending me. This excites me, causing my cock to harden as I move down the bed.

You stir, shifting your thighs slightly apart, and I need to catch my breath at the site this reveals. My eyes fix on the mound of your pussy that is now peeking out from under you, the hairs of your bush are visible and, as a result of the hormones in your body, unwilled by you, your labia is slightly open as its natural preparation to receive a man’s cock.

I place a hand on each cheek, running gentle circles over the roundness of your bottom, and lean down to gently blow – you feel my breath amongst the hairs of your bush and on the moistening skin of your pussy. You make a slight, happy moan, as I position my body closer to you, allowing my hands to widen their circular motion to include your lower back in addition to your bottom.

I gently ease my cock into your pussy and your receptiveness is evident in the ease with which I slide in, causing you to take an initial breath. I commence gently moving back and forth, enjoying the warm wet sensations of your pussy on my cock. You make a further happy moan, showing me that you are enjoying the sensations of having me inside you.

We remain in this position, with me gently going back and forth. Your face is turned to the side, your blue eyes closed, a lick of your blonde hair over your face, and a look of contentment on your face. I lean forward, allowing me to kiss the warm skin of your shoulder and the back of your neck, knowing that you would be feeling the breath from my nose on your soft skin.

We continue locked together, me inside of you, my hands on your bottom, and my hips gently moving back and forth. We silently enjoy these moments of quiet, gentle togetherness, savouring the feel of each other’s bodies, and the sensations of the perfect fit of our cock and pussy before we begin our days. After several minutes I feel the build up within me, and I push myself into you as far as I can and fill you with my release. Your eyes remain closed, but your face conveys your bliss with our quiet morning union, together with your inner satisfaction that your body has provided us both with pleasures we shared.

You roll over, and I enjoy watching your breasts move as you do. You look up at me with your blue eyes and I instinctively lean down and we kiss deeply. Without speaking, we know that we must now get ready for another day of work.



  1. This is such a simple piece, providing easy light reading with a sensual experience portraying love and peace. Something very different. Thank you, this was awesome.

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