Mrs Stewart is proud of her cleavage.

Mrs Stewart loved it when the boys in the upstairs flat held one of their student parties. As the landlady, she made sure they invited her, and made sure that it was a night when she wasn’t on duty in her husband’s pub. And so it was tonight. She took pleasure in taking care of her appearance. The older woman may struggle to compete with slender 19 year olds but she had a cleavage they could only dream of. And she knew it. In her moss-green dress with the plunging neckline, her long wavy red hair all perfect, she prepared to join the party and dance with the boys.

She was good at encouraging reluctant young students to get on their feet and dance; she brought energy and fun to the party which always went with a good swing when she was there. And she stayed alert for the boy who couldn’t help but eye her cleavage at every chance. There was always at least one. The younger brother of one of her tenants just didn’t know where to look, so she took great care not to unsettle him or make him feel uncomfortable. He was a slender, rather good looking boy, who seemed young for a fresher. She didn’t get him to dance but waited until the end of the evening at which point she went downstairs and waited in the room off the hallway just by the front door. As he came down to leave, she emerged and slipped her arm through his.

After politely hoping that he had enjoyed the party and that he was settling in well to university life, she told him that he was free come round any time. She would love to see him and there were always things that he could do to help her. She stroked his arm and smiled as he tried not to look down. ‘It’s ok, it’s fine to look,’ she whispered. ‘No need to blush.’

She kissed him gently on the cheek and sent him off into the night, urging him to return and see her soon.

As she retired to bed that night, she thought of his young slender body and hoped against hope that he would fail to resist her siren call.

She did not really expect that he call round the following week, but one afternoon she found him on the doorstep, looking very uncertain and uncomfortable. He tried to explain that he had come to find his brother but there was nobody home in the flat above. She brought him in to the main part of the house and sat him on the sofa.

‘I’m delighted you came round to see me again, she smiled.

o-O-o o-O-o

She entered the shower room with a towel for him as he stood beneath the spray. ‘Do come and find me in the room opposite when you are done,’ she smiled, her eyes lingering on his body. She liked how boyish he looked: he was slender, with no hair on his chest.

She waited in her room, naked beneath her long dressing gown of ivory satin. She sat in her armchair and watched as he entered, with towel around his waist. ‘Hang the towel on the rail, my dear boy, and let me look at you properly.’ Ian blushed again and did as he was asked. His thin, small penis was three-quarters erect and he felt painfully self-conscious of this, but he felt he had to do as he was asked. She appraised him approvingly and then patted the arm of her chair. ‘Come and sit with me’. As he approached, she indicated that he as to sit at her feet. She stroked his hair as he sat and found that he rested his head against her knee and then against her thigh. ‘My sweet boy,’ she whispered.

She allowed her dressing gown to loosen and bare one of her breasts. Saying nothing , she carried on stroking his hair, noticing his erection becoming more intense. ‘You may kiss me, if you like.’


I’ve had this story in my head for a long time and so have finally plucked up the courage to share it here. I hope you like it. There is, however, a problem as I can’t work out how to fill the gap between the two action points. I like the first section with it’s gentle build-up and I quite like the second which is more explicitly erotic, but I can’t work out how to link them together. Maybe I needn’t worry?

I’d be pleased to chat with anyone who likes the story and would like to explore where it goes next… or who has constructive suggestions!

Susie x



  1. I don’t think there’s a problem with that “scene change”. Sometimes a quick skip forward keeps the momentum going. I’m writing one at the moment which needs at least a couple of similar hops.

    Edit: and it’s pretty hot, looking forward to the rest :)

  2. I liked the story, I figured out the scene change easily enough, maybe a sentence or two about him doing some chores for Mrs Stewart might bridge any gap but I also liked the quick change. Would love to read more about Mrs. stewart and the parties

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