My first time with a woman [FF] [best friends]

*Title sucks, I know. Kind criticism gratefully accepted! This is my first story, based off a fantasy that I have about my best friend. Hoping to get better at it, because wow this was fun!*


It had been a while since I had seen my best friend from university, even though she only lived in the next city over. Well, it was an hour and a half drive by car, so I suppose it was a bit far. But I would have done anything to see her as much as I could. The past year had been difficult between our work schedules and lockdown from the pandemic, and our friendship had fallen to the back burner while we both worked essential positions.

Today though, we had finally cleared our schedules enough for at least a breakfast together like we used to do before the world changed. We had both miraculously had the same day off of work when I texted her last week asking what she was up to. I didn’t mind the drive to her, the monotony of the freeway aside. I liked the drive – it always gave me some time to zen out and think of nothing but the road in front of me.

I woke early, grabbed a shower at my boyfriend’s apartment and a cup of coffee, and got on the road. We had decided to meet for a 10:00am meal. Early enough for me to run errands after, and late enough for her to get a nap in after her night shift. The drive was uneventful, save for a few highway cops running radar. Years on the road had left me with a keen eye for emergency lights, which had saved my lead foot from a few tickets. Upon arriving to the diner she had me meet her at, I quickly typed out a text to my boyfriend letting him know I had gotten there safely, and spotted Nik’s Kia a few spaces away.

“Finally!” she said. “It’s been way, way too long.”

“Oh, believe me I know. I’ve missed you in my life!”

The waitress came and took our orders, and I sipped at my second coffee in three hours. I’m not normally a big caffeine drinker, but long drives warrant some extra energy. We ordered our food and chatted away. We caught up on what had been going on in the world – the pandemic, the election, protests. Eventually the ice was broken again and we moved on to chatting about our personal lives and what we had been up to lately.

She put down her fork gently, “So Meg and I broke up.”

“Oh god, I’m so sorry to hear that,” I replied. “What happened?”

“She just decided that she wanted different things than me, I guess. It wasn’t really out of the blue, I had a feeling she’d been miserable lately. I just kind of figured we’d work it out, but I guess not.”

“Well, she doesn’t have any clue what she just gave up. Who needs her anyways?” I tried to put on my biggest support-my-best-friend face, but inside I was secretly thrilled. Meg had never been good enough for her, in my opinion. Meg was a pouty 20-something that acted like a pre-teen and *never* acted any other way but miserable. The fit just wasn’t there.

“Yeah, I guess that’s true. Just kind of sucks you know? Like all breakups.”

I nodded in agreement and took a few more sips of my coffee. We continued our chats on all sorts of topics, and eventually we could tell that the waitress was getting impatient with us. I couldn’t blame her – with reduced capacity at restaurants they had to make money somehow, and our free coffee refills certainly weren’t doing it.

“Hey, I’ve got an idea. Want to come see my new place?!” After the breakup, she told me, she had moved out of the apartment she had shared with Meg and got one on the other side of town. Of course, I agreed. It meant more time to spend with her anyways. We decided to take her car since it was about twenty minutes away, and left mine in the park-and-ride spot near the highway.

The ride over wasn’t too bad. We sat in silence most of the way, and soon enough we were there. The new house was a huge, faded pink Victorian-style – it had obviously been built as a single family and then was axed into different apartments, like too many of those beautiful buildings had been. She followed the driveway around to the back where the grass had been replaced by parking lot. There were only a few other cars there, which I suppose wasn’t too weird since everyone was working from home. I trailed her up the stairs and into the apartment, which was still pretty bare having just been moved into.

“Well, here it is! It’s not much, but it’s something for now. It’ll get better.” She showed me around a bit, and we eventually settled down on her bed to watch some television. It was something we’d done a thousand times before when we were in school – me being straight and her being, well, *not* didn’t seem to matter to us. It was a purely platonic friendship between the two of us – even my boyfriend knew that, though goodness knows he had his fantasies…

I rolled my eyes at the thought, though I couldn’t say I’d never thought about it. Nik was a natural beauty – she had grayish blonde hair and sparkling green eyes. Though she was muscled from years of playing soccer, she was still lean in an attractive way. I never really got the chance to experiment in school – I was too busy working and doing all the things that I was supposed to do to succeed after university – so when four years of studying was finally over, my boyfriend and I got more serious and things just seemed to go from there. But as things settled down, and our sex life got more monotonous, my thoughts wandered.

I wondered how it would feel to have a woman touch me – from my experience, men knew how to please themselves. I knew a few that had some grip on what a woman liked, but they always seemed to get bored with that and start humping like a jackrabbit to get themselves off. I had heard that women knew better, though I never dared to try.

Whatever show we were watching had become boring to me, and I closed my eyes, which I realized were pretty heavy from the long drive. I sunk into the pillow and lolled into a light sleep, which became even deeper with time.

Suddenly, I woke to Nik’s arm around me, spooning me. Her forearm was across my stomach and her hand tucked tightly between my side and the bed. I turned my head a little, trying to see if she was awake as well. She hadn’t been, but the movement caused her to stir and realize the position we were in.

“Oh my god I’m so sorry,” she gasped, obviously embarrassed. “I’m so used to someone being in the same bed as me, I … I must have done it in my sleep.”
“Hey now, it’s all good!” I tried to placate her. “I get it, I’m not used to sleeping alone either. And honestly, this is kind of nice!” I laughed. This seemed to ease her worry a little bit.
“Can we … stay like this for a little while?” she asked, cautiously.
“Sure, why the hell not,” I agreed. Her warm arm around me and her breasts pressed to my back weren’t the most uncomfortable thing in the world.

We had settled in a bit more, when I realized that Nik had fallen asleep again. She had snuggled her nose, against the back of my neck, and her warm breath trailing down my spine was giving me goosebumps. I shivered a bit, and snuggled my hips into hers a bit more to try to get a bit warmer. I felt her breathing hitch a little bit, and realized that I had roused her a bit. Suddenly, I felt her hand move ever the slightest bit out from under me, and her fingertips start brushing my stomach. My blouse had ridden above my waistline, exposing my bare skin. Her hands were the slightest cold, and even *that* gave me goosebumps.

As her hand moved a bit more, I realized she was testing boundaries. *Oh my god*, I thought. *Is this really happening?* I’d had fantasies about this in private, but this was real! Flesh against flesh! My thoughts flashed back to my boyfriend – what would he *think*?? *Guess he’ll have a story to get off to later,* I decided. How could I deny what was happening?

I raised my hand up to meet hers, interlacing our fingers. I felt her hand pause, stopping for a moment. I could feel the nervousness welling up in her, as her breathing got faster and faster. I squeezed her fingers and she let out a sigh of relief. In that moment, I flipped to face her and snuggled into the crook of her neck.

“Holy shit, Rach,” she breathed, and I laughed. The tension melted between us immediately.

“Nik, you know I’ve never done this, right? Not with another woman.”

“Um, duh?” she laughed. “I thought you were straight as a wire up until about five seconds ago!”

“Well, I was … I mean … I am. Well, I guess not,” I giggled. She joined in the laughter, and suddenly I felt her hand move under my shirt and bra and up to my breast.

“Can I make a confession?” she asked. I nodded. “I’ve always wanted to feel these.”

“Well then feel ’em!” I playfully told her, bringing her other hand to meet the other breast. My nipples stood at attention under her touch, as she gently kneaded and pulled.

I looked up at her face, her eyes closed in pleasure. I took my hand to her chin and pulled it down to look at me. I don’t know why, but I wanted to see her face as she took me in. A mischievous smile crossed her lips and she breathed out a laugh. “Never in my wildest dreams did I think this would be happening,” she murmured, even though both she and I knew that was not the truth.

Suddenly, her hand grabbed my face and pulled it to hers, our lips locking together. They were so soft, I mused. I felt her tongue dart between my lips, and mine did the same in response. This was *nothing* like kissing a man. I wrapped my arms around her neck so that she couldn’t pull away.

After a few minutes of this, I felt one of her hands travel from my face, down my neck, over my breasts and stomach. I realized where she was trying to go, and looked up at her. She stopped kissing me, and I could feel her eyes asking silent permission. I nodded slightly in response.

Slowly she used one hand to unbutton the top of my jeans. She rubbed me through my panties at first, slowly and gently, trying to find my response. I felt my breath catch in my chest when she touched it, and she could tell she had found it. She started circling with her index finger, and my eyes closed in bliss. I had only ever felt this when I was playing with myself alone. Her speed fluctuated, seeming to know exactly how to do it. When she dipped a finger lower, I realized that my panties were already soaked. “Jesus,” I breathed. “I’m so fucking wet.” She bent her neck and gently bit my lip, and then moved to my neck, leaving sweet kisses on it all the while rubbing my clit.

Leaving her thumb rubbing outside, Nik inserted a finger into my pussylips, then two, then three. I could feel myself spreading wide for her, as she gently pushed her fingers in and out. Her other hand joined the first and took over on the outside, allowing more freedom with the other. I had never felt anything so pleasurable, even when I was taking cock. I could feel her fingers sliding in and out, slippery with my juices. I could feel my walls clamping down around her as the sensations built, and the tension from the pleasure kept building.

Nik’s mouth moved farther down my body, and as she nipped and sucked at my perky breasts I knew I couldn’t last for much longer. I think she must have known it too, because her finger circling my clit started rubbing faster and her hand pounded into me with more pressure to it. Finally, my body couldn’t take any more and released with a mind-blowing orgasm, better than any I’d had in my life – even when I was pleasuring myself.

When the tremors subsided, I opened my clenched eyes to see Nik smirking at me. “So, what’d you think of that?”

Drive be damned, I think I’ll be coming to visit more often.



  1. Wow that was terrific! Super sexy and created such a lovely visual in my mind. Thanks

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