MFF SUPRISE! Just hooked up with 2 sexy girls in my Apt complex! By cance I walked by at the right moment!

Well to start with I am not exactly your average hunk. I’m sort of an older dude that gets a few looks and I’m always flattered when I get that! Not generally someone that you would think of when you hear a story like this!

Anyway I was taking out a bag of trash then going to grab the mail later than normal because of a long day at work. On the way to the dumpster I passed an open door with some laughter and giggling coming from within and happened to glance in when I went by! I noticed standing in the room by the entrance a beautiful blonde hair girl of very petite size. I was totally busted when I looked in but kept going as if nothing was going on.

I through the trash away and continued to the mailbox to retrieve the days delivery. The whole time I was thinking about this super hot short girl and I must admit she caught me off guard but damn it was to late to hide from my rudeness! On the way passed her door I heard nothing but as I passed the door opened!!! I was sure I was going to get bit of a what for for looking in.

Instead a voice said excuse me, hey you! When I turned around a completely naked shapely woman was standing before me! I froze!!! With a smirkishley confident smile she says you might as well see it all if you going to look! She then motions me inside and comes out to reach for my hand. Soon as I entered I saw another young woman Seated on the couch with nothing on and her breast looked somewhat swollen. Maybe it was just the shock of it all but I was definitely out of my element. At this point the smallest girl tells me today will be my lucky day in starts to reach for my blue jeans.

There speaking to me in broken English and I was able to determine they were from Latin America but I didn’t think Mexico. I guess that doesn’t matter but they started to have their way with me and wanted me to eat pussy! So I did! To shorten this up a bit 4 hrs later I walked out with sore balls and weak legs and to be honest I didn’t think I could carry on a understandable conversation due to my tongue feeling like a manual stamp licker for a mass marketing company! My cock had been passed back and forth so many times I was sure it wasn’t coming with me when I left but I managed to zip up even though it took some gentle reajusting to get started!



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