To All The Rich Men…

The wealth inequality situation has gotten completely out of control. A handful of men own most of the wealth, while the majority of people are poor. And as a poor man myself, I’d just like to say to all the rich men… fine. Keep your billions if it makes you feel like a big man. And in response…

We will fuck your daughters. We will fuck the ever-loving shit out of your daughters.

What? You don’t think we can’t? It’ll be easy. Have you seen us? We look incredible. We’re shredded. We’re so fit and muscular from working hard on your land all day. And you know who loves our jacked bodies? Your daughter.

“But I’ve set her up with my rich friend’s son” I hear you say. That’s not gonna work pal. That guy is a weakling, who gets everything handed to him. He never had to struggle, so he never developed a personality. Your daughter finds him so unappealing. She likes guys who are rough and tough. Guys who have had to fight for everything. Guys like us who have a personality. Ask any girl, she’ll tell you that she wants a guy with personality.

Your daughter has been raised in your high society prim and proper ways. She knows she has to maintain a good image. She maintains that good image by doing charity work and helping the less fortunate. You know who the less fortunate are? That’s right. Us. She’ll come to us. Chances are that most of the people she’ll be helping are black. You know who loves black men? Your daughter.

Think she won’t like us? While you were out doing your expensive hobbies like fencing and tennis, us poor folk were doing less expensive hobbies… like fucking. We’ve spent a lot of time fucking each other to become experts. We know how to find her spot. We know how to make her scream. She’ll be begging for more as we cum in her.

“Not a problem” I hear you say, “I’ll just keep her at home and away from you”. Nope. That’s not gonna work. Things are going to break in your house. Sinks will get blocked, doors will get jammed, and your place will need cleaning. You know who’s going to fix all of that? That’s right. Poor people… who will fuck your daughter. Hell, she might even block the sink herself so that you have to get us round. Think we won’t be there for long? Wrong again pal. Your daughter has a closet bigger than our apartment. We could stay in there for ages and be just fine. Your only alternative is to try and fix it yourself, and we both know you’d fuck it up. Do you even know how to do your own laundry? What a joke of a man you are.

You can’t keep us away forever. Poor people working in construction built your palaces, so we know where all the secret exits and entrances are. And if you block those off, your daughter will simply walk out the front door and come to our place. Do you want your daughter to leave your comfortable home to walk through the sketchy neighborhoods to find us? Because she will. You’ve raised her to believe that she’ll always get what she wants… and right now… she wants us to fuck her senseless.

“Well I’ll just keep her locked away when you come over”. BUZZ. Incorrect answer dude. The more you lock her away, the more she’ll start to despise you. She’ll develop some serious daddy issues, and rebel even harder than before. She’ll be calling us daddy soon enough. “My daughter won’t hate me” I hear you say. Wrong again pal. You’re a rich guy because you’re a CEO who works all the time. You’re hardly ever home, hardly ever around to see your daughter’s pep rallies, hardly ever around to see her recitals. She doesn’t like you already. And if you keep her from us, you’ll only make it worse for yourself.

“Okay. Maybe you can temporarily win her over with your big cocks. But you can’t keep her forever because you can’t give her the lifestyle she wants”. You think you got us beat? Wrong! Us poor folk have learned to make do with what we have. She can’t go to that art gallery opening? She can see the art we have all over our bodies while we’re balls deep inside her. She can’t go to that fancy opera? We’ll teach her how to pirate it online, and then she’ll blow us afterwards to show her gratitude. She can’t go to that expensive wine tasting? We’ll give her the kind of booze that’ll make her feel so good that she won’t care how cheap it is, or how many guys run a train on her. She won’t get a big room to herself, and will have to share with everyone? Great! I bet she’d love a room full of cocks to play with.

We’ll even do things that you won’t do with her. Don’t want to take her on a shopping spree? We will, and then we’ll fuck her while we’re doing it. She loves getting impaled in the dressing room of a clothes store. She loves the idea of getting caught.

“I don’t have a daughter. I have a son. Your tricks won’t work on me”. Wow, you are stupid! Do you know what poor girls do? They become strippers, or porn stars, Instagram models, gone wild girls on reddit. The kinds of girls your son jacks off over every single day. He’ll give over his entire inheritance just to see one titty pic. Tell us he won’t with a straight face.

“I have no kids!”. Not a problem. The same shit works on your wives and your husbands. “I don’t have a wife or husband!”. So you’re rich, but you can’t get anyone? Wow, that’s impressive in a pathetic sort of way.

We are doing you a huge favor by leaving your daughters alone. But if you continue to hoard your wealth, and continue to take from the less fortunate, they’ll take from you too. What would you rather do? Pay us a decent wage? Or have your daughter’s virginity stolen by a gang of dirty commoners?

We’ll be happy either way.
