[Constructive Criticism][Work-shopping][MF][anal][ass to mouth][fiction] Giving Quinn a chance

**Disclaimer:** This story does contain some coprophilia (dirty ass to mouth) if you’re not into that please don’t read. If you do decide to read it and have any suggestions to improve my writing, please let me know.
He could feel Quinn staring at him again. He didn’t even have to look up to know. He could feel her eyes burning a hole through his sweater. It was two days before finals, but somehow they had the whole print studio to themselves.

Kyle grumbled to himself. He had all but finished his final project; a set of art-books showcasing local street artists and their graffiti, all he had left was the binding. It was no surprise Quinn was there. She had always been low effort, low effort in a way that seemed like she was trying really hard not to care. She was cute though even with her hippy-dippy-punk-aesthetic; septum piercing, gauged ears, tattoos, and all. She wasn’t tiny, but she was small, maybe 5’3, if he had to guess. Her face was round with cute, delicate features, and she had the cutest set of dimples. Beneath her thick (but surprisingly well-manicured) brows nestled a set of beautiful emerald green eyes. Her dirty blonde hair (which she naturally elected to dye streaks of hot pink throughout) fell almost to the middle of her back. Her chest was small, swelling just slightly pasted her ribcage, and while her hips were kind of trim, her ass was round, perky, and squeezably thick. Kyle had always considered himself an ass-man, and Quinn’s ass was simply mouthwatering, the only drawback was it was attached to Quinn.

He didn’t really understand it, he was her opposite; he was upstanding, studious, and rather plain by comparison, but her crush on him was obvious, even other classmates pointed it out to him.

She was quiet, but she always made an effort to talk to him. Occasionally, she’d ask him what was going on in one of their classes. If it wasn’t that, she’d go on at length about her favorite coffee shop near campus, video games, music, or her growing existential dread. Usually, her chatty moments were unprompted and often un-reciprocated. She also spoke in a semi-raspy tone, changing pitch and inflection between breaths. Which he found strange, and a little irritating.

As cute as she was, and despite her soft-looking, squeezable ass, Quinn just wasn’t his type. She bummed her way through every class he had with her. She always smelled like patchouli and fruit loops cereal. She wore her pajamas to class half the time, and he found her a little annoying.

He had just finished the hand-stitching on his last art-book when he felt a tap on his shoulder. The way she was staring, he was more surprised it didn’t happen sooner.

He sighed and turned around to greet her. Her hair was pinned up and messy tangled bun, her eyeliner was a little smeared. She was wearing a loose-fitting hand-cropped vermilion red hoodie that showed a bit of her slender midriff, paired with some high waist denim shorts.

“What’s wrong with me?” She asked sounding dejected.

Kyle narrowed his eyes and tilted his head, “What?” he asked confused by the sudden question.

“Why haven’t you asked me out, yet?” She quizzed in the same quiet raspy tone.

“What, why would I?” He countered.

She seemed taken aback. “I guess,” she paused a moment, “we talk all the time… and… the… way you look at me sometimes… I… I… thought maybe you were just… shy something?” She said, stammering through the sentence.

“I’m focusing on school right now,” he answered dismissing the question.

She stood there quietly, her mouth agape and the look on her face said she wanted to ask a million more questions.

“Honestly though, do you think we’d be a good fit?” he asked before she could begin her interrogation.

“…I think so.” she answered, “…but you dunno, you haven’t given us a chance.”

Kyle sighed, and then it explained it to her, “You have no ambition, you’re a bit self-absorbed, and you’re lazy.” It was harsh. He winced internally after he said it.

Her eyes went glossy and she pursed her lips for a moment and then shook her head, “You don’t understand, I’d be the best girlfriend ever!”

She held up her hand counting off her list of top-girlfriend-abilities, “I love cooking, I love cuddling, I like all kinds of movies, I don’t mind doing dishes, I love pizza, but I work out -like a bunch, I’d give you head… like all the time…” she trailed off and wiped her eyes before any tears could roll down her face.

Her last statement admittedly stirred something in him. He didn’t really like Quinn, but he didn’t want to make her cry either. He decided the best course of action was to scare her off.

“Honestly, Quinn,” he cleared his throat, “You’re cute and all but I just want to play the field a little, try a few things…”

“You mean, you like GUYS?” she asked tilting her head with suspicion.

Kyle laughed, “No…” he steadied himself, he couldn’t believe he was about to have this conversation with Quinn, “I always wanted to try…”

He paused and Quinn nodded encouragement, “how do I phrase this…ya’ know …butt stuff …with a girl…” he clarified.

“ANAL?” she sucked in a steady contemplative breath, “that’s it?”

“Well… yeah,” he admitted.

She pressed her lips together and blustered, “Pfft, I actually like anal,” she professed proudly. “We can do that,” she paused, swaying nervously, “-IF you take me on a date,” she added with a cheery grin.

Kyle’s heart skipped a beat, he couldn’t deny it was an enticing offer, but she couldn’t be serious, “Are you being serious right now?”

“Mm-hmm,” she nodded, though she sounded a little unsure. “Yea, for one date,” her mouth twisted, “like, one like a REAL date,” she clarified as if she was trying to reclaim some semblance of self-respect.

“One date,” he agreed.

“…and you want to do it here, now?” she asked quietly.

He couldn’t believe it, not only was she actually considering it, she seemed eager, “Yep, and I’ll take you out tomorrow night,” he answered.

Her hands and fingers seemed to grow all fidgety, “lube?”

“There’s some mineral oil in the storage cabinet,” he answered, “I’m pretty sure it’s food-grade,” he added.

“Weeell, okay…” Quinn said in a hushed tone, she was smiling and obviously trying to reel-back her excitement, it sounded like she was on verge of bursting into exuberant laughter.

“Okay?” His heart was starting to beat faster.

“Yea, dude, I told you, I would be the PERFECT girlfriend…” She answered with a coy smile.

His heart broke into a full-on gallop, he couldn’t believe what was happening. Still, he was torn, one date couldn’t hurt anything, but getting her hopes up seemed wrong… there was a fluttering in his stomach, and perverse reel running through his head, he decided to press her, ask for more. If she said ‘no’ that would be the end of it, but if she said ‘yes,’ he could try a few of the things no girlfriend let him do before. “I wanna try ass to mouth too,” he answered flatly.

Quinn fussed around with the empty belt loops of jean shorts. She gave him a pensive look, “…Ohhh, hmmm, wow…” she stammered, “well, I haven’t done that…” she swallowed hard, “what I mean is, I’d probably have to prepare for something like that…”

Her answer wasn’t a ‘no,’ he felt his cock jump in his jeans, “well, we can always plan our date another time,” he replied with what was perhaps a more overly dismissive tone than he intended.

“Hmmmhmm, yea,” she laughed dryly, “no-no, What? Ass to mouth?” She tapped her forehead with the heel of her hand, feigning embarrassment, “yea, it would SUPER rude not to clean up your cock after it’s been in my asshole, so hmmm, yea, whatever you want.”

He could hardly believe what he was hearing, he wondered what it would take for her to say no. What her limit was, “I think it would be really hot if you swallowed my cum too…” He felt guilty making all these demands, but he was on a gambler’s high, and Quinn seemed willing to do just about anything he asked.

She grinned happily and nodded, “Dude, of course, I ALWAYS swallow.”

“Okay, I guess,” Kyle ruffled the hair on the back of his head, a little unsure what Quinn expected of him now, “I’ll pick you up tomorrow around 7:30-ish, we can hit up that coffee shop off Cedar Post Lane, and figure things out from there?”

Quinn clapped her hands together, and tittered, “I’ll grab the oil,” before running off to print studio’s storage cabinet on the other side of the room. When she got there she flung open the cabinet doors before squatting in front of the lower selves. It was always a treat to see her squatting or bent over. The rounded swells of her heart-shaped ass coated in denim begged for his attention, but he managed to tear himself away to go lock the studio’s door.

He made it the to studio entryway door, but there was no discernible lock he could flip closed. The locking mechanism was a keypad and anyone with the code could get in, presumably any time they wanted. Kyle shrugged it off. It was late, and Quinn was the only other person he had seen in the building for hours.

“What does it look like!?” Quinn shouted as she searched for the mineral oil.

“It’s a clear bottle, with a white-label,” Kyle shouted back as walked back to his place at the Print Shop Table.

“Found IT!” she cheered before she spun around shaking the bottle triumphantly.

Kyle glanced around the studio walls, there weren’t any cameras as far as he could see, still the thought of being naked in the middle of the unlocked print studio both excited and terrified him.

She skipped happily back towards him, shaking the clear bottle of oil in front of her. He had to admit it was cute how excited she was about the whole thing. It was probably the happiest he had ever seen her.

When she arrived she set the bottle down on the table, and immediately fell into his arms, pressing herself into him so tightly it felt less like an embrace and more as if she was trying to sink into his skin. She was warm. She nestled her face in the space between his neck and shoulder and sighed. She was shaking, he looked down at her, the emerald green of her eyes fluttered, scanning his face, and then she pushed herself up on her toes and kissed him. The moment their lips touched her tongue was in his mouth and swirling against his. It was a deliberately sudden and needy kiss.

His hands fell passed the small of her back and cupped her ass. She moaned into his mouth in response to his caress. Her trembling sunk into her hips, her thighs wrapped around his leg, so she was almost resting on his knee.

He slipped a hand down the back of her shorts, his fingers coming into contact with her smooth supple ass. He squeezed, digging his fingers into her bare ass, she was moaning louder, her hips oscillating slowly, her pussy pressed hard against his thigh. His cock was achingly hard, smashed against the unforgiving zipper of his jeans. As if sensing his discomfort she reached down fiddling with the button of his jeans a moment, before working it free, and in seconds her warm little hand was slowly cranking the shaft of his cock.

She was twitching now, her mouth hung open over his lips, her kiss now just puffs of warm breath. His fingers curled around the edge of a bit of fabric, that was evidently a g-sting and he pulled it away. He slid his middle finger into the split of her ass and pressed it forward, the tip of his finger sunk into a puckered edge of her asshole. She suddenly dropped his cock grabbed his shoulders.

“I’m cumming…” she confessed hoarsely.

He pressed his finger in a little deeper, the resistant sticky entrance twitched, sucking the tip of his finger inside just before she before went completely rigid. She dug her nails into his sweater, her thighs teased up around his leg, her lips fell on him again, but her tongue was stiff. She only moaned, twitching slightly as the orgasm rolled through her. Little spasms squeezed the tip of his finger as held her there, it only went on for twenty seconds or so, but it was still shocking how fast it happened.

When Quinn finally caught her breath she slid away from his grasp, still red in the face, and visibly a little embarrassed, “it’s been a little while…” she confessed.

There was a small darkened stain spread out from the crotch of her shorts that trickled down the sides of her inner thighs. Even his leg felt a little warm and wet.

“It’s okay,” he smiled, “that was really hot.”

Quinn offered him a timid smile before she hooked her thumbs to the waistband of her shorts and shimmied them down her thighs, her tiny red panties clung on for a second, but she pulled those down in nearly the same instant, leaving both bits of clothing at the toes her chunky skater-shoes.

Kyle’s eyes fell on her pussy, her sparse blonde pubes were trimmed into the hint of a triangle, but he couldn’t see much else.

He swallowed hard, there was a strange feeling in his chest, he finished undoing his pants, and pulled down his boxer shorts. They both stared at each other a moment as if waiting to see if either would back out. Quinn pulled hoodie up and over her head, and he quickly followed suit and peeling off his sweater and tossing it to the floor.

She stood there half-naked in her black sports bra, eyeing his steeled cock, completely enraptured, she reached back feeling for the table, grabbed the edge, and then took a seat on the at the edge of the table, barely tearing her eyes away from his erection, “I don’t do stuff like this,” she confessed.

“Me either,” Kyle agreed.

“I’m nervous… but like in a good way,” She said quietly before nibbling her lip.

“Me too.”

She let out an anxious breathy sound, somewhere between a sigh and moan, scooted back and laid down, raising her legs before wrapping her tattooed forearm behind her knees, her ass cheeks hung heavy near the edge the table, her labia was smooshed together, rosy and appearing slimy-slick to the touch, his destination was beneath it, a pink puckered little crater that he still only barely see. He couldn’t have imagined a position that made her look more vulnerable.

Kyle gripped the base of his cock and positioned himself behind her. His cock was throbbing in his hand, each throb sent a needy jolt up his spine. Quinn was breathing heavy, he could see her thighs lift and sink with the rise and fall of her chest.

“Slow, at first… and then fuck like it you own it,” It sounded less like rules and more like a suggestion, there a tremble in her voice, and she could barely keep herself still.

If she kept talking that way he wouldn’t be able to hold back. “I’ll go slow,” He smiled, “just tell me if you need me to stop.”

Quinn nodded, he could see her smile through her knees.

He grabbed the bottle of mineral oil, uncapped the lid, and poured about a tablespoons worth of the liquid into his waiting palm before rubbing it across the length of his cock. The motion made him shutter, he still couldn’t believe what was about to happen.

Their breath was nearly in sync. He aimed his cock beneath her glistening wet pussy and pressed his hips forward. The oil slick head of his cock sunk into her asshole, and they both gasped. He wasn’t *in* quite yet but he could already feel she was painfully tight, “slow” she cautioned in a breathy voice.

He steadied himself, and pushed a little deeper, an inch of him disappeared inside her, the pressure was intense. He drove his cock inward as slowly as he could, but every throb seemed to make Quinn squirm. She took a prattling audible breath, and in an instant, his balls were suddenly pressed against her tailbone.

“Ahh, fuck that hurts,” she whined, gently nudging him back by pressing her feet to his chest.

“I’m sorry,” he edged back and held still, the heat and tightness around his cock was intoxicating. After a moment he inched forward and back, in short, slow thrusts until her gasps became moans, she eased her feet off his chest. Her brows furrowed, her nose wrinkled, she looked focused.

He began taking longer, deeper strokes, savoring the feeling. Quinn seemed to be enjoying it as well, her torso shimmied, and her hips jerked in eager anticipation of each new thrust. Her pussy was positively soaked, he could hear the wetness squish about between her heavy breathes.

When he swung his hips back plunging into her ass with his first heavy thrust, it made her tremble, and sent a thick blob of semi-transparent wetness gushing from her pussy, and dripping down and around her over-stuffed asshole. Her eyelids fluttered, “Arghhh, yes… please… yes… I was made to take this cock…” her voice was hushed, a little strained and dripping with lust.

As he fucked her, he was captivated with how amazing her voluptuous ass felt against his hips and how the intense tightness, warmth, and varying textures felt around his cock. Perhaps what was most shocking was how intimate it all felt. He found himself caressing her ass and thighs between thrusts, and carefully listening to the pitch of her moans.

Her eye contact was intense, her pretty green eyes begging for more as she babbled slutty teases, “I’m yours… I’m yours… I wanna… be your dirrrty little fuck-slut…” she repeated. Her words alone nearly sent him over the edge, he pulled out of her ass, to stop himself from cumming. She nodded, “You want me to suck you?” She swallowed hard, breathless, and lust-drunk, “You… want me… to clean up your cock?”

Kyle was too overwhelmed to answer, he held the base of greasy cock, pre-cum leaking front the bloated head, and gave her an open-mouthed moan. Quinn was off the table and kneeling in front of his bloated cock before he said a word.

That’s when he noticed his cock had taken on a slimy orange tinge, and it was speckled with bits of gooey brownish bits.

She leaned over his filth covered cover cock and shuttered, her mouth hovered over the head of his cock a moment, and then she pulled back and pouted. She breathed heavily for a moment and hesitantly reached over his cock her fingers poised to pick off some of the bits of filth that dotted the head and shaft of his dick, but then she stopped and looked up at him. She looked up at him and narrowed her eyes, her mouth agape, studying his blank expression for a moment.

Kyle only watched awe-struck, and then another spurt of pre-cum dribbled from the head of his dick, she glanced at it, nervously licked her lips, opened her mouth, and swallowed the dirty swollen tip of his dick, swirling her tongue around, lapping its tapered edges, collecting her filth with her tongue, and audibly swallowed. Kyle moaned in response, encouraged, she sunk down to the middle of his shaft, forcing more of the filth smeared rod down her throat. She slurped up and down, gagging, and drooling, carefully lapping around the tip of his head. She was teary-eyed, breathing heavy, and her lips were stained when she finally pulled away, “you like that?” she teased hoarsely, “huh?” she asked, giving his cock another tentative lick, “you like making me…” She cleared her throat and spat out some the tainted saliva on the floor before wiping her mouth her forearm, “making me… do dirty things?”

Kyle nodded, his cock looked mostly clean now. She was panting for breath and coughing quietly. Strands of slimy drool connected her chin and lips to the tip of his cock, all the while she was idly stroking him.

He could hardly believe she went for it, despite how filthy it was, the image of her doing it would be seared into his brain for the rest of his life. His toes were clenched, his cock was twitching in her grasp, the pressure in his testes was immense. He knew he would burst all over her fingers if she kept going on like that. The urge to cum was strong, but he wasn’t ready for this to end.

He bent down hoisting her up under her arms, and she shrieked in surprise, “what!? I thought you were aboutta cum?” she asked expectantly. She let him spin her around and compliantly bent over as he pressed against her shoulder with his hand.

“Does Master want some more?” She asked. The moniker was new. The title tingled his brain. Quinn was truly something special, he just didn’t quite understand what it meant yet.

Yea,” he answered.

She reached back sinking her fingers into her bubbly ass cheeks, her chin pointed across the room. Her knees trembling, “Please… please… fuck me… use me… however you want…” she begged hoarsely.

Kyle grabbed the base of his cock, and aligned it with her pink puckered ring, and gently pushed himself inside. Her asshole took him a lot smoother this time, but she still was intensely tight, he almost came instantly. They both moaned as he settled into place. She let her ass smack against him, so she could brace herself against the table.
He never quite understood the: ass equates to cake comparison until now, it looked… delicious, like a perfect slice of layered cake with drippy frosting, and his dick being crammed way up inside was like a cherry on top.

He decided at that moment this girl needed to be ass-fucked at least seven times a week, maybe twice on Sundays.

After a few steady thrusts he began fucking her ass hard and fast. He could feel the warmth and wetness of her pussy as his balls slapped against it. Her round bubble butt rippled with the force of his thrusts, constantly smacking back against him as he plunged into her. She hummed and squeaked, bouncing on the balls of her feet in an attempt to catch his rhythm, “So… good… that… cock…” her words were wet and hemmed with quick, sharp, shrill cries in reaction to his thrusts, she swallowed and took a breath, “yea, make me take it…”

The sensation of her cool smooth ass cheeks pressed against his pelvis was unparalleled. Her cheeks were soft and squishy, he began to linger after each thrust to grind her ass against his pelvis. The over-stimulation he was feeling was near insurmountable, watching her full thick cheeks jiggling up and down on his steeled erection, and the sounds she was making were becoming all too much.

He couldn’t hold back any longer. He reached over back and grabbed a fist full of her mussy dirty-blonde hair, his fingers lacing through the tresses to create a handhold to steady himself. She said she would swallow, but it was too late for that, his knees were trembling and the pressure in his balls demanded release. He grunted, loudly, as he felt the first spurt of cum leave his cock, then every once of tension in his body seemed to come pouring out through the end of his dick.

Suddenly she made a sound he’d never heard any girl make before it was a sharp gasp, followed by a guttural breathy chirping, her thighs trembled and her asshole started to spasm wildly, she was having her own orgasm and the sensation amplified his. Everything went searing white, and the world disappeared for a moment. His cock twitched hosing down the walls of her ass with several spurts of cum, when it finally ebbed, he collapsed on her back. She was panting and writhing beneath him, her asshole still pulsing on his fading erection every few seconds.

“That was fu-cking… ahh-ma-ziiing,” she moaned.

Kyle could scarcely keep his eyes open, “I didn’t know women could orgasm… from anal…”

“Neither did I,” she confessed.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/l9eqd7/constructive_criticismworkshoppingmfanalass_to