[Str8][cuck] I am my mother’s pride: An Asian’s woman journey towards the arms of a white man – Part 1.

Hi all, would love to share my partially true story based on real events. Some facts, names, locations, and actual events were changed to protect the identity of everyone, and make this a more interesting story. Hope you guys like it!


Part 1:
Today is the day – I am finally getting married to the love of my life James Chan… well, one of the loves of my life. The one who my family, friends, and coworkers know us as. My other love, Ryan Suder, will be there all along the way: from the moment I walk down the aisle, to my first night having sex as a married woman. In fact, he will be the one making love to me tonight, not my future husband.


I am my mother’s pride – the youngest daughter of the 3 she had and raised pretty much alone. My mother moved to Maryland from Vietnam when she was just 9 – her family relocated to New York City when she was 14 where she met my dad. My mother had to help out with family finances at a young age, picking up odd hour jobs at jewelry shops in Chinatown, working early at a Bakery, and watching her younger siblings. She had to drop out of High School right before her sophomore year in order to support the family.


She met my dad at the jewelry store. He was also a teenager working there but he was not struggling financially. He came from a middle-class chinese family and had a comfortable life, he just wanted extra money to buy things for himself. He is charismatic and a sweet talker, he flirted with my mom almost daily and would even make the trip from Queens to Brooklyn to bring my mom gifts.


They got pregnant with my oldest sister when they were 18. My mom moved in with my dad’s family and she continued working at the jewelry store in order to support the new addition to the family. My dad was pressured to go to college by my grandparents, so he enrolled full-time at Queens College and worked part-time as a lifeguard at a fitness club.


My oldest sister, Annie, was born in 1988. She was mostly raised by my paternal grandparents since my mom was holding two jobs and my dad was busy with school and work. It wasn’t long until my mom became pregnant with their second child and gave birth to my second sister, Jenny, in 1990. She was also raised by my grandparents until my dad graduated in 1991 and got a full time job at a financial firm in Manhattan. A year later, my mom was pregnant with me.
I was born in 1993 and was mostly raised by my grandparents and my mom. My dad had become too consumed with work. He was ambitious, spending 12 hours a day working and trying to climb the corporate ladder. My mom continued to work at the jewelry store, but that was her only job and had regular hours so she would be home to help my grandparents cook dinner, often leaving left-overs for my dad who would arrive home at 11:00 PM.


My mother’s prideI am my mother’s pride – she would often say that as I was always more attached to her while my sisters were closer to my dad. We all had the luxury of finishing High School and going to college. My sisters stayed in the New York area – Annie attended college in Manhattan and studied hospitality: she always wanted to manage a resort. She had many boyfriends and I got to meet a couple of them, she always dated White guys, something my mom was not very happy about. My mom wanted her to find a good Chinese man, but Annie never considered one. Annie eventually married Tom in 2014, an Italian-American medical professional – he was really tall and slim, but he was a good looking guy. They now have two boys who are the cutest when they speak Chinese.


Jenny followed Annie’s steps – she also went to the same college and studied hospitality. She was more reserved and open minded when it came to dating. Her first boyfriend was Korean, but my mom never knew this. She had a long-term relationship with Steven, a second generation Chinese-American guy; my mom was very happy about them and even anticipated their wedding, constantly talking about them getting married and having kids. Unfortunately for my mom, that relationship ended when Steven moved across the country for a job opportunity and the long-distance thing did not work out. I think my mom was more devastated by the break up than Jenny was. Jenny eventually married John in 2017. I don’t know what his ancestry is, all I can say is that he is very tall and fit. He actually met my sister at the gym. They are currently expecting a baby boy.
I, on the other hand, did not follow my sister’s footsteps. I went to school in Southern California and met James, my first and only boyfriend. My mom adored him, a Chinese guy who spoke the language, came from a good family, and was in college – exactly what she wanted for all her daughters. My mother was really proud of our relationship and showed it off to all her friends.
“He is very smart, and speaks Cantonese with his parents, he is also good looking, look at this picture of him with my daughter” my mom would say to her friends on Sundays while they would have morning dim sum. I am my mother’s pride.


**The Golden Coast**

After graduating in 2015, I decided to stay in California to be with James as he finished his MBA. My mom was okay with this as she did not want long-distance to do the same thing it did to Jenny. I got a job as a project manager at a tech company and moved in with James a few months after. Our relationship was great, he always made me laugh and listened to my work problems. Our sex life was great also, or at least that’s what I thought; after all, he was the only man that I’ve been with.


James is 5’10, muscular, and has great hair! We did not have sex often since we had busy lives, but we tried to spice things up once in a while. One time, while we were getting intimate, James turned and asked me if I was interested in a threesome. I was not shocked, which guy does not want two chicks at once? I told him if I said yes, if he had any girl in mind.


“No… I mean with two guys. Would you, uhm, be interested?” he asked.


I was now in shock. “You want me to be with another guy?” I asked.


He grinned and nodded. He said it’s always been a fantasy of his to be part of a threesome with another guy. I responded with the same question: if I were to say yes, if he had a guy in mind. He didn’t, but said he always imagined a Black or White guy to “tag team” a girl with him. We roleplayed and talked about having a threesome as we were having sex, he’s never been this hard before and he was really into it – this was the best sex I’ve had so far!
Our sex life changed after this revelation – it was more often, and he was eager to talk about threesome scenarios and watch threesome porn as foreplay. I was into it too! Having the attention of two guys at once? Yes please, fantasy I didn’t know I had! But that’s all it was, a fantasy. Until James asked me if I wanted to try it for real. I was nervous, not sure if it was a trick question, but we’ve always been honest to each other so I told him that I would not mind, but I was very happy with what we had. He looked disappointed at my answer, I thought I messed up so I asked him what’s wrong.


“I was hoping this was something you really wanted, I want to make this fantasy a reality” he said.


I told him that I do really want this, but he is my number one priority so I would not do it unless he was okay with it. He smiled and told me he was really okay, and wanted me to enjoy myself. I told him sure, and asked him if he had someone in mind. He did not, but suggested signing up for a tinder account so the next morning we downloaded the app and started browsing after breakfast. I immediately matched with a couple of good looking guys, but I did not know how to talk to them, especially with James around.



“Go away, I get nervous while you are around when I’m in the app!” I told him.


James went to the room to do some work while I continued to swipe and chat with guys. My attention was on this guy named Jared – a White muscular guy with a great jawline and smile.


Jared: gif of owen wilson saying wow.

Me: respond with gif of jackie chan dressed as chun-li.

Jared: Are you flirting with me?

Me: was I not obvious enough?

Jared: I don’t know, was focused on those killer thighs.

Me: lol, I wish I had killer thighs, but I’m happy with my chicken legs.

Jared: no way they are chicken legs, looks like you work out.

Me: I do a bit, hard to get good gains but I get my squats done haha.

Jared: I have something you can squat on ;).

Jared: JK sorry, it was too easy. I had to, please don’t be mad – let’s have a normal conversation.

Me: Haha no wories, my boyfriend tells me the same joke.

Jared: boyfriend? is this what I get for making that joke?

Me: Noooo, sooooo…..

Me: I do have a boyfriend, but I want to have a threesome with another guy and he is encouraging me to find a guy.

Me: sooo are you game? Ever had a threesome?

Jared: gif of owen wilson saying wow.

Jared: Well, I never had a threesome, and always imagined one with two gals, not another dude.

Jared: But damn, you are really hot. It’s worth seeing another dude naked if that means I get some time with you. As long as there is no contact with him.

Me: No contact with him at all! So would you be willing?

Jared: Yeah

Me: Okay, we’ll prefer to meet you in person first. To make sure you are not a serial killer haha.

Jared: Same!


Jared, James, and I made plans to meet next weekend. We exchanged numbers and chatted during the week. He added me on snapchat and we started exchanging flirty pictures. He then sent me one of him topless and wearing only tight underwear, his dick was outlined, erect, and swinging to the left. It was big, probably more than twice as big as James. Jame’s dick is never outlined like that when he’s wearing underwear. I felt flirty, so I sent one of my wearing just my bra as I was getting ready for work.
After work, I met James at the gym and worked out for about an hour. We stopped by a restaurant to get some take out before going home. At home, James was getting dinner set up, I pulled out my phone and saw two snapchats from Jared, which I had ignored while at work. I open them and it is a dickpic – Jared sent me a picture of how hand holding his fully erect dick.


“Omg” I shout in surprise.


James was just walking back and saw it.


“Is that Jared’s?” He asked.


I tell him yes, and I can’t believe how big it is. He can barely grip it and there is much more left that his hand cannot cover. James asked me if I’m nervous and if I’m going to respond. I tell him I never had anything that big, and not sure how to respond.


“well… he sent a dickpic, so the appropiate response is a titpic” he said.


“I… guess? okay, let me go to the bathroom, I don’t want you watching” I respond.


I head over to the bathroom, while still wearing my gym attire, I pull up my top and take a picture of the reflection on the mirror and send it to Jared. He responds asking for more but I tell him to save it for when we meet. We continue to flirt via text and snapchat throughout the week, all while James gets more and more excited for the weekend.


Saturday morning comes – we agreed to meet Jared at a bar/restaurant in Ktown a little bit after lunch time. I wake up early Saturday and find that James was already up in the kitchen, I wash my face and head to the kitchen and ask James what the plan is: if the chemistry is right… are we doing it today? Are there any boundaries?


“Only if you are comfortable, just speak up and say what you want to do. And… uhm, no boundaries really, just have fun!” he responds.


I smile and nod. I told him I need to get ready then, shave my legs and what not. He gives me a kiss and puts on the Office and gets on his phone while I go get ready. I get in the shower and wash myself and shave… I just shaved a couple of weeks ago but I am too self conscious. After I’m done, I step out of the shower and walk into the room and I see a Victoria’s Secret bag on the bed.


“What is this?” I ask James.


“Just a little something for when you are ready – tonight or any other night” He responds nervously.


I unwrap the paper on top of the bag and pull out a black and red lingerie set. I have never worn anything like this, not even for him but the thought of dressing with lingerie really turns me on.


“Wow, this is fancy… should I wear it to meet him?” I ask.
“Yes, that way you’ll be ready – kinda like reverse ironman” he jokes.


I put it on. It fits well and I actually like how I look with it. I put on leggings on top of the bottom and wear a plain gray top. I go out to the living room and join James in watching tv, we chat about work for a bit and waste some time before we head out to meet Jared.
We arrive at the restaurant and see Jared standing outside waiting for us. He is early. We awkwardly walk towards him while James does a quick wave and I’m just smiling like a fool – I don’t know what to do in these situations, I become too self-conscious about my walk. James shakes his hand and introduces me, he extends his hand to shake mine but I feel flirty so I go for the hug and the cheek kiss.


“Oh that’s nice” Jared said.


I just smile and we all share some small talk before going into the restaurant. At the restaurant we ordered some drinks and a bunch of appetizers while we got to know each other. We were all engaged and talking – not really about threesomes or sex, but just common interests, work, sports, and hobbies. It was nice and friendly and I felt comfortable hanging out. The threesome never came up during the 2 hours we were eating, drinking, and chatting – it was now almost 4 pm.
We asked for the check and while we waited, James asked me what I wanted to do. I smirked and nodded my head – he and Jared smiled, they knew it was a go. We split the bill evenly and we offered Jared to give him a ride and we can drive him home after too. He agreed and we were on our way back to our place.


**James the Cuck**

It was awkward. How do you initiate a threesome? We all agreed that maybe we needed a couple more drinks before we started, James prepared some cocktails while Jared and I sat on the couch watching tv. James returns with the drinks and sits on my left while Jared is on my right. James and Jared finished their drinks quickly, I am not much of a drinker so I was just sipping my mojito with no mint (I know). We chat a bit more and watch some more tv, James gets up to get a refill and while he is in the kitchen, Jared leans towards me and gets close to my face. I kiss him on instinct and we begin to make out.
I’ve never kissed a white man… I feel his facial hair rubbing against my smooth face. He is good with his tongue. I then remember that James is here, I stop kissing Jared and look towards the kitchen and I see James giving me a quick glance and smiling, he then returns to making his drink. I go back to making out with Jared. He pulls off my top and tries to undo my bra but realizes it is not a regular bra. He stops kissing me and opens his eyes and sees the top of the two piece lingerie.


“Wow” He whispers.


I look over to the kitchen and see James is just standing by the island drinking his cocktail while smiling towards us.


“Like what you see babe?” I ask him.


“Yeah, I could watch you all day” He responds.


I smile and get back to making out with Jared – he’s a really good kisser. It’s getting really arousing, it feels so wrong but I really want this. I feel the urge and begin to slide down and undo his pants – I always struggle with taking pants off, he notices it and takes them off himself. I see the same outline I saw on snapchat. It’s even bigger in person.


“Want to see what’s under?” Jared asked.


“I’m scared… it looks really big” I say.


“No worries, I’ll be gentle” he whispers to my ear.


I pull down his underwear. There it is, exactly as I saw on snapchat. I estimated it to be 8 or 9 inches and circumcised – never measured James but comparing it from memory James must be 3 or 4 inches uncircumcised. There is some precum on his tip already. He puts his hand on the back of my head, gesturing for me to give him a blowjob. I bow down and open my mouth as wide as possible, it barely fits but I begin to suck him. I’m struggling, I do not have experience with anything this big so I feel like my teeth are scraping a bit. I stop to ask him if it feels good.



“Yeah baby, don’t stop. It feels great” he responded.


I get back to it, but begin to lick around his shaft instead – my jaw needs a break. I continue to give him oral for what it feels like it’s 10 minutes. He stops me and brings me up to kiss him. We start making out again and I whisper to him to remove my leggings. He removes them and I start to rub my clith against his dick through the lingerie.


“How bad do you want it?” Jared asked.


“Bad…really bad” I responded.


He puts me on his right lap while he puts a condom on. I remove my bottom while he does this while I’m starting at James. He is still dressed and just watching us… I’m wondering when he is planning to join. Jared lifts me up again and we continue making out while he rubs his dick against my clit. I’m getting really wet – he keeps teasing me.


“Put it in” I whisper.


“Beg me for it” Jared says out loud so that James could hear.


“Please put it in me” I respond softly.


“What?, I didn’t hear you,” Jared says.


“Please fuck me already!” I scream.


Gosh how I want it. He kisses me and lifts me up to guide his dick into me, he goes slowly but I can already feel how tight it is – he is thicker than James too. I’m moaning from the moment he slid his dick in me. He is fucking me slowly while I’m on top of him, he bends his neck to try to bury his face on my breast but he’s too tall. I grab his face and make out with him instead while I begin to ride him faster and faster.


“Fuck, feels so good omg” I moan.


We continue to make out. Jared gets up while I’m riding him and begins to fuck while standing. Never done this before but OMG it feels amazing. I can feel all of him inside me. I hear and feel his thighs smacking against my buttcheecks – I can’t believe I can take it all. Jared walks with me towards the bedroom and throws me on my back. I have my legs spread open.


“Fuck me please. I want you.” I say.


I look towards the door and I see James standing there leaning against the frame with his drink on his hand. Still dressed. My view is then blocked by Jared who begins to kiss me again.


“Fuck!” I scream as I feel him sliding his dick in me again.


He fucks me missionary as I wrap my legs around him and my arms around his head. This feels even better than before – I always liked missionary more. This feels amazing, I feel a tingle around my groin. I love the passionate sex. Jared picks up the pace and begins to slam harder against me.


“Fuck yes, this feels so good. More, more, more!” I scream.


“Ever had a dick this big?” Jared asks.


“No! You are the biggest, fuck me!” I scream.


He fucks me harder and harder! I feel like I’m about to explode, never felt anything like this before. He is going faster and I’m no longer moaning, I’m screaming. I don’t remember what I’m screaming anymore but I think I kept saying his name: Jared.


He’s about to finish, I can feel it. He is pushing against me harder and harder – he pulls out and removes his condom, I immediately get on my knees and let him finish on my face.


“Fuckkk !” He screams as he shoots his load on me.


I have my mouth open and tongue out, but flinch as soon as the first drop hits my face. It keeps coming, he is cuming a lot! I have my eyes closed and I feel Jared’s dick on my lips, I open my mouth and suck him off a bit more – he moans and then pulls out. I run to the bathroom to wash off my face but decide to shower instead.


Before I get in, I hear James and Jared talking but can’t make out what they say. I ignore it and proceed to shower. I then just realized that James did not participate at all, I kept thinking of him at the beginning but forgotten about him during missionary, it felt like a good 15 or 20 minutes of passionate sex. I also just realized that this was the first time that I kiss or have sex with a white man. He tasted different… but I liked it, I liked the feeling of being with another man – it was naughty. I just finished washing my lady parts when Jared steps in the shower. He’s naked and erect again.


“Oh hello” I say as I try to tiptoe to kiss him.


We make out and I get aroused again. I know he is too. I get on my knees and begin to suck him. I don’t like how the shower is hitting my face so he turns me around so that his back is blocking the shower. He’s moaning and grabbing my hair – I always loved giving blowjobs because I enjoy his moans and seeing him feel good.


“Fuck me” I tell him as I look up to him with his dick touching my bottom lip.


He stands me up, turns me around, and bends me over. He tells me he needs to get a condom. I stop him and ask him if he’s clean, he nods and I tell him to just fuck me then. He slides his dick in and begins to fucks me. I’m screaming. I feel him slamming his thighs against my cheeks and hear the water splashing with every motion he makes. I feel the tickle again, I feel that he’s about to cum – he moans and then pulls out. I get on my knees again and he shoots his load on my face again, it’s not as thick or heavy this time. I suck him off one last time and continue to shower with him.
I finish showering first and step out. I dry myself off and walk towards the room with my towel covering me. I almost forgot. James. Is he mad that he did not get to join?


“Hey babe, are you mad? Why didn’t you join?” I asked.


“I’m not mad babe, I guess I’m just a cuck. He said and smirked.


I had no idea what he meant, but I know he was fine with it.


*Part 2 will include:*



Mike, Steve, Adam


Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/l8csb8/str8cuck_i_am_my_mothers_pride_an_asians_woman


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