Picking up my younger sister in law from the highschool graduation party.

It was a warm summer night of June. Not unbearably hot since it was early summer but not chilly either. It was around 3am when I left as I had promised I’d go pick up my gf’s younger sister from the highschool graduation party since she was sleepy and I was more of a night owl. I wasn’t really in the mood that day, I wasn’t super keen to go at a place where drunk teens would play loud music and dance. The house they were partying at was at a nice place by the sea. I could hear them shout and sing from afar. I pulled over outside and gave her a call. “Hey girl, I am right outside”. “Heey, I’ll be there in a sec”, she happily replied and hang up. I could tell she was wasted just from her voice, I could barely hear her due to the loud music that was blasting in the background.

I got outside the car and waited. Ten minutes passed yet nothing. “Are you coming, I am waiting at the entrance”‘, I messaged her a bit irritated. “Just a minute.. ;)”, she replied shortly after. I exhaled and tapped my foot impatiently. Another five minutes passed. My phone vibrated. “Be there in a sec, don’t me mad at me.. /kiss emoji”. Well that was my issue with her, despite being a really good girl, she was a bit spoiled and got all cute when she wanted something. Another ten minutes went by and my patience was running thin, I was standing there for almost half an hour, waiting for her like an idiot. “Are you coming or are you walking home?”, I furiously texted her. Two minutes passed and no reply. Obviously I couldn’t leave her there, despite believing it would teach her a lesson about punctuality so I decided to go in and fetch her.

As I went through the outer door I could hear the cheerful yelling of partying teens and the music getting louder and louder. Despite the fact I was only 6 years their senior, I couldn’t help but feel like a Boomer being around children. As I walked I noticed how the girls who were all dressed in tight dresses, heels and jewellery looked more physically mature than their male counterparts, half of whom had not fully grown facial hair. It was pretty apparent why girls used to date older guys back in highschool. As I approached, I noticed a group of girls eyeing me and giggling. I wasn’t really in the mood to mess around, so I just went up to them. “Hey, you girls know Irene right?” I asked. “Yeah..”, the one in the middle replied. “Can you tell me where she is?”. “Are you her boyfriend?”, she asked in an inquisitive manner while the other two girls giggled. “No. I am her sister’s boyfriend, I am here to pick her up. Now, do you mind telling me where she is?”. “You’re her older sister’s boyfriend? Um, I think I saw her walking to the beach about 15 minutes ago with some other girls and some boys..”. “Thanks”, I said and set off for the beach.

It was significantly darker and I could only make out silhouettes. There were beach chairs scattered and many couples had withdrawn from the party in order to make out there. Somehow the concept of finding her making out with some fuckboy while I was waiting for her for almost half an hour enraged me ever more. I located a group of kids, gathered around a camp fire singing and drinking. “Excuse me, is Irene with you?”, I asked. The girls looked at me without speaking and the boys took a few seconds to realise I was talking to them. I didn’t need to think why, I could smell weed. I looked around and eventually noticed one of the guys held a joint in his hand which he reluctantly put away after sensing my gaze. They all looked at each other, confused and slightly nervous, not knowing what to answer. “Um dude, she wasn’t feeling too good, she went for a walk. Greg’s with her.”, one of the guys hazily replied while a girl tapped his hand, as a sign to stop talking. I started realising what’ was going on. Irene had clearly smoked weed and being the young, innocent girl she is, she got sick and naturally some fuckboy would seize the opportunity in order to seduce her. “Are you her friend or something?”, he asked. “No, I’m her brother. Which direction did they go in?”, I lied, unwilling to engage in small talk. “Oh shit dude, sorry. She’s fine, they just went for a walk cause she was feeling a bit sleepy, that’s all. She’ll be back in a minute.”, the guy anxiously replied, snapping out of his stoner limbo and trying to find his phone.

“I didn’t know Irene had such a cute brother.”, one of the girls, who was clearly wasted, giggled. “Elly shut up. We are in trouble” another girl from the group whispered. “Dude just chill with us, she.. she’ll be back in a minute.”, he stuttered looking down on his phone while rapidly texting. I knew he was texting the other guy, Greg to bring her back, but my patience had ran out and the thought of her being fondled by some stoner fuckboy was making my blood boil. “Listen, I’ve been waiting for her for more than half an hour. Point me to their direction now and I’ll leave you be.”, I firmly insisted. The guy was clearly stressed. On one hand he didn’t want to give away his buddy who was clearly trying to get some pussy, but on the other hand he was scared I was going to tell on them or worse if he didn’t do as I said. “Um, I think they…”. “That way.” the same girl that shushed her friend interrupted him, pointing further away from the beach. “Good. See? it wasn’t that difficult…” I said and immediately set off. “Shit…”, I heard another girl say as I moved further away from them. I walked for a minute or two in complete darkness, with the full moon being the only light source which was reflected on the calm waters of the sea.

At some point I noticed two silhouettes. One clearly belonged to a male and the other to a petite girl with curly blonde hair; it had to be her. I quickened my pace and approached them, confirming that it was indeed her. She was clearly tipsy and dazed and the boy was hugging her. “Greg, I am dizzy. let me sit down for a moment”, I heard her say in a feeble voice. “Come on..”, he said as he pulled her toward him. His attention shifted from her to me as he noticed me walking up on them. “Irene!”, I shouted strictly and loudly. Irene escaped from his clutch, ran up to me and embraced me. “Jayy”, she giggled in a playful voice as she hugged me. “Don’t sweettalk me, you little troublemaker. I’ve been trying to find you all over the party.”, I told her off. “I am sorry, please forgive mee”, she begged in a cute, high-pitched voice as she brushed her face against my chest and tightened her grip on me. I took my eyes off her and directed my gaze at Greg who was uncomfortably watching us. “She’s clearly tipsy, for lack of a better word, where exactly were you taking her?”, I inquired. “Are you her brother?” he asked in an unsettled voice. “Yeah”. “We… we were just going for a walk cause she felt dizzy, dude. I was just taking care of her, I swear..!”, he tried to excuse himself.

“Let’s get out here. You’re in trouble, little one”, I scolded her as I placed my hand over her back to help her walk. I didn’t want anyone else to see her like that so I took a shortcut through the bushes that were behind the beach, next to the house. “Wait, I.. I can’t..”, she said as she tripped over. I picked her up and carried her in my arms until we made it to the main road. She nested her head on my chest and closed her eyes. “On your feet”, I instructed her as we made it back to the main road. Irene struggled to balance herself. “Can I just wait here while you bring the car?”, she asked. “No, I am not leaving your spoiled ass out of my sight for more than half a minute.”, I strictly replied. “Then can you carry me?”, she asked in a playful tone. “No, on your feet. You’re a grown girl”, I declined.

I helped her walk until we made it to my car. I unlocked it and opened the door. “In you go, miss.” Irene let out a sigh of relief as she sat in the front seat. I closed the door and went around, sitting in the driver’s seat. As the light in the car turned on, I was able to see her better. She was wearing a tight black dress, high heels, and hoop earrings. Although she had just turned 18, with the proper make up and attire she looked older. The dress also did a good job at highlighting her curvy body, especially around her mid section. By looking at her hips, it was also apparent she exercised and more specifically that she squatted. It was the first time I was looking at her as a woman in my head and admittedly she looked pretty hot, no wonder someone was trying to take advantage of her stoned drunkenness.

She squinted her eyes as the bright light hit her and moaned in discomfort. “Needless to say I am not taking you home like that, your sister will have my ass if she sees you”, I remarked in disapproval. I started the engine and drove off in search of a 24/7 store until I finally located one a few kilometres away. “I am going to get you some water, I suggest you go to the toilet and get yourself sorted”, I advised her. We got out from the car and walked toward the store’s entrance. As she walked in front of me I couldn’t help but notice how neatly her dress curved around her cute, round ass. As we walked in, Irene caught the clerk’s eye as she headed for the WC who only looked back at me when I stood right in front of his face. “Two bottles of water and this snack bar”. I paid the clerk and waited for her to come out.

We walked back to the car. It was almost 4am and the streets were empty. I sat in and turned on the radio. Irene moaned in discomfort again as she heard the music playing, prompting me to lower the volume. “Can I take my shoes off please? They are killing my feet..”. “You may”, I nodded. She removed her high heels and curled up on her seat as she took a a couple of sips from the bottle and opened her snack. She began eating eagerly, as she must have been starving after the drinking and smoking weed. “Please don’t tell my family about today..” she begged me. “Are you serious? They’ll have both of our heads if they find out”, I jested. She giggled and rested her head sideways on the back of the seat. My gaze met her beautiful green eyes for a second. She wore dark red lipstick which made her extremely kissable.

Irene extended her bare feet and placed them on the windshield. Her thighs sure looked good as her dress curled up, exposing more of them. “Don’t get footprints on the glass now.”, I warned her. “Come oon, can you stop telling me off like a kid all the time, you remind me of my sister!”, she playfully complained. She took her feet off the windshield and placed them on my lap as she kept eating her snack. “Better now?”, she giggled. “What’s next, do you want a foot massage as well, princess?”, I jested. “God yes, my feet are killing after wearing heels all night long”, she replied while chewing. “Well maybe you shouldn’t be wearing them for so many hours. Although you do look good in them and they do highlight your backside.”, I teased her. “So, you did notice…”, she responded suggestively. “Don’t be a smartass with me, princess. The whole party noticed”, I replied, putting her back in her place.

I placed my hand on her ankles and began rubbing them softly. Irene let out a sigh of relief as she felt my palms massaging her feet. Her skin was soft and slightly tanned. I was aroused. “I see you’ve had enough time to suntan as well”. I remarked. “Been to the beach a couple of times”, she uttered as she relaxed her head and closed her eyes. “You owe me big time”, I noted as I moved higher and began massaging her calves as well. “Mmmm, what do you want..?”, she asked, still immersed in the massage.

“Well for starters I think you need a minor punishment”, I suggested. “You left me waiting for half an hour and then I had to come in looking for you, only to find out you were getting wasted, smoking weed and fucking around with this Greg guy”, I stated, switching back to my strict tone. “I wasn’t fucking round with him.”, she said defensively. “So you do admit to drinking alcohol and doing drugs then.”, I teased her. “Well… It was the first time I tried weed and I felt dizzy after and Greg wouldn’t leave me alone!”, she explained. “Sounds to me like you need a good spanking nonetheless, young lady.”, I replied suggestively, moving even further up and caressing her thighs which twitched and shook as a response to my touch. By her body’s reaction I could tell being massaged and told off aroused her.

“Ok, if I let you spank me, are we even?” she asked bluntly. “Maybe, it depends on your behaviour from now on.”, I replied as I wasn’t expecting an affirmative answer. Irene got up from her seat and placed her hands on my hips, as she bent over with her backside extended. “What are you doing?”, I inquired as the situation was getting out of control. “What? You said if I let you spank me as punishment, we’d be even”, she innocently responded.

My heart pounded and my cock started getting hard. “You’re playing a dangerous game here, princess”, I whispered in her ear as I leaned toward her and placed my hand on her waist. “I am not a princess”, she whispered, antagonising me. I moved my face closer to hers, lifted my hand and landed a slap on her extended ass. “Mmm, is that all?”, she questioned provocatively. I lifted her dress over her ass cheeks and landed another slap on her bare ass. “Mmm, ouch”, she exclaimed as her cheeks rippled and a bright red mark began to form. “The first time I went easy on you. Come here”, I demanded. I grabbed her face and tilted her toward mine. We started kissing. I felt her tongue making its way in my mouth. I bent her over and slapped her butt again, even harder this time. “Ouuch”, she complained submissively. “If you are not a princess how come you are always standing up people, asking for favours all the time and constantly trying to sweettalk your way out of trouble, huh?”.

Irene collapsed on my lap. That’s when I noticed her sexy lace thong stretching between her ass cheeks. “Plus you need someone to save your nice little ass eventually…”. She blushed and sighed as she felt my hand grope her juicy round ass. My cock was throbbing in my pants, begging to escape. I pulled her thong to the side and began teasing her gorgeous little pussy with my middle finger. “Ahhh”, she gasped as she felt it rubbing her lips. I slowly penetrated her soaked pussy and lustfully fingered her as she lied on my hip, gasping and trembling. “You have a nice pussy, princess. I’ll give you that.”, I complimented her.

Irene stood up. She sat on my lap me and we kissed passionately again. All the frustration that she caused me tonight had found a way to vent. I lifted her dress further up and spread her ass cheeks. Irene looked me in the eyes and grabbed my cock. “Careful there, princess. Are you sure you want to awaken the beast?”, I teased her again. “Seems pretty awake to me”. She pulled my zipper down. I proceeded to unbuckle my belt and pulled my pants down. “Fuck me”, she gasped. I pulled her thong aside and held my cock up as she squatted on me, letting him in; how could I decline such a tempting proposal? Irene let out a loud moan as I slowly penetrated her. She made sure I was all the way in and then started riding me up and down.

The sensation was amazing. Her tight teen pussy in combination with her sweet moans made me hard as a rock. “Hopefully this will buy me your silence”, she exclaimed. “For a time. We might have to do it again in the near future… And then again and again and again…” I continued, thrusting my cock inside her each time. “…To ensure you’ve learnt your lesson”, I concluded. “Aahh, it was so hot when you said you were my brother in order to protect me..”. “You think I was gonna let Greg have that sweet pussy of yours? You’re too good for him”, I scoffed. “You came here and claimed me for yourself, didn’t you?”, Irene gasped as she kept riding my cock. “Exactly, if anyone deserves to mate with you tonight, that’s me.” She moaned in pleasure every time she heard me confess my possessive desires. She slammed her sweet, freshly shaven pussy hard against my erect, throbbing cock. “Fuck, I am close, daddy!”, she exclaimed. “Yes, cum on my hard cock, princess.”, I urged her as I slapped her ass once more.

Irene began wailing and vibrating hard as she orgasmed to the sound of me calling her “princess”. She pressed her breasts against my face, prompting me to kiss her erect nipples. She eventually collapsed on my chest and I kissed her forehead. “I have never been fucked like that”, she admitted. “You’ve been fucked a lot?”, I asked. “Noo.. I’ve only been with one other guy in fact..”. “Then you don’t have a point of reference”, I teased her. “Well, my best time with him was not even close to this.. I have never wanted to be fucked so hard”, she revealed. “Half of the work is done before you even begin fucking. You haven’t seen anything yet..”, I smirked. “Now I want you flat on your belly in the back seat”. Irene moved between the front seats and proned in the back. I leapt on her like a predator leaps on its prey. I spread her thighs and guided my cock back in her sweet pussy.

She began moaning again as soon as I was inside her. “My turn to have fun”, I smiled. I began proneboning her by ramming my cock in and out. Irene gasped and gripped the seat hard as she got pounded from behind. “You’ve almost received your full punishment”, I whispered in her ear as I breathed heavily down her neck. “Aaaaah, do you want to cum on me?”, she said in an adorable little voice as she lifted her dress, revealing more of her ass and lower back. “No. I want to cum in your sweet little mouth”, I groaned while gripping her chin. “Has anyone ever cum in your mouth, princess?”, I asked while pounding her so hard I could hear my balls slap her pussy. “Uh-uh”, she nodded negatively. “Good. I want to be the first to feed you..” I said while pulling out. I sat next to her and stroked my cock until she turned around. “But it’s soaked in my juice..” she said sceptically. “Yeah so? It’s your own juice.” I pointed out as I held my throbbing boner in my hand. Irene grabbed my dick and began sucking it. “Good girl, keep going”, I commended her while caressing her curly blonde hair. “Now, massage my testicles”, I instructed her. Irene kept sucking me off while rubbing my balls with her hand. “Fuuck, I am cumming for you, princess”, I exclaimed as I felt the juices rushing out of my cock. “Mmmm gghhh ghh”, she cried flinching, as she gagged on my cum which flooded her little mouth.

Despite it being her first time, Irene clenched her beautiful red lips around the tip of my cock, taking all of my bursts in her mouth. I came a lot. When she raised her head, her cute cheeks were all blushed and bloated. “Mmm?”, she inquired while pointing at her mouth. “Swallow it, princess.”, I suggested. Irene made a gulping sound as she tried to swallow my load. She managed it, for the most part… Some of it came dripping down her lips and chin, which was a rather satisfying sight to watch. “Well done, you did great”, I commended her as I caressed her back while she gasped for air and coughed. “That was a lot of cum!”, she exclaimed in surprise while some of it still dripped out of her mouth. I pulled a pair of wet wipes out of my car’s glovebox, took one off and handed it over to her so she could clean herself up. “Now that you’re finally 18, you can enjoy the finer things in life.. And I can enjoy you..”, I remarked lustfully. She cleaned herself and lied on my lap. I caressed her beautiful face and gave her a minute to recover. Irene got her phone out and read my last text. “You would have let me walk back home??”, she asked unsettled. “As it turned out, I am glad I didn’t. But don’t you dare stand me up again”, I playfully scolded her while pinching her cheek.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/l89m5w/picking_up_my_younger_sister_in_law_from_the


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