Safety in numbers [MFFFFF] [groping] [fondling] [handjob]

I had just finished up with my gym routine — today had been leg day, followed by sixty minutes of cardio — and was slipping into the showers of the locker room. I work swing shift, and so by the time I was done working out it was past three in the morning. The gym was nearly empty at that hour, and I had the shower room to myself, meaning I could take my time, nobody waiting, wanting me to hurry up and finish.

Then I heard giggling from the locker room. Girls’ giggling, from the men’s locker room. Huh.

“Just go check, Valerie,” a girl’s voice said.

“There’s nobody here, it’ll be fine,” said another.

“I can hear a shower running,” said a third.

“I think that’s just the plumbing,” said a fourth.

“Just check!”

“You go.”

“Safety in numbers, girls.”

I turned to the locker room door and called out, “Uh, hello?”

A redhead girl appeared in the doorway, bare-shouldered, a towel wrapped around her, tucked beneath her arms. She stood there confidently. “Hi. Hot water’s out in the girl’s locker room.” Another girl leaned in over her shoulder, peeking in, looking at me.

I was bare ass naked, and automatically tried to preserve whatever modesty I could. I turned my back to them, spoke over my shoulder. “Ok, um, well I’ll be outta here in a moment. Then it’s all yours, I guess…”

She was grinning at me, her gaze flicking up and down my body. “You a degenerate?”


“Then take your time,” she said, striding in, no hesitation. A group of girls followed her in, some walking confident like her, some more timid, each wrapped only in a towel. “Try anything and we’ll beat you up,” she continued, “These girls are my field hockey team. You’re no match for us.” Her grin took on a viscous bent.

I was wide-eyed, frozen in shock like a deer in the headlights.

“I’m Valerie,” the redhead girl said. There were a dozen empty showerheads, but she took the one next to me. I goggled. She had casually removed her towel and was hanging it up on the hook, My jaw dropped as she turned around, my eyes absorbing her athletic and toned body, the pert tits suddenly on display next to me.

“Nice dick,” she said, staring at my crotch.

“What?” I yelped, moving my hands to try to shield myself from her view. She had a defiant look, as if trying to prove some point.

“Well, you said you weren’t a creep,” she said, “And since you were checking me out, figured it meant you were cool with the same.”

I felt a slap on my ass, and gasped as I spun around. A lithe, slender brunette girl had taken the spot on the other side of me. She was tall, as tall as me, and looked me directly in the eye as she said, “He’s got a nice ass, but I don’t know about his shoulders, I feel like he should work on those more, get some more definition, you know?” Her skin was ivory, and her breasts large and prominent.

A girl with dark eyes and lustrous, black curly hair — Persian maybe? — walked into the streaming water of the next spot down. “I don’t know,” she said, “Look at his legs. They look nice and powerful, no?”

I had never been objectified like this, or at all, really, and I was blushing hard with embarrassment. Do I show off, give these girls what they want? Or shrink into the corner and try to disappear, like I want?

From behind, a hand squeezed my upper arm. “Let’s see you flex those biceps.” I looked over my shoulder, saw a petite blonde girl, hair tied into a long pony tail, grinning wickedly. “C’mon, do it!”

I shook my head, just barely, not even really thinking about it. She tucked her chin and batted her eyes sexily, “Please? For me?”

“Do it,” Valerie called.

“Do it! Do it! Do it!” the girls all started chanting.

What the fuck? But the room was ringing with the echoes of their shouting, and my head was spinning, and it was just a silly request anyway… so I blushed and gave in.

The girls started whooping and cheering as I raised my arm. And when I flexed, the blonde girl ran her fingertip along my arm, giving an appreciative ‘ooh.’

Hands reached out — I don’t know who’s — and spun me around. I let them, too overwhelmed to even resist, and an Asian girl was standing there, looking athletic and fierce. She had a dispassionate look on her face as she examined me like livestock.

Her hand reached out, ran down my belly. “But not quite a six pack,” she said, “Maybe if he works at it another month.”

There was someone’s hand on my ass, squeezing and kneading it, and the tall brunette girl was doing the same to my arms. I couldn’t help but watch her tits bounce as she did this. She saw me looking, smiling at me as she arched her back, pushing her tits out farther.

I whipped my head to the other side and gasped. Valerie was pinching my nipples. She gave me a knowing grin, like she had a secret she wasn’t sharing. And then I was distracted again, hands tickling my knees, making me twitch and shake. I looked down and saw the petite blonde girl on her knees in front of me, her grin even wider than before.

“Look, he’s getting turned on,” she said.

I was? But it was true, my cock was swelling, lifting up, growing stiff and red.

“What I like,” Valerie said, her hand now teasing my thigh, “Are those balls. Anne, no offense, but Johnny’s balls gross me out.”

“Fuck you, Valerie,” the tall brunette said.

Valerie continued unabated, “But look at these, nice and big, but sturdy, solid, hanging tightly. Not flopping all over the place.” She cupped my balls in her hand and gave them a gentle squeeze. I sucked in a sharp breath.

“Johnny’s cock is nine inches,” Anne protested.

“Yeah,” said the Asian girl, “But it’s bent crooked. Not straight and tall. Like this one.”

The Persian girl giggled and walked over, placing her hand on my stiffening erection, her fingers forming a ring around my shaft. “I think this one’ll be thicker, too.”

“Well, geeze, Yasmin,” Valerie said sarcastically, “Why don’t you just jack him off while you’re at it?”

“Nah,” the Persian girl — Yasmin — giggled, “I don’t think he’d like that.” But she started slowly pumping her fingers anyway.

“Yeah,” the Asian girl said, rolling her eyes, “He sure seems to hate it.” She reached out and ran a teasing finger along the underside of my dick, stopping to flick and tease my glans.

Yasmin had pumped my dick fully erect by this point, and my head was spinning. The five girls, their hands all over me, taunting me, tantalizing me, hands stroking my muscles, my sensitive thighs, my balls, my cock. “Oh, fuck,” I groaned.

Valerie laughed. “Look at him go.” She took hold of my hand and placed it on Anne’s chest.

“Hey!” the tall brunette exclaimed, but not only didn’t brush me off, she actually stepped closer, her body brushing against me. So I squeezed and fondled her tits, played with her pink nipples.

Valerie slid up against my other side, her butt bumping against my palm, and she grinned as I groped her ass. Her hand was still on my balls, and she’d gotten more aggressive, squeezing and tugging on them.

“Hey, Kwan,” Valerie said, “Do you think he’s behaving himself?”

“I don’t know,” the Asian girl — Kwan — said giving me a piercing look. Damn, but it was sexy. “I think he needs a reminder of who’s in charge.”

She pulled Yasmin’s hand from my cock, and then, suddenly, she slapped it.

I yelped as my dick bounced off my thigh and sprang back into place. Then she did it again, and again, and at the same time Valerie’s hand on my balls was squeezing harder and harder, and I whimpered.

The blonde girl’s hands were tickling my thighs cruelly, making me buck as Anne’s fingers pinched down hard on my nipples.

“Oh fuck, oh fuck,” I was muttering in between gasps, “Please…”

“Please what?” Valerie taunted, “You want us to leave you? So you can finish by yourself?”

“No!” I wailed.

“What do you think, girls?” she said, “Does he deserve it?”

“Eh,” said Anne, “Why not?” She grabbed my cock and began pumping it with powerful strokes. I groaned from the sudden pleasure.

“You’re too nice, Anne,” Yasmin said, but her hand joined Anne’s, gripping my shaft with surprising strength. I groaned again, bucking.

“Stop hogging his balls,” Kwan said, her hand taking Valerie’s place, rubbing and squeezing my sac. I was afraid of what she’d do, but her fingers were surprisingly gentle as she played with them.

It was silent for a moment, the only noise the sound of running water and me panting in pleasure. Everywhere I looked, a cute girl, nice tits. There was no way I was going to hold out long.

“I think he’s gonna cum!” the blonde girl said. I looked down, saw her bright blue eyes looking directly into mine, giving me an intensely lusty look.

“Yeah,” Yasmin said, teasing my thigh, “Look at him go.” Her tits were swinging in my face, her nipples dark and mesmerizing.

I looked from girl to girl. Each was watching me, making eye contact, each giving me their take on a flirty grin, a coy glint to the eye, a teasing smirk.

“Oh, fuck,” I groaned again, thrusting my hips up, pushing my cock out. I felt the orgasm coming, felt my body tense up, felt the bliss wash through me. My balls flexed. A massive jet of spunk shot from my cock, a thick rope spraying out into the air. Then another.

The blonde girl dodged, but not fast enough, and some landed in her hair. She giggled.

“Wow,” Valerie said, “Look at that!” Cum continued to ooze from my cock as the girls pumped me dry.

“Good lord, guy,” Anne said, “You been saving up?”

But I figured the question was rhetorical, and I was out of breath anyway, so I just stood their panting, weak in the knees as the girls left me to go finish showering.

I took my time, recovering while the hot water ran over me. The girls left the room as a group, most without even another glance, but Valerie paused to give me a wink. “You can’t tell anybody about this,” she said.

I felt indignation. “Why not?”

She laughed. “Because nobody would believe you.” Then she was gone.



  1. holy shit m8 really good story. Just read this to my girl, both got really turned on.

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