[OC] Kalack Comes Part 1 [Sci-fi]

Kalack Comes Part 1

Catherine, sitting on a sofa in her spacious living room of the remote farmhouse her and her husband Mark were temporarily living in while their new house was being built, glanced up nervously, checking the time again on the cable box sitting on a cabinet below the widescreen TV. She then glanced at her phone, clutched nervously in her right hand seeing another minute had past since the last time she checked. Her anger had changed to worry over the last hour of waiting, not quite frantic, but close. She twirled a lock of her shoulder length strawberry blond hair, a nervous habit she’d had since childhood.

Mark was three hours late. He should have been home by 5pm, now, it was just after 8. He had not answered any of the numerous calls she had made to his phone, no text messages returned, nothing. The TV was on, she’d watched the local news for any accidents, but nothing was reported. Her legs curled up under her, Catherine absently tapped her foot against the cushion of the sofa and drummed the fingers of her left hand on the arm of the sofa. Tears beginning to form, she wondered if Mark had crashed somewhere and had not been found. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she thought that perhaps he was with someone else. She fought to push that thought out of her mind.Just has she hit Marks number on her phone, she heard the front door open. Catherine flew off the sofa, racing for the front door. She was torn between hugging Mark close and ripping him a new one for worrying her so badly.

As she turned the corner from the living room to the front door hall, she caught her first sight of Mark, her concern instantly changing to shock . He looked disheveled, his shirt rumpled, his hair soaked, sweat dripping down his face.

With a clearly labored breath, Mark managed to get out a weak, “Hi babe, sorry I’m late.”“What happened, where have you been!” Catherine said. Her voice filled with worry, concern and tinged with a hint of fear. She grabbed him around the waist and began to help him towards the bedroom. “Honey, what’s wrong!” she said again.

“I’m not feeling too good,” Mark said, again weakly. Catherine helped him sit on the bed and he fell backwards with a groan. Catherine raced to the bathroom to get a cool, wet cloth. She returned to sit on the bed and wiped his face.

Marks eyes closed he said slowly, “I was coming back on Old Mill road because the Interstate was jammed up from all the construction. It was foggy as hell and about half way, around where that nature reserve place is, I suddenly felt really damn sick.”

Catherine finished wiping his face down and felt his forehead with the back of her hand, feeling for a fever. “You feel warm hon, I’m going to get you something.”. She went into the bathroom and returned with some pills and water. “Here, drink these down, it’s something for a fever. Do you have a head ache? Stomach ache?” she asked.

“My head hurts like hell” he said. “I thought I was going to puke, so I pulled over, The next thing I knew, I opened my eyes and it was dark. I felt like shit but didn’t puke, so, I drove on home.”“Do you want me to take you to the ER?” Catherine asked.

“No, I think I just need to sleep some.” Mark said. A worried Catherine helped Mark undress and slide under the covers. She held his hand and touched her lips to his forehead, then whispered in his ear. If you wake up later and are hungry, dinner will be in the refrigerator. If you aren’t feeling better in the morning, I’m taking you to the doctor” she said in a voice that would not accept no for an answer.Catherine got off the bed, switched out the light and went to get the kitchen cleaned. A short while later, she slid into bed next to Mark who still felt warm and was restless. As Catherine lay there in the dark, she heard Mark mumble something as he tossed and turned but she could not make out what he said. After a while, sleep claimed her.

Catherine woke when she felt Mark get out of bed. She glanced at the bedside clock and saw that it was the normal time Mark would get up for work. She felt exhausted, troubled dreams plagued her sleep. As she watched through bleary, tired eyes, Mark went into the bathroom and she heard the shower start up. She could only recall flashes of the dreams that troubled her. One was vivid, Mark towering over her with a far away, blank look to his eyes. Less definable splashes of a goo on her skin, beeping sounds like hospital monitors, and a pair of huge black eyes staring at her.She got out of bed and made her way to the bathroom to check on Mark. The hot, humid air trapped in the bathroom turned to mist in the cooler air of the bedroom when she opened the door. She opened the door to the shower and looked in. Mark was standing still, the hot water of the shower pounding on his head and shoulders.

“How are you feeling?” she asked with concern.

Mark slowly raised his head and and with a simple grin said, “I don’t know what happened last night, but I feel really fine today. But I think it would be a good idea to take a vacation day and make sure. Besides, it’s Friday and I don’t really need to go in.”

With a strange laugh he said “It might be better for the world if I were here today.”

“I’ll get coffee started” Catherine said tiredly. Mark smiled at her and leaned in to kiss her lightly on the lips.

As Catherine started the coffee, she looked out the kitchen window, even though the Sun should have broken the horizon by now, heavy, low clouds blocked most of the light.

Sipping her coffee, Catherine still felt very tired and worn. Mark walked into the kitchen nude, looking well rested and a startled Catherine thought, almost glowing.

“You’re looking better and…naked” Catherine said, her eye brows raised questioningly.

Mark took a sip of his coffee, smiled at her and said “Funny thing is, I feel fantastic, better than I have in a long time. “

Catherine gave him a puzzled look and said, “Last night, you looked horrible, now? It’s weird to me that you seem to have gotten better so quickly. I thought for sure I was going to have to take you in to the ER last night.” “I know, I really can’t explain it” he replied. “I just feel so…like I’m brand new. Before yesterday, I’d been feeling like I wasn’t accomplishing anything, I had no real purpose.”

Catherine caught a change of expression cross Marks face. His eyes narrowed, his brow furrowed and he put his cup on the counter beside him. Flexing his shoulders and back and in a low, but serious tone of voice and he said, “But now? Now I feel I have a real sense of mission, a real purpose.”

His fixed gaze on her caused Catherine to become a bit unnerved. With some trepidation in her voice she asked, “Wha…what do you think, your, ah, real purpose is now honey?” She took a nervous sip of her hot coffee, staring over the rim of the mug at Marks face. She could see his expression darken, beads of sweat were beginning to glisten on his forehead.

“While I was sleeping, it all came clear to me. That I’ve been chosen. Of all the humans on this planet, me, I was chosen to open the way.” Mark said low calm voice.

Catherine slowly lowered her cup to the counter and stared as Marks cock thickened and rose to prominence. A drop of pre cum glistened a strange silvery translucent color on the head of his cock as he took a hesitating step toward her. She searched his face and saw that dark, blank look in his eyes and the twitching of his cheeks.

Nervously, she asked Mark, “Honey, what…what are you talking about?” She moved slowly, her back against the counter, her hands lightly gripping the edge of the counter, toward the dining room. She felt deep down something wasn’t right, Mark, this nude Mark standing in front of her didn’t seem like “her” Mark. Something she could not define felt wrong. The feeling of fight or flight was beginning to build deep in the pit of her stomach.

He grabbed her arms with a firm grip and pulled her tight against him. Catherine’s breath came in short gasps, her blood ran cold as he leaned in and whispered huskily in her ear, “You are the vessel, the chosen hope. I must prepare you for Kalak, You must be prepared.”

She felt the heat radiate from his body, penetrating the thin fabric of her nightshirt. She could feel a warm spot on her skin as the precum from his raging erection soaked through. With fear shaking her voice and a tear tracing its way down her cheek, she said “You’re hurting me babe, we…we need to take you to the ER. Something isn’t right. You aren’t acting like yourself hon.”

Mark took a half step back and the blank mask on his face fell for a moment. “Hurt you? No, never, you, you Catherine are the vessel, you are the hope. I must prepare you for Kalack.” he said gently. Mark swept Catherine up in his arms, she struggled, wriggling her body to break his grasp, pleading with him to put her down, but it was useless, his grip was firm, unyielding and his vacant expression showed no emotion as he took her from the kitchen towards the bedroom.

Once inside, he gently sat her on the bed and quickly removed her nightshirt. Catherine absently covered her breasts, bewildered as to what was going on. As she began to slowly scoot backwards across the king size bed, she said “Mark, honey, please listen to me. Something is wrong, something isn’t right, Please, let me take you to the ER. They can find out and, and you’ll be fine, you’ll be Mark again.”

Catherine let out a startled yelp as Marks hands flashed out, covering the space between them in a flash, gripping her ankles and pulling her back to him. “You are the vessel, you are the hope, I must prepare you for Kalak” he said over and over as if it were a chant. His hands firmly pulled her to the edge of the bed. Catherine grunted as pushed with all her might against Marks chest, trying to push him back, throw him off balance, anything for a brief moment to put space between them.

“Mark, STOP!” she screamed. “This isn’t you.” She strained to push him off, tears flowed across her cheeks and then, it happened. She felt an ever so brief moment when time stopped. Her ankles were no longer restrained but the moment passed before she could react, he trapped her thighs between his and grabbed her wrists. In a flash, Mark had Catherine flat on her back and her arms pinned above her head.

Catherine looked up into Marks eyes, gazed on the face she knew so well, the one etched into her memory, and saw only a pale shadow of the man she had loved more than life for so long. The face of “this” Mark inches from her face, she could feel his breath on her and felt a wet drop hit her cheek. Confusion muddled her mind as she saw the source of the wetness. Beads of sweat, the same translucent silver color covered his forehead. He leaned closer, For a moment, a brief moment, it seemed to Catherine that the mask had dropped and old Mark, her Mark could see her. She could see a flicker of confusion in his eyes and he said “I..” And like that a flash of lighting, the mask returned.“You are the vessel, You are the hope, I must prepare you for Kalck.” Mark said, He leaned down and began to kiss her. Catherine kept her lips firmly clamped and tried to move and twist her head away from him but with every moment of contact, every moment of touch, she felt something strange begin to warm her lips. Slowly, the warmth spread across her face, down her neck. Her mouth parted for a moment and his tongue touched hers. The feeling of contact was electric and massive. The strange warm feeling exploded across her body. The part of her mind that remained aware, struggling, trying to escape was being overwhelmed by the warmth spreading across her.

Her arms still pinned above her, Catherine was not aware that her thighs were no longer pinned until she felt a knee begin to spread them. Meeting no resistance, Mark planted himself firmly between her legs.

Her breath came in short pants as she felt a hand on a wrist move and the head of his cock began to slide up and down her slit. Her lips petaled open as the head of his cock grew slicker. Her body betrayed her mind as her own juices began to flood her, adding to the slickness made by Marks own body.

Her eyes widened as she felt the head of his cock penetrate her just a bit. The warmth had spread across her body. Mark began to grunt between the words, “You, Are, The, Vessel, You, Are, The, Hope.” Each grunt drove Marks cock deeper and Catherine’s body began to react. Her mind though was shrieking for Mark to stop, though no words escaped her lips.

Once Mark was fully seated into her, he began to thrust at a steady pace set by the chant. Catherine mind was torn between the physical sensations of pleasure, as each thrust raced along her engorged clit, and the terror of not understanding what happened to her Mark. The warm feeling she was feeling, the one that started the moment Marks cock contacted her pussy, was overwhelming her senses, driving the terror in her mind to a small place.

Her own grunts of pleasure began to escape her lips and her free hand shot up, grasping Marks shoulder Her legs wrapped around Marks ass holding him against her and her pelvis began to match each of Marks thrusts.

Catherine felt her own orgasm beginning to build.

“Harder Mark” she gasped. “Fuck me harder!” Marks pace did not change, the tempo remained in time with the chant. Catherine’s own cries of pleasure began to compete with Marks chants. The sounds of skin slapping skin filled the room and the aroma of their lust filled the air.

Catherine’s eyes shot open then clenched shut, her body stiffened and she let out a cry as she came as she had never cum before. Her head thrashed from side to side and she drove her hips hard against Marks cock as wave after wave rolled over her body and mind.

As her own orgasm began to subside, she felt Mark stiffen, the chant stopped as he let out a guttural cry. She could feel his cock spasm deep in her as he came.

Panting and spent, Mark withdrew and loosened his hold on Catherine. She drew in deep breaths and scooting away from the edge of the bed, struggled to sit up. The warmth still enveloped her body and her mind began to struggle again with the reality of what was happening.

Mark panted for breath above her, his body pinning her to the bed, her wrists now free. He lay his head on her chest and absently stroked her hair as he had done so many times before.“Mark, honey, please let me help you” she said weakly, He raised his head and looked into her eyes. Again, for a moment, she saw her Mark. She could almost make out conflict raging behind his eyes. The twitch had vanished from his cheeks.

“Catherine, I..I” was all he was able to get out before the mask descended again. He leaned down and kissed her again. Catherine just could not resist the intensity of the kiss and the renewed warmth the kiss generated. The tiny part of Catherine that still resisted could tell that the kisses, while intense, lacked the passion that filled “her” Mark.

He broke the kiss and looked into her eyes. “You are the vessel, I must prepare you for Kalack.” He lifted off of her, grabbed a pillow and placed it next to her. He then gently rolled her onto her stomach so that her hips were centered on the pillow. Catherine felt frozen in place. Part of her wanted, needed to run, but a stronger part kept her in place. She heard the sounds of a drawer open and things being moved around. Catherine felt Marks weight return to the bed and his body lay on top of hers. He whispered in her ear, “I must prepare your for Kalack.”

Mark gently spread Catherine’s legs wide and then, she felt a cool wetness on her rosebud. Her resistant mind knew what was coming, something that rarely happened but was enjoyable when it did. She felt Marks left arm move under her waist and pull her back so she was on her knees, legs spread wide. Her nipples hardened as they dragged across the roughness of the blanket on the bed.

She drew a deep breath as she felt his finger circle her ass and then exhaled as she felt him penetrate her. Mark started his chant again, softly and drawn out “You are the vessel, you are the hope, I must prepare you for Kalack.” First one finger spread the lube into her, twisting and turning, widening her out. Then a second entered, both twisted and turned together. Catherine’s breath was deep and prolonged. The sensations of Marks fingers were undeniable. Then a third was added. The feeling of being stretched felt wonderfully stinging.

Catherine could hear the unmistakable sound of a cock being heavily lubed up. She felt his fingers withdraw from her and the head of his cock at the entrance to her ass. She felt herself open for him as he applied steady pressure. Suddenly, the head of his cock penetrated her ring and clamped down on his shaft. His hands gripped her hips and he slowly thrust his cock into her. Catherine moaned as he inched deeper into her. His thrusts were short and shallow as she relaxed to accommodate his shaft.Soon, his thrusts were deeper, fuller, in tempo with his chant and her breathing changed to moans and grunts. She could feel the pleasure increase. Without warning, Mark moved a hand around under her and felt out her clit. The attention he paid to her increased the pleasure and she felt an orgasm building. The sounds of skin slapping skin and their combined moans and grunts filled the room.Catherine cried out in passion as her orgasm exploded without warning, Her muscles clamped down hard on Marks cock as he was deep in her. The tightness cause Mark to loose his rhythm and coat Catherine’s insides with translucent silvery cum.

Mark fell across her back and his cock slowly began to shrink. In Catherine’s mind, the struggle continued, but the resistance was weakening. She felt Mark withdraw from her and he got off the bed. She heard him go into the bathroom and the faucet turn on. She continued to lay across the bed catching her breath, trying to win the war in her head. She heard he faucet turn off and Mark’s weight return to the bed. She felt a warm washcloth on ass as he leaned in and he weakly whispered in her ear, “Cat, remember I love you, always.”

She turned her head fast enough to see the mask descend again.

A flash of lighting lit up the bedroom followed by an enormous clap of thunder. Mark quickly got off the bed and raced to the window, throwing open the curtains. He looked out and up. Suddenly, there was a bright, almost blinding light that flooded the bedroom through the uncovered window and a sound like a nearby jet engine at full blast filled the air.

Catherine sat up and shielded her eyes, search for Mark. She could make out the shape of his body, blocking some of the brilliant light.

“You are the vessel, you are the hope, I have prepared you for Kalack.” Mark shouted over the din. The brilliant light suddenly extinguished and a pre dawn darkness filled the room. The sounds that filled he air rapidly silenced.

In a calm, monotone voice, Catherine heard Mark say “Kalack comes.”

Catherine lay on the bed, the part of her mind that needed to resist starting to win the war for control of her body. As she sat up, trying to will her body to move off the bed, she heard the unmistakable sound of the front door opening. Fear gripped her as she could make out soft sounds of movement in the hallway. She turned her head as she caught movement out of the corner of her eye. Mark had moved quickly from the window to the foot of the bed and knelt down with his head bowed, his palms on the floor, waiting.

A glow from the hallway, growing closer, began to chase shadows from the room. Catherine’s fear returned like a tidal wave, freezing her in place as two small creatures entered the room. A strangled cry caught in her throat and her body shook from shock.

Both creatures were nearly identical. Both didn’t appear any taller than an average ten year old. Their skin appeared completely hairless and gray, their large eyes dominated their faces but Catherine noticed neither had a nose, just thin slits. She could not make out ears but they both had a thin slit where a mouth should be. Their arms were thin and long with only four fingers on each hand. The creatures torsos were thin as were their legs.

Their heads surveyed the room, gazing at Catherine for a while before settling their eyes on Mark.Catherine heard a strange, soft clicking sound and then Mark said “Yes Kalack, I have prepared the vessel as instructed.” She heard him pause and he said, “Thank you Kalack, I serve you.”

Catherine had not heard any words from either creature, just a clicking sound but she could not tell where it came from.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/l7dfle/oc_kalack_comes_part_1_scifi