How I (M) started a life with a conspiracy theorist. Part 1. (Vanilla)

Skip to the sexy stuff (scroll down) if you don’t want the details. Sorry. First time writing erotica, please leave a like if you like it and/or feedback. Both would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

In the virtual world, it’s easy to live out our wildest fantasies, to connect with people from all corners of the earth. Very rarely do we get to live out those fantasies, in reality, our carnal desires are always hidden behind a mask of human decency in the real world. Of human expectations. Even among our closest lovers, we still have some parts of ourselves hidden, some deep pit of our soul that no one has ever seen. It takes a special person or experience to make us shed those masks, very few of us willing to take it off ourselves. My person came in the form of a five-foot-three woman named Angela.


 We had been talking for about a year and a half online before we finally met. Many nights were spent describing the various things we would do to each other, but now we finally had the chance to carry out those fantasies. If only I knew then what I know now. I would have moved mountains to get to her years ago.





I was a little nervous upon meeting Angela for the first time, a nervousness that quickly evaporated the moment I felt her in my arms at the airport. She looked stunning in her black dress. It hugged her petite figure, highlighting each curve of her body. She wore silver earrings and bracelets which complimented the honey tone of her skin. Her dark brown curly hair was tied in a simple ponytail and the only makeup she had on was a deep shade of maroon lipstick. Deep kisses, smiles, and hugs were exchanged and I, not particularly caring I was far from home in a foreign land, didn’t care who saw our public displays of affection. My only care in the world was already taken care of. Angela was finally by my side after so long. After so long communicating from the other side of the world, it seemed almost surreal to have her in my arms now. 


Due to delays in the flight, I did not arrive until late evening, most shops were probably going to close soon, but the hotel offered a lively dinner, one that I wanted Angela to join me for, or perhaps a dinner in the town. I looked down at her and smiled, breaking free of our long embrace and proposed the question.


Playfully Angela considered, putting a finger to her lips with her brow furrowed, and pretended to think on the idea of accompanying me to the hotel. I watched her carefully, smirking as I do so.


“I don’t know hmmm… how do I know you aren’t a serial killer?” Angela said smiling, her long ponytail swaying as she tilted her head back at laughed at her joke.


I smiled back, amused “You have to do better than that Angela love, what kind of serial killer travels around the world for their victims?”


“Well….” Angela said, doubling down. “You could be one of those unique serial killers who only want a specific victim.”


“Yeah, right!” I said, laughing now “What kind of serial killer only goes after the smartest, kindest, most beautiful person he knows? And that is not even touching the fact those most serial killers DO have a very specific type. How about this? We go get something to eat first, and then you can come to stay with me for a bit at the hotel. I don’t know my way around this place, so I need you, Angela….. in more ways than one.” Saying the last part with a note of playful seriousness. 


Angela smiled then looked at me with those beautiful hazel eyes and said “I have the perfect place for us and they’re open late! Shhh!!” She said, putting a finger to my lips. “Don’t ask, it’s a surprise!”


I agreed to this, and we got in Angela’s car. Soon we were pulling up alongside a small building, red and blue neon lights shining cozily into the night sky, CRUSH.


“Ohhhh!” I exclaimed excitedly “I didn’t know we were going here. If I recall correctly, you love this place!”


“Yes!” Angela said, stepping out of the car. “They sell weed here. And coffee. We can’t stay here, due to the Covid restrictions we still have in place, but I want you to see why I like this place so much. You’ll like it too. I promise.”


“Lead the way!” I exclaimed, kind of counterproductively, as I was already ahead of Angela to hold the door open.


“Such a gentleman!” Angela said with a playful smile that turned into a small yelp as I slapped her ass as she went through the door.


“Not always,” I said smirking.


We headed inside, down a long flight of creaky wooden stairs. Pink paint was peeling off the walls and it was dimly lit at the bottom landing by a small swinging lightbulb. At the bottom we met another door, this one being a stark contrast to its decrepit surroundings, it was made out of a thick polished redwood. Opening it ahead of Angela, we walked through and was met with one of the most charming interiors I’d ever seen. A long padded black couch hugged the wall, the tables all made out of the same wood as the door. Chandeliers hung from the ceiling, emitting a soft glow to the hazy room. The floor was also of dark hardwood, and the room had a coziness almost equal to that special time of the year, right before Christmas, where everything in sight seems a little more cheerful and a little less gray. Towards the back of the spacious room sat the cashier, cleaning what looked to be a hookah. Shelves lined the wall behind the large Moroccan man, stocked with bowls, bongs, coffee mugs, and ornaments. When he saw heard the door fall shut behind us he looked up from his task and waved an enthusiastic greeting that seemed almost to contradict his large size. He greeted us as we approached, speaking in Dutch. I could not understand a word of it but tried my best to follow the short conversation.


“Hoi, welkom in Crush. Je kan bij mij bestellen, maar helaas kunnen jullie hier niet blijven zitten. Regels van het R.I.V.M hè.” The Moroccan man said, smiling at Angela and laughing. Angela smiled back warmly, and interlocked her arm with mine as she placed our order.

 “Maakt niet uit, Mo. Mag ik 1 grote koffie met melk en suiker en 1 muntthee om mee te nemen? Oh, en twee……vier voorgedraaide wiet jointjes, alsjeblieft. Dat was het..denk ik.” Angela looked at me inquiringly and said “I got you a large coffee and a green tea for me and four joints. You want anything else babe?”

 I looked at the assorted cakes and treats on the far end of the counter, briefly pondering getting one for a moment, before I shook my head no. “That’s alright Gigi. I’m good.” Angela turned back to the man, who was staring at me with what I felt was a twinge of impatience behind his smile.


“Ja, dat was het!” Angela said pleasantly.


“Ok, dat is dan 26 euro.” I handed Angela my wallet, happy I converted some cash to euros before leaving the airport. The man counted the money and gave Angela the change.


We sat and waited. Idly chatting. Small talk. I could not help but notice the twinkle in Angela’s hazel eyes, or the way her fingers trailed on my arm as she was talking. The way she briefly looked at the floor before a huge grin washed over her face, the way she motioned with her hands as she pointed out different things in the shop. All these little things pulled at something in my heart, and I sat daydreaming of what could be. I was still lost in the thought of her when it was interrupted by our cashier, much to my dismay.


“De bestelling is klaar! Een grote koffie, 1 muntthee en 4 voorgedraaide!”





“Thank you!” I said as I grabbed the cups and a small plastic bag. We headed out and as we got to the car I was just going to suggest a short walk around the block when I felt a small drop of water land on my arm. Looking up to see heavy thunder clouds, and picking up the sweet smell of rain I suggested we go back to the hotel. Angela agreed, and on the way, we sipped our coffee as the rain started to pour. 


The trip back was mostly small talk, but not in an icy way. We were enjoying the sounds of the platter of rain on the car, the soft thunder, and each other’s company. Our fingers interlocked the whole way to the hotel and Angela spoke of the Netherlands. I commented on things we drove by, amazed at the beautiful land I’d never seen before. We both felt a heat, a tension between us, that could not be denied. Many nights we dreamt of this moment, talked about it over the phone and through text. 


Finally, we arrived. The hotel was a large building that rose into the night sky, The Radisson Blu. I guess saying one large building is misleading. It had the appearance of four various apartment complexes pushed together so tightly a mouse couldn’t squeeze through. Each building distinct, and one looked to be an old church. It was an unusual sight to my American eyes, but beautiful nonetheless. Checking in and practically running to the elevators, giddy with excitement that we would have some alone time, just the two of us.






Getting comfortable, we relaxed into the small couch next to the king sized bed. Angela went to sit down, but I pulled her onto my lap, my large body eclipsing her own. 


“Let’s smoke like this,” I said softly, one hand on your thigh, my lips kissing Angela’s neck. “Besides, we could cuddle while we watch T.V. Or I’ll pick your brain. You can’t go wrong with a good conversation, can you? And as always, I have plenty of questions I still want to ask.”


“You always have questions!” Angela said with a laugh “I don’t mind them at all! We can do anything you want. I don’t mind, I’m happy you are here!”


I smiled gratefully “I should warn you, I think I’ve talked about it before, but I wasn’t kidding when I said I have a very low tolerance for weed.” Holding up the little baggie “So I probably won’t smoke much.”


“What’s there to be afraid of baby? You are in good company, I promise. Just let go, smoke however much you want, but let’s not worry about these things today. You’re always thinking about every possible outcome, for once, don’t and just go with the flow baby.” Angela said as she ran her hand along my jawline, scooting over on my lap a bit and opening the baggie. Placing two joints in her mouth, she lit both and handed me one of them. “Trust me, love, I won’t think any less of you if you can hang with the best!” At this, Angela took a long drag from your dutchie and I followed suit. The weed smelled better than most in the states to my untrained nose. It lingered in the air, mixing in with the scent of coffee, creating a rather pleasant smell that reminded me of the vape shops and hookah bars of Cleveland. The weed making me more relaxed than usual, the tight wire of energy that normally coursed through me now at a steady hum. 


I rubbed Angela’s thigh, my large hand going from her waist to her knee, slowly back and forth. Her head sat on my chest, and as we smoked I asked her questions, wanting to get to know my Angela more, endlessly fascinated by a woman who was born of the same cloth as me, but a world away.


“I wanted to see the city, you’ll have to show me around at some point love.” I said with a grin. “I did not expect it to rain. It’s pouring out there!” It was certainly pouring outside, long gushing streams of water flowed from our window, falling to the ground many floors below. The thunder was closer now, as with each flash of light, a loud thunderclap gently shook the windows. I counted about two seconds between the light and sound, which meant it was pretty close. Less than a mile away.


“It is, but it always rains here. It’s either cloudy or rainy. We hardly ever see the sun. It’s why I hate the weather here!” Angela said laughing, taking another large drag from her joint. She paused, holding the smoke in her lungs, then exhaled a large cloud of smoke, perfectly relaxed in my arms.


“So is that how you found all these conspiracy theories?” I said amused “It was always raining so you had plenty of time inside to look them up?”


Angela grinned “No, my dad lives in America…… Texas. When 9/11 happened I couldn’t help but have an interest in something like that. Even though America isn’t my home, I’ll always love the Netherlands, but America does have a special place in my heart…”

“What makes you think 9/11 was fake unless there is another conspiracy I’m somehow missing out on?”


Angela did not answer immediately, instead, she slightly turned my head until our eyes locked. Gently she pressed her joint against mine, lighting it with hers. I puffed a few times, letting out a bashful thanks in the process.


“It’s not your fault. In Amsterdam, when you order pre-rolled from the shops, some employees roll them by hand. I can tell just from looking at yours that they did a bad job. It’ll go out quickly if you’re not paying attention. As for your question…..Nothing about it seems right. From the airliner being able to destroy such a well made building to the reaction afterward by the Government.”


“A small handful if the government or…?”


“Definitely a small handful. For sure. The deepstate caused this, a series of actors.”


And so the conversation went throughout the night. I trying to counter all of Angela’s points and she trying to convince me of them. Push and pull. We went back and forth for a few hours while drinking our coffee. We had conversations like this plenty of times in the past online, but in person, it felt much different. Truth be told, I don’t think either of us was taking the conversation too seriously, simply enjoying the argument for argument’s sake. 


The rain had died down to a slow steady drizzle, the low rumble of thunder making its exit to other lands, and the room was mostly lit from the ambient light outside and a small lamp that sat next to the T.V. We still had two joints left and decided to share the last two, me in despite all of my cautions before, happily lit one. Passing it between us as the night wore on. At some point, we had a meal of French Fries and mini hamburgers from room service, but I cannot recall what time it was, the weed making everything go by in a daze. If one were to ask me what I remember from that night, the only constant would be Angela. Everything else was a blur of sound and emotion, of two people getting to truly know one another. It felt as if I had been with Angela for a decade, instead of an online relationship we had just shy of a year and a half. Conspiracy theories aside, I was fascinated by this woman.

……………….. Sexy Stuff……………………..


Eventually, the joint fizzled down, it was on its last hit and I, being the gentleman that I am, offered it to Angela, my head swimming with lustful thoughts as the drugs took a firmer hold on me.


Angela took the small joint, and just like at the start of the night, she took a huge hit. However, she breathed in carefully, and immediately pulled me in for a deep kiss, exhaling the rest of the smoke into my mouth as she did so. 


I breathed in not only the smoke but her scent as well, the smell of her hair, I tasted the sweetness of her lips, the feel of her petite body against my own. Normally, that would have been enough to drive me over the edge, but with the copious amounts of weed coursing through my system it drove me wild, overloading all of my senses and leaving me breathless.


I returned Angela’s kiss, lightly biting her lip as I did so. Carefully, vaguely aware of my drugged state, I carried her to the bed, her arms wrapped tightly around me. 


 I slowly kissed Angela as she unbuttoned my black shirt, her body underneath my own. We undressed each other slowly, taking our time as each piece of was clothing carelessly thrown to the floor, until we were completely naked. I was already rock hard, my cock throbbing with anticipation.


I was on top of her, my large body between her legs as we slowly kissed. I stared at her lips and slowly made my way down her body. Kissing her soft neck, flicking her hard nipples with my tongue as soft moans escaped her. My hands, never sitting still even for a moment, ran down her small petite body. Feeling every curve, every inch of you. All the while, peppering you with kisses, savoring her body as I went lower. Finally, I reached her soaking pussy, already dripping wet, it tasted as wonderful as I always imagined. My large hands gripping Angela’s soft thighs, holding her squirming body still as my tongue gently licked her clit, wanting to taste all that she had to offer. Shudders traveled throughout her body at each flick of my tongue and kiss of my lips.


“I need you baby! Please!” Angela moaned softly.


Not wanting to stop tasting her, I stuck my thick tongue inside of her pussy, finally releasing my grip on her thighs to rub her clit in small circles with my fingers, loving every moan that and whimper that she let out. Gradually the shudders increased, the moans grew louder, the sound of the drizzling rain eclipsed by the symphony of sex. Just when her legs started to shake, tremors running uncontrollably throughout them, I stood up and slowly rubbed my cock along her pussy. My long thick cock between her lips, I moved slowly, appreciating the sight. A rising tide of lust threatening to overcome me. Torn between wanting to savor the moment and wanting to give in to the waves. Before long, Angela’s wetness dripped off of my cock onto the bedsheets, and her body grinded against my own. Neither of us could stand this for much longer.


I let out a loud deep moan of pleasure as I entered Angela. Teasing her with the tip, by moving my hips slowly into her. Slowly, very slowly. In and out, the squirming of her hips and her nails digging into my legs telling me she wanted so much more. Needing more, I entered her fully. In one hard and smooth motion, I buried myself in her until my balls smacked against her ass with a loud clap, making Angela gasp with pleasure. I stayed buried there for a few seconds, savoring the feel of her pussy, and then I slowly pulled out, amazed out how her pussy gripped my cock so tightly.  Pulling out just enough so that I wasn’t completely out of Angela before I slammed into her again with the same force I had used before. Each stroke was punctuated by a loud moan from Angela and a grunt from myself.


It was a delicious sound our bodies made. Like splashing in a very large puddle, it wasn’t long until I could no longer hold myself back and went faster, my breathing quickened, and the sounds of flesh hitting flesh grew to a crescendo. The bed shook and groaned violently, my balls banging against Angela’s ass as I felt myself losing all control. Sweat dripped from my body onto Angela’s honey skin, as I pounded her into the mattress, her long muscular legs tightened around my waist, and her fingernails dug into my back. Angela grunted, moaned, and groaned as she took all if me. Screaming with pleasure.




I could feel myself getting closer to an orgasm as I pounded Angela into the bed. I said her name softly, whispered soft words over the music our bodies made. Right on the edge and I needed release.


My lips met Angela’s just as I came, buried balls deep inside of her. Her legs wrapped even tighter around my waist, pulling me deeper into her. Her nails dug into my back as our bodies shuddered together, my cock pulsating again and again as it pumped her full of cum.


 Slowly we kissed, both sweaty and breathless. Still buried inside of her and rock hard, I moved my hips slowly. Our cum overflowing from her with each stroke, it trailed and pooled onto the white sheets. Her legs still wrapped tightly around me.




After a while, I flipped Angela over so that she was on top of me, ready for round two. Instantly Angela moved her hips and started to ride me, teasing me with her body this time, she only took the tip. She kissed me slowly, her hands exploring my own body, her hard nipples rubbing up and down my chest. Angela arched her back, her nails digging into my shoulders as she took me about halfway, causing my legs to shudder and a groan of pleasure. She rode me at a smooth and steady pace.


I savored the moment and took everything in. Angela’s petite body in the ambient light of the room, the scent of her sweat, the feeling of her tight pussy gripping my cock, of her moans and breathless pleasure, the sound of the rain. All of it tugged at my heart. All of imprinted itself there and formed the one emotion I was not expecting so soon: Love. My mind was confused, but my heart was not. For once, I decided to follow that wild bray.


My hands wandered up the curves of Angela’s body to her breast, fondling them and squeezing them in my large hands as she rode me, I wanted to make sure she knew exactly how much I loved her, and wanted to make sure she had the time of her life.


I placed my hands on Angela’s ass and pushed her ass down until she took me balls deep, watching her face as it twisted in pleasure. I rocked her my throbbing cock, only lifting her about two or three inches or so before bringing her back down, using my hips to provide a bit of extra force. Angela leaned into me and wrapped her arms around my neck, breathing heavily into my ear as I fucked her deeply. Her grip became tighter and her breathing quickened as I continued. Shudders ran periodically throughout her body and her legs shook violently. After a while she sat up and her hands ran up her own body to her perky breast, riding me even harder as she jumped up and down on my cock. Finally, she slammed down hard as she came, her pussy fluids overflowing and dripping off my balls. She leaned over me, breathing heavily as sweat dripped from her body onto my own.


 We stared into each other’s eyes, and it was at that moment I whispered


“I love you, Angela.” Emphasizing it with a deep kiss. Smiling, grinning from ear to ear, Angela whispered back into my ear “I love you too, baby!”


It was in that moment I was truly happy. Neither of us quite ready to stop, we began slowing fucking once more, very slowly.


We continued like that for a while, slow and steady, like the waves at the beach, we were perfectly in sync. Our bodies moving not as two individuals, but one.  


Each matching each other’s speed, Angela took all of me slowly, and I explored every inch of her body, taking her all in with both my hands and my eyes. She truly did look like an angel to me then. Her light brown skin almost golden, her hazel eyes burned with desire, and her body moved with the grace I had not seen before. For the first time in my life, I understood what drove men to war in the past for beautiful women. I understood why they would want to protect someone such as this. Why Helen of Troy was fought over. Cleopatra. It was terrifying. It was also very liberating. For the first time, I felt no apprehension about taking steps forward, no doubt clouded my judgment, no regrets lingered in my mind and I gave myself fully to Angela on that night. Even as our bodies started to shake again, as we picked up our tempo once more, I could not get that almost divine image of her out of my head. And as I came again, I shouted Angela’s name to the heavens as shudders rocked my body, an earthquake of pleasure and emotion. 


Angela collapsed in my arms, her small body still on top of me, and breathing wildly. It was no telling how long we lay there, a tangled hot sweaty mess, but judging by the receding moonlight, it must have been quite a while.









