First time writing erotica. (Feedback appreciated) Cuckold

My High school life has been dreadful. Much worse than middle school. I have always been the quiet, uncool kid no one remembers. But I have been content with that. It was lonely, but at least I wasn’t on the radar of bullies. That all changed in High School when I met John. John is a piss-drinking, loud-mouthed shithead. Well, at least to me anyways. To everyone else he didn’t bully, he was a charismatic and handsome dude with the hottest girlfriends. Yes *girlfriends.* A top basketball prospect, he had first dibs on the girls he wanted. And I didn’t even have one. Scratch that. I haven’t even had my first kis…

“Dick Fatt!!”

There was a collective chuckle in the class.

“Is there a Dick Fatt in this class?” Vice-principal William asked through the partly opened door.


“Yes” I struggled to raise my arm as more laughter swept through the air.

“Good. Come to my office immediately.” Mr. William nodded to our history teacher, then closed the door behind him.

I bolted out of the room, my eyes focused on the ground. As I made my way to Mr. William’s office, I heard an all too familiar voice. Mom? What the hell is she doing here? I was about to open the door when I heard high pitched giggles behind the door. My face contorted in visible confusion. What could be the reason I was called? I shrugged and twisted the door handle, and entered the room. Mr. Williams was leaning on the end of his desk, a dubious smile on his face, talking to my mom, who was seated in a chair with her back facing me.

My mom spun around to regard me. “If it isn’t the man of the hour.”

“Hi mom.”

“Do not ‘Hi mom’ me young man!” She shifted her gaze to Mr. William, putting on a noticeably friendlier expression. “Can we get to the reason I was called today?”

“Of course” Mr. William walked behind his desk and took a seat. He began to skim through some papers on his desk. My mom is a brunette in her late thirties. She has kept herself relatively in shape her whole life. At 5’3” and 130 pounds, she packs a lot of that weight in the rear.

“So basically…” Mr. William said “He is on track to fail 4 subjects. This will prevent him from graduating.”

She shot me a quick glare before returning her gaze to Mr. William. She pouted like a dog begging for treats. “Is there anything that can be done?”

Mr. William ate the look up. “Sure he can take makeup classes. But since we are in the middle of a pandemic, these classes will be online. I hope he will manage.”

“Oh yes he will.” There was venom in her reply. She stood up and refitted her pencil skirt. She wore a classic suit, white blouse and pencil skirt, with flats to round off her outfit—her secretary outfit. She always wore hills with this outfit because her boss liked it. She hated hills, and would change into flats the second she got off work.

Mr. William stood up as well, and walked over to my mom, with the same dubious smile.

“Thank you Mr. William.” she said.

“No problem at all Mrs. Fatt.” He made a motion to hug her. My mom looked confused for a second but made no effort to stop him from embracing her. Mr. William is huge, easily 6’5”, and black with a balding head. So you can imagine how small and fragile my mom would look in his strong arms. I felt a boiling displeasure deep within me at what Mr. William was doing to my mom. If he noticed my clear disapproval of his actions, he made no acknowledgement of my presence as he further squashed my mom into his chest with his big arms. One arm moved to grab her bottom, his mighty hand not even enough to engulf one of her cheeks.

“Mom?” That was all I could muster in protest.

“Ye—yes?” She muttered, barely audible enough for me to hear, a deep and bright blush on her cheeks.

Mr. Williams brought one of his other arm up to cradle her head and caress her velvety black hair.

“You will make sure he takes those classes.”He gazed into her deep blue eyes.

“Yes.” She whispered.

“You will call me, and maybe we can talk about strengthening his grades.”

“Ye—yes. To strengthen his grades.”

“Good.” Mr. William released her, revealing a massive pole struggling to be tamed by his trousers. That monster had been near my mom. My mom had felt that massive pole between her legs or her belly, judging by his height. How did she feel? Surely she knows what Mr. Williams intends to do with her. ‘Strengthen my grades’ my ass. I could not look at either of them, anger and confusion swelling inside me. Why the confusion? Because I was spotting an erection as well. Only that you can’t tell. I am much smaller than Mr. William after all.

Mr. William handed my mom his card. And as we left his office, I saw his gaze molesting my mom, sizing her up. Only God knows what he was thinking of doing to my mom. I felt sick.


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