Rose of Two Thorn’s Scott 36-40 RVS & Dream Master (FF MM MF MFF MFM Bondage Solo Toys)

           I think I slept last night but it dose not feel like it, I get to the kitchen and he is cooking some hash browns and sausage. I see some hardboiled eggs I smell coffee and get some of that. I refill his cup and kiss the back of his neck. “good morning sexy should I let the excited dog in” he laughs and says sure, so I let King in, and he is such a happy puppy. I give him the chest scratches and Robbie sets out the breakfast plates it all looks so good, Mmm a sexy looking man that can cook, I am in love or lust just trying not to get the heart broken.
           We eat for a bit before he brings up the bareback topic “I really want to do that with you I went to the doctor recently I have no STD’s of any kind and the only other guy that I had been with was about 3 years ago and we used protection.” I chew my egg and say, “It’s a big step Robbie I would want to be an item just you and me doing it bareback no other guys would get this just us.” I am honest with him and tell him what Devon and I have done “though we have just given each other BJ if this is our next step, I am going to tell you everything” he looks a bit blue, so we just finish up our breakfast, I offer to do dishes while he takes a phone call from the chief.
           After dishes I decide to get in the shower Robbie joins me and kisses me passionately, he takes my cock in his hand and says, “I want you, the first man I have been this serious about, ever since I saw you on that beach, you do things to me that I love.”  We kiss more and after the shower its 69 time and we swallow each other with wild passion, dam I wish he lived over on my side of the world. Cuddling in bed he tell me he want to go bowling because it sounds fun and he hopes I like it too. I have not been bowling for a long time, but I say “Why not I haven’t been bowling in years” we get dressed and his jeans fit him so dam well, he catches me staring and I smack his sexy ass just because. I get mine grabbed as well before we get going, we both need to shave and later we will do down there for now face only. “King lets go boy time to see Juanita, she is his dog sitter if I have anywhere to be and she loves him as well” so after we drop King off we head to the bowling alley “Are you ok after I told you about Devon” he tell me “I was a bit hurt but I know he is a hot guy but if we are going to go to the next steep here just tell me if you do go there with him and where a rubber” I tell him about Devon and his new flame which I don’t know his name but we won’t be doing anything like that.
           Bowling was fun I did not do well but Robbie is fantastic he even got a Turkey (three strikes in a row). We hit the arcade and play some foosball and air hockey which I am exceptionally good at, much better than bowling. Our competitive sides come out and we get on the motorcycle racing game. It is a neck and neck battle until he comes in for the win at the end of the game, I high five him and we take off to a place he want to show me, its right next to the Police station.
We walk into this old movie theater that is being restored and Robbie is on the board of directors. “I worked here as a teenager, the rest of the community is raising the funds to help restore it and show old movies and we will let the neighborhood kids use it for plays, assemblies and things like that.” He shows me the main theater and a small stage that will host puppet shows and things for little kids “My baby is the concession area, we will have the popcorn, candy and soda but I want to get ice cream and hot food as well”  I tell him “This is all impressive keep me posted and when its done we can come see a movie or puppet show” we head upstairs and see the projector room and its cool to see the old reels and equipment.
           We walk next door and I get me meet some of his co-workers he introduces me as his friend, the guy who helped catch Casey. Then Robbie shows me his desk and we get to see some of the shepherds do there training “Want to get into the bite suit” I tell him no did plenty of that in my time, we watch them for a while and then they come over and we get to pet Frans and Gunner, they are impressive dogs, but after that its lunch time so Robbie and I head out to a diner called Franks, I have the fish and chips and Robbie get the meatloaf special.
“Tell me something I whisper do you not want the co-workers to know, I understand if that’s the case just keep me in the loop” he looks at me and says yes but he will explain later. Lunch was particularly good, and we grab some pie slices to go I get Pecan and he gets Blueberry. Back in his truck he tells me “Yes my co-workers are slightly homophobic and that is one of the reasons I interviewed in Silk Stockings I want to be near you, and I don’t want to hide anymore but for now I am stuck” he wipes away a tear and we drive back to his place. I put me hand on his thigh and he puts his hand on mine at the stop light. After we get back home, he call Juanita and asks if she can keep King till tomorrow, he tells her that he and her dog eat the same food anyway and he will pick him up in the morning.
           He come back and says tonight he has a surprise for me and now that King is taken care of its all set. We make steaks, baked potatoes, and carrots for dinner. I am stuffed but we do have our pie from earlier after that he takes me into the bedroom, I have sex on the brain. He tell me “not yet hear try these on” he hands me some swim trunks they are a bit long for my taste, but they fit great. He smiles and but his and the ones I will wear in a bog, grabs a bottle of lube, and asks me “Are you free of STDs and all I did not ask, and I feel bad” I tell him I have a clean bill of health and we will be fine. He takes my hand, and we get shoes and other clothes on and we take off into the hills above town. We park the truck and walk-up hill for about 5 minutes then he takes a key out and opens a fence that leads to a hot spring pool. “This was a resort area until the 80’s sometime and this is the last remaining hot spring, he strips down and gets in there naked, I follow suit and its hot, but we get used to it. “How did you get a key Mr.” as I kiss his neck he giggles then tells me “Oren is the property care taker so I barrowed it” we kiss some more and I cane feel we are both getting hard “Do you want me to go first babe or do you want to enter me first,” I can tell he is nervous but he tell me “you go first, but I am nervous that why I brought the lube” I kiss his neck and lube up this will be a first for me in years. I am trying to enter him, but he is tensing up.” Relax babe if you are changing your mind I understand” he tell me no, its ok and I ease into his sexy ass,” Spank me babe good God this feels great” I do that left cheek then the right and I spill myself in him we both relax a bit.  After a while he is hard again and this time, he sinks easily into me, it feels so good this is some hot sex and he cums inside me. We soak in the springs then get dressed in the trunks to head home, after teeth brushing and shaving down there, we head to bed.
We both woke up snuggling with each other and man did this feel good. “Good morning sexy its Sunday and one more day of this will feel so nice, along with some hot passionate sex.” I smile at what Robbie says and I get my hands on that already hard cock, he tastes so good too and yes there is hot passionate good morning sex, he is mine I am not giving him up. After we are done, we head to the kitchen. I look for King but remember he is at Juanita’s house. We have a pancake and bacon breakfast with our coffee.
“I have a place to be today, but you can come with me, it’s an emergency helper fair in town, the police, fire department, EMT. Search and rescue along with some of the coast guard and Fido Society will be there.” I kiss him and tell him “that sounds fun let’s do that, but first a shower and shave” so we do all the shaving it’s nice to have someone shave me and I can shave him, dam he is so hot I want him to be closer. I get dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt because it is a cloudy day, he dresses in his dress cop uniform with the short sleeve shirt and full gear belt “Dam babe arrest me” he laughs and says “Up against the wall I need to search you” he starts with an ass grab but that is all I get because we need to go get King. I tell him we can act naturally at the fair and he agrees “I told people we are friends after I saved you from Casey, we got to know each other, and you are helping me with King because you have lab experience.” I do smile and rub his thigh but inside I do not like it, I want to tell the world how great he is.
We go get King and head down to the local downtown, we park behind the police station and Robbie heads inside to see where we will be stationed, I had no idea he got me a job for today. I walk King around the front sidewalk, and he does some business and me without a bag, but Oren comes up and hands me one “Thank you I did not want to leave anything behind” he says no problem and he gives me some extras just in case as he heads off with Goldie. I do wonder who King’s mom I is will have to maybe ask my brother. Robbie comes out as I am looking for a trash can “Over here dude, I forgot to tell you he has bags in his vest pocket” so now he tells me. As we walk toward the center of town, we stop in front of the movie theater “I hope this turns out well for you it looks so classic” he smiles “Yes, it is and as we continue on, we will do that, right now its structural issues and then the inside” we walk on down and see where everyone is set up. Robbie introduces me to Chief Denton no relation, I shake his hand and Robbie takes King over to see Nancy and Oren. “Robbie tells me you were a cop in Portland I am from the city too I worked in the arts district and its true Portland is weird” I laugh and tell him “The other Portland I am from Maine, I was the obedience trainer I saw some action on a car accident, a search and rescue and a domestic violence incident.” He tells me Robbie has said great things about him and that he can see then change in his attitude “I have been here only three months, but he was so down after his divorce at least now he has a friend to help him through, I need to go see the mayor if you will excuse me.” I wave at him and he takes off, well I wonder if anyone else has figured out Robbie is Bisexual.
I wonder over to the Coast Guard and talk to them for a bit, they know Brian and they say he is in the top three for Base commander and they want it to be him. “I hope he gets it too I live in Silk Stockings so it will be nice to have him close by” then Robbie comes up to me with King. “I was wondering how my brother came to get King who was his mom” the Coast Guard guys do not seem to know so Robbie and I move over to were Nancy and Oren are. We ask them but they are unfamiliar with that as well, so we go find Dr. Bronson, “Hello Dr. Bronson it’s nice to see you again, and look King is happy to see you too.” We all chat, and he tells us “Well King and his siblings were found abandoned at the dog park, we don’t know who mom or dad were just that they were labs, so we took them to our facility and his sisters are in the Coast Guard and now he is with you.” We scratch his ears and Robbie takes me off to the side just as the chief comes up “Great Scott here you are its time for the bite demo lets go” I eye Robbie and he says, “I was just about to tell you, I owe you a beer.” I think to myself I had better get a beer and some ass too. Thankfully, it is the arm guard and I play the role as both dogs do their demonstration; it is still a sharp pain, but the kids were impressed so all is well.
After a long afternoon we go pick up some Chinese food for dinner and he buys me a beer from the liquor store. After dinner and a beer, I really want my joint but my arm hurts, so Robbie gets me some ice and we head out to the backyard. “I think the chief likes you dude maybe you will get a promotion” I puff, and Robbie takes it and has a puff too “I just did my drug test I am fine” we throw the ball for King “Is this stuff bad for dogs I don’t want him to get sick” I tell him “it’s not good but we are outside and I will not blow it at him or put him in any danger” we finish up the joint and head inside. Making out on the couch turns in some hot sex action, he takes his lubed-up cock and gets deep in my ass. I get rock hard thanks to his deep throat action, so I lube up and give him a ride he will be remembering for the rest of the week. I kiss his forehead and we both pick that time to say “I love you” both of us are feeling exceptionally good so we head into the bathroom and get ready for bed. I fall asleep with that I love you ringing in my head it has been years since I said that to anyone, when I look over at his phone and see a text come through from Jamie his ex-wife. I hope this is not too good to be true.
In the morning I get my freshly clean laundry all packed. Robbie is texting furiously, but King wants attention, so I play tug of war with him. Robbie comes out of the room and he looks mad and he had a partially chewed flip flop in his hand. “King no bad dog chewing on shoes is a no no” King give puppy whine and I jump in “dude that won’t work, so get some bitter apple spray dogs hate it and it will save your shoes are a shoe hanger in the closet.” He tell me “I will do that I like these shoes but for now we need to get going to Juanita’s so say goodbye” I hold King and tell him “I will miss you, getting so big next time I see you the puppy fuzz will be gone, be a good boy and no shoe chewing I will make a list for Daddy there of good chew toys.” Robbie kisses me goodbye and I finish packing and print out some chew toy options for King. Robbie come back home, and he gets back into that hot uniform. ‘I want to rape you in a sexy way, not forceful but dam babe you are hot I love a man in uniform.” He tell me he and his partner Howie will be going to the elementary school so its uniform day, we load up the truck and get to the airport. He comes in with me as I check my bag and we got grab some coffee and those great pecan coffee cakes. I do ask the café manager for the recipe but she says it is a family secret so I decide someday I will try my hand at a version of my own. My flight is announced, and Robbie gives me a big hug, he whispers in my ear “I love you Scott come see me again soon” I whisper back “I love you too I will see you again soon” we hug again, and I get on the plane. It is not a bad flight back and when I land, I grab my bag and call Devon he says 15 minutes away, so I wait at the curb. I read Robbie’s text “Check you carryon I left you a love note. Just as I see it Devon pulls up, I put my bags in the back and we head out toward home. “Guess what babe there is a show this weekend it’s at El Serrano because the club is finally getting a new floor so they will be open after the first of the year.” He gives me the details and I tell him “That’s great I always have fun at those shows.” He drops me off at home and tells me he must get to work so I kiss his cheek and he hands me my key back. I get inside and unpack my bags, I read my mail and nothing exciting, so I spark up my joint and look at my ancestry stuff instead and a familiar name pops up.
           Waking up again to the alarm and no Robbie next to me sure sucks, but I need to get back to work so I get to my coffee made.  I am on the last of my beans so a trip to the store and dam it’s raining. I get my phone and text Devon and he says he can take me to work but I would need to get a ride home. I tell him that is fine, and he will head over in 45 minutes.
Turning on my laptop I still need to find a deal to Hawaii, and I get two, one will leave at 10pm and land in the morning a nonstop and I like it, I click on it and notice its business class but hey it works.  I have my plane ticket for the 20th through the 30th.  Ten days with my family and bone marrow transplant is plenty.
           I get dressed and finish breakfast just as Devon pulls up, I get in his truck and give him a kiss on his cheek. “Thanks a ton, I have no idea when my cart will be done but someone can take me home” he smiles and tells me “That’s great I have to close tonight so I will be late, but here on my phone is my man Marcus, not the guy from the club he and I met at the bookstore.” I look at him and tell Devon “He is handsome dude you have done well” we chat about my trip and how Robbie and I did bareback “OH babe that’s super sexy, are you two in love” I tell him “I am but he is holding back he still texts his ex-wife” Devon drops me off and I hug him goodbye and get inside to see Miss Grant. She is on the phone so I wave instead and get to my office, I have some emails and I find my cart will be ready Thursday so only two more days, I can live with that. I call Robbie but it goes to voicemail so I tell him “Good morning babe I missed you last night and this morning my cart will be ready Thursday call me soon.”
           I see my first two students and after the gossip and the stories we get down to business, one kid is on academic probation, so we set up tutoring and some extra credit classes. My next student is having troubles in the housing department, so we set up that with Miss Grant. After all of that is done it getting to be lunch and I am staring my toast and cheese did not hold me over I got spoiled with Robbie making me breakfast and his sweet loving dam I miss him and hope to see that hot guy again in the new year.  Now in comes Dean Kane “Hello Scott how was your trip to the island” I tell him about the Fido Society, the Safety fair, and the company I kept. “This is King he is in training to be an emotional support animal” he tells me all the updates with Bobbie and Kay, “I still don’t see what they have against me so I didn’t want to join there make out, staff and students don’t mix”  well the Dean drops the truth “It’s what we do here Scott this place moves around sex, but there is no pressure and that is what is in the rules of the school” I am dumbfounded but he is right. “Well, I am not going to participate they can kiss my gay ass” Dean Kane is understanding but I can tell he is not happy.
           Lunch is a cheeseburger with Chili and cheese, some fries, and a small salad, I go with some water today. Marie and I chat, and I show her pictures of Robbie and King. “Both of them are adorable I am glad you got to get away, Gemma has not been back home yet, so it has just been me and Jane, I think Gemma is still leaving town again.” I do tell her “is she seeing someone or is she up to something else” Marie looks at me and with a sad face “I hope she is not seeing anyone else, but she did have a meth addition when we first met, dam Scott what am I going to do” I tell her to keep an eye on that and make sure to call Lane and Robb later. Marie tells me Jane will take her home later and we say goodbye, I get back to my office and text the detectives. Marie told me Gemma has not been back home and she had a meth addition when they first met, she could make a good trap person. After answering some more student and faculty emails I see Miss Grant come in “Hello Scott we have all been busy but tell me about your trip” and I tell her all the highlights minus all the sex Robbie and I had, I show her King pictures and tell her about my trip to Hawaii coming up. She goes to get the school calendar and I fill out the human resources papers so that is started.
           I get the call from Lane “Ok let’s meet we can discuss this with Robb about the diner we can grab a back booth” I tell him I have no transportation so tells me will be there in 20. I set my appointments for tomorrow and thankful not till the afternoon so I can get some shopping done and hope it is not raining. I say goodbye to Miss Grant, and I head out to wait for Lane. She comes up to me and we talk about the house. “Think that’s great I hope to see it in the morning I have no students till the afternoon” we agree to meet at 8am. Lane pulls up and we head off to the diner. After we get there Robb is waiting in the back booth, so we exchange hellos and look at the menu. I get the fish and chips; Lane gets a Cobb Salad and Robb has the patty melt and fries. We get our drinks and talk business “Is Marie faithful and I mean if we use her is, she a good secret helper” Robb seems to be our on the idea but Lane pipes in “If we can get information why not” I tell them about the meth addiction, and they say it has come up. “If she is using this could be deadly, but if not, she still could be running the drugs.” We settle in and eat our food, by the time we are done we have a bit of a plan, but first to butter up Marie. Lane drops me off at home and tells me to look out for Gemma and start buttering up Marie, we look at the house and its dark so I tell him “I will work on that, but I need to get to the market and of course start my bike.”
           I started my bike up and she was burring like a champ, so I head to the store for my coffee and some stuff to make food with. I get my beans, coffee of course, eggs, sausage, tortillas, and potatoes. I pick up some of those burritos and creamer, but my saddle bags are not big, so I stop short of dinner food for now and get back home.  I put my groceries away and text Robbie, but he is still not responding so I put my Cher on and spark up my joint. I cruse through my ancestry and still need to ask Miss Grant if her maiden name is Thorn because this lady looks a lot like her. I get that done and still no Robbie, but I must get to bed but dam looking at that sexy man has me all horny I wish he were here I would suck that sweet dick and make him my bitch; I love making that man cum whether we swallow or deep in the ass. I get to dam horny its play time instead, I fall asleep thinking about him.
I get up in the morning and still not a word from Robbie, I do not want to give up on him he has become my addiction. Just as I am having sex thoughts of him, I hear Gemma pull up, I peek out of my living room window and yeah that was her. I text Lane like he asked me too last night, he says he is going to cruise by so act naturally. Coffee is on my agenda so off to the kitchen I go; I make eggs and toast. Last night I was talking to Miss grant on the phone telling her I will meet her this morning and that my cart will be ready Thursday and then I can get more groceries. I tried to tell her I am good but last night before I went to bed, she dropped off some food, so it was a nice gesture I could not refuse.
After dishes I was going to get in the shower when Lane knocks so I let him in. He wants to listen through the bathroom wall so I tell him I need to shower but he can listen through the bedroom if he likes. I shower and get my work clothes on and pack a set to change into after Jack and I do some work around the place, such as kitchen and bathroom counter stuff. Lane wants to talk to me, so I signal him to go to the garage. “Its her running we have some proof but no way to catch her in the act, do you know where she goes on these trips.” I tell him no I do not but that is a great question for Marie. We agree to get Marie some what involved but for now the three ladies are having their fun. I tell him Marie usually takes Wednesdays off, but we can work on her soon I believe she wanted to go to the show Friday.
I hop on my bike and head over to my future place, its coming along nicely and soon it will be mine. The garage is done all we are waiting for is the door and opener, plenty of space for my bike and cart also Robbie’s bike and truck. I wish he would throw me a bone I miss him already. For now, I have work to do “Good morning Jack the garage looks great” he tells me the door and opener will be here Monday and the electrician will install my 220 volts plug for the cart “When dose that get done, we are expecting rain Friday” I tell him Thursday so then I will have it back and just in time, I guess. Just then Brian comes through on Facetime another one I have not heard from, “Hey squirt I got you email you land in Hawaii just as I do the parents and Joe will be there on the 19th” we chat about the trip and then I tell him what happened to my cart “yeah took a trip to Blonde and got back Monday I am here at the new place want to give advice on cabinets.” He tells me the bones are good and depending on the paint he would go grey or off white. He must go but he will call me this evening after his meeting with the base commander. “I love my brother he is the accepting one, Joe not really” so Jack and I get to work in the master bathroom I chose a grey and black stone slab. With the black cabinets and white floor tiles it looks great. Jack tells me he likes the shower tiles that Devon and I did I both bathrooms. In the hall bathroom we do an off-white stone slab and that goes with the wood cabinets, wood flooring and the beige and off-white tiles and bathroom wall colors. I am not pretentious enough that every room must match. I tell him the electrical I would like to do, and he says he can help if Marie backs out or cannot do something.
I change my clothes; get to work I only have the two students so I can catch up on my files after lunch. I get down to the cafeteria and grab a pizza slice of pepperoni, olives, and extra cheese. I have some salad and a tea. I get a text from Devon that he wants to have dinner at Long’s Thursday if that is cool, he really wants me to meet his man. I tell him I will let him know tomorrow by the time I pick up my cart and then we can plan dinner. I get my two students settled and my files finally caught up, when Dean Kane walks in still not happy looking but I do not care I have my morals and that is that. “Scott when do you get your cart back its supposed to rain Friday” I tell him Thursday and I do not know what time yet. He asks me about my trip to Hawaii I tell him its part medical because of the bone marrow and part family reunion. “I do hope you have safe trip it’s a long flight to there and back, and by the way Bobbie and kay want to apologize when should I set that up” I tell him Friday morning is good and we set that up in his office for 11am. After he leaves, I stop gritting my teeth I do hope their apology is sincere and we all have no more problems.
I head out to the auto shop to ask when my cart will be ready such as what time, they tell me in the morning around 9 am and they can drop it off at the school or at home I tell them I can pick it up I will get a ride over here. Now I head to the pot shop, I am now out of joints, they have anew strain of weed that smells wonderful, so I take that for my joints. I call Devon to ask him what the name of the edibles were, and he tells me Dream Cush, so I pick up some of those because I liked them when I went to Blonde the last time. Heading out I see Robb and Lane and they want to have a chat. “We need you do put a tracker on Gemma’s jeep” I look at them like they are insane “I can’t get into their garage it would be suspicious.” They did not think about that, but I did tell them that she works for the city, but they tried that to many cameras, and this is not on the up and up. “I tell you what if they are going to the show Friday its at El Serrano, so she usually drives” they agree that is better and we all part ways. I get back home and search but still no word from Robbie I do not want to think of the worst, but my mind is playing tricks on me. I decide to order some Indian food, more thoughts of Robbie. I eat my tika masala and nan bread, then I get an email from Heather of the Fido society: Scott, Robbie has been sent on assignment I have King, but he did not want you to worry but he will be out of contact for a while. I will keep you posted if I can, Heather. Now I am worried, but I send up a silent message I miss you I love you and please keep Robbie safe. I spark up my new weed and hear Gemma and Marie get it on, so I put some Chicago on and try not to cry thinking of him.

Listening to the romantic Chicago songs like Hard Habit to Break, did not put my mood or worries at ease. I finish my joint then Brian comes through on Facetime “Hey you look like a wreck, whats wrong dude.” I see myself in the small screen and I do look haggard “Robbie is off on assignment and he will be out of contact for a while.” We chat about my trip to Blonde “Yeah I got some puppy time I do like King he reminds me more and more of Gus each time we are together.” Brian laughs and says, “You are the lab whisperer for a reason my brother, but I do have good news I am going to be Base Commander in the new year.” I let out a soft whistle “Good for you man we will be closer I do love being with my accepting brother” he looks at me funny “Yes you accept me, Joe not so much, like dad he is a bit homophobic.” He sighs “I know man I have tried over the years, but it can be a lost cause, we really do all love you Scott” I tell him “I love you all too and Hawaii will be nice Joe even agreed to surf and you should too.” We chat about his Base Commander position before we hang up “Looking forward to seeing you more only 45 minutes by fairy during the spring and summer.”
After we hang up, I do feel better at least my brother will be close by and in my new place I will have a room for him, if the parents or Joe visit, they will have a place to sleep too. I do remember to order the kitchen appliances, I inherited some money from an Aunt that I keep in a savings so now I can get a new Refrigerator, Stove, dishwasher, all those great kitchen gadgets I can get later such as wine fridge. I start thinking about Robbie again, how he loves wine, again I am feeling sad. I need to get to bed. While I am in the bathroom, I hear Gemma talking to a guy I am guessing “Hey Jimmy its Gemma yeah move that product yes from Blonde our new contact is Cody, yeah he’s trusting I met him last week. Its ready just go pick it up he will meet you at the private airstrip talk soon love.” I am now feeling sick to my stomach because Robbie told me his undercover name is Cody and holy shit this is bad; I need to get to him, but I do not know how.
I write it all down and make a note to go see Lane tomorrow somehow. Then I do a search of the Blonde Island police Department. Not much comes up but I do see Detective Robbie Denton and his bio states: Been on the force for 20 years started as a beat cop promoted to detective in March. I stare at his sweet face for a long time but no information except a non-emergency call number. I make another note for Lane about how to reach Blonde Island then I head to bed. Dreaming about him last night makes me wake up hard, wish I had that man hear instead of having to jerk off in the shower. I had that hot spring night in my head, doing his sexy ass bareback in that warm water and spanking him, mmm I want him. Making breakfast of an egg, sausage, and cheese burrito I eat a banana too and wait outside for Lane (who I texted this morning). He pulls up then we head into the garage. “Tell me all the new information and then we can talk about Blonde ok” I tell him all I heard Gemma say last night and about Robbie telling me his undercover name “I am trying not to worry but if he is undercover with her and she hurts him there will be hell to pay” Lane reassures me that he will check into all of this “No doing anything extreme Scott this is a multi-city operation so lets take it one step at a time, what time do you get out of work” I tell him about 4 and I will be at the new place with Marie doing electrical work. “Good a perfect opportunity to butter her up but I will text you all information, so keep me posted as well” I tell him that is fine then we part ways.
Marie tells me Gemma will take her to work but can she leave her toolbox in my office “Sure that should fit on my bike I will grab the bungee cords” as I pull away, I see Lane drive buy but he does not see me, so I head to the school. I get there and say good morning to Miss Grant “Yes Marie and I will be doing the electrical work after we get done here, she should be around soon she wants to leave her toolbox in my office.” Miss Grant says she will send her back and then answers the phone. I get emails answered and Marie comes in “I got everything we will need I will see you at lunch” I tell her “See you later so where Gemma was this whole time. I did see her one time when she tried to run me off the road” Marie looks shocked but tells me “I have no clue she stayed away and that was fine by me, I am sorry about that you are okay I see.” I look at her “Yes I am but I do care and want you to be safe as well” she smiles and says “Things are complicated but fine Scott I have to go” she was off.
I get my students settled and head out to lunch when Lane comes in “How about lunch off campus today” we head out to the mall food court I wave to Devon as we take our table by the Pink Taco (yeah very original). He comes over and asks what we would like to order. I choose beef enchiladas and Lane takes a veggie burrito. “I am trying to cut back on the meat the doctor is nagging me.” We chat about Brian until Devon comes back with our food “Beef enchiladas for the cute guy and a veggie burrito for the handsome older gentlemen.” We thank him, and Devon tells me he want to go jogging in the am, “I need to pick up my cart at 9 can you give me a lift” he says he will call later. “OK now spill I am worried about Robbie; he tells me he researched and asked some favors the chief will be getting back to him soon. I am a bit on edge, but we then move on to what Gemma said. “It works on the theory about all roads leading to Blonde Island, if Cody is a new runner, he was put there for a reason. You know you should not blow it Scott and no not in that way either” I ha-ha but it makes sense “He was texting while I was there, I thought it was the ex-wife but now it must have been Gemma.”
After eating we head back to campus, he will keep me posted. I get back into my office to tend to other students. Marie comes in at 3 so I finish my files and the rest can be done tomorrow. “Ready to head over to the place” she says yes but Gemma will be driving her over there, so she grabs her toolbox and I internally swear. What am I going to do I have to act naturally? We get out to the parking lot and she is waiting “Ok follow me and try not to run me off the road” I start up my bike, in no time, we are there. “Park in the driveway and we will head in the back door.” I open the gate and we head in through the back door, I show everyone around the house. “So, Marie I have the kitchen lights are you ready to get started” just then Jack comes in and lends us a ladder, so Marie gets started so her and Jack talk shop along with getting the lights installed. Gemma is outside on the phone and I so want to hear what she is talking about, but I am holding a ladder instead. The kitchen lights looks amazing and we move out to do living room next, Marie asks Gemma to help with the screws in the panel. Jack and I get that set and the lights are amazing as well “Great work Marie you should be doing this for a living” Jack says. She is flattered but likes cooking but keeps up the skills thanks to her Dad also doing some work around the complex.
We all get done with bathrooms and bedrooms, now the house is nearly done just need to finish the kitchen cabinets and polish the living room/dining room floors. “This is a great place Scott” Gemma says. “Thank you I really want to get a dog again I want labs and I have three acres out back plenty of running space.” We all chat about fencing options and then the girls head home, so I check in with Lane and he tells me no new news but while you were all inside Robb got the tracker put on and no mentioning that. I tell him of course then head home myself, my mail includes a letter from Robbie…….




  1. /u/lordfox76, I have found an error in your post:

    > “care of ~~its~~ [**it’s**] all set”

    I noticed you, lordfox76, could have said “care of ~~its~~ [**it’s**] all set” instead. ‘Its’ is possessive; ‘it’s’ means ‘it is’ or ‘it has’.

    ^(This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through DMs or contact my owner EliteDaMyth!)

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