Being an Aquarium Security Guard is more fun than I Thought (Part 2) [MF] [Beast]

(Make sure to read [Part 1]( before reading this one, enjoy!)

I opened my eyes to see the familiar popcorn ceiling of my collage dormitory. I sat up in bed and rubbed my face. Then, like a truck, the memory of last night hit me in the face. I had lost my virginity to a dolphin. A *dolphin* for god’s sake. Was it a dream? A simple way to check. I grabbed my iPhone off the nightstand, opened the photos app, and there it was. Pictures, 4 of them, of me with my dick in Annie, the dolphin.

I just stared for a good minute and a half before coming to my senses. I stood up. Today was Saturday, and tonight there was some party going on like almost every night with these morons illegally drinking. I heard a knock at the door and went into the main room to answer it. It was one of my “friends” (I use that term loosely) Mike Donovan.

“Dude!” He exclaimed like a surfer. “There is a HUUUGE party tonight, you HAVE TO go.” I sighed. This song-and-dance was familiar. “I’d rather not, I have studies.” Mike scoffed like I was an idiot or something “Dude, there’s like gonna be like drinks-” “Oh the drinks you illegally drink?” I said, irritated. He continued like I hadn’t spoken “and weed, and hot chicks, you ARE coming.”

I stared at him. “No. I am not coming to your party with illegal drinking and drugs and whores. I’d rather not be like that.” “But you’re still a sad little virgin. So many hot chicks there-” I said “What the fuck is wrong with you? I couldn’t give a shit about my virginity”

Although, I had already lost it. Part of me wanted to whip out my phone and show this moron “friend” of mine the photos I had, but that would be a bad idea. Despite Mike’s lack of intelligence, a rumor would likely start and it would make its way to the teachers then to my employer. Which would likely be the end of my reputation (what little I had of one as the top student at the collage) and the end of any future career. Mike glared at me. “Danny, and Noah, and Lenny are all coming, what is wrong with you Eric?”

I didn’t say any more, just shut the door in his face.

I’ll spare you the details of my weekend, which was just comprised of studying, shopping, and watching television.

Monday Night

I pulled up at the aquarium in my 2004 Toyota Prius as the wind picked up, the Stars and Stripes waving high overhead. I went to the guard station as Ed, the head security guard, was getting ready to leave. Ed was 70, and had served in our local police force for 45 years before retiring 5 years ago. According to the story he apparently told to all the new guards, he wanted a calming, relaxing place to retire, but after finding none he liked, he decided to be a security guard at the most calming, relaxing thing one could think of: the aquarium

As he told us, it was neither of those things, what with annoying teenagers, screaming children, and angry parents, but he had made a choice and wasn’t about to run away. Most groaned at that story, but I liked it.

Ed smiled when he saw me. “Eric, my boy, how’s life treatin’ ya?” “Good, Ed, good.” “Great.” he said, with a genuine smile. “I’m excited to work today.” I said happily, which was the truth. He must of seen I was genuine, because he looked surprised. “Most boys hated the night shift, but look at you. The next generation needs more people like you.” He smiled again, clapped me on the shoulders, then left.

If only he knew exactly *why* I was excited, more specifically *what* type of excitement it was. I walked out of the Guard room and started towards’ Annie’s enclosure. When she saw me, she started chirping and quickly swam up to the shallow area. I smiled “Hey girl.” I stripped and got in the warm water with her. I wasted no time burying my dick in her tight little pussy. “F-fuck, you’re even tighter than before.” I said, feeling her slippery walls enclose around my dick. I laid on my back, putting her on top of me, bouncing her as she herself thrusted in rhythm with me.

Her pussy fluids spilled out over my dick, making it easier and easier to thrust in her. I knew I couldn’t last long, but held out. Annie, meanwhile, was chirping and clicking happily as I kept thrusting. Her walls were clenching my dick, milking it for is fluids. I kissed her on her snout and looked down to see my dick disappearing and re-appearing as it went in and out, in and out. I couldn’t hold on any longer and shot jets of warm cum deep in her. She chirped again and I sighed. laying there with her beautiful body on top of me as my cum leaked out of her.

“F-fuck, I need more.” I started bouncing her again, and she was loving it. Pure carnal pleasure surged through my body, I didn’t know it was possible to feel this good. I kept fucking her for at least another 10 minutes. After that, I simply sat on the nearest chair as I thought about everything that had just happened. Hell, I didn’t need a human. Could humans even feel that good? Doubtful. I watched Annie lazy swim around her enclosure, and I could have sworn she waved at me with a flipper.

The next day I arrived back at the aquarium per usual. I walked up to the guard station when I saw Dr Reanu walking towards me very fast and with clear purpose. I said cheerily “Hello Dr Reanu, can I help you?” She stopped in front of me and said “What the fuck is wrong with you?” Genuinely confused I said “Pardon?” She looked flustered “You… I saw what you did.” Instantly my stomach dropped. I knew exactly what she was referring too. I could only hope she didn’t have any proof.

Somehow I was able to turn my emerging expression of horror into confusion. “What?” She glared at me. “I saw you having intercourse with the dolphin.” I had only a split second to make a decision. I simply laughed in her face. One thing about me, I am 6 foot and despite having no facial hair people usually didn’t bother me. Reanu was 5 foot at the most, trying to look intimidating but it was failing. She glared even harder. “Don’t try to laugh at me, I saw you.” I laughed harder. Inwardly, I was screaming. “Oh come on, fucking a dolphin? Isn’t that a little insane?” “Don’t try to brush it off.” “Fine, I’ll humor you, if I did this act, where’s your proof?” Her glare disappeared and I realized she had no proof of anything. All she had were her words.

I pushed past her, but I knew that if it came down to her words against mine, the bosses would probably believe her over me. She stepped back in front of me. I said “You are insane, woman.” “I know who you are, Eric Bluemont.” Shit. She knew who I was. I stared down at her. “You have no proof.” “So you admit it?” She said. I sighed. I could either keep lying, or come clean and have my life ruined.

At that moment an African-American biologist walked over to us. “Dr Reanu, I don’t know what you’re doing with Annie, but keep it up. These past couple days she’s been so much happier.” He smiled and walked off. I watched Reanu’s face change from confused to realization. She looked at me. “You….. you’re the one making her happy, arn’t you?” I sighed. “You do know dolphins are very sexually active. You stuck her in her own tank with no other dolphins.” And I realized I had just effectively came clean.

Reanu sighed. “I didn’t want to put her there, but the bosses wanted their mascot easy to see.” I nodded. “Fine, Mr Bluemont, I won’t…. I won’t inform them of your actions with Annie.” “Good.” I said. “Because I’d hate to leak those photos I have of you fucking with Dr Cheng.” Reanu looked mortified. “How did you know?” I shrugged. “I saw you two in the parking lot my first night here.” I show her the pictures I had of her and Dr Terrance Cheng. And I walked off, smiling as I knew I had an edge over Reanu. If she ever decided she wanted to report me to the bosses, I had these.


Well there’s Part 2!

I know there’s not a lot of sex in this one, but fear not, Part 3 is going to be a hell of a lot of sex, and very detailed sex as well. Once more, any questions about the piece feel free to comment or Chat me or DM me, all of them work.

Thanks again!
