The Heal Slut: Chapter Eleven – I Am Here To Guide You [FF][MF]

Author’s Note: Hello friends and readers. Sorry that this chapter took so long to get out. I haven’t given up, I promise. Life got really busy, so I have less time to write. I’ll be trying to get at least a chapter out a week, from now on. A little slower than my previous schedule, but at least quicker than this one came out. Thanks for reading, though. Hope you enjoy.

# Part Twenty Six: I Am Here To Guide You

***Sybil of Zibush***

Returning to the camp was a depressing affair, but Sybil held out hope that her clan would come together again. Most of those still alive were merely sapped of their moral, wanting nothing more than to sleep it off.

But there was one important thing to be decided that weighed on her, who would lead their clan in the wake of their leader’s death? Both Letam and Alakai were dead, leaving them without a strong man that was their customary leader. Pain registered in her heart, but she ignored it as she ushered everyone in, along with the carts that held most of their dead brethren.

The carts, along with Letam and Alakai’s bodies, were taken to the central square, where their public rituals and such often took place. The remainder of the clan, perhaps 50 or so men, 40 women and 23 children, gathered around those carts and mourned those that they loved.

Sybil watched with Sipha close to her, both of them standing near the outside of the group, the woman was unable to truly mourn, her tears and pain exhausted, much as her body was. But soon, they began to turn towards her and ask with their eyes, with the looks on their faces.

‘What do we do?’ was the question that plagued them. And Sybil didn’t know anything beyond building a pyre for their fallen. She couldn’t even think that far.

“They want you to say something, Priestess.” Sipha’s gentle voice came from her side, the girl’s hand touching Sybil’s side momentarily. Sybil nodded without looking at the girl, stepping forward as she cleared her throat.

“I.. I mourn the loss of our leader. But those of us that are left still have hope for the future. We still have our children, our women, and enough men to work the fields to give us food for the winter. I won’t say that everything will be as it was before. Those that are lost outnumber us, but we can continue to move forward. I propose we build a Great Pyre for our fallen, Chieftain Letam, Alakai, and everyone that has died this night. We shall burn it under the Watch of our Goddess after today’s sun rises and begins to fall.” Sybil told them, feeling her words bubble out of her without much decision on her part. Her words seemed to soothe the worries of some, but make them worse for others.

“Who will lead up?” One voice rose and Sybil shook her head sadly. She frowned, glancing around their numbers. None of the usual candidates were alive. All of their best warriors were dead now, traitor or otherwise.

“I.. do not know. I am here to guide you, as your Priestess. I know not who is to lead us, but I shall pray to the Goddess that she gives me a sign.” Sybil finally responded and a cry rang out among many of them that seemed to spread out as the idea took hold. Sybil was in shock as the words and their implication became clear to her.

“We want you to lead us! All hail the Priestess of Orianna!” The calls echoed and though she saw a few faces that disagreed, many of them were overjoyed at the prospect. Sybil smiled softly and shook her head.

“We shall have a vote, in the absence of a clear leader. If you truly wish me to lead, I will not shirk my duty to my people. But this is not our custom and I will not have the wrath of Orianna upon us. Think about it and we shall come together again in the evening after the burning of our fallen.” Sybil’s speech ended and many of those gathered dispersed, women taking the children to bed and those that were most wounded going to get healed or bandaged up.

A few remained, many warriors that were mostly unwounded in the battle. Sybil saw the guilt they felt and didn’t know how to make it any easier with the guilt in her own heart.

“My lady, we wish to build the Great Pyre.” One of them spoke, a strong Ork that was on their side in the conflict. Sybil looked amongst the group and nodded slowly.

“I see the guilt in you, feeling somehow responsible for the warriors we lost. But it was Alakai to blame, not you. If this task will ease your hearts, please take it and work out your frustrations. But afterward, I shall expect you to be ready to defend our village and train those younglings that are old enough.” Sybil answered, again feeling as if she didn’t have much thought to put into it.

“Yes, Priestess. We shall make Letam proud.” He answered and then he bowed low to her, echoed in the actions of each of the men. And then he turned, barking orders at them to gather wood, nails, and other supplies. Sybil was amused for a moment, figuring that if anyone else besides her became their leader, it would be him. She would have to learn more about him in the coming days.

“Sipha..” Sybil murmured as they began towards the back of the camp, where their private tents stood as if mocking her fallen husband.

“Yes, my Priestess?” Sipha asked as Sybil stopped and turned to her. Sipha’s eyes were bright, caring. Utterly devoted.

“I don’t want to sleep in my tent anymore. May I share your bed this night?” The words brought a blush to Sipha’s cheeks, but she nodded readily. Sybil smirked at her young acolyte, sensing her secret thoughts. Even in the aftermath of all this pain, there was always something to look forward to.


***Tirron Maldrek***

“Tirron, no!” Autumn’s voice rang out, busting Tirron from a relatively intense dream and he jerked up. Autumn was thrashing in her sleep, her eyes darting behind her eyelids and she led out a muted scream. Tirron easily lifted the girl into his arms and gently shook her awake.

“Autumn! It’s just a dream. Wake up, girl.” Tirron told her insistently, her eyes jerked open and she panicked in his arms before her eyes settled on his face and she finally settled. Tirron’s eyes searched her as her anxiety about her dreams slowly fled and she was left a little sweaty, but nestled in his arms.

The light shined in through the windows and Tirron bet it was probably nearly noon already. He was a little hungry, but as he settled back down and laid down with Autumn, other needs became more urgent, though he put those off as well.

“Are you okay, babe?” Tirron asked gently as he stroked her hair. Autumn’s bright blue eyes blinked and she cleared her throat, nodding.

“I just.. I had a dream that you.. Died last night. And I don’t think I’d survive that.” She answered, a little emotionally as she blinked away some tears. Tirron leaned closer and kissed her forehead.

“I’m here and alive. Not going anywhere.” He growled and she smiled, a beautiful turn up of her lips that brought his face closer to hers without a conscious thought, pressing their lips together. It was a reminder of the dream he woke up from, being intimately intertwined with this girl, surrounded by all the others.

“Seems like you had a good dream too, Mister.” Autumn giggled as he pulled away and finally felt his hardened length on her thighs. She reached down and rubbed it softly, humming in her throat.

“It was about being deep inside of you, baby.” Tirron groaned as her fingers explored his length and brought it to full mast. She licked her lips and shifted onto her back, pushing the blankets the rest of the way as she spread her legs.

“Maybe you can try it..” She murmured, eying him hungrily. He grinned and shifted immediately, sliding between her legs and propping them up on top of his own as he pressed their hips closer and laid his cock against her delicious bare pussy.

“Not sure I’ll fit, but I want to feel your wetness.” Tirron growled and Autumn nodded urgently, biting her lip submissively. Tirron’s fingers explored underneath his cock and rubbed at her, feeling her slick sex as it moistened more under his fingers. Autumn moaned, breathing harder as he rubbed up to clit and spread the moisture there.

Then his hips shifted back and he gripped his cock as he rubbed it against her in the same way his fingers had. A thick groan escaped his lips as he felt her so intimately that it sent a thrill through him that called him to pierce her.

“Please..” Autumn moaned desperately after he continued teasing her with the head of his cock. Tirron grinned as he obliged, sliding the head down to her entrance and putting the slightest amount of pressure there.

Already, he knew it would be hard to get inside of her. She was tight, tighter than anything he’d ever felt. Surely not a virgin after Pitrin had his way with her, but certainly close enough that they’d have to work at it.

“Oh Goddess!” Autumn groaned as he nudged just a little more against her, his head pushing against her sex and stretching it so intensely. In response, he stilled his movement and ran his hands over her body, sliding up to her breasts and rubbing her nipples, ghosting over her sides, squeezing her thighs, before he slid his fingers to her clit and rubbed in slow circles.

It was torture for him, feeling ilke he was so close to being truly within her, but still so far away. She moaned as her pleasure built up and her pussy clenched, nearly pushing him completely out of her, but he shifted a little more against her and stretched her a tiny bit more. Her eyes were closed, mouth slack, and face seemingly torn between pleasure and the feeling of him piercing her.

“I’m gonna.. Please.. Tirron!” She gasped, nearly out of breath as her orgasm rose up and gripped her, making her sex so much slicker. Still working with his fingers, he pushed a little more during the clenching and unclenching of her pussy and then he was within her, making her scream out harder, but only in pleasure as he felt his head embedded within her.

The feeling was utterly exquisite and though he knew she wasn’t ready for him to enter her deeply, it was enough to please him. He rested there, still inside of her as her orgasm waned and his fingers stopped. He stared at her with such affection, admiring the way her eyes opened and watched him, the way her chest heaved as she tried to catch her breath.

Then she shifted up to her elbows and looked down at where their bodies met, his cockhead within her and the rest of his length aching to fill her completely. She giggled as she ran her hand down to where they met, her fingers exploring around his cock and within her lips that gripped him.

“I didn’t think you’d be able to do that..” Autumn murmured as she wiped some of her slickness up his cock and slowly began to stroke it, a little awkwardly at the angle she sat up at, but it was her eagerness that helped her movement bring his pleasure up.

“I didn’t either, you just feel so good.” Tirron groaned as she used her wetness to stroke him and shifted her hips a little back and forth, squeezing herself around his head. The movements were enough to bring him closer to what he wanted and when she gripped his base and nudged him, he was able to slide a half inch deeper into her, making her face twist in pleasure and pain.

“Will you cum in me?” She asked in a soft, almost innocent voice that made him want nothing more than to give her what she wanted. Already, her hips were shifting back and forth and her fingers followed the movements on the rest of his length.

“Yes. Goddess, you feel so amazing. Keep going, I’m almost ready.” Tirron breathed as he kept himself still, resisting the urge to fuck her, but letting her go at her own pace. His pleasure was rising quickly and he slapped away the thought that she might get pregnant. After both Sybil and Marcia would be having children, he couldn’t bring himself to care if he got another one of his mates pregnant.

He’d be lying if the thought didn’t help him get closer, though. When his orgasm built up and her movements pushed up to the edge, he had to grip her thighs so he wouldn’t give into his impulse to push deeper, already she was stretched almost painfully. And then it happened, being pushed over the edge by her soaking wet sex wrapped around his head.

He pulsed and began to cum within her, spraying inside of her with each tightening of his balls. It was almost overwhelming, but in the next couple of moments, it easily became overwhelming when she came as well, tightening almost painfully around him as she took his seed deep into her.

“Autumn!” Tirron growled as they came together and he felt their power shift around and press together as their bodies were. It was with a deep fulfillment that they slowly came down from their orgasms, sweating and gasping together.

“Ready?” Tirron asked and she nodded as her face winced a little when he slowly pulled out of her. Watching her sex gape for a split second before easing back to normal while oozing his seed was exhilarating and pleased his need to breed her.

“Hold me?” She asked in a quiet voice and he obliged, laying down next to her and wrapping his arms around her as they pressed close together. She trembled against him, but slowly she relaxed from the intensity of their love making as he rubbed her back.

And then before he knew it, Autumn was breathing softly as she fell asleep once more. He couldn’t even blame her, merely continued softly rubbing her back until he was sure she wouldn’t wake up, then he climbed out of bed, put on some pants, and wandered downstairs to find something, anything, to eat.


# Part Twenty Seven: Chocolate and Stories

***Autumn Bizbee***

Autumn squirmed under the attention of the gathered masses, countless eyes upon her and her mates. Behind them stood the gates that were half fixed, ruined buildings surrounding them. On her left was her lover, Tirron, and to her right were Marcia and Bree. On Tirron’s other side was the head of the guard, but Autumn couldn’t remember his name.

And in front of them all were the villagers, guards, and travellers that came to the small ceremony that the man called the afternoon after the attack. Autumn was barely even awake when Marcia and Bree brushed her hair, clothed her in a bright blue dress, and shoved her with food before the four of them went to the north gate.

“Thank you for gathering, everyone. While I applaud each and every one of you for actions taken during the battle last night, four of our number stand above the rest. I can not understate the brave job our guards and volunteers did in defending the town, but even the best of our warriors would not fare well against three oversized Ogres!” The man’s words provoked a surge of applause from those that were attending the ceremony. Autumn tried to remember his name, never good with remembering names, but settled on Tal-something.

“Tirron Maldrek, a demonborn warrior that has proven his mettle again and again, defending the recent caravan not once, but twice from the orks and their goblins. Marcia Tumbleheart, the Healer that all of us know and love and rely on for magical remedies. Bree Rose Abrakir, our resident Witch and the woman that single handedly keeps our wards up and running, keeping us safe from all manner of dangers. Lastly, Autumn Bizbee, a traveller from said caravan that wishes to make a home in our village.” He named and motioned to each of them and Autumn had to resist the urge to dart behind Tirron, but his hand held hers tightly.

“Give these four brave heroes a warm round of applause and never forget that they stood up against evil without hesitation!” A cheer broke out in those assembled. Countless people came up to thank them, offering small gifts, money or trinkets or whatever else. By the time most of the crowd dispersed, Autumn was surprised to find herself gifted with a very small bag of holding, along with her mates, that held all of the stuff she’d been given.

It was unexpected, to say the least. For her part, she wasn’t motivated by any desire to save the villagers, except for those that she encountered on the way to save Tirron. Instead, her motivation was to find her lovers and do what she could to help them. But it was a very heartwarming moment when a girl a little younger than herself with dark red curly hair came up to her, thanking Autumn alone profusely for saving her, giving her a small package that Autumn had yet to open.

And then the girl disappeared into the crowd without even telling Autumn her name. She hoped the package would shed a little light on the issue, but Tirron accepted an invitation from the man, who Marcia had quietly informed her was named Talfen, to come to the inn and have a few drinks.

“We’d love to join you men in your drinking, but I need to check on my home. Autumn, would you like to join me?” Marcia came to be her savior once more and the blonde girl happily agreed. Bree begged off as well, headed to the tower to make sure the wardstone was still safe.

Marcia guided Autumn along by her hand, back along the path outside of the town. In the light of the sun, the forest didn’t seem nearly as intimidating. At some point, the bodies of the orks and goblins were removed as well and Autumn thanked the goddess for that mercy, unwilling to look upon all of the bodies they slaughtered in defense of their home.

Once safe inside the wards, Marcia led the girl into the home and towards a small cabinet, inside of which was a tiny pulsing stone. Marcia waved her wand a few times and with a hum, seemed satisfied with whatever results her test showed.

“Magical attacks can usually cause long-term damage to a wardstone, but luckily that fireball didn’t come against this one, or else we’d probably have problems.” Marcia explained with a giggle that was almost humorless.

“Do you think the village is in danger because of that?” Autumn asked, curious about the magic behind it all. She hadn’t looked into the magic that Pitrin gave her, but she knew he had a few talents he rarely spoke of and used even less.

“I doubt it. Though it looked pretty rough, only another one like it would have done true damage. But Bree will probably be working for the rest of the day and probably won’t be up for company after dealing with it.” Marcia told her as she went about making some tea for the two of them. In addition to the tea, Marcia shared some homemade chocolates that just about made Autumn moan in delight.

“Chocolates are such a treat!” Autumn gushed, “I haven’t had them since we were in Vatis, a tiny little town of feline laguz that made the best treats I’ve ever had. This still might put them to shame.” Marcia blushed at the compliment, Autumn noticed how the girl squirmed a bit in her chair at the praise.

“What was it like? Vatis, I mean?” Marcia asked, obviously changing the subject, but Autumn would never get tired of sharing her experiences.

“It was.. Amazing. Scary sometimes, but seeing so many Anaki and Laguz living so freely was inspiring. Sure, they have some colonies and villages here on Toyok, but nothing like entire societies like over there. Some of their cultures are pretty strange compared to ours, but it’s just normal for them. In the village I was talking about, most people just walk around naked all the time! Talk about an eyeful!” Autumn giggled and Marcia nearly choked on her tea as she laughed. Autumn shared a few more of her tales while finishing off the tea and chocolates.

“Did you ever.. Have a crush on anyone back there?” Marcia asked, curious about the girl’s history. Autumn blushed deeply, looking away. “Spill it, girl!” Marcia insisted playfully as she nudged the girl’s side.

“Well, there was this really cute guy, he was half laguz, but he had ears, cat tail, fur on his hips, and was uhh..” Autumn trailed off as she felt her entire body heat up at Marcia’s giggle.

“He was packing a lot downstairs, I take it?” Marcia nudged the girl again and Autumn nodded with a half embarrassed smile.

“Even when he was soft! Goddess, I imagined him every day we were there. One day, I was wandering around when I saw him with a girl behind the inn. Thankfully, it was pretty late evening so where I stood was pretty dark and I don’t think they saw me..” Autumn squeezed her thighs together as she replayed the memory in her head.

“Come on, love. I want to hear your story, but these chairs aren’t comfortable for long.” Marcia’s excuse seemed like bullshit, but Autumn didn’t resist as the girl brought her into the bedroom and took off her robe, revealing a lovely white shift underneath that held her lovely assets and gave Autumn flashes of the girl’s pale panties.

Marcia coaxed the girl into the bed, Marcia laying back on some pillows, her upper half raised up as Autumn laid on her belly between the girl’s legs, propped up on her elbows with her face above Marcia’s belly. Autumn was beyond turned on now, getting a perfect view of Marcia’s stretched panties as she laid on top of her.

And she smelled good, as she always did, some fruity scent and it filled Autumn’s nostrils now and the heat from Marcia’s nethers did the blonde girl no favors.

“It was.. crazy. I wasn’t expecting anyone to be back there. Honestly.. I was trying to get some alone time as well and the path led into a little forest that was pretty secluded, but they didn’t even make it that far!” Autumn giggled and the way Marcia’s stomach rumpled under her when she laughed was enough to make Autumn’s lips come down, putting her shift up to kiss her bare belly.

“Mmm Autumn..” Marcia sighed as the girl kissed along her belly to each side before returning to the middle.

“The girl was pretty furry almost everywhere and had light yellow fur and dark brown hair. She was really busty, even more so than you or Bree or even Ramona.” As Autumn spoke, her fingers peeled up Marcia’s shift to expose her breasts playfully. Marcia’s breath caught as Autumn’s lips kissed up between her breasts.

“She was bent over a barrel or something and he was being pretty merciless with her. He was long, even longer than Tirron, but wasn’t quite as big around.” Autumn told Marcia, watching the girl’s reaction.

“Did you.. get your alone time?” Marcia asked pointedly with a smirk and it brought a deep flush to Autumn’s cheeks.

“Yes.. like I said, it was pretty dark where I was and I just.. couldn’t resist. I uhh.. I came about the same time that they did. I managed to get away before they went their ways, but I tried again every day until we left to catch them again, but they never came back..” Autumn felt like she was telling her secrets so easily to Marcia, but the girl made her feel so comfortable and she couldn’t deny that she wanted to arouse Marcia with her story.

“You’re a naughty thing!” Marcia giggled, running her hands through Autumn’s hair, making the girl sigh softly.

“Well, a girl has needs..” Autumn murmured, half closing her eyes as Marcia’s fingers stroked her hair, her neck, her upper back, her face.

“I know some needs that you’ve given me, little minx.” Marcia told her in a husky voice that sent a thrill through Autumn’s core. “I want you to take care of it.” Marcia ordered her and it sent an even deeper pulse of need into her.

“Tell me.. Mistress. I’ll do anything..” Autumn moaned as Marcia’s hand went to her throat and squeezed playfully. Autumn saw her lover’s face brighten with excitement.

“First, I want you to take my panties off.” Marcia ordered and Autumn didn’t hesitate, sitting up a little to slide the girl’s panties down, shifting down to bring them off of her ankles.

As Marcia spread her legs again, Autumn was enthralled by her soaked pussy, just a tiny bit of hair on her mound, but otherwise it was slick and smooth. Autumn shifted back down into her position, but waited for more orders.

“I want you to breathe me in, baby girl.” Marcia’s next order came and it wasn’t hard to resist, Autumn put her face close to Marcia’s wetness and inhaled deeply. It was utterly intoxicating, the sweet and fruity smell, mixed with the deep musk of arousal.

“That’s my good girl. Now, you’ll lick me. Lick me like you’d want to be licked yourself.” Marcia sighed as she ran her fingers through Autumn’s hair.

Autumn started off, planting kisses on her mound, brushing her lips through the furry little patch as she kissed further down. Her tongue slid down the lips, before pushing inside to taste her fully.

Autumn felt her own panties flood at the sound of pleasure that escaped Marcia’s lips. Still, she licked down to the feast, sliding her tongue into Marcia to taste her more deeply, her nose buried at the top of her cleft, inhaling her scent even more deeply than before.

“Right here, my little slut.” Marcia moaned as she gripped Autumn’s hair and forcefully aimed her tongue at Marcia’s clit. Autumn hummed as she began to lap at the girl’s sensitive bud, Marcia still gripping her hair just hard enough to keep her still, the feeling sending deep pangs of need through the blonde girl.

“Autumn..” Marcia moaned loudly as Autumn’s relentlessly licking paid off, bringing the girl closer to her orgasm. Autumn continued working with her tongue, licking the clit side to side, exactly what she loved when Pitrin did it to her.

“Don’t stop!” Marcia demanded as she approached her peak and despite Autumn’s flagging stamina and the soft ache in her jaw, she obeyed. She continued her exact motions, back and forth in endless motions.

As Marcia’s orgasm rose steadily and she was right on the edge, she moaned loudly and bucked her hips against Autumn’s mouth. And then she came, gripping Autumn’s hair as she nearly screamed with pleasure.

Still, Autumn didn’t quit licking as she was ordered not to stop, persisting by sheer willpower. But as her orgasm waned and her sex became too sensitive, Marcia gasped at her to stop, pulling her head up by her hair. Autumn came willingly, crawling up Marcia’s body until she was straddling her waist and the woman forcefully pulled their lips together.

Autumn moaned into her mouth as Marcia’s tongue tasted herself in the girl’s mouth. By the time Marcia pulled her away by the hair, both of them were gasping and quite breathless.

“I love you!” The words slipped out of Autumn’s lips as Marcia nibbled up her neck, bringing her need to the forefront.

“I love you too, my sweet girl. Do you want a reward?” Marcia smiled as she finally let go of the girl’s hair and Autumn stared at her with an undisguised list.

“Yes.. please. Please, mommy.” Autumn begged and Marcia giggled as she slid her fingers down under Autumn’s dress to rub at her pantied sex.

“You’d better get naked then, my love.” Marcia told her softly and Autumn took no time, peeling her dress up from her body up over her head, revealing her mostly nude body, lack of bra and all. She shifted herself off of Marcia momentarily, sliding her panties down and off, leaving her stark nude and at Marcia’s mercy.


# Part Twenty Eight: The Prayer of Supplication

***Tirron Maldrek***

Laying in a bath of almost scalding hot water, surrounded by candles of various colors, Bree tried to relax. After spending most of the day dealing with the aftermath of the battle, she couldn’t seem to reach a state of tranquility.

The wards were damaged for sure, such a massive fireball, likely a group effort by Alakai’s magical followers, did damage that was not permanent, but only because she’d worked on the wards so recently. Still, it took a better part of her power and all of the concentration she had to fix what damage the attack caused.

Not to mention so many people dying within it’s range, the Ogres who seemed to sap its energy with their very presences, Bree’s work was tough and she was left in a state nearing exhaustion. Washing away all of the sweat and surrounding herself in a dark room lit only by candles, she still couldn’t relax.

Tension felt etched in all of her muscles, bones, and her mind. Bree was glad that Autumn and Marcia would be able to distract each other and Tirron was surely drowning whatever he felt in alcohol. She loved her bond mates, a phrase she’d never thought to herself, but she wished now that she hadn’t spent the rest of the day alone. Even if their presence would have distracted from her task.

The sun had set a couple hours before and still, she was pent up inside and needed an outlet for the tension caused by the battle and subsequent events. Healing her people that were left mangled from the attack and taking care of the damaged wards tasked the anger that she needed to put away.

Sybil was an ally now, another thing she’d never thought she’d see happen. But Tirron was a force to be reckoned with and after the death of the ork woman’s husband, someone had to help her pick up the pieces.

Still, she was angry that it had to happen at all. With a sigh of frustration, she climbed out of the tub, extinguished the candles with a wave of her hand and toweled herself off as she went into her bedroom and looked out of the bay window to see the half-lit moon high in the sky.

That at least, inspired a bit of relaxation, but not enough. She knelt nude by the window and began to recite a prayer to Rhiannon. But then she felt it, a slight disturbance against the wards. It brought a smile to her face as she continued to pray, a little more intently at the Goddess for bringing the man into her life.

Sounds echoed from downstairs, the rough voice that belonged to the man she was happy to call her own. Though she’d never imagined she’d get tied down into a bond at all.

His footsteps echoed up the stairs, heavy and with the distinct stutter of dizziness. And then she felt his eyes on her from the doorway. She acted oblivious to his appearance, reciting the ending of her prayer.

Bree felt the heat of his presence and she knew by the feeling of his energy that he had one thought on his mind: Her. It was a thrilling feeling and inspired her own lust to rise.

One footstep, then two, then three. And he was there, kneeling next to her. He was clearly drunk by the uneven steps, the way he nearly toppled forward when he knelt, but he had his wits about him.

“My Goddess, praise be to you for every victory.” Tirron began, his voice a little slurred but still strong and inspiring. “I am your servant in this mortal world and submit to you.” It surprised Bree that he knew the Prayer of Supplication. “Please continue to work in my life and show me the path that I should take.” His voice was low, nearly a growl that made her wet between her thighs. Bree changed a look next to her and the man was wearing a loose shirt, his hands clasped together in the air, his face downturned and serious.

“I come to you in the midst of my bonded, a devout follower. Bless us, as we walk in mortal bodies, in a mortal world full of strife. You have a path for us, a reason for being that is beyond our knowing. Still, we walk in your name. Bless us, Moon Goddess.” It thrilled Bree to hear him saying such words that even Marcia wasn’t so devout to say in her presence. But Ehlo was another matter, a much more detached deity than Rhiannon.

He recited the ending of the prayer and Bree ended her prayer as well. Then he stood, his movements a little more focused and less drunken. Bree stood with him, turning to watch him as he went to the end of the bed and sat heavily, taking off his boots, shirt, and shifting his pants down until he was nude as well.

Bree prodded over to him without hesitation and climbed into his lap, their lips meeting without a word shared between them. Tirron’s hands were strong on her sides, gripping them as he pulled her hard against him, their hips meeting.

His cock was hard against her slick sex as she let his hands guide her, while she took charge against his mouth, licking his lips and meeting his tongue. She could taste fruity mead, some stronger alcohol, and the remnants of green leaf smoke. Meanwhile, his hands pulled at her hips and arched her against him, sliding her against his length.

The movements were enough to bring Bree’s head back as she let a string of moans into the air as his guiding movements brought pleasure and an aching need to finally have him inside of her. As if sensing her need, Tirron chuckled and easily lifted her and all but threw her in the middle of the bed, a burst of air escaping her lungs as she landed.

She took a breath in to say his name, perhaps to chastise him, but only a moan escaped her lips as Tirron’s hands ripped her legs apart and his face plunged between her thighs, licking at her wet pussy without hesitation. He was a man possessed by his own growing need and it showed as he ate her relentlessly, burying his tongue inside of her at one second, then licking from her ass to her clit in the next.

It was intoxicating and exactly what she needed, bringing her closer and closer to the edge with each motion of his tongue, each time his hands gripped her thighs harder, each time he breathed out against her. And he built her up so easily, as if he’d been doing it for years and years and knew each little sensitive spot in her body.

But this was a man that she’d only been with a couple times, but a bond was a strong force and led to moments like this, where lovers knew things they couldn’t. And he knew exactly what he was doing as he brought her up to the very edge of orgasm and kept her there for over a minute.

Each moment of that minute seemed more intense than the last, his tongue insistent but knowing exactly how to keep her from crossing the boundary of pleasure. Each moment drove her moans louder, her need deeper, her hands gripping the bed sheets tighter. She knew what he wanted and was loathe to give it to him, no matter how easily he kept her on the edge.

She could solve it just by saying one word, or just giving herself a little push with her own energy. Still, his tongue worked on her and she was frustrated as she looked down at her lover, seeing his dark eyes staring at her with intensity and some amusement.

Nearing the minute mark, she could hardly stand it anymore. It seemed to last into eternity, bringing her into a state that she’d never really experienced before: true desperation. Her orgasm was right on the edge and she couldn’t take it anymore. All the times she’d brought Marcia to this same point were coming back to bite her in the ass.

“Please!” She finally begged and the effect was instantaneous, Tirron’s tongue moving in just the right spot in the right way and Bree was thrust over the edge into oblivion. An ocean of pleasure wrapped her in a sweet embrace and soaked her body in the best feelings. It was the culmination of all the stress, all the selflessness that brought her to this point in the day.

As she came out of the haze of her pleasure, Tirron was no longer licking her, but sitting up between her legs and sliding his cock along her lips, groaning as he got the tip of himself slick. With cloudy eyes and a desire to please him, she spread her legs wider and arched herself up as he came to her entrance.

“Bree?” He growled in that voice that compelled her, the same way his tongue compelled her only moments earlier. This time, she didn’t have the ability to resist, didn’t want to hold it off any longer.

“Tirron.. Please fuck me..” Bree moaned, all of her pride disappearing with the remnants of her orgasm. Tirron smiled at her, a look of amusement, but also with the vicious look of a predator in his eyes. Bree was beyond ready to have him inside of her for the first time and he seemed quite ready himself.

“As you wish.” He nodded, holding her hips as he slowly pressed himself into her. Where Marcia was a perfect fit to his length and Autumn would clearly need some work to easily enter, Bree was tight, but just enough so that she fit like a glove as he entered her. Her moans were free and desperate as he slid into her, inch by inch.

“You are mine now, Bree.” Tirron told her as he entered her completely. His tone was claiming and dominant and everything she needed.

“Yes.. Completely yours. Use me for your pleasure, please!” She begged, stretching her legs just a little more as he began to move inside of her, slowly out and then back in. She was utterly beyond feeling pride, feeling like she had any control. With Marcia and Autumn, sure, but with Tirron, she would be his playtoy.

And he used her in that manner, gripping her hips while he began fucking her harder and faster, his own pleasure becoming insistent as he needed to breed her. Despite her birth control potion, she wished she could give him a child as Marcia and Sybil would. Perhaps one day, she thought to herself in the haze of pleasure that gripped her mind.

Several minutes passed as he relentlessly fucked her and brought her to two entire orgasms in the process, leaving her mind putty and pointless as he used her tightness as a sleeve for his cock.

“Ready, my love?” Tirron asked, growling deeply as he began to fuck her harder and more intensely. Bree whined, his movements overwhelming her.

“Yes! Cum, please, in me, please, please, please.” She chanted, words escaping her body with each thrust and then he was there, embedded within her as he filled her with his burning seed. It spewed deep into her, a bubble of pleasure bursting within her and an orgasm that seemingly would never end, her mind slipping off into the pleasure.

He was cradling her when it was over, holding her in his arms as he stroked her hair. Beyond satisfied and sore beyond her wildest nights, Bree was content with the way he held her. She couldn’t even muster the energy to lift her head up, but Tirron was there and sensed her intentions, tilting her chin up to kiss her.

“I love you, sweet Bree. Sleep now.” He murmured and the last thing Bree remembered was closing her eyes to the vulnerable look on his face.



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