Showering With My Sister [MF][Inc]

Hot rivers water ran down my shoulders, pulling some of the aches and pains of the morning’s workout away with it. Even during the summer, no longer bound by my regular collegiate soccer regime, I tried to stay in shape. Better to put in a little work now than play catch up later, I figured. This off season in particular had been easier than most to remain focused; I had found a bottomless well of determination from which to draw from, filled ever to the brim with the mixed emotions of a sudden breakup.

I tilted my head back, allowing the shower head’ s stream to wash over my forehead. She was gone for good this time. Not much I could do about it, and the many miles I had run since had carried me beyond caring until the raw hurt had been scarred over. Perhaps now it was safe to return to such thoughts.

Small flickers and vignettes of memories passed across my closed eyelids. Our first backpacking trip; dinner dates in the tiny college town I now called home; the time we ran naked across Avett Cove, moonlight streaming across her hair. I smiled in spite of myself, knowing such times were now over. Yet still the fragments stuck with me.

She had looked like the most beautiful creature, strange shadows and shapes flying across her pale skin as she twirled in the sand, perfectly round breasts heaving in excitement and laughter. If I had had any imagination then, I would have called her a sea nymph, or the daughter of Poseidon, princess of the waves, standing resolute against the ever rising tide, water nipping at her ankles.

I had taken her then and there, the two of us pressed into the sand, entwined in the scent of the ocean and one another.

Soft feet from outside the bathroom dragged me back to the present. It was my younger sister, Isabelle, temporarily rooming with me after completing her first year of college. Her time in the on campus housing had finally come to an end, forcing her to either move back to our parents’ place or hang out in my apartment until she found a more permanent solution. I was certain this afternoon would once again be spent hearing about her latest attempts at finding a space that met her aesthetic standards.

Despite my initial reservations, I had enjoyed her stay. We had been close as kids, even through high school, but my leaving for college first had put a damper on our relationship. Neither of us had kept in touch as much as we should. It had been nice to see her around campus for a year, and we had taken advantage of our temporary living arrangement to catch up even more.

I reached for my body wash, squirting a healthy dollop into my hand and lathering it onto my body, looking down in mild surprise and then guilt at the erection I had built up while lost in memory. Perhaps a quick session would help keep my mind off of the past for the rest of the day.

The falling water from the shower head returned to crashing waves, and my own hand became Vivian’s, soft fingers working their way across my shaft.

Her dark eyes stared up at me, faint breath blowing warm gusts across the tip of my cock, an inch from her parted lips, as her supple fingers traced their way around it. She was magnificent. I placed one hand on the side of her breast, pressing lightly into the milky skin, dotted with goosebumps from the ocean breeze and cool sand, pulling lightly on a fully erect nipple. I enjoyed the sound and exhalation of her light gasp, hand gripping me more tightly.

The cove had been our favorite place to sneak off to, a secluded inlet hidden from the rest of the land by a low berm. It was more difficult to get to than most of the rest of the coast: nearest parking was a half-mile away at least. That’s why we liked it.

Her tongue pressed against the end of my cock, eyes closed as she rocked back and forth, other hand between her legs, playing with herself. Soft moans escaped her throat, and I pulled her nipple harder, in time with her own movement. I was nearing climax, prepared to empty myself into her awaiting mouth, ocean scent and moon glow melting together into a medley of breath and light.

Yet suddenly the memory became hollow, waves crystallizing into shower water, hand transforming into my own, wrapped around my cock.

“James? Oh my god- I’m so sorry!”

I opened my eyes and turned to the gentle face that peaked past the shower curtain. Isabelle’s look of shock stared back. I felt my stomach drop and the blood rush to my face.

“What are you doing in here?” I exclaimed, wrenching my hand away.

“I-I-,“ she stammered, turning to look at my cock, still erect despite the interruption. “I kept calling your name through the bathroom door, but you weren’t responding! I thought something was wrong.”

She quickly regained her composure just enough to duck back behind the curtain, and for a minute, nothing was said. My mind was aflame with embarrassment and slowly subsiding lust, coming to grips with reality. My kid sister had caught me in the act, and when I was so close too! At least she had missed the finish. I stumbled through thoughts of what I should say to break the tension.

“You were thinking of Vivian, weren’t you?” She asked first, a small voice faint over the roaring waterfall of the shower. I didn’t respond, though out of embarrassment over being caught masturbating or thinking about my ex, I couldn’t say.

“That’s only going to make it feel worse, you know?” She continued. “Maybe you don’t believe me, but I know how you feel.”

“You didn’t date someone for half of a decade, only for it all to end in an instant.”

“You’re right, I guess. Mine didn’t end in an instant. I saw it coming years away.”

*Years*, I thought, closing my eyes and racking my brain for the names of Isabelle’s past boyfriends. None had ever lasted that long, a few months tops. What was she talking about?

“It was always just a possibility, of course, though one with an expiration date. I always knew you were going to leave.”

The weight of the words landed squarely upon me, knocking loose puzzle pieces that had laid dormant for ages: the recent rekindling of our friendship, her choosing to attend the same college as me, the lethargic pace she had taken in finding housing for herself. I opened my eyes, meeting the clear blue of the pair that had returned, shower curtain half pulled back to reveal her loose blonde curls and a bare breast, steam from the shower dancing across pink skin. She smiled and pulled the curtain back further, stepping into the small enclosed space with me, as naked as I was.

She took a hesitant step forward, then another, toes meeting mine, practically standing on me. Without thinking, I placed a hand under her chin, the other finding the small of her back, pulling her slightly closer. My erection slid up her belly, resting against her navel.

She gently took it into her hand.

“I can be your distraction, if you want.”

I nodded, placing my thumb on her quivering lips. She took it in her mouth, sucking on it gently, doe eyes still locked with my own. Her tongue was soft as velvet, running around my finger, drawing me in. My own sister, in the dim, steamy light of a shower that had dragged on far too long, was now the most beautiful creature I had ever seen.

Her hand began to move slowly, stroking me, while the other fondled my balls. We rotated slowly, until we were both in the water, her hair growing dark and damp, while small pools gathered in the space between her palm and my cock, emptying as she worked her way up and down. The fingers I had placed on her back fell lower, until they cupped her ass, gently massaging their way inwards.

She pressed closer into me, nuzzling my neck and lightly biting my thumb in pleasure, encouraging me to continue. I didn’t need to be told twice.

My middle finger found her asshole, at first just resting there, then moving in small circles, testing to see how she would react. My thumb was quickly forgotten, as she began to gyrate her hips in response, excited breath and soft moans pouring into the crevasse of my neck. Each small circle began to push deeper, slowly entering her. Her delicate hand left my balls and reached behind her, clasping my fingers, pushing them farther.

“James, that feels so good,” she breathed. “Don’t stop.”

Her hand left my own and began to caress her pussy, slowly building up a pace that matched the steady speed with which she continued to stroke my cock, drawing me closer to a climax she had earlier denied.

I planted a tender kiss on top of her wet head, breathing in the warm and familiar scent of her hair, infusing it with a newly found erotic bond. She was my sister, after all. Who better than me to look out for her, to care for her?

I cradled her smooth ass, middle finger half-way into her, enjoying the shuddering contractions of the orgasm that was building inside her lithe body, pressed into mine. With my other hand, I lifted her face, eyes half-shut in ecstasy, to my own, pressing my tongue into her mouth. Warm water ran down both of our faces, joining into a solid river where our lips connected. Her firm nipples pressed into my chest, and for a minute she paused, focused entirely on the tongue that had invaded her, sucking on it as she had my thumb earlier.

When we finally paused for breath, we remained only an inch apart, eyes transfixed.

“Am I yours?” Isabelle whispered.

“You always have been.”

She beamed up at me, broad smile a mix of the adoration a kid sister has for her older brother, and the erotic joy of a lover discovering their feelings to be reciprocated. I had never felt happier. Slowly that smile became a devilish grin, as she began to lower herself, my finger slipping out of her ass and up her back.

“I want you to think about me next time you get off in the shower.”

“Maybe if you were in here earlier next time, I would.”

She planted a kiss on my cock, now level with her face, rubbing the side of it with her button nose, looking up at me.

“I want to taste you,” she murmured, one hand returning to the shaft, while the other crept back between her own legs. Her eyes closed again, as she melted back into lust, involuntary coos growing louder as she neared her own climax, damp, golden hair stuck to her face and the tops of her breasts. She took the tip of my cock into her mouth, suckling it as the pace of both hands quickened.

Isabelle’s legs squirmed together as her head tilted back, mouth opening wide in ecstasy.

“I’m cumming. I’m cumming. Give it to me!”

I exploded at the words, thick streams landing on soft cheeks and shut eyes, only some making it into her mouth. She moaned as it coated her, enjoying the sensation of being claimed. She was mine now. I had finished it.

She swallowed the portion that had made it into her mouth, using her free hand to scoop small amounts from her lashes and cheeks onto her tongue, savoring every drop. It was a gift from her older brother.

“I feel like I need a shower,” she announced, once her work had been completed, standing.

“Agreed. Would you care to join me?”

I haven’t written in awhile, so this was a quick post to get back into the swing of things. I’m looking for suggestions for my next post, so PM me with requests if you like my style and want to read something specific!



  1. This. This was good, a very genuine feeling of lust between a brother and sister and a nice take on the step brother and step sister vibe that are just “suddenly horny” for each other. Please do post again, would love to see where this story takes them.

    Well done indeed. ??

  2. Lovely and beautiful story. Love, lust, All the necessary parts and well written too.

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