Training to Perfection (Chapter Four) – [Fm] [Femdom] [cfnm][facesitting][pegging][orgasm control][cbt][chastity]

I woke up with a heavy sensation on my chest, and a slight ache in my knees which I had been resting on. My mind was groggy, as I opened my eyes to the darkness of the room, and the smell of leather. I could feel my sore jaw still pried open by the ball gag from earlier, and the butt plug which had felt uncomfortable in me earlier, was comfortably sitting inside me still. The weight I felt in between my legs from the chastity device reminded me of how I got here.

I was startled by the noise of keys interrupting the silence of the room I found myself in. I was shaking, still trying to recover from the earlier beating that I had received. The door creaked open, and I saw Mistress enter into the reflection of the mirror as she walked to my behind.

“I see that you’re awake now, boy.” Mistress stared at me with minimal expression through the mirror, giving me little clue as to how she was feeling or what she would do next.

I looked back at her with wide eyes, focussed on her every move, my body tensed with anticipation of any further pain she may have wanted to deliver. I felt her hand on my ass, as she spread my cheeks open, and with her other hand she deftly withdrew the plug from my ass. I gasped in slight pain, as I felt my hole tense as it was being withdrawn. A thinner, more slender intruder entered into me, as I watched her finger my behind in the reflection. My hole hungrily swallowed her finger which was easier for me to handle after being plugged for a duration with the larger plug. I moaned as I felt her push what felt was my bladder, sending a sensation down my shaft as the cage grew tighter around her cock.

“What a slut.” Mistress said quietly to herself as I felt her withdraw her finger from my hole.

I watched Mistress look at my ass, as if she was evaluating a piece of art. I felt the leather straps around my legs being loosen, as she unfastened the straps from them. I heard her footsteps, as she walked to my side and in front of me. As she crouched down, I was met with a stare which made me look down. I caught myself staring at the smooth skin of her cleavage, her breasts sitting comfortably behind the V neck T-shirt she had on.

“You did such a wonderful job, taking that for me. I know it wasn’t easy.” Mistress said quietly with a sympathetic smile, as she gently stroked my face, before holding my head gently with her palms forcing my eyes to meet hers. “You have proved to me that you would make a fine slave boy for me. Your will to push yourself for me, was impressive.”

Her eyes conveyed a degree of sincerity that I had not seen in her before. Was that beating a form of stress test?

“When I release you, you will stand by the entrance to this room, facing it. Your hands behind your head, feet together.” Mistress continued.

I relaxed my jaw, as Mistress removed the gag from me. I felt the gums at the back of my teeth were numb, as I licked my tongue to return the sensation. I watched intently in silence as Mistress removed the bounds from my wrists, and gestured for me to implement her instruction. I did as I was told, walking backwards towards the door, partly out of fear of what she would do to me from behind, and partly to ensure I did not disrespect Mistress, before turning to assume the position she wanted me to be.

“This is position one. Remember it slave.” I heard Mistress’ voice across the room from behind.

“Yes Mistress.” I responded automatically.

I waited in silence, feeling the cold hair on my warm bottom, as I heard her wipe, what I assumed, was the furniture, before she pulled it back into its original position. I heard water running as she turned on a tap, and some splashes as if she was cleaning something, before turning it off.

“Follow me.” Mistress said, as she walked in front of me.

I complied, and she led me back to the comforting light of her living room. I saw two piles on the coffee table that was in front of the sofa. One pile consisted of the clothes I had come into the house with, with a small key on top, and the other were a small stack of papers, with an envelope on top of it. Mistress sat down on the sofa.

“No. You need to be on the other side on your knees, kneeling.” Mistress said smacking my ass, as I moved to follow her.

I walked to the other side of the coffee table, and slowly knelt, facing her. My eyes fixed on hers, as I dared not to allow my gaze to wonder along her shapely body.

“You really impressed me, slave.” Mistress said sincerely. “So much so, that I will give you a choice.”

“Thank you Mistress.” I responded with a quiver in my voice.

What would she want me to pick?

“Pick the pile on your left.” Mistress said, pointing at the clothes. “And you may unlock yourself, and leave. I would understand, especially what you had just endured.”

“Pick the pile to your right, and you will get to live with me, as my pet for as long as you wish.” Mistress nodded her head at the stack of papers on the right. “The envelope on the top, contains your resignation letter to your employer. Underneath is a written contract. It’s not legally binding, but I will take you signing it, as a formality that you accept the conditions of being with me.”

“Read it carefully.” Mistress warned, pointing at her cock. “Don’t let that think for you.”

I paused my breath. I could feel my mind whirring. How could I not be thinking with her cock, when it has been desperate for attention for almost eight days?

I read through the contract, the terms, of which, were similar to the rules Mistress had originally written, albeit in a more formalised manner, specifying what she wanted and expected from me. I was expected to regularly wake from 05:30 in the morning, in time to prepare Mistress the start of her working day, and my main responsibility was to maintain her household, as well as providing personal care and assistance for her. My diet, and the clothing I wore was to be controlled by her. Mistress’ responsibility included providing me the means to maintain a basic standard of living, and we both had the responsibility of maintaining each other’s’ health and safety.

However, my mind paused once I got to the end.

‘The terms of your role and responsibilities may change at the discretion of your owner.’ it read.

Essentially, I was to belong to her in every way. I was shaking uncontrollably at the thought. I felt a small relief when I read through the next line.

‘Both agreeing parties may withdraw from the terms of this contract with immediate effect. Notice may be given through gesturing or words, which are to be agreed upon by both parties. The aforementioned gestures or words may change, and both parties must agree that they would be able to express such notice, depending on circumstance.’

The final clause was the tipping point which eliminated all doubt in my mind about signing the contract. I wanted to belong to Mistress, but I had long been anxious since this started about how much power I wished to give to her. I was allowed to give myself fully to her, whilst having an escape clause if I felt I was unable to provide Mistress with what she wanted from me. I never want to use it.

I quickly scribbled my signature on the contract, and looked up to her beaming at me. Mistress walked around the coffee table. I felt her arms wrap around me in an embrace with a strength I knew I could not escape from, even if I wanted to. Her soft breasts pressing into the top of my chest as she did. My cage instinctively nodded in approval. The sensation, no longer painful, rather a reminder of the pleasure of being owned, made her cock grow larger.

“Let’s celebrate this special occasion, my special boy.” Mistress gushed, as I felt her arms unwrap around me.

Mistress picked me up in her arms, demonstrating a strength that was mismatched by her stature. I felt her firm body against my side and her taut arms lifting me from below. This woman could really dominate me. I felt enthralled by the mental and physical hold Mistress had over me, as I stared deeply into her dark eyes, as she walked purposefully upstairs.

I was carried to a bedroom. The strong scent of her perfume that I had grown accustomed to smelling when she was close to her, told me that it was hers. I welcomed the warmth and comfort of her mattress and duvet on my back, as she dropped me onto her queen-sized bed. I felt my ass pulsing with a dull ache from the beating I had received, as I lay on my back.

“Place your head on the pillow.” Mistress instructed. “Lift your head.”

I lifted my head away from the softness of her pillow, and I was granted a view down her top, as Mistress once again placed me into darkness under a blindfold.

“Time to consummate our new contract.” I heard Mistress say sweetly. “If you want me to stop, the word is ‘Hufflepuff’.”

I heard her move around the room, before the sound of her footsteps indicated to me she was standing in front of the bed. I heard the sound of fabric being moved, before feeling her nails grazing the sensitive skin of my full balls. I was in heaven. I moved my hand towards my groin to touch myself, but was met with the cold metal, of the cage that held her cock. It was frustrating. Her cock grew hard within its cage, frustrated at the lack of sensation my hand was trying to deliver. I felt her pin my wrist against the bed with a strong grip.

“Slut. If I wanted you to touch yourself, I would have said.” Mistress did not sound pleased. “These are mine.”

A dull ache radiated from her balls to my stomach, as I felt her iron grip crush into them, as she said “mine. I jolted, as her palm made swift contact with her balls, with a sharp pain in contrast to the ache I had just felt. I squealed in agony, as she continued to smack them, with a force sending shockwaves to my abdomen. When Mistress had finished, I was panting in relief.

I felt her hands slide from my balls towards my stomach and to my nipples, as I felt her firm body against mine, her divine breasts pushing against my body, and her silky hair teasing up my body, as she positioned herself on top of me. I could feel her full weight lying on top of me. Pinning me to the bed, and helpless to fight my way out of it. I felt her lips touch mine, as she kissed me, before gently biting my lower lip. My mouth opened to welcome her soft warm tongue, explore the inside of my mouth. I was owned, and my mind blanked, to the heavenly sensation. I was owned.

I gasped, as I felt her pinch hard against my nipples, holding and twisting them between her fingernails. While painful, the sensation was not unpleasant, as her cock told me so twitching. I moved my hips into her, partly in instinct from the pain, and mainly because I wanted her so badly. Her weight lifted away from me, as she scratched downwards. I could feel her caged cock, once again being fondled, before a metal click filled the air.

The weight around her cock was lifted, as it jumped freely. It was still bound by the metal ring around it. Her cock hardened, as it felt her soft hands wrap around it.

“When did you last cum?” Mistress said coolly.

“Eight days, Mistress.” I replied.

“Such a good boy. Most sluts I know touch themselves every day.” Mistress flattered. “You have such discipline, I knew there was something about you that I liked.”

I felt an emotional high, as she praised me. I felt a warm liquid after hearing a spitting noise, as she slowly pumped her cock with a light touch. I moaned, and thrusted my hips upwards, which were quickly pinned back down by her strength, and a sharp slap against her shaft. The waves of pleasure her hand delivered, brought me to an edge. I was nervous about having an orgasm without her permission.

“Please may I cum Mistress?” I asked.

“I’m sorry. What was that?” Mistress laughed. “Did I hear *my slut* say something?”

“Please may your slut cum?” I asked again, raising my voice in desperation.

“No.” Mistress laughed.

I felt her fingers unwrap from her cock, as it twitch into the nothingness, desperate to feel a warm embrace. I noticed the mattress rise slightly, as she got off the bed. I heard a few clicks, before she returned back onto the bed. Her hands reached the inside of my thighs, before prying them open. I yelped to the suddenness of the movement.

“Open wide!” Mistress teased.

I felt a warm jelly like substance being spread around my hole with her fingers. I tensed my sphincter at her touch, physically I did not want to be entered again, but mentally I wanted to be made hers. I felt a rubber intruder slowly begin to enter me. I gasped and tried to focus on slowing my breathing, exhaling and inhaling deeply, as it continue to enter me. It was slightly larger than the previous plug she kept in me. I felt uncomfortable at having an accident and making a mess on her luscious bed. The rubber intruder pressed against what felt like my bladder, making her cock twitch. It felt so good, but I was anxious as my hole was stretched, making me feel as if I was going to have an accident, and tense my sphincter around the intruder.

“You’re so tight!” Mistress said excitedly.

“Mistress…” I panted. “I feel like I’m going to mess the bed.”

“You’ll be fine. I checked you earlier with my finger remember? You’re clean.” Mistress answered in a reassuring tone.

I started to relax, as my hole slowly started to accommodate its new visitor moving back and forth inside me. Every time it entered into me, I could feel it pressing against a spot inside me which was pushing me closer to the edge, making her cock pulse with each beat. The blindfold was lifted from me, and as my vision adjusted, I was greeted by the view of Mistress between my legs in a kneeling position. Her perfect breasts barely contained in a bra, which looked like it was a bit small for her, bouncing with each thrust. I looked down towards where her mound should have been, only to find a rubber dildo. She was fucking me. I let out a moan at the scene before me, as she made me hers.

“If only you could look at yourself slut.” Mistress said proudly with a wide grin.

I struggled to contain my moans, as she continued to push against the spot, building up a pace, and at an increasing force. Her cock was hard hoping to be touched, the erection held by the ring which bound it. I could feel an orgasm build up from inside me. I felt a sensation as if I wanted to pass urine.

“Mistress, I feel like I need to pee.” I pleaded. “Please…”

“I know.” Mistress whispered.

I groaned, as I struggled to contain a wave of pleasure crash into my pelvis. Her cock spurted white silks of semen onto my stomach. I was conflicted by the sensation. It felt like I had an orgasm, but her cock had not been touched, it was still craving to be stimulated. I was frustrated yet satisfied at the same time. I could feel my eyes begin to moisten, at the overwhelming emotions I was feeling.

Mistress looked down at me with a concerned expression.

“Do you want me to stop?” Mistress held her cock soaked with my ejaculate.

I shook my head, as I felt her fingers wrap around her hard cock again.

I felt the intruder push into me with force, as she leant forward her face meeting mine. Her beautiful face close to mine, I could smell and feel her breath against mine, her eyes piercing into me.

I wrapped my legs around her ass.

“I want this Mistress.” I reassured Mistress. “You can continue as hard or as soft as you want. I’m yours.”

Mistress started to thrust into me, slowly building up into a pace that was quick to make me close again. I moaned into the sheets as she did so, my hands pulling against them, at the sensation from her pushing herself forcefully into me. Each time I felt the dildo withdraw from me, I gently pushed her hips back into me.

I was a slut.

I felt the sensation of needing to pass water again. However, this time I knew what was happening.

“Mistress, I’m close.” I panted lustfully.

“You may cum, slut. Cum to your heart’s desire tonight.” Mistress cackled.

My body tensed as I felt a wave of pleasure crash into me again, my hole embracing its intruder. It was sensational. Mistress continued to fuck me with rigour, as if she was desperate to orgasm from her faux cock inside me. Her eyes fixed on my expression, her handiwork, as she did so.

My mind was blank, as my eyes rolled back and forth. I was overwhelmed by the stimulation, and the resulting conflict of frustration and satisfaction I felt. A steady stream was building from her cock, with remnants from each spurt of orgasm it had from inside. I lost count of how many times I had orgasmed like this, but her cock sustained its erection, frustrated at the lack of touch it felt.

Mistress’ stamina was impressive.

My muscles started to relax as she slowed down. I felt an emptiness, as her rubber cock exited from my hole. My body was limp from exhaustion, soaked with a mixture of my ejaculate and sweat.

Mistress gave me a tired smile.

“Time for my orgasm, slut. Or did you forget that you’re here to serve me?”

Mistress lowered the blindfold over my eyes, returning me into darkness. I felt two weights push on either side of me, through the pillow, and my face was pressed along her soft skin.

“Stick your tongue out.” Mistress ordered.

“Mmmph, Mmmph mmmph.” I responded, my voice muffled by, what felt like, a wet cushion against my face.

A salted taste met my tongue, as it protruded from my lips, and entered into another pair of lips. My ears were filled by a primal moan, as I could feel my face covered by two moist fleshy cushions rest on my head.

She was sitting on my face.

My body and mind woke to attention at the realisation. My purpose was her pleasure, and hers alone. My mind wandering away from her hard frustrated cock, towards her pussy.

I lapped her entrance with vigour, before I felt her raise herself from me, the taste of her sweat and pussy lingered on my tongue. I was startled by a shock to my face, as Mistress gave me a punishing slap.

“Slow down.” Mistress warned. “You’re here for me. Just stick your tongue out and follow my pace and lead.”

Before I could respond, her lips met my tongue again. Her salted flavour entered my mouth, and I matched the rhythm of her rocking hips, with the movement of my tongue. I felt her slick lips grinding against my face, leaving a wet trail around my face in its wake. My nose filled with her scent as I inhaled with each breath, I was thankful to have in between her rocking. I listened closely to Mistress’ moans as she rocked, noting which position she preferred and how she liked my tongue to move. With this information, I jutted my jaw out, to allow a firm hard surface for her to grind against, whilst sticking my tongue out ready to taste her, when she moved back up. I felt her movements quicken before she paused and let out a moan. I could feel my head pinned between her thighs and her weight on top of me resting against my face as she caught her breath.

Mistress slowly started to rock again, and continued to grind my face, before pausing every so often. I lost track of time, as I focussed on the noises she was making, trying to work out what worked best for her, savouring her taste and scent.

“I want you to fuck me with your tongue. Slowly at first.” Mistress instructed, catching her breath during a pause.

I dutifully did so, my tongue exploring her crevice, savouring the now mix of saltiness and metallic taste with my tongue, guided by the moans that she was making. Once I found my rhythm, I could feel Mistress gently rocking again. I was in absolute bliss, with my senses being overwhelmed by the stimuli she was providing, and with the knowledge that I was serving Mistress well. I felt the walls of her pussy contract every so often, as she paused again to catch her breath. Her rocking sped up a faster pace, her pussy gently pulsating against my tongue. The air filled with Mistress’ loud groan. She continued to rock at this pace, and I moaned. I felt her shudder for what felt like a lifetime. My face continued to take her in, savouring the pause.

Her weight slowly spread from my face to the rest of my body, as her body laid on top of mine in a hot sticky mess. I felt her hair against my hip, and her breath panting. Her cock, still hard, twitching at the sensation.

“Good boy.” Mistress whispered.

I felt a light touch of her velvety tongue against the underside of the head of her cock. I let out a soft moan.

“Thank you Mistress.”

I could feel her breasts against my stomach, her mound against my chest, and her warm breath lightly touching against her cock. I continued to savour the scent of her, as my face was slick from her pussy. With her body pinned against mine with her weight, I felt at peace, my mind empty of all thoughts and anxieties, as I relaxed into a deep sleep.
