Discovering my wife is a submissive: Part 3, public display [str8] [bdsm]

[note, best read in order, if you’ve not yet read Parts 1 and 2]

Picking up where we last left off, my wife grabbed her bag of clothes and went to put on a pair of pants, as instructed. I waited, impatiently, longer than I would have thought I’d be waiting. Finally, she emerged from the bathroom, and I asked what had taken her so long. “I put on a pair on khakis, but realized I am so wet that I was going to have a huge wet spot very soon. I took them off to put on these jeans and tried to wipe myself to clean up a bit, but even that made things even worse, every time I touched myself to wipe I felt like I might cum.’

‘You’re lucky I didn’t know that and that I hadn’t specified what pants to wear because if I’d thought about it, I’d have made you wear the khakis so that I could see how wet you were. But I’m hungry, so let’s go eat.”

We walked into town and found a nice little cafe that was perfect for my plans. It was cold outside, but they had an outdoor patio with clear plastic walls that they‘d unrolled to keep out the chill and had heaters on the patio. It was warm enough, but not so warm that it would draw too much attention that she was not removing her coat, since she was still wearing just her cupless corset beneath her it. I strategically picked the perfect table. One in the corner, where she could sit with her back to the other people in the restaurant, but was facing the street, which had people walking by very close to us on the the street, and she would be very visible to them. I couldn’t have picked a better situation.

We sat down, and after the waitress dropped off menus and some water, I told her to go to the bathroom. “I slipped something into your purse while you were changing. You will know what to do with it when you see it.” She grabbed her purse, and walked to the bathroom, as told. Without any inquisitive looks, and without any questions. Good girl, I thought to myself. Very good.

In her purse, I had slipped one of the insertable vibrators, which I could turn on and control from my phone. This was going to be fun. It wasn’t long before she returned and sat back down at the table. “As I requested,“ I asked her? “Yes, sir,” she quietly replied. At that point, I picked up my phone that was sitting on the table and slipped it under the table onto my leg. She sat there, tensely looking down, expecting me to turn it on and begin the torture, but I didn’t. That would be a little too easy, wouldn’t it?

We chit chatted a bit, but she spoke very little. A combination of nerves and anticipation. The waitress soon returned and asked if we wanted anything to drink. I said I would be fine with water, and then just as my wife was about to answer, I slipped my hand to the phone and hit the vibrator up to full speed. Her whole body jolted, and she began to nervously giggle. “Oh, you okay, honey?“ the waitress asked her? “Yes, I’m fine,” she replied, still giggling. “Could I please get a glass of white wine?”

Wine for lunch, I thought? She is very nervous, and for some reason, that excites me a great deal. She will take three, maybe four sips of wine, and the rest will sit there. She wants just enough to calm her nerves but no more. And I thought to myself that it must be much more difficult to be in a D/s relationship without knowing each other so well. I have spent so much time over the last several years reading her reactions to things, taking notice of every little thing she does when we are playing, that I am aware of everything she is thinking and doing. And I use that to my advantage. I would wait for the wine to kick in a bit, to ensure I would receive the exact response from her that I wanted.

The waitress soon took our order, and while we waited for our food, I turned the vibrator back on and set it to one of the preset patterns, and just left it on. She just sat, eyes closed, looking down a bit, like she was concentrating with all her might on not having an orgasm. The only time she moved was to take the occasional sip of wine (as expected, 4 sips and the left sat untouched). I left it on, leaving her to her own little world of pleasure and torture, and it stayed on as our food came and we ate, although she barely touched her food.

After we were done eating and the table was cleared, I asked her, ”You know why I picked this table don’t you?” “Yes sir,” she replied. “Why?” I asked? “Because people on the street can see me.” “That’s right“, I responded. “I don’t want anyone in here to see you so that we get kicked out of here, but that doesn’t include the people walking by. Now unbutton your coat.“ She leaned forward and unbuttoned her caught, as asked. “No,‘ I said in response, “lean back in your chair.“ She did as told, and in that position, while her cleavage was open and obvious, I still wasn’t pleased. ‘Open your jacket more, so that I can see those delicious tits of yours.“ She slowly opened her coat and exposed herself to me. And I was pleased to see how rock hard her nipples were. “Now, like I said, I don’t want to get kicked out of here, so I will tell you if the waitress is coming back, but otherwise, you stay just like you are.“

She did as she was told. She turned 50 shades of red, and her eyes darted every direction but the direction of the street right behind me, but she stayed as she was and made no attempt to cover herself. I could hear people walking and talking on the street behind me, no more than a few feet away, and it surprised even me how hard my cock was getting. It soon sounded like a group of young men walked by, roughhousing and being quite loud. As they walked past, one of them loudly remarked, “Holy shit, dude, did you just see that?” I couldnt help but smirk as I looked at my wife and saw that her eyes were tightly shut, and she‘d turned an even darker shade of red.

Okay, the waitress is bringing the check, you can cover back up, I told her and turned to greet the waitress and take the check. Not much surprises me with my wife anymore, but I did a double take when I turned back to her and saw that while she had covered up somewhat, she had not made any attempt to fully cover herself and she was still very much exposed. Based on the lack of response from the waitress, I had no idea if she saw or not, but the fact that she had not covered herself at that moment left me flushed with excitement and had my heart racing. Good for you, I thought to myself and then asked her, “You enjoyed that, didn’t you?” ‘Yes sir,” she replied. “The waitress and the people on the street, you enjoyed them seeing you, didn’t you?” “Yes, sir”

“You are really wet right now from that, aren’t you?” “Yes sir.” “Show me,” I demanded. “How sir?”

“Take that vibrator out of your pussy right now and show me how wet it is.“ She did not hesitate and did not look around. She simply unbuttoned her pants, slide her hand inside, and pulled out the vibrator, which dripped as she pulled it out of her pants and held it up for me to inspect. She was obviously past her nerves and beyond giving a shit who saw what sitting behind her. “Clean that off,” I told her. She went to grab the paper napkin in front of her, when I snapped “NO, not with that. Put it in your mouth and lick it clean.”

Without hesitation, she slid it into her mouth like a lollipop and then, just to show me what a slut she is, pulled it out of her mouth slowly ran her tongue around it until she’d cleaned off every last drop of her own juice before slipping the vibrator back into her purse.

“Sometimes you amaze me with what a little slut you you, and you are lucky that I like that,“ I told her. “Now let’s pay the check, we have some shopping to do.”

We walked up the street and walked into several clothing stores. I would quickly look around and then leave to look for the next store. I had something very specific in mind, and I’d not yet found it. Finally, when we walked into the fourth store, I looked around, and realized it was perfect. The register with the person working there behind it was near the door. The changing room was tucked away in the back corner, very close to the main store, but too obvious, and there were quite a few people, mostly men, in the store, as it was a men’s clothing store. I walked into the middle of the store, with her following behind me, and then turned to her and slowly unbuttoned her coat. ‘Now, go browse,” I told her? “What do you mean,’ she asked?

”I’m going to stand over there near the changing room where people won‘t notice me. I want to watch you walk around and browse,” and with that, I walked away and left her in the middle of the store with her coat unbuttoned. Her tits were not exposed, but it was very obvious the slightest breeze would have her showing her tits to anyone looking. I walked over into the corner and just turned to observe. She stood there, frozen for a few minutes, before slowly starting to walk around the store, obviously taking the path through the store that would keep her furthest from any of the customers. After 5 minutes or so, I could see her get a little bolder and walking closer to the other men in the store. From my vantage point, I could see the double take that several of the men gave her as she walked by, but she was not able to see them. One man, probably in his mid thirties, could not keep his eyes off of her and discreetly (or so he thought) followed her at a distance, staring. The guy perhaps was a bit creepy, but the fact that he was stalking my wife around the store to try and get a glimpse of her tits turned me on a great deal. And it soon became apparent that my wife knew this man was following her and it was exiting her as well. She walked by me and then walked back closer to the middle of the store, essentially leading the man to a point where he was between us. She then turned and facing him (and me), stretched her neck to the side and reached her arm up to rub her opposite shoulder, as if massaging a sore shoulder, which fully and completely exposed herself to this man and me. I could hardly believe what I was watching. She then returned her hands to the her side and looked directly at this man, who was now staring with his tongue on the floor. Realizing he’d been busted looking, he quickly turned away and scampered toward the door and left. My wife walked to me with a look on her face that clearly said, “oh my god, I can‘t believe I just did that!“

She walked up to me and leaned in and gave me a kiss. This was the moment I’d been waiting for. I looked around to make sure no one was looking and then grabbed her and pulled her into the dressing room. Once inside I gave her a long kiss and said “You are such a dirty slut.” ‘Yes, sir,” she half giggled.

“Now show me just how much of a slut.” I unzipped my pants and pulled my cock out. “Get on your knees and blow me right now. Exactly how I like it, and you know what that means. I want people walking by to hear what a good little slut you are.“ You see, I am a very auditory person. I am greatly turned on by sounds. The sounds of moaning, dirty talk, the glorious sounds of some thing pounding into a very wet pussy, and perhaps most of all, the sound of a very, very sloppy aggressive blowjob. She wasted no time getting to her knees and taking me into her mouth and eagerly taking me as deep as she could and was soon slurping and gurgling away, just the way I like it. I simply leaned my head back, closed my eyes, and listened to the sounds of her going to town on me, with my pleasure heightened by hearing people walk close by the other side of the door, knowing that they could hear her as well. I could feel her warm, wet drool dribbling down the base of my cock and onto my balls and looked down to see the thick strands of drool coming out the sides of her mouth and hanging from her chin, but not caring about it or the fact that anyone would be able to hear. It took every ounce of energy to hold off from shooting a thick, massive load right down her throat.

As much as I wanted to linger and watch her a bit longer, I knew we had to leave. It was only a matter of time before someone said something to someone, and I’d be damned if this weekend would end with us going to jail. So I pulled myself out of her mouth, zipped up my pants, helped her stand up, and we quickly left the dressing room and hurried out to the street, avoiding the eyes of the couple of men obviously giving us curious looks as we walked out of the dressing room.

I held her hand as we briskly walked down the street a couple of blocks, and as we passed a small alley way, I pulled her into the alley, out of sight from the street. I pulled her roughly into me and gave her a deep, wet kiss. She shot her tongue in and around my mouth and ground her pelvis into me. Oh my god, I thought, she is so excited right now, I think she’d let me throw up up against this wall and fuck her right here in this alley. It crossed my mind for a moment, but I had more in mind for her.

“Let’s go back to the hotel,“ I whispered to her. “I got you something very special, and you are going to put on a show for me.”

To be continued…


1 comment

  1. Definitely keep on sharing man, you’re lucky. Also would recomend to share on r/sexstories

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