Three Years a Sex Slave Pt10 [MF][MFMF] [FF][Bon]

After I was placed on birth control, I had my first loving, real, sexual experiences with mom and dad, I was to go back to the doctor who placed me on the pill. I was sitting in the waiting room with mom and remembering what had happened the first time I was here.

It was in this office that I first came to understand that I actually liked people looking at me while I’m nude. I didn’t know it then. but I am a terrible exhibitionist. Under other circumstances, I might have become a stripper or a porn star, but I was getting the right stimulus to become a sex slave. I walked from a bench to a chair, naked, and put my ankles into a pair of stirrups and let this complete stranger look at my spread legs and glistening pussy. I also let him finger me, insert devices into me, all because I was ordered to. Remembering this, I could feel my honey box getting all moist.

We were called into the doctor’s room and waited a few moments until he appeared. I was sitting, but when he came in, I stood. We exchanged hellos and he welcomed me back for a follow up appointment. He then used his intercom to call for his nurse to come in. His nurse was a dark woman, part Afro-American, part something else, taller than me, her hair was straight, black and short and she was curvy and exotic, smelling like cultivated flowers. I didn’t know what I was expecting, but I thought we would be alone.

He asked the nurse to get the frame out and prepare me. Her response was “Yes, Master.” I knew she was a part of the Club as well. She went through a closet door and rolled out a box like object. “Don’t let this worry you,” Master G- said, “It is necessary, even if it looks like a torture rack.” Mom followed that up with, “It’ll be fine Cate.”

The nurse then unfolded and clicked things into place. A rectangular frame with a large X in it appeared, with pieces of strapping hanging from its top, side and bottom rails. It certainly did look like a torture rack. When the nurse was finished setting the rack up, Master G- ordered “Undress the young lady and place her in the rack.” The nurse came to me and undressed me, efficiently, “You may touch her.” Soft fingers ran over my breasts as she removed my bra. My nipples jumped to attention. I have never considered that my feet were particularly erotic, but the way she removed my shoes and hose, I was on the verge of cumming right there. She touched my feet, caressed the ankles and tops of my toes and a thrill ran right up my legs, straight to my pussy. The nurse stood, looking me right in the eye, reached around and hooked her thumbs into the waist band of my very skimpy panties.

She didn’t bend down while taking them off me, she squatted, slowly. Her face and lips brushed my breasts, her tongue slid down my torso and onto my, as yet, untrimmed mons. “Come,” she whispered, “Step up onto the foot rests.” I did as she asked and she strapped my ankles in to the foot rests. She lifted one of my hands over my head, strapping it to the frame, then passing in front of me her upper arm brushed my breasts. She strapped the other wrist in the same manner. She asked if I was comfortable, I nodded. I was, she then said, I am going to lay you back.” I heard a click and the X frame rotated backwards so I was lying on it.

“Do a lingual and olfactory test on her,” Master G- ordered, I really wasn’t sure what that was, what did my nose have to do with it? Starting at my head, the nurse, Sub S- I found out later, sniffed my hair. I felt a gentle pressure on my head. She then told my audience what shampoo I used that morning. She sniffed my face, and to my surprise, she ran her tongue over my brow. WTF??? She named a couple of cosmetics, and I confirmed I used one of them. She sniffed my mouth and kissed me. No, not kissed me, she ran her tongue over my lips and ran it inside of my mouth. She named my toothpaste and the breath freshener I used before coming here today. S- sniffed my neck, running her tongue over it from just below my ear to my throat.

She sniffed into my armpits. Then she licked them, I jerked a little, someone licking your armpits would make you want to slam the arm pit shut to such intrusions too. I couldn’t, of course, and after a few seconds of nibbling my arm pit she said, “You are using a spray deodorant.” She named the brand. “No, don’t do that, a considerably more useful, and less expensive, deodorant would be a roll-on.” What? She gave me the names of two products I might want to try, roll-ons. I actually prefer using roll-ons now, I found out that the propellants in the sprays are not helpful to my skin type, my armpit health.

I did lower my head, it was a funny feeling, but she encouraged me to allow her to continue. She told me what perfume I had put on, then suggested that I might want to consider changing to something different. I’d love to but affordability is an issue for me. Mom later bought it for me, such is the acceptance of S-‘s pronouncements within the Club. I love it, Emma loves it, everyone else loves it too. She smelt over my breasts, licking and suckling the nipples, down under the fold of skin where my breasts connect to my chest. (I’m sure it has a name, like mammary fold, but I don’t know it.) She worked her way down then sniffed over my mons.

“You do not need to use a personal freshener,” she said, “Your natural odor is very attractive.” WTF??? She continued her sniffing and tasting all the way down my legs. Again, I felt this incredibly sensual touch on my feet, then a deft touch of a tongue. Moments later I felt her tongue slide between my big toe and next one. JEEEZZZ that was incredible. I thought I was a little ticklish, at first, but then the tingles she was giving me shot straight to my cunt. The nurse repeated this same thing for a couple more of my toes and then worked her way back up the inside of my legs.

Then I felt a tongue whip over my clit and down my labia. I actually hadn’t noticed that there was no bar between the foot rests, and my legs were spread wide enough for easy access, which I didn’t mind one little bit. By this time I was wet, I mean soaking wet, my juices dribbling out of my vaginal canal, dripping onto the cross under my ass. “She is ready for you, Master.”

“I expect a full report to be included with my recommendations, before the end of this consult.”

“Yes, Master.” The nurse turned and left the room. I didn’t know it at the time, but this was but the first time I would meet with Sub S-. I found her to be an incredible lover. So willing, so gentle, so loving, and married to a real prick. He too is a doctor, Master Ev-, and he’s fucked me many times, but he is a selfish shit. I don’t mind him fucking me, but the way he treats S- and other Subs is not always pleasant. Sometimes he is good to me, as best as he can be, I suppose, other times he is not, he is just so self centered. Enough of him…

Master G- got onto the stool on wheels he used last time and skirted over to me. Pulling out this long thing, a speculum, he eased it inside me, and taking a light, he looked deep into my vagina. Again he asked me about my periods, pain, flows and other discharges. I nearly said there was one flow that bothered me, but it had been deposited by dad, so should I worry about it? I didn’t and what happened next, I’m glad I didn’t. He turned to look at mom and said, “That tissue damage has disappeared, so nothing permanent. Good, now if I may?”

Mom came over to my head and held it gently, she kissed me and said, “Enjoy.” I felt something move between my legs and then a hot hard cock rammed itself deep into my cunt. It pulled out and rammed into me again and again. It was big, thick and penetrating me. I felt his pelvis ramming onto my already engorged clit, compressing it, bringing me closer and closer to my release. It felt so nice I tried hard to not make a lot of noise, muffling my cries of joy and I heard, “This room is protected, you can make as much noise as you like,” from mom. I hadn’t thought of it before but the “consulting” room’s door was rather thick. I let it go and positively cried my ecstasy, making so much noise with the pleasure I was getting. I screamed my cum, loud and long which was quickly followed by a couple of loud grunts and a moan.

I felt this tool in me throb and the friction dropped dramatically as it shot loads of cum into me. Between my seriously wet pussy and his cum, I going to be leaking like a sieve when he pulls out. I heard a click and he said, “Nurse, S- will you come to my room please.” and then a “Yes, Sir.” and “Bring your report please.” and “Yes, Doctor.”

He didn’t move and a few seconds later, the nurse reappeared. She closed the door and went straight to the doctor. “Put the report on my desk, then come and clean me up.”

“Yes Master.” I didn’t see her at all. I heard a slight rustle and a, “Ready, Master.” The cock inside me was extracted, then I heard slurping sounds. “Now, you better clean our guest up, before she leaks all over the floor.” And a “Yes, Master.” I might have been wrong, but I thought I heard a certain relish in her voice. I felt a head between my thighs and a tongue lapping at my labia. She was good, and she has only gotten better since. She actually licked my entire vulva, then started sucking my vaginal canal. Between her sucking and her tongue getting into me, I didn’t think there was going to be a lot of semen left in me. “Don’t be greedy, S- you can share with her.” Again, I thought I heard a relish in her muffled reply. I looked over towards the direction mom went after kissing me and she was furiously masturbating on a chair.

“Let me help, Diane,” came a comment and all I could see was this bare ass practically tossing mom onto her feet, her pussy exposed as she bent over the seat and a loud moan escape her as his weapon slid right into her. She moaned as the tool that was recently in me, then in S-‘s mouth was now inside mom pumped her pussy. She is such a slut, I obviously get it from her. I got really distracted by S-‘s assault on my nether regions and cum again, loudly this time. I was somewhat disappointed when S-‘s tongue lifted off my puss, but in a few moments, I had her face looming over me, as she began kissing me. I opened my mouth to take her tongue in and was rewarded with not just her tongue, but a gob of semen as well. Between her and the cum, she tasted really nice.

Master G- was the first male Club member other than dad to fuck me, and it felt pretty fucking good.

High school was over for the summer break. I was really free to enjoy my status as a member of this Club. Apart from a couple of copulations with both sexes, I really hadn’t met many of the other members, but that was about to change. I finally completed my driving test and had a provisional license. All I had to do was to learn my way around Seattle and not get picked up for speeding. Parts of Seattle are easy to get around in because of its grid like layout, but traffic in peak hours can be a pain.

Members were scattered around certain parts of the city, all of them really well off. Most were professional people, doctors, lawyers, a judge, a city Councillor, a senior cop who’s Mistress was a tech billionaire and a couple of other tech billionaires. This is why there was so much generosity, I was to learn. 50 grand here or there was nothing to these people, them employing me as a well paid, generously rewarded, full time fuck doll, was small change for them. I later learned they had put enough aside before my initiation that they could keep both me and later Emma, if she wanted in. (She did but as a Mistress, with her own sub. She had to prove her worth first. She joined me initially, then with canny investments and a great marriage to a wealthy Sub, got her wish, but that was years later.)

The demands made on me were small, initially. Turn up to someone’s place, help with shopping, or a bit of child minding, eat a pussy, suck a dick during spring break. You know, the simple ‘let’s get to know this strange person who will fuck us whenever we want.’ So from the middle to the end of June, it was a ‘let’s look you over’ thing. I didn’t mind at all. Once they got used to the idea I would fuck them on demand, they used me well. My first real meeting with kink was in the middle of July that first year.

Obviously a bit warmer at that time of year, but it was still a pleasant evening. I was booked by one of the tech gurus and- oh ‘bookings’ yes. Everyone had to book me to make sure I was available. No-one was to miss out but I wouldn’t be attending a full meeting of the Club until my initiation, apparently, so bookings were essential. Anyway- this tech guy booked me. Mom told me that I could pull out if it got too much by saying the safe word, okay, I thought, all good. This guy like to tie people up, she said. Okay, I can live with that.

When I got there, I was invited in by this voice through a speaker next to the door. When I entered, the door locked behind me and I was ordered to undress and remain naked. I complied, no issues. I was then instructed to walk the length of the corridor, and through the last door on the left. I did that and the room was dimly lit, with some kind of matting on the floor that was yielding but firm. There was a large mirror, like a wall in a ballet academy on one wall and a few small table like objects scattered around the room. As my eyes grew accustomed to the dimness, I made out a swing contraption hanging from the ceiling close to the mirrors and a leather harness on a post in the corner. I felt someone’s hands grab me from behind, and had my hands strapped behind me. I was in the process of screaming when a ball was placed into my mouth, and a Velcro, well I think it was, strip tighten to prevent me from uttering anything more than a muffled shout. Next, I had a strap arrangement thrown over my torso, holding my shoulders back with my breasts left free. there were dangling straps that were tied around my thighs, tight, but not too tight. I was placed on a mat, pushed downward, falling to my knees. I hear click, as my hands were connected to the straps around my thighs. I felt a pair of handcuffs, well felt like it, snapped around my ankles and the straps on my thighs were connected to that. My knees were pulled apart and I felt me being lifted by a cable from behind. I slipped forward, but a hand grabbed the harness at the back to prevent my face hitting the floor.

If I hadn’t been warned about being tied up, I would have been pissing myself with fear. I made some noises and felt a sting from a lash across my ass. “Speak only when you’re spoken to Slave!” came the same voice through a speaker. Mmmm huh, I thought. I felt myself rising from the ground, my knees spread, my hands and ankles bound and my ass is floating in the air. I felt fingers caressing my labia, and maybe I did piss myself, they were seriously sliding over my flesh and I am pretty sure my captor did put any lube on his fingers. I could hear a winch lifting me higher; the hand on my harness let go and I fell forward. I’m glad I wasn’t any taller, my face nearly hit the matting under me.

I was going higher, and then stopped with a slight jerk. I was spinning, slowly, then felt a hand on my knee. A finger traced a line right up my leg, crossed over my vulva and then went down to the other knee. That was a softness that contradicted the harsh strapping that held me in place. The finger traced another line, back up my leg and this time, it stopped. Although I wasn’t overly happy at what was happening, it didn’t prevent me from responding to the finger as it ran up and down my labia lips, then caressed my clit. I was aroused really quickly, even for me, which I think I can attribute to being so vulnerable. Fuck, it felt good when my assailant rammed two of his fingers deep into me. He pulled them out and then rammed them back inside my kitty, squashing my clit. He twisted his hand, about 90 degrees several times and his fingers moved smoothly, so I was really wet.

I felt something prodding my love tunnel and I thought he must be really tall. I had no idea how far the lower half of me was in the air, but it seemed a long way down from where I was. I felt another prod and then it slid in, it was fucking big! I heard a click and a vibration filled me, damn, I thought, it was a vibrator. What’s more it was a triple pronged vibe. I felt the prong tickling my ass hole then another tickler scratching across my clit. I threw my head back and moaned as my body heated to the sensations filling me. My captor pumped the vibe in a steady rhythm, like fucking, bringing me to the very edge of an orgasm, then abruptly pulled it out of me. He must have realized how close I was, very attuned to me, but who is this guy?

I felt myself rotating and a pair of leg came into view. Clad in back leather they weren’t fat, inactive legs, I couldn’t discern any shape at all, just not thick, Black, soft soled sneakers covered the feet. I tried to look up but the restraints on my neck prevented that. I thought the gag was going to come off so I could suck a dick, but hands touched my exposed flesh and I continued to spin, slowly. I felt a hand stop my spin and a hot breath flow over my ass. That was quickly followed by a tongue, seeking the exposed flesh of my pussy. A soft bell chimed, the tongue was withdrawn quickly and I felt the sting of another lash. The harness holding me took the majority of the lash actually, so there wasn’t much pain at all.

Again I heard the motor of the vibrator start up and it was again inserted into me. I was brought to the edge of cumming again, very quickly and again, it was pulled out, again I was spun and again a tongue lashed at my love tunnel. This same sequence came four more times and the bell chimed to end it. My assailant hadn’t uttered a sound since ordering me to not make a sound. Weird, right?

The winch motor whined and I felt myself being lowered. I was on the mat again, and being unbound from the leg and foot restraints. It was here where I finally understood the real benefits of reaching a level of fitness. I had no idea of how much time I had been in this one position, maybe fifteen-twenty minutes, so muscles were cramping. I stretched and uncramped them as my Master was standing watching me. I took a quick glance noting that he was not that tall, but the leather wear was not a good form fitting outfit. It just looked a little lumpy on him. There was a mask which allowed for lips and tongue but it too looked funny in the dim light.

I was allowed to stretch for a few moments and then had my wrists snap locked to my shoulders, my ankles were both pulled up and locked onto my wrists again. I was flat on my back my ankles up by my ears, my engorged sex exposed for anyone to use. The room went dark and a single spotlight came on, directly on me, dazzling me for a few moments, I couldn’t make anything out. I was connected to the swing arrangement at four points again and the winch lifted me up. When I got to a height, it was stopped, again with a slight jerk. This time I could see my leather clad captor coming at me with another vibrator, this time a fucking huge one. He lay it over my labia, touching my clit and turned it on. Fuck that felt good. The vibes were sending pleasure signals all through my body.

The bell chimed again and the vibrator was lifted off me, I then felt a shocking chill, a fucking ice cube on my puss! Talk about a downer! It was only there for a few seconds, but it was a mood changer. This was followed up with a tongue making a genuine assault on my exposed puss. This cycle then repeated four or five times, I lost count, when this damned bell chimed again. My assailant took everything away, again and I heard a wheeled trolley, it had to be a trolley, there was no motor, coming towards me. I still couldn’t move my head much at all so didn’t see much at all. I felt my angle being changed a little and a few moments later, a prodding at my puss. The vibe again.

This time I felt it being inserted, and realized for the first time that all the action on my puss was aimed at the mirrors. Fuck! An audience! If I had known that, I would have put on much more of a show for them! The restraining straps holding my head were released and I could drop my head a long way back. Now! At last, I thought, I’m going to get a dick to suck! Nope, the ball remained in place, but the vibe that was inserted into me wasn’t a vibrator, it was a mechanical fucking machine!. I heard the motor start, the plastic cock was pumped into me than pulled out with the release of air, and then sped up a little. I heard the machine going “Tapoketa-shhtt-tapoketa-shhtt-tapoketa-shhtt” with little whoosh of air escaping between each pump in and out. Actually, that noise was fucking annoying. I’m not an engineer, but I recall an experiment in Science class we viewed on a video where the repeat action was driven by a rotating plate connected to a mechanical arm making the forward and backward movement. I thought then that this would make a good fucking machine. Why use air?

The dick being used had a clit stimulator too, so getting the stroke right was a chore for my captor, but he got it right and every time the plastic fantastic was deep inside me, my clit was being gently touched by what felt like a soft two pronged fork. Oh yeah, This I can really relate to! I was moaning and groan as loud as I could, playing it up for my audience. Being fucked by a machine while helpless, that is tied up, was a real turn on. Appealed to my vulnerable side and the fact I love to fuck. I didn’t have to fake it, by the way, I really was moaning and groaning in sexual bliss.

I heard the door open and turning my head, I could see someone else entering the room. The guy in leather hit the floor, ahh! He was the sub, here was the Master.

Without ceremony, the Master opened his pants are rammed his cock down my throat. Fortunately, it wasn’t a big cock, doubtful it was even average 6″ dick so took it with no problems. About fucking time too. I couldn’t move much so he just fucked my face. He was quite considerate, tried to match his motions with the machine at the other end, that would push into me and he would too at the same time. Kind of weird feeling, but was good. The other snapped his fingers and said, “Lube!” The Sub boy jumped up and immediately put a lot of lube around my butt hole, inserting a finger to make sure it was well lubed. “Now!” the Master said. The machine cock was turned off and pulled out of me, then rolled out of the way. The Master then pulled out of my mouth, just spun me around on the swing and rammed his dick straight into my ass. Glad there was plenty of lube on it, even if he is small, but I made all the right sounds, gasps, groans, and “Fuck me with that big cock!” and so on.

He must have thought it okay because he pumped into me and blew his load. He wasn’t wearing a condom, but as a Club member, he didn’t have to. I had checked earlier that day if he was recently tested, he was, then was informed that I didn’t have to ask, I would be told immediately if there was any anomaly with any member.

He pulled out of me and I just knew his sub was there, on his knees, sucking his Master’s dick after cleaning it up with warm, maybe soapy, water. Club members are encouraged to practice safe sex and good health regimes all the time. Of course, many members are people who can’t and won’t be told, unfortunately. I’ve made it clear, however, with me they must always practice good hygiene. I’m not overly fond of condoms and rarely fuck anyone not a member so is no issue, as long as everyone else does the same.

“Clean her up! Make her cum!” The Master ordered. He left the room as the Sub used the warm water to wipe over my ass and dried me off. I was spun back so that my bottom half was open for viewing by whomever was on the other side of the mirror. I felt the gentle wipings of a tongue running over my ass and pussy. Who ever this was, he was really good with his tongue, I hoped he was as good with his dick. After the prong of the mechanical fucking machine, the vibrator, a dick in my mouth and then my ass, I was yearning for a cum. I pushed my pussy into his mouth as best I could and made him suck on my clit. I felt his tongue sliding down to tongue fuck me.

In and out his tongue went, then it slid back up to my clit and a finger inserted itself into me. Tongue on clit, one finger, then two in my puss, oh I was feeling it, that’s for sure. He took me back up to the edge and kept me there for a while until my body sang for release. I didn’t care if there was anyone behind the mirrors any more, I wasn’t playing for an audience, I was just allowing my body to enjoy being so excited. Again he brought me off the boil, then built me back up again. The bell chimed, twice. This time, the tongue and the fingers kept plowing into me, I was being allowed to cum this time, I knew it. I relaxed into it. I felt the muscles in my lower stomach grab and release, again the grabbed and released, this was followed by more muscles grabbing, a spasm that flew outwards from my cunt, up my legs squeezing my over stretched muscles.

This was a fucking agony, a pleasure mixed so much with the pain of being immobilized for so long. My body rebelled and accepted the pain and pleasure of an orgasm with severely cramping muscles. The contradiction of sensations was overwhelming. I fell, enveloped by a darkness, a harsh but undemanding nothingness. A time later, I heard sounds, I felt pressure on my back, I couldn’t make sense of it but I moved. I lifted an arm and it hurt. My shoulder hurt, my hands hurt, I was hurting all over. “Get some Ibuprofen,” I heard, a woman, “You left her too long in the harness, and no water, idiot!” A few moments later, I heard a person come in and the woman said “Here, Priestess, swallow these, have a drink of water.” My head was lifted and a couple of capsules were placed on my lips, which I took in and a glass offered to me. I swallowed greedily. and was laid back.

“It was her first time in the harness, we should have known better!” said the male voice. “I’m sorry Priestess. This wasn’t meant to hurt you.”

I held back not saying anything, until I had stopped spinning. Opening my eyes, I could see I was on the mat, out of the harness, out of the swing. Pain still demanded my attention but it was a little duller as the drug took affect. The woman said, “The ibuprofen should help considerably Priestess. Rest for a few minutes, you should be up and moving shortly. You better get out of here.” The Master left, but what? He was ordered?

“What happened?” I asked.

“You were tied in the harness for too long, then when you came, it blew your fuses. You’ll be fine, Priestess,” she said, “Enthusiasm outweighs common sense at times I’m afraid. Don’t worry, it won’t happen again.”

She had come into focus by then and I saw she was wearing a shapeless leather outfit, without the face mask. Short cropped dark hair, late thirties, attractive but not beautiful, I thought, somewhat unkindly. I was surprised, a sub calling her master an idiot? Ordering him? Really? “You’re the sub?”

“No, I’m the Mistress, but the deal is I give him the Master Role for one evening a month. I must admit, he has never fucked it up like this before, usually pretty good, but you’re really beautiful, and just sixteen? Wow.” I must have blushed. “Oh please, don’t feel embarrassed, you are beautiful and really sexy, either naked or fully dressed, really tasty too. What’s more, I hear you are an excellent clit licker. Rare combinations of talents indeed.”

“Not as good as you, I’ve never made anyone faint when they’ve cum before.” She laughed, “I can’t lay claim to that, my idiot husband I’m afraid.”

I laughed and said, “Well, he can’t be that much of an idiot if he married you.” She laughed and replied, “Now you’re just flirting. Looking for a return bout already?” “Well, I have to prove myself.” She laughed and agreed. It actually turned out a better evening, even if we didn’t have another round of sex that evening. We got along well, Mistress Me- is a great person to know.

While I can’t say I am impressed with my introduction to bondage, when Mistress Me- ran the evening, it was brilliant. She knew what she was doing and I got to prove myself to her, many times over the following year. On my initiation night, I was told she returned to me twice more after the initial fuck. I love making her cum, especially when she feels the need to be punished, which is not often, but sometimes. I really thrash her, by the way, leaving her red assed for a couple of days. Then make her cum until she is nearly turned inside out. She loves me, what can I say?


1 comment

  1. /u/DavidJannsen, I have found an error in your post:

    > “viewing by ~~whomever~~ [**whoever**] was on”

    I deem the post of DavidJannsen wrong; it should read “viewing by ~~whomever~~ [**whoever**] was on” instead. Unlike ‘whomever’, ‘whoever’ is the subject of ‘was’.

    ^(This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through DMs or contact my owner EliteDaMyth!)

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