Boss of Me – Part 3

(Part 1: [](

(Part 2: [](

I can’t help but whimper as your words from a moment ago play through my brain again. “And that makes Two, Brat. Five more to go.” I’m not sure I can take even *one* more.

“Pl…please, Sir.”

You arch a sardonic brow. “Please what, Brat?”

My cuffed hands twist uselessly behind my back as I squirm. “Please no more for today.”

Laughter echoes in the air as you caress my sticky face. “You’re getting just as much peace today as you gave me this week. What’s that you’re always saying? Turnabout’s fair play.”

I let out an annoyed little snarl. You know how much I love twisting your own words against you—and how much I hate you doing the reverse. “Now you’re just being mean!”

“Not at all,” you correct with a smirk. “I’m being extremely fair-minded and thorough.”

My mouth opens to argue, but you are already prepared and stuff my silky panties, which I never noticed you ripping the rest of the way off, into my mouth. I widen my eyes and try to spit them out, but you place your hands around my throat with a stern headshake. “The panties stay put until I remove them, minx, or I add that eighth round after all. And an extra one for good measure.”

Indignation has my eyes widening and another snarl passing my lips, although heavily muffled by my panties. The scent of my own arousal wafts from the silky scraps to my nose, and my cheeks grow red once more. Something that pleases you when you notice, judging by the knowing smile you turn my way. “Smells delicious, right?”

My eyes shoot figurative daggers, and you chuckle before flipping me onto my stomach and dragging me back to the center of the bed. I tense as you uncuff my hands, and I strike as soon as the second one swings free. You anticipate my escape attempt, however, and press the full weight of your body against mine, careful not to push my face into the mattress since I’m still gagged. I struggle to get out from under you, but once again to no avail. This has me snarling curses that don’t quite break through the silky scraps of fabric. You guess their intent, however, judging by the belly laugh I can feel thanks to your weight pressed against mine.

Although that’s not the only thing pressing against my back. The more I struggle, the more turned-on you get. And damn it all, the more that turns me on, too.

Once certain you still have the upper hand, you cuff each of my hands to the corners of the bed, this time leaving me facedown. You leave my legs uncuffed, at least for the moment it takes you to retrieve a spreader bar from the implements carefully arranged on your nightstand. I moan when I glance over my shoulder and see you caress the bar lovingly, staring down into my eyes with another smile. This one much more sinister than the one before.

“We’re going to play a little game now, pet.” You slowly, teasingly fasten first one ankle and then the other to the bar, adjusting my legs just the way you want them before smacking my still-sore ass on each cheek. I let out a muffled groan, and you chuckle again. You place a pillow beneath me to keep me in a relatively comfortable position. *Such* a considerate Sir.

I gasp when you suddenly remove the butt plug and replace it with a generous layer of lube. You laugh yet again when my body starts to shiver.

“The game is simple. Every other minute or five—you’ll never know exactly when–I’m going to either spank your ass or fuck it with a toy. To win the game, all you must do is keep the panties in your mouth and say nothing. If you do that for an entire hour, we’ll call Day Three atoned for. But if you spit the panties out to scream or tell me to stop, we start over again. How’s that sound?” All I can do is give an annoyed squawk. “I’ll take that as acceptance of the game’s rules. Not that you really have any choice. Unless you want to use the safeword?”

I briefly consider it, but as frustrated as I currently am, I’m that much more aroused. And you know me so well that you’re already reaching for your first toy before I give the signal that we’re okay to keep going.

Anticipation builds for the next few minutes as you leave me completely untouched. All I can do is breathe slowly and try not to tense too much. I sense you’re still in the room but not much else. My breathing grows more ragged the longer you let the silence stretch out. I’m inwardly cursing your sadistic streak and unprepared when you finally strike. The suede tails of what I assume is your favorite flogger land against my ass with soft but steady force. My body jerks not so much from the pain but from surprise. That sensation soon fades as you amp up the pressure just slightly with each subsequent strike. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. It becomes almost unbearable at the same time I want it to keep going.

And then you stop.

The next sixty seconds drag out interminably. I expect you to flog me again, only a little harder, and so I’m unprepared when you smoothly insert a toy into my ass, slipping it easily inside thanks to the lube. After allowing me a moment to adjust, you begin sliding it inside and out; gently at first but with steadily increasing speed and force. I bite down on the panties stuffed into my mouth and helplessly pant as nerve endings sing in pleasure. My body is close to orgasming when you remove the toy and return me to silent, frustrated waiting.

The third time you touch me it’s to run a feather along my ass, something that has me squirming since I’m extremely ticklish. I mumble wordless curses as best I can, and you just laugh again. You drag this round out for two terrible minutes. By the end I’m both laughing and sobbing uncontrollably.

The fourth time you spank me with a cane, something you’ve only done a few times previously, and my body jerks with each slow, methodical smack. Pleasure and pain mingle into a dizzying blur. I hiss in a breath at the fifth blow and allow my body to relax, since I assume you’re done for that round. That turns out to be wrong, because you raise the game’s stakes by applying the wand to my clit once more. My body shakes uncontrollably as you bring me to the brink of orgasm only to remove the wand and cane my ass five more times.

A sob escapes my lips, muffled by the panties, but you obviously hear it. “Everything okay, sweetheart?” Your voice sounds equal parts concerned and smug. And you’re lucky I’m in no position to strike out at you, because at this point I’d aim to hurt.

I inwardly curse you and outwardly signal that everything is okay. I am bound and determined (pun completely intended) to win this particular game. No matter what it takes.

That determination is challenged again and again over the next hour as you alternate spanks with fucks, and I come so close to both orgasm and surrender it’s a wonder I’m still breathing. A peaceful fog fills my brain, and I start to forget what we’re even doing.

Which is when you make your final strike. Delivering the hardest five spanks yet, courtesy of your bare hands, and sliding your rock-hard cock into my anus before I can recover.

Even then, I’m able to keep it together enough to follow your rule to *say nothing*, giving only wordless moans and groans. Until you reach down to shove a vibrator into my pussy and crank it up to the highest setting. At which point I spit out the panties and scream, “No fair, Sir!”

You give a long, satisfied laugh as you continue fucking both my holes but otherwise remain silent. You alternate hard and fast motions with slow and easy ones until I let out a wordless scream and cum. Moments later you join me, shooting streams of cum inside and leaving the vibrating toy in my pussy. I wordlessly pant and shake for several more minutes until cumming again. That’s when you finally take pity and switch off the vibrator.

You affectionately kiss the back of my neck before leaning down to murmur in my ear, “I’m counting Day Three atoned for, my Bratty dear, because you made me cum so very nicely. But we’re going to repeat the same game for Day Four’s atonement. And if you spit out the panties a second time, I’m adding that eighth day to help motivate you to do better.”

All I can do is shudder and glance over my shoulder into your knowing eyes. I once again silently curse you all the while I enjoy every single moment of your sweet torment. Trying to catch my breath before you start to show me yet again why you remain very much the boss of me.
