Alien studies part 2

Trussed up in the closet, her arms and legs securly cuffed and her own ball gag stuffed in her mouth with the sticky tape plastered over it, Dominica was propped against the back of the closet. Her pussy was still tingling from the orgasm she had just enjoyed, her mind was spinning. She was going to watch her boyfriend fucking that creature, thinking it was her. Dominica knew that there was nothing she could do but watch.

The creature had left the bedroom, and in a minute, she could hear the doorbell chime. She could hear nothing but low murmurs from her boyfriend as he stepped in, a minute later, she led him in, pulling him towards the bed.

“Oh you are so eager, so ready baby!” Larson growled.

Her voice an answering growl, she said, “Fuck, I am more than ready, I want you to fuck me, fuck me hard, I need to get fucked, and fucked well!”

Larson was suprised, she was usually coy, teasing him before ending up in the bedroom. He just chalked it up to her added excitement of winning the Wimbledon title, and yanked his clothes off.

The creature was feeling all those surges of lust, making her tingle deep inside. Taking the form of an alien would make her subject to all the feelings that the alien was made up of, and the creature was starting to enjoy these unfamiliar feelings. She just let her mind go on the lust filled thoughts of Dominca, and she felt sizzles of lust deep inside when she saw Larson’s 9 inch cock, so stiff and hard, oh god, she wanted that, now. She virtually pounced on him, in a tangle of arms and legs on the bed, she pushed him down, positioned herself over his stiff cock, and with no hesitation, she pushed her hips down hard, impaling herself in one bold thrust. The creature’s senses lit up like a nova as the stunning hugeness filled her, stretching open her pink wet, silken pocket. This was Dominca’s favorite posisition, and the creature could see why, she howled with pleasure as she bottomed out. Pulling back up, the creature began to ride his cock, pumping her hips, oh god, no wonder Earth beings liked sex so much. Her senses were into overload, she’d never had a rush of sensations swamping her like this.

Larson watched as Dominica used his cock just like a fuck toy, he’d never seen her so wild, so uninhibited. She was making noises of passion like he’d never heard before, her eyes had a hungry, animalistic look.

With the knowledge of what Larson liked the most, the creature tightened her pussy, and started to hump at him, slowing her wild movements, letting the tight grip milk that stiff shaft. Larson growled in response, that grip was the ultimate in tightness, and he knew his climax was imminent.

The creature felt the whirpool of senstations centering in on her pussy region, and she felt her lover’s cock jerk, swelling tight with a massive urgency. She felt a rushing feeling then waves of pleasure blasted her wracked nervous system like never before. The sheer power of her exploding orgasm stole her breath and senses, she let out a full throated scream. From what seemed like far away, she heard Larson’s answering grunts and growls, she suddenly felt a rush of wet hot sperm being pumped into her. Her body shook madly, it was almost too much to bear, as she rode the crest, Larson’s cock pumping every drop into her.

Dominica, chained up and gagged securely, watched the scene. Her disgust had melted away, being replaced with lust. Larson was fucking her, in spirit if not in actual body, and watching him fuck another woman…well, a creature that sure as hell looked female enough, turned out to be more hot and exciting that she had hoped it would be. No jealously, just unbridled lust was bubbling up, she could feel her pussy twanging with need as she watched them both reach their peaks, and the hot, frenzied noies of orgasmic completion filling the air.

The creature knew that Dominica liked to suck in his cock right after his climax, so she quickly pulled off, and went down on his prick quickly. The taste of her juices and his cum smeared all over his prick was amazing, more bolts of sheer sensation sizzled through the creature so unused to sensation, and the creature gave Larson the best blow job possible, using the knowledge of Dominica’s thoughts to know exactly how to suck his prick. It grew back to full, impatient need, and as Larson needed some time, and a nice tight grip to recharge, she did what Dominica would do, releasing his spit slick rod, she flopped belly down on the rumpled sheets, and cocked her ass up. More sizzles of sensation zapped the creature’s nervous sytem as Larson licked the tight pucker of her ass hole, pulling her up slightly, the pressing against her, then the stiff, hard thrust, and the creature was impaled, as Larson eagerly buried his 9 inches right to the balls.

The sizzles of pain and pleasure surged through the creature, oh fuck, it was wrenching, and the creature did what Dominca would do, burying her hand between her legs, cupping her sex, she started to masturbate. It was a tsunami of sensations, the creature had never felt such a rush, and she masturbated furiously, as Larson grunted and growled, plowing her incredibly tight ass.

From the closet, as she watched Larson fucking the creature’s ass, Dominica’s wondering about whether she’d get off on watching Larson fuck another woman was answered. Her sex was wet, achy and throbbing, god if could just get one hand down,10 seconds of fingers on her clit and she’d explode. She had to endure the torture of not being able to do anything about her wildly horny state, as she watched them going at it, two bodies in a joining of hot, implacable lust.

The creature felt another orgasm approaching, and it hit hard. Her pussy started squirting crazily, and she could feel the pulses of pleasure surging through both her pussy and her ass, giving Larson’s cock the ultimate in tight gripping sensation. She heard his growl, and knew what he liked the most, she quickly pulled off, spun around, and swallowed his cock. One bob of her hot, sucking mouth up and down his prick, and he grabbed her head, pulling her tight against him as his cock head snaked down her throat. She felt the warmth of his cum jetting, a thick, warm liquid pouring down her throat, straight into her stomach. She pulled back, and was rewarded with two final gushes coating her tongue. She wanted to taste it, and was rewarded with another blaze of sensation as she tasted his cum.

They tumbled down together in a sexually satisfied heap, he was holding her close. The creature liked the warmth, the close contact, it felt…different. The creature was used to a sterile, scientific, rational world, where emotions were strongly suppressed. The sexual intercourse, so many sensations sweeping through her, then the closeness afterward, it was something she’d never felt, and she liked it, she liked it very much. As much as she would have liked to stay, she had the real Dominica, and her instructions were clear. Do no harm. She looked at the timepiece on the bedside table, her ship was almost in range. She picked up the pod, holding it in her right hand, and pressed that hand lightly against Larson’s shoulder. His body flinched with the sting, then he tumbled down from simple sleep to a totally unconcious state.

She hopped out of bed, and opened the closet. She released Dominca from the pipe she was chained to, but left her arms and legs cuffed and her mouth gagged. Now her ship was in range, and she took out a small tablet, that looked something like an IPad, and entered a series of commands. On board the ship, the computer received the commands, and the material transmission unit was activated.

Dominica saw the familiar vision of her bedroom gray out, then a swirling vastness, it looked like the snow that she’d see on a TV channel that was not working, then it cleared, and she was in some large, warehouse like room, with the creature standing right next to her.

“Welcome to my space vessel Dominica.”

Gently pulling the tape away, she unbucked the ball gag, and Dominica saw through a viewscreen, the curving arc of the Earth, my god, she really was outside the Earth, the pictures of it from space missions didn’t capture the grandeur of it. She saw the creature uncuffing her ankles, and helping her to stand. She led Dominica out in to a long corridor, and into a room. It was the creature’s personal room, and she sat Dominica down, and released her wrists.

“I can imagine the questions you have. My race is from a planet circling the star known to Earth astronomy as Gliese 832, a red dwarf star which is located approximately 16 light-years away from your planet in the constellation of Grus, our planet has been designated as Gliese 832 c. Your Earth astronomy science has given our planet an Earth Similarity Index of 0.81, one of the highest Earth Similarity Indices for any known extrasolar planet. Our planet is in what is called the habitable zone, and, well, I am proof that our planet supports life.”

Dominica found her voice, and said quietly, “Well, I can’t disbelieve you, unless this all some crazy hoax. What are you doing here though, and how did you cross such a vart distance?”

The creature continued, “We used a technology called a quantum flux mirror, and generated a distortion of the time-space contnuum, what Earth scientists call a wormhole. The wormhole’s entrance is just beyond your planet’s moon, on the dark side. A robot ship went through the first time, and scanned your planet. We found it interesting, and I was selected to come to Earth, and study the human population up close. My ship has a damping field around it, that makes it invisible to Earth based detection systems.”

Dominica said, “It must take a huge crew to run such a complicated ship.”

“Not at all,” the creature replied. “I am the only one aboard. The vessel is completely automated, from propulsion, navigation, to medical assistance and defense, and is programmed to respond to my voice patterns only. And in the event I am killed, or become unable to speak, the ship will automatically head for the wormhole aperture within 48 Earth hours after the last command.”

Turning to a small device on the wall, she said, “Cestus 3271, recognize.”

A computerized voice responded, “Cestus 3271, voice print verified.”

Dominica said, “That’s an odd name.”

The creature replied, “That is not my name, that is my designation.”

Getting more interested, Dominica asked, “What is your real name?”

“To your ears, it would sound something like ‘Meeshoray.’ ”

Dominica was spellbound, as the creature told her how it had been given the task of studying humans, and in particular how they reproduced. Where the creature lived, there was no such thing as gender. Reproduction was by simple cloning, churning out sexless copies very quickly. Discovery of the planet Earth had given them a look at an entirely new civilization, with a very different way of reproduction. The creature had drawn the assignment of finding a suitable human female, who had an active sex life, and becoming the female, to experience sexual intercourse first hand.

The idea that she was hearing too much, and she would be killed to keep her silent, brought a troubled look to her face. The creature noticed it, and asked her.

“Now that I know so much, you can’t let me go, can you?”

“Have no fears Dominica, you will go back, unharmed, and wake up right next to your beloved. Our guiding principle is to study, but do no harm. In my vessel’s medical bay, I have a memory link unit that will remove your memories of what has happened to you, and will sift through my mind, taking the memories of my sexual contacts with Larson, and copying them to your mind. When you wake up, you will feel like you were the one who got his attentions. And did it satisfy your desire to watch your boyfriend, as you say, fucking another woman?”

Dominica’s sex was wet and achy, god she needed relief, and she nodded.

A sound like a soft whuff came from the other room.

“Ahh, that is my companion, what you would call a pet. Let me introduce you.”

She disappered from view, and came back with her companion wrapped around her arm. It looked very much like an octupus, with 12 tentacles. The creature had large back eyes, like polished marbles, and the gaze studied her intently.

“Dominica, this is my, as you would call it, pet. He lives in the large plains areas of our planet, and is, what you would call, an amphibian. To our race, the animal is called a ‘Langothorn.’ ”

It made a low murmur, and Dominica faced it, and began a series of low murmurs, to which the Langothorn replied with murmurs of its own.

Dominica was startled, it looked like the actually could communicate to each other vocally.

It was more than just vocal, the creature had formed a telepathic link with her pet, and the communication was clear. The creature smiled, her pet wanted to get closer to Dominica, and the creature had a feeling that Dominica would like what her Langothorn could do for her.


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