The Heal Slut: Chapter Nine – The Storm [nosex] [violence]

Author’s Note: Sorry for the wait for this chapter. I got a little hung up on a couple scenes, but I finished them to my liking. Also, this chapter is mostly all battling with some important stuff sprinkled in, with no sex happening. There is a little gore and an attempted rape, but it doesn’t go into any detail on that at all. Next chapter will be posted very soon!


# Part Twenty One: We Fight For The Light

***Bree Rose Abrakir***

It started as a tingling feeling as she worked to clean up the kitchen after the past couple days of cooking for her.. Family. The tingling wasn’t strange in itself. She’d worked on the wards today and she often felt vibrations from them as they adjusted,

But then they sent a warning through her. She looked out of her kitchen window at the tower that housed the wardstone. The sky was dark beyond and there seemed to be no moonlight in the sky tonight. Both a waning moon and clouds covering the sky in every direction.

It was an ill warning that came just a moment before it happened. The wards began draining in each direction, giving her just enough time to grab her staff and dart out of the front door before the attack came. The village was thrust into chaos as horns blew in the direction of each watchtower. Bree had time enough to look up at the sky before it was lit bright by a giant ball of fire.

It was terrifying to see it approach the wards and call on her power. Bree slammed her staff into the dirt and cried out.

“Gods, help me!” Bree called out as the fireball slammed into the wards and it brought her down to her knees, only barely keeping hold of her staff as she felt it seemingly inside of her. She couldn’t help the way her power called out to her mates, but her focus didn’t waver as she focused on the wards and sent her power to help them.

The tower pulsed with energy once and then the light began to diminish, the wards weakened, but still standing. Still, she felt the wards being drained by multiple entities. Who would attack the village with such overwhelming power? She could only think of one group and the thought of them attacking in force was terrifying.

The combined clans of Ork and Goblin were a force that they’d long worried would attack them. Small scale attacks on the caravan, on travelers, on the outskirts of the village were serious, but all were repelled. But a large scale attack not seen in several years would test their very resolve.

Bree pushed herself back to her feet and ran in the direction of the western gate. If Tirron and the others came, it would be by that gate and hopefully the captain of the guard would be there as well. But all she found was chaos in every direction, guards rushing to the gates. The western gate was unpierced, but only just as archers pelted arrows down from the battlements, but were being taken out about as fast as they could be reinforced.

“Marcia is here!” One of the men called out just before a goblin arrow got him in the eye and he fell back off the wall. Bree snapped into action and helped one of the guards open the gate, casting a large fireball at the closest group of goblins, sending many of them screeching as they burned to death.

Luckily her mates took the opening and darted into the gate, Autumn first, then Marcia, and finally Tirron. Each of them looked rough and clearly had been fighting for their lives. Bree wrapped Autumn in her arms as she cried, blood covering her hand along with a silver jagged dagger.

“It’s alright, my love. I’ve got you now.” Bree murmured in her ear and Marcia looked near to tears herself, but was holding it together. Tirron looked incensed, literally glowing with anger. “What happened out there?” Bree asked him and he spat blood on the ground away from them. Bree’s fireball provided a momentary lapse in the battle outside of the walls, giving the guards time to resupply and reinforce.

“They attacked the cottage, with Wredda. I think it was supposed to be a distraction. Are you okay?” Marcia replied as Tirron seemed too far gone in his anger to be much conversation.

“That fireball took a lot out of me, but I doubt those fuckers can do another one of those anytime soon. But if they do, the wards might just go down.” Bree frowned and turned back towards the tower. The wards weren’t draining anymore, at least. Whoever was in charge of that wasn’t making much progress.

“Bree! Marcia!” A man’s booming voice cut across the din and Bree recognized the tone.

“Talfen! Goddess, I’m glad to see you.” Marcia sighed as the captain of the guard rushed up to them, taking stock of their injuries. His eyes lingered on Tirron and they shared a curt nod.

“The north gate is close to breaking. Can all of you fight?” Talfen asked. Autumn was still in Bree’s arms and she seemed able to fight, but the look Tirron and Marcia gave her told her that Autumn didn’t need to stay in this fight.

“Babe, I want you to head back to my house and lock up, okay? You’ve done enough tonight and all of us want you to be safe. Are you okay with that?” Bree’s words seem to make some tension slide from Autumn’s shoulders and she nodded.

“I’m not able to keep up like you guys. But if something.. If something happens..” Autumn sobbed and Tirron laid a heavy hand on her back.

“We will be safe, as long as you are. Trust me. Go, we’ll find you when this is all over.” Tirron spoke softly to her and she pressed forward to kiss him before darting off in the other direction towards Bree’s house. As she ran off, rain began to fall overhead, building from a slow trickle into a torrent in a matter of moments.

“Let’s go.” Talfen murmured and took the lead. The sounds of battle were more apparent as they reached the northern gate that led out to the fields. Already, the gates were splintering and the men were doing all they could to fend off the assault of.. Something. And then it roared and the gate came crashing in and Bree’s worst fears were realized. Ogres.


***Sybil of Zibush***

It felt like waking from a dream that lasted for years, but she had no recollection of it afterward. Sybil’s eyes were heavy, feeling like something was holding them down, but she didn’t give in to the desire to go back to sleep.

Sybil opened her eyes and could see her familiar tent, the purple fabric she sewed to the ceiling over the bed, the beads and jewels that made the symbol of Oriana over her head. She blinked a few times as her eyes cleared and her hearing returned in the next few moments.

Rain fell outside, with wind whipping one way or another. It was certainly a storm to be remembered and she hoped her clan was safe in their tents. But with those thoughts, she clued in on the sound of sniffling directly next to her and her face turned to see Sipha. She was crying, almost silently, tears painting marks down her face through worn lines of dark makeup. Her hair was beyond messy and Sybil wanted to chastise the girl for allowing herself to look so terrible.

But her throat wasn’t working. And her senses were on alert as her head turned further. While Sipha sat on a small stool next to the bed, her husband was pacing in the middle of the tent. Most of her furniture was destroyed in one way or another and pushed to the side and she wanted even more to bark out harsh words.

“How could they go?!” Letam raged, not directing his anger at Sipha, but at the door flap that was pinned up, revealing the dark sky and seemingly endless rain.

“Because they didn’t know what else to do.” Sipha’s voice cracked and Letam looked as if all air left his lungs.

“What- What is happening?” Sybil croaked, her throat sore, but she was unable to let that stop her any longer.

“Priestess!” Sipha exclaimed and then Letam was right there and he was helping her sit up. His strong hands, handsome face marred by an unbrushed beard, a scar on his cheek that looked fresh.

“Drink this, my love.” Letam murmured as Sipha put a cup to her lips and she obeyed, if only to get them to tell her what was wrong. The liquid was a potion of some sort and it soothed her throat and flushed the rest of the sleep from her body.

“Tell me.” She demanded as she swept her feet off of the bed and planted them on solid ground. She wasn’t sure of how long she’d been out, but it was long enough to make her muscles sore. Sipha and Letam shared a significant look, but Sybil wasn’t waiting around. She pushed herself to her feet, swatting away their hands as they tried to help her. The wind was cold against her mostly nude body, only a loin cloth covering her nethers.

“I.. The clan was in tatters after your battle with the humans, most of the goblins died and the few that returned brought your unconscious body. Alakai managed to convince them to attack the village, against my judgement and many others. Most of the clan has gone to attack not long ago.. I’m sorry, Sybil. I never meant for this to happen..” Letam sounded pitiful and she bit back a retort. She eyed Sipha for a moment, the girl’s head downturned and it seemed she felt guilt as well.

“Very well. We’re going to stop them. If you must atone for whatever mistake you think you made, now is the time. Maybe we can stop them before they get slaughtered.” Sybil stated, pressing a hand to their cheeks, raising their eyes to hers. She tried to inject a bit of confidence, but if he truly lost control of them, it would be a true battle to reassert his dominance. And Alakai was no slouch, the clan’s strong and most cunning warrior that was merely biding his time before challenging Letam for the chieftain position.

“Sybil.. They took the ogres.” Sipha’s simple words sent shivers down her spine. The ogres were unpredictable at best, but would utterly wreak the village’s defenses. She had less time than she thought.

“Then we’d better hurry. Sipha, get me something to wear and get my staff. Letam, you must pull yourself together. You’ll have to fight him and you must be at your best.” Sybil ordered and both of them went into action after a single moment of hesitation. Letam scowled, stepping towards her and capturing her lips in an intense kiss that spoke of the bond they held, the love and desperation he felt, it was a thanks and a warning that he’d never let his guard down again.

Sipha rifled through the half-broken chest and pulled out what was probably the last of her clean clothing, a brown chest wrap and a long white loin cloth. As Letam grabbed his axe and put on his best armor, a leather set held together by strong chains of iron, Sipha helped Sybil dress. As Sipha handed Sybil her staff, she felt a power inside of her that grew by the second.

It was both her own power and something foreign, something she’d only felt once before during the moments when the demonborn’s power surrounded her while he took her. It was intoxicating and she couldn’t deny how powerful it made her feel.

“Tirron needs our help.” Sybil said as the power called her to do something. It was like an insistent tug and she could barely stop herself from darting from the door.

“Then the demonborn will have it.” Letam growled, his voice clouded with jealousy but also recognition of the man’s power.

“Sipha, go get ready and meet us at the gates. Bring your potions and any one you can find.” Sybil ordered her, but her hand grabbed Sipha’s neck as she passed. Their eyes met and Sipha was in awe of the energy that filled the tent. Sipha let out a gasp as Sybil pulled the girl’s lips forcefully to hers and though the kiss only lasted a second, Sipha’s shoulders straightened and she stood up taller, though she was still a head shorter than the priestess.

Sipha darted from the tent, the rain seeming to sizzle off of her skin as she ran through the thick torrent. Letam raised his eyebrow at his mate, but Sybil just smirked at him.

“Goddess, I should take you right now.” Letam growled and Sybil stepped out of his reach as he stepped forward.

“Afterward, we’ll mate till the sun comes up. For now, gather anyone that is left. Leave someone with the children and make them go into the caves.” She ordered and he nodded strongly and took confident strides out into the rain.

Sybil sighed to herself, glancing around the ruined tent and knelt by the bed as she began a prayer to her Goddess.

“Oriana.. Please, I require your guidance. Show me the right way, show me how to fulfill your will..” Sybil went on, saying many prayers before she heard cries of battle in the camp, Letam rallying the rest of those that would heed his calls.

She steadied herself once before heading out into the rain. It soaked her immediately, but she didn’t even notice the cold as she was filled with a deep heat inside. Tirron’s bond, the baby he left inside of her, was stirring. His magic was calling to her and she had no choice now.

At the gates stood perhaps two dozen orks, men and women barring weapons, staves, and grim expression. But as she approached, a call echoed out and they cheered for her. Her heart rose from her stomach where it sat since the news of the betrayal.

“My people. We fight today not for riches, not for gold and for slaves. We fight not for glory, but for the survival of our clan! Our people have been led astray and it is up to us to turn them back to Orianna’s Light! Kill if you must, but fight with your words and your intentions as well. Alakai and his betrayers will not live another day, but many of our people are in danger! Fight with me now! Fight with our chieftain! We will prevail, for we have the might of our Goddess behind us!” Sybil spoke fiercely and any looks of doubt were wiped away. Another roar called out and Sybil led the charge forward into the darkness, into the rain.

She only hoped they wouldn’t be too late, as much as she hated the humans and took her aggression out on them, this was too much. Today would be the day she turned her people around and fought for the Light once more.


# Part Twenty Two: The Last Gift

***Tirron Maldrek***

Seeing an Ogre break the gates was the most terrifying thing that could happen. In all of his battles, his years of experience taking out opponents, an Ogre was something he’d never been in combat against, but he’d seen it happen as a young boy. It was a tough fight, but ultimately they felled the monster. But only by taking heavy losses.

Tirron steeled himself and with a simple glance to his mates, they nodded at him and took up his flanks. He stood a deep breath and he felt the fire raging inside of him. It made his body ache with bloodlust and his skin held a sheen of bright light that kept his body dry even in the pouring rain.

“Marcia, stay back and keep your reserves up. We don’t need another ritual risking your life. Bree, if you have anything that can slow that fucker down, I would sure appreciate it. I’m going in!” Tirron growled and the two girls echoed their consent.

Tirron hefted his sword and charged in between a group of guards that seemed overwhelmed as the ogre’s large club slammed into the ground a few feet away. Tirron roared in response to the ogre’s angry call and he let the power free from his body, swinging his sword down hard at the beast’s arm, slicing into its wrist. It screamed in pain and jerked it’s arm up, the club swinging back behind his head and flying back beyond the wall as dark blood poured from his arm.

The ogre snarled as it saw the opponent standing just out of arm’s reach away, the large longsword-wielding demonborn that seemed to radiate heat in all directions. Behind Tirron, the guards lept into action and rushed towards the gate as a flow of Orks and goblins tried to rush in behind the ogre. The guards engaged, within reach of the monster, but it’s attention was squarely on Tirron.

“Du hels zo dod! Am kill du!” The Ogre roared in whatever guttural language it spoke and Tirron grinned, spitting in its direction. The word kill was obviously directed towards him.

“You’ll meet your God tonight, beast!” Tirron roared back and the ogre took a heavy step forward, swinging his massive fist at Tirron. Instead of backing off, Tirron darted in and got right up to the ogre’s exposed hairy midsection, swinging his sword down and slicing into the meat of its stomach. It yelled in pain, but Tirron was knocked to the side as it’s massive foot came at him sideways. Tirron was nearly launched into a close building, but was saved by a spell that stopped him just before he was impaled on a metal pipe that stuck out of the ground.

Marcia called out to him and Tirron just barely rolled to the side as the ogre’s fist slammed down on him, then picked up the thick pipe. Tirron jumped to his feet and rushed the ogre’s exposed side as it lifted the pipe up to slam back down on the demonborn, but some force held the ogre’s arm up.

Bree and Marcia were clearly part of the fight now and the ogre roared at them, but Tirron’s deep stab into its side cut the sound short with a sickening cough of blood. The ogre kicked Tirron away as it fell back and coughed again, showering a nearby guard with blood that made him retch into the ground.

Tirron’s sword was still in the ogre’s side and he couldn’t see a path to get it back and he realized his mate still held his dagger, but he kept hope that she was safe.

“Bree, you got some fire?” Tirron asked over the sounds of battle as guard and ork continued to clash at the gates and still surged around the area of their battle. Bree saw his intentions as she cast a fire on the ogre’s loincloth that barely covered its disgusting sex. The ogre roared in pain as the fire caught some oil or something that coated his clothing.

Tirron darted towards the monster’s side and narrowly dodged it’s fist as it tried to put out the fire on its crotch. Tirron gripped his sword with both hands and pulled hard, a jet of blood spurting out of the Ogre as blood rushed from the wound. The ogre’s sounds were a mix of coughing up blood, wheezing for breath, and utter pain.

Tirron saw his chance and darted behind the Ogre. The monster was too distracted to notice and Tirron readied his blade, aiming at a particular spot in the monster’s back. With a growl and a thrust of power, he impaled the ogre’s heart from behind. It let out one last cough and then began falling back. Tirron barely had time to pull his sword free and roll out of the way before being trapped under the gigantic dead body.

Tirron ached and he could feel what was surely a broken rib or two, but he felt victorious over the monster. He spit on the body and turned a thankful gaze to his mates. But the battle wasn’t over as two roars rang their eyes from outside of the gates.

Tirron led the group towards the gates and helped fight off the orks and goblins, taking out several as the guards formed a makeshift gate behind them. Marcia and Bree lit them up with electricity and fire in turn and the guards surged out from each side of the gate.

What faced them was terrifying. Two ogres, each bigger than the one they just killed. Probably fifty or sixty Orks battling guards, townspeople, and whoever else aided them in battle. Countless goblins engaged as well. Tirron didn’t let his hope dwindle as he was filled with a sort of power that was almost foreign to him.

It ached in his chest and nearly brought him to his knees as he recognized the source. Marcia was there, holding him steady and in her eyes was desperation.

“Sybil..” Tirron growled, pointing his sword into the distance with a confidence that he didn’t know he could have towards the woman. “Sybil is coming to put an end to this. We must hold them off until she arrives.” Marcia looked confused for a moment, but Bree was behind her and laid a hand on the girl’s arm.

“Her people were led astray in her absence. I fear this was our fault.” Bree murmured to them and Tirron nodded roughly.

“But we were just protecting our people.” Marcia argued. Tirron gripped her cheek, spreading blood on her skin that was not his own.

“And we are still protecting our people. We do what we must. And now, we must fight once more. Get ready, my loves.” Tirron spoke strongly and Marcia seemed to snap out of it, As one, they turned toward the nearest Ogre and readied themselves to fight once more.


***Autumn Bizbee***

The blonde girl paced, still soaking wet but utterly heedless of the cold. It was the cold she felt deep inside, the cold of helplessness, the cold of worrying over the battle. It was the same cold she felt in the moments of the caravan battle, where Pitrin lost his life. Tears fell to the floor, making marks on the carpet as she paced relentlessly.

“I can’t do this again!” Autumn sobbed as her knees went to jelly and she fell to the floor, crying into her hands. “I can’t lose someone else!” She screamed, worry flooding her body so entirely. “I shouldn’t have left them!” Her voice cracked and she trembled with the dark emotions flooding her body.

“Pitrin!” She cried, the memories of seeing his dead body flashing to seeing Tirron’s body, Marcia’s, Brees. It was terrifying and her shoulders heaved as she sobbed. “I love you!” She called out into the darkness of the house, only a single lit candle by her door providing light.

“My dearest.” A voice came and Autumn barely heard it, but it stilled her cries and her eyes opened, darting in each direction but she saw nothing. She knew the voice, she knew it so intimately that she heard it in her dreams.

And then a pair of hands gripped her shoulders hard and shook her once, her eyes blinking as shock gripped her system. When her eyes opened again, there he was. Pitrin, the warrior that sacrificed his life for those he loved. A deep longing gripped her, along with a power that formed deep in her core.

“Pit..” She murmured and stared, he was translucent and ethereal. This was not the man she loved, but his spirit.

“Yes, I am still dead. But you called out to me and I could not ignore your call. This will be the last time before I depart this world, but I have a gift for you.” Pitrin spoke slowly, in his same old drawl that she loved. It filled her with hope and despair in the same moment.

“You have found love, in the worst of times. You and Tirron were always meant for each other, my sweet. You and he and the healer and the witch are bonded for eternity. I can not say for sure, but perhaps your souls were bonded time and time again in life after life. Still, I loved you as completely as I could and I know you are in good hands.” Pitrin spoke and Autumn cried silently, feeling her heartbeat hard in each moment.

“But Tirron needs you now. He needs your strength. This is my gift to you.” Pitrin’s hands dipped into his own body and Autumn was awed as he pulled his hands out and a deep blue syrupy looking power filled his hands. “This is the last of my power, the core that would allow me to return to our world once more. I am destined to rest with the Gods forever, but you are destined for more.” Pitrin reached out towards her stomach.

“Take this power, in my name. Take up these daggers, this bow, and protect your mates. Be sure of yourself and all shall be well. Take this power, in my name.” Pitrin’s words pierced her just as the magic did, thrust into her stomach and it took a moment to wrap around her core, but it filled her entire body with a deep power that made her tremble and gasp out.

Energy coursed through her limbs, filling her with strength, it wrapped around her core and filtered into her mind. Knowledge of fighting, knowledge of magic, knowledge of love was written into her brain and she gasped several times as it pulsed within her. And then it settled and Pitrin’s spirit seemed to fade just a bit more.

“I love you!” Autumn cried and she felt his hands wiping her tears away.

“And I love you. Never forget me, for I shall dwell within you forever more.” His words came from further away and Autumn darted forward, trying to capture his form in her arms but it slipped away and disappeared. “Go now, save him!” Pitrin’s voice came one last time and then she was alone.

But he left behind hope in her heart and power in her core and a promise to be with her forever. It was enough to motivate her now and she took no pause as she pushed herself to her feet. She grabbed Pitrin’s dark cloak and swept it around her form, took his quiver and wrapped it around her waist behind her cloak, took his bow and slotted it over her shoulders. She didn’t think she’d be able to use it, but a deep confidence swept the thought away.

In one hand, she gripped Tirron’s jagged dagger and in the other, she gripped Pitrin’s shorter, straight dagger. She swept past the candle, the fire flickering out in the wake of her energy and then she went downstairs and out into the rain once more.

Her mates needed her and Pitrin was with her, his energy filling her with something she’d never felt before. Even when she used her pitiful powers to do little tricks, light a tiny fire here or there, she’d never felt energy truly pulsing within her, but here it was. Pitrin’s last gift.


# Part Twenty Three: The Surge

***Marcia Tumbleheart***

Watching Tirron engaging with the larger Ogre was exhausting. He fought admirably, but the larger ogre was also a tad faster and was wearing the man down. Already, he took a hit on one arm and Marcia heard the crack of bone.

Bree swept into action as Tirron retreated, sweeping fire in a big circle around the ogre and trying the same tactic, lighting its clothing on fire, but this ogre wasn’t wounded yet and simply pulled the cloth off and tossed it at the woman, the beast’s ugly member exposed now. It laughed in its guttural language and leered at the woman as it spoke.

“Wantt zo see meg cock, woman?” It laughed and Marcia nearly puked in her mouth at the few words she understood. But she focused on her power as she waved her staff and Tirron’s arm, pulling a potion out of her pocket in the same moment and handing it to him.

“This will hurt.” Marcia told him and he chugged the potion down before nodding.

“It already does, just do it.” He growled and she muttered the words under her breath, power surging from her core to his broken arm. With a sickening crunch and a yell of pain, his bone popped back into place and mended, but it would need more intense care after the battle.

“Don’t get hit again or you might lose the arm!” Marcia advised him and Tirron nodded, thanking her with a mutter before darting into the fire with Bree. He lurched into action, taking the ogre by surprise as it stormed towards Bree and nearly caught her in its open hand. Tirron swept under the beast and took a careful swing, lobbing the monster’s cock and balls off in one swipe that also cut deep into its thigh.

With a guttural roar of deep pain, the ogre’s rage took over and it nearly trampled Tirron to death, the man rolling one way then the other. Even Bree was knocked back out of the fire by the beast’s wildly swinging club, but Marcia just barely managed to keep her from hitting the ground hard.

She rushed to her mate’s side and pulled a potion out, feeding it to the woman as she heaved, unable to catch her breath after getting caught in the chest with the brunt of the blow. The potion began to work after a moment and Bree breathed hard, but she was clearly out of the fight.

“Go!” Bree gasped as she pointed Marcia towards the continuing fight. Tirron was back on his feet and the ogre was barreling in each direction, knocking Tirron off to one side or the other but Tirron wasn’t backing down. He was clearly injured again, limping ever so slightly.

Then the ogre caught Tirron with a rough fist to the side of the head and Tirron’s sword was knocked away. Marcia cried out, trying to think of anything to help as she rushed towards the fire, but her mind was utter terror as that club swung down toward Tirron’s prone form.

And then there was a flash beside her, the fire spreading open as a small cloaked form darted into the clearing and took a running jump, climbing up the ogre’s back in a flash. Marcia’s hope returned in that split second and she cast a spell at the club, pausing it in the air for the one moment they needed.

Two daggers caked with blood tore into the ogre’s neck from behind, the figure slicing into the beast’s thick skin. It roared, but the sound was strangled away as the figure jumped off of the beast’s back and landed on the ground. It darted out of the way as the ogre fell backwards and clutched at its throat, but it was too late and within a few seconds, it bled to death.

Marcia felt Bree’s power dispel the fire and Marcia surged forward, sliding onto her knees next to Tirron. He gasped for air, but his eyes were staring at the figure as it fought off two large orks that tried to lunge towards Marcia. The healer was unconcerned, sliding her last potion out of her bag and feeding it to Tirron. Within a moment, his breathing came back to normal, a little ragged, but he was strong enough to get up to his feet.

“Who are you?” He growled towards the figure as it dispatched the last ork and faced him. The form was thin and short, but she couldn’t see under the hood. A deep power radiated from their form and it impressed her. She didn’t recognize it, but it could possibly match her’s or Bree’s.

The form shook their head and pointed a bloody dagger towards the last ogre as it ravaged a group of guards, taking out two of them with one swipe of its gigantic spear.

“We fight, and then you’ll let me thank you for saving my life.” Tirron growled and the figure nodded, the two of them darting towards the Ogre with Marcia helping Bree as they followed along.


***Autumn Bizbee***

Darting through the dark streets of New Ingleston would normally be scary, but Autumn was filled with a deep confidence of power and couldn’t let anything stand in her way, Seeing the first ork was scary, but she didn’t even hesitate. It held a girl in his strong hands and was ripping at her clothing, laughing in a rough voice, mocking the girl’s pleas for help.

Autumn pulled the bow from her shoulder and took an arrow and aimed carefully. She was amazed by her strength as she pulled back the string that she could never do when Pitrin tried to train her, but now it was as easy as using a small training bow. And then the arrow was loosed and it hit the Ork right in the temple, his body falling to the ground as he was pushing his clothing down his hips. The girl screamed and rushed towards Autumn’s cloaked form.

“Get inside the inn!” Autumn told the girl, seeing villagers rushing inside as she passed it a few seconds earlier. The girl thanked Autumn in a shaky voice and ran in that direction, but Autumn continued forward, dispatching another Ork that prowled around searching for someone to terrorize.

The next one she came across surprised her, jumping out from behind an alleyway as she headed towards the northern gate. But Autumn was filled with a supernatural quickness, sliding a dagger from its sheath on her hip and tearing into the Ork’s gut just as it lunged for her neck. She darted away, leaving it to hold its intestines inside on the ground.

She soon found the gate and there were a couple large men hammering away at the posts as guards took pot shots from between holds in the wood. Autumn rushed up behind him and took a running jump on top of one of their backs before landing outside of the gate in the middle of carnage. She heard the man yell behind her, but she darted forward, slicing here and there to help the guards fight off of a literal horde of orks that swarmed them.

But her destination was clear, a ring of fire on the ground that caged in a giant ogre. The sight of it filled her with a deep fear, but she rushed towards it nonetheless. She saw Tirron get knocked away and she acted without hesitation, worry for her mate and Pitrin’s power thrusting her forward. The flames parted for her and she climbed up the beast’s back, heedless of the danger.

Autumn gripped both daggers and tore into the monster’s throat slicing into its skin before jumping off and darting away as it fell heavily. She saw the fire disappear into smoke and two orks jumped into action, but Autumn was faster as she dodged between them and Her Marcia, moving between their blows to take one out with a stab to the heart between two small pieces of armor.

The other nearly captured her from behind, but she rolled away and then used the dying body of the first ork to catapult herself into the air and stab down into the ork’s tough skull with a sickening crunch. As it fell to the ground, she felt Tirron’s stare and she turned. But something held her tongue, a deep sureness that if she revealed herself right now, something would go wrong.

“Who are you?” Tirron asked roughly, but she shook her head and pointed Pitrin’s dagger towards the remaining ogre. “We fight, and then you’ll let me thank you for saving my life.” He told her and then led the charge towards the beast that ravaged a group of defenders with a spear that had a terrible jagged shape.

Autumn was a step behind him as they darted between the guards and surprised the Ogre from behind, Tirron went to the left and Autumn to the right. Tirron’s sword sliced into its side, while Autumn used both daggers to stab just below its ribcage, pulling away just in time as it spun around with the spear, taking out another guard as he gapped at them.

Neither of them hesitated, Autumn darting in front of its outstretched arms to make two deep cuts into its gut as she darted to his other side. Tirron swept around its back, slicing down his back and into its buttock as he mirrored Autumn’s movements.

The ogre nearly knocked both of them away in the next movement, but a magic gripped its spear before it could impale Autumn on the jagged end. Taking the change, Autumn jumped up its arm and ran up its shoulder, bringing her daggers down heavily on the beast’s skull as Tirron came up between its legs and thrust his sword up into its gut and towards its heart.

Their combined efforts kept the ogre from reacting and their blows struck true, two daggers into its skull and a sword embedded in its heart. Autumn jumped off with her daggers as it lurched forward and Tirron rolled out of the way just before it hit the ground with a loud thump.

In the aftermath of its death, the guards rallied with a loud call and surged against the hordes of orks and goblins, cutting them down as the monsters felt the loss of their best hope.

“That was magnificent.” Marcia’s voice came as she helped Tirron back to his feet. The battle raged forward across the clearing as guards tore into the orks ranks. Tirron grumbled something as they turned towards Autumn as she wiped the blood from the daggers.

“Warrior, please tell me your name. I’ve not seen such skill since..” Tirron’s voice fell away as Autumn tilted her head back and the hood fell off of her head. Tirron’s eyes held a mighty gaze, Marcia’s face gaped with shock, while Bree let out a chuckle. Still, the storm raged around them, but in this space it seemed to lessen.

“Autumn..” Tirron’s voice came, deep and husky. He took a step towards her and shook his head, his eyes staring into hers with a deep emotion that she could only place as happiness that could only come in the midst of a rough battle.

“Pitrin.. Pitrin gave me his power. He.. is here tonight.” She pointed towards her midsection as she sheathed her blades and took a step towards her mate, the man that she saved. Tirron’s face broke out in something close to a sob and he swept forward, taking her into his arms and spinning around as he held her tightly.

“Goddess, you saved me!” He murmured into her ear as she wrapped her arms around his neck. She smiled up at him as he placed her back to the ground and then their lips met roughly. She felt the power within her surge out against his as they kissed, so many emotions flowing and then being washed away in the energy that wrapped them. And then Bree and Marcia were on each side of them, wrapping them in their sweet embraces.

Together, the four powers became one. Their energies seemed to pulse and Autumn felt a deep contentment settled all of her anxieties, her worries. It was wordless as they pulled away and looked at one another, each feeling the same surging happiness, the same fulfillment.
