Looking for help in planning a story – want your thoughts and ideas for a series which will center on lesbianism, sexual fighting, humiliation, sub/dom

So the general idea is that an 18 year old female University student (Abi) gets caught cheating by her 38 year old female professor.

To spare Abi being kicked out of university the professor offers her a lifeline – to become her sex slave.

It turns out the professor has multiple female sex slaves and she chooses these girls specifically and has been waiting for Abi to slip up for sometime.

Abi is told she has to give the professor a month of servitude where she will then became a sexual slave, a sexual wrestler or be free to leave this agreement if it all doesn’t work out.

So it starts with Abi waking up in her boyfriend’s bed. She’s nervous as she has a meeting with her professor today. Her BF has been refusing sex for the past few weeks which has also frustrated Abi.

Abi goes to her meeting and is told by her professor that she knows she has cheated on an essay and will most likely be kicked out of University.

This obviously upsets Abi and she goes back to her boyfriend’s house only to find another girl riding him in bed.

The girl stares down Abi until she leaves, distraught.

Later that night Abi and her friend, Holly, go out to a club. Abi gets drunk and Holly mysteriously wonders off.

As Abi is alone, she goes to her boyfriend’s house and sees the girls car in the drive. She scratches the word “slut” on the bonnet using a rock but is stopped when the girl comes out and confronts her. The two fight but Abi is overpowered and dragged back into the house and tied up in a chair in the bedroom.

Her BF is there in a cock cage and the girl teases him and Abi, saying that she has been dominating Abi’s BF for over a month but denying him the pleasure of cumming.

Abi is forced to watch her BF pleasure the girl. The girl then says she wants to turn Abi into her slave too and cuts off all of Abi’s clothes and rips them up so that she can’t run away and she lives over two miles away.

A vibrator is then tied to her clit as Abi is forced to watch her BF being abused.

Her BF begs to cum and the girl finally allows it as she jerks him off into a cup. The cup of cum is then poured over Abi and forced into her mouth.

The girl then says she is going to her car to get the dildos and vibrators she keeps there so that she can break Abi.

Abi manages to break free at this point and persuades her BF to help her escape. Her BF gives her some of his clothes but Abi doesn’t have time to escape and hides under the bed as the girl takes out her frustrations on the BF as Abi hides beneath them. She them gets dressed and leaves when the two are asleep hours later.

The following day Abi’s professor invites her to another meeting. Abi is told that if she becomes her professors sex slave then her cheating on the essay will be forgotten. Abi reluctantly agrees and to prove herself has sex with the professor.

Abi is broken at this point but goes onto do various tasks for the professor. One of them includes going to a gym late at night where a series of sex fights are taking place.

Abi is forced to serve drinks to the people watching and tidy up the changing rooms.

The fights attract Abi’s attention and she decides she wants to do this instead of being a slave.

The professor laughs this idea off stating that Abi is a submissive. She knows this as she gaged what she will be used as when they had sex. Abi was very submissive and orgasmed which suggests she is a submissive. The professor also states that Abi is only a slave for one month and after that will either be asked to be a full time slave, a sex fighter or be free to go. The professor chooses who she blackmails carefully and had been waiting for Abi to slip up for awhile now.

The professor agrees to let Abi do a sex fight. The professor trains Abi herself for a few days in orgasm denials and how to be more aggressive. Abi ends up losing the fight and is forced to clean the entire gym in the nude overnight as punishment for losing.

Abi then has another meeting with the professor in her office. The professor is unhappy with her loss as it could have affected her reputation. The professor is a high ranking figure in the sex fighting scene and tells Abi it is a global scene with competitions all over the globe. It is then revealed another slave is under her desk, naked and licking the professors pussy during the meeting. This slave is wearing a collar which means she has submitted fully. Abi is disgusted by her.

Abi then serves drinks at another sex fighting match and is shocked to see the girl her BF is being dominated by fighting in the ring.

After learning she is a sex fighter, Abi decides to have another shot at sex fighting to try and get revenge and to prevent this girl targeting Abi again

The chapter ends with Abi under the professor’s desk, licking her pussy as she discusses an essay with another student who has no idea Abi is there.

Some ideas:

I want to include Abi’s friend Holly in this somewhere, maybe as a slave to the professor too but unsure how to work this in.

The sex fighting scene is actually a global thing with points being awarded to the winner, with the best partaking in tournaments around the world. I eventually want Abi to be a really good fighter.

I want this to be a long series.

Eventually I want to Include a woman from the professor’s past who is her arch rival.

I’m debating not including the bits about the cheating BF and other girl as I feel these might overwhelm the story.

Please let me know what you think so far and feel free to include any other ideas!

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/kpotfy/looking_for_help_in_planning_a_story_want_your


  1. I really like what you have outlined so far and it seems like you have already planned a lot of the story. I look forward to reading it when it’s ready to share.

    A few minor “porn logic” details that stood out to me:

    1. The housing situation – She is 18 so likely a freshman and some confrontational scenes take place at her boyfriend’s house. Does he have roommates? It’s not common in my experience for a college student to live alone in a house. Maybe he has his own apartment or he’s a little older like a junior or senior and it’s a small house.
    2. The boyfriend’s motivation – I understand if he’s ignoring Abi sexually because he’s cheating with the other girl. But the other girl is not letting him cum? And she reveals this after she is seen riding him, so he didn’t cum then? Seems like the dude would want some release with one of the girls unless he’s really, really into being dominated. But if so, why would he help Abi escape?
    3. Timeline with the professor – as mentioned above, she’s probably a freshman but the professor has been waiting for her for awhile? Maybe at least specify it’s late in the semester if that’s the case.

    I know a lot of my stories I review and try to avoid anything that makes any readers confused or seem unrealistic, so they can stay involved in the important parts of the story.

    Sequence of events – I feel like the first two conversations with the professors should be combined into one. She’s caught cheating and given the option to become the sex slave and get a second chance. So the timeline would go:

    * Abby wakes up, frustrated with boyfriend, meets professor
    * Professor caught her cheating, gives her the choice is being her sex slave for a month.
    * Abi reluctantly goes to the late night fights. She finds it disturbing. Thinking she’s gone for the night, her boyfriend invited over the other girl. Abi comes home late and catches them.
    * Upset at the cheating, the next night (or a few nights later) she goes out with Holly, who wanders off, and afterward Abi goes to confront her boyfriend. The other girl is there again and that scene occurs.
    * The next time she goes to the fight night, Abi sees the other girl and then decides she wants to be a sex fighter to get revenge. Ignoring her professor’s warnings, Abi fights and loses to the other girl.
    * She begs the professor to train her and maybe offers to be her slave for another month if she will. The professor counteroffers and says she gets an extra month from Abi AND she needs to bring her friend Holly.

    These are just some friendly suggestions from a fan of erotic stories.

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