Little Red Riding Hood Pt. 4 [MF]

I don’t know which one of us is gasping for breath more in that moment, but I stare as you stand up in the lake, the water flowing down from your porcelain skin as it loses its battle with gravity, your nipples have hardened to show just how cold the water is. They have firmed so nicely, that I could hang my collar from them, and they seem to be pointing right at me. You wipe away the water and lose strands of hair from your eyes and when they open, your staring at me with a look mixed with awareness that this predator has moved but also with bravery in that that you have entranced me with your seduction. A little bite of your lip gives way that you are enjoying this moment of seduction and voyeurism.

My mouth is dry from the panting from the heat, and from the show your putting on for me. So I have to give in and I lower my head to take a drink from the cool lake waters. The water splashing around my mouth as I drink it in. When I raise my head up to lay eyes on you again, I realize you were watching me as my tongue lapped up the water. Am I wrong in thinking that this stirred something in you, my long tongue wetting itself on the surface of the water as it took long licks to draw the lake in? Your biting your finger and closing the distance between us. Your breasts sway with every step, and the water splashes around your thighs as you move forward. And then I see a part of you that had remained hidden from me first under the skirt but then from the waters deep. The furthest point north of your inner thighs is covered with short red hair, dripping from the lake and may I risk saying from your excitement. The Y between your legs comes together and apart with each step and the friction you are causing can be felt in my own loins as I struggle to keep my arousal hidden. My tongue drapes from the corner of my mouth as I wish I could just have one taste of you.

You shorten the distance between us quickly as I am distracted by the pussy before me. Everyone knows a dog can never turn his eyes away from a soft, furry, purring pussy. Reaching the edge of the water, you reach out towards me and my heart stops as your hand comes down gently between my ears as your fingers work there way into my fur! I lean my head into your touch as you step out of the water and lay your nakedness beside me in the grassy bank. Your pale skin is bright as it glistens in the sun. I watch as a droplet makes a path from the peak of your nipple, down to the valley between two perfect breasts, and trail down between your ribs to come to rest in the deep pool that has been created in your naval, and that’s the pool I want to drink from. You put one leg up with a bender knee and I can see your red hairs on your skin stand up on end as a gentle breeze washes over you. You splay out your hair behind you in the grass as you close your eyes to the sun and rest your head on the ground.

I am looking at perfection laying before me, whilst I sit there dumbfounded in your presence. With out warning you reach your arm out to me, and your fingers call to me to come closer to you. My animal instincts cry out to maul you where you lay, but I can’t ruin my chances, so I lower my head and I patiently make my way to your outstretched hand. Your fingers work there way down my head and neck to my shoulders as I approach closer and closer to you. I lay on my belly and my head and paw come to rest on your firm stomach. My heart is in my throat as I feel your body under my chin, and your hand on my back. I can only think that this must be heaven, for how else could I be in such bliss. The girl I have been following for weeks is now laying naked with me in the grass next to a lake while she dries out in the sun. I watch as you close your eyes as you relax in the moment, and I take you in with all my senses before I close my eyes for just a brief moment to take this all in.

I don’t know for how long my eyes were closed, but I was startled awake from a deep slumber by the sound of birds taking flight from the oak tree above. I have the taste of grass in my mouth as my tongue was dangling in the grass instead of my head on your skin, and the sun is setting sun shows my eyes that you are not with me anymore. I sit up by the edge of the lake still bulging from my experience, but I’m all alone? Where did you go? How could you have gotten away without waking me? Could this all have really been just a dream? There is no sign that you were ever here with me. I lay back down in sheer disappointment and wonderment at what had just occurred. I had the wants of my deepest desires, but it may have been no more than a dream.



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