The Rabbit Hole Part 13 [FF] [Hypnosis] [Mind Control] [Doll] [Forced] [Exhibitionist] [Free Use] [Threesome]

**Chapter 13: The Rest of Your Life**


Nadia woke up to Penny’s command. Before a thought could dart through the stream of her mind, she was Dolly again. “We have a big day ahead of us,” said Penny. “I need your help to get me ready.”

Penny made Dolly give her clothes that would fit her. There wasn’t much, but Dolly found something that was a little too long on Nadia and therefore a little too short for Penny. It was a simple sunflower dress, making Penny look girlish. Not that Dolly thought Penny looked girlish. Dolly didn’t think at all.

Dolly was ordered to put Penny’s makeup on. The first time wasn’t good enough, so Penny made Dolly do it again. Dolly fixed Penny’s hair. Penny didn’t like the first two styles that Dolly tried. At first, she wanted Dolly to be expressive, artistic, and creative, but Dolly wasn’t capable. Instead, Penny walked Dolly through the mechanics of doing her hair with precision. She wanted her hair curly, in a ponytail, with two perfect curls dangling in front of her ears. She spoke like an instruction manual, and Dolly operated without failure.

“We should celebrate,” said Penny. “You would like to buy me something, wouldn’t you?”

“Yes,” said Dolly.

“You want to buy me something nice to celebrate your return.”


“First, take me to brunch. I haven’t had brunch in years.”

“Yes, Penny.”

Penny had Dolly pay for the taxi to an upscale restaurant. She spoke to Dolly about the apartment and all the work Dolly would have to do when they returned. Dolly would fix everything that Nadia broke. That was Dolly’s job now, to undo all the damage Nadia did. Dolly agreed to everything Penny said. She nodded at all the right times. She said, “Yes, Penny,” when she was prompted. She was perfectly obeyed. Dolly paid for the meal using the money Nadia had saved up working at the bar.

“How much do you have left?” asked Penny looking at the wad of cash.

“Seven hundred and fourteen dollars,” said Dolly.

“Take me shopping,” said Penny with a smile. “It seems only fair after all this time.”

“Yes, Penny.”

Dolly hailed a taxi for Penny which she later paid for. Penny took them further downtown to some the most upscale shopping in the city. She walked ahead of Dolly, looking for the right store, and smiled with relief when she finally found what she was looking for.

The boutique looked like a gallery more than store. There were only four mannequins on the premises, and the racks on the walls had few articles of clothing hanging up. There was one woman helping another woman, and a tall woman with straight black hair assisting. As soon as she saw Penny, the dark-haired woman lit up.

“Penny!” she squealed. Her heels clicked on the hardwood floors as she came and kissed Penny on both cheeks as Penny mirrored the action. “What brings you?”

Penny pointed to her outfit and made a sigh of disgust. The saleswoman nodded sagely. “This fine girl,” said Penny, grabbing onto Dolly’s arm. “Accidentally ruined my outfit at brunch this morning.”

“Oh no!” The saleswoman made an overly dramatic pouty face. “Poor thing!”

“Yes, well, Gigi at Pachel’s lent me this from the back of her car. Apparently, it belongs to her daughter or something.” Penny waved her hand dismissively. The saleswoman continued to nod along. “But I simply can’t be seen in this. Dolly here,” she shook Dolly’s elbow affectionately, “has volunteered to replace my outfit. Isn’t that right, Dolly?”

“Yes, Penny.”

“Awww,” said the saleswoman, “Isn’t she a dear?”

“She really is,” said Penny. “Now, we’re on a bit of a budget today. How much did you say you had?”

“Five hundred and ninety five dollars.”

“Oooo,” said the saleswoman. “That is unfortunate.”

“I agree,” said Penny. “But I said to myself that the only person that could make me look this good on a budget is Donna, and here you are.”

“Here I am,” said Donna, her smile widening.

“What do you have for me?”

Donna and Penny spent the next half hour gossiping and giggling. Donna got all of them glasses of orange juice while they waited and talked. No one touched them. Eventually, a dress was procured, a simple a-frame white dress with lace detailing that covered tasteful cutouts along the shoulders and stomach.

“It has a hint of sex,” said Donna, “but you could wear this to a business meeting, honestly.”

“It does have class,” said Penny. She looked at Dolly. “What do you think, Dolly? Does it have enough sex for you?”

“Yes, Penny.”

“She is a funny one,” said Donna, raising a brow when Dolly spoke.

“She’s quiet,” said Penny a bit defensively.

Donna shrugged. “Right but when she talks, it’s weird, you know?”

“No.” Penny’s lips formed a thin line. “I don’t know.”

“Whatever floats your boat,” said Donna under her breath. She continued taking measurements of Penny and comparing them to the proportions of the dress.

Penny’s fists clenched and unclenched.

“Speak naturally, Dolly,” said Penny.

“Like this?” asked Dolly, some of Nadia’s cadence slipped back into her voice.

“Perfect,” said Penny, but she didn’t smile.

“You keep calling her Dolly,” said Donna.

“That’s her name.”

“Yeah,” said Donna, totally oblivious to Penny’s glare. “But you keep saying it, you know? Like every time you speak to her.”

“Yes, I know.”

“And it’s an unusual name, right? I’ve never met a Dolly before.”

“Yes,” said Penny. “It is rare.”

“Like Dolly Parton?”

“Sure,” said Penny. “I think her mother was a fan.”

“Weird,” said Donna.

“Is there a problem, Donna?” asked Penny. “Am I allowed to use your name or is that too strange for you?”

Donna stood up, realizing she’d cross a line. “I’m so sorry, Penny. I didn’t mean to … there’s no problem.” She brushed a strand of hair out of her face nervously.

“I believe I’ve been good to you in commissions and tips in the past, but you don’t seem to be acting like it.”

“I’m sorry,” repeated Donna. “You’re right. I’m so, so sorry.”

“I know today might not be … lucrative for you, but the least you could do is show some respect to my girlfriend.”

“You’re …” Realization and panic struck Donna simultaneously. “I had no idea. Please forgive me.”

“Help me slip into this dress,” said Penny. “The sooner we are out of here, the more likely I am to forgive you.”

Penny’s command washed over Donna and her back straightened. Something faded in her eyes as they moved from a deep green to an almost pale blue. Penny took her by the hand, guiding the tall and tan woman into one of two dressing rooms.

“Come, Dolly,” commanded Penny, and Dolly obeyed.

The dressing rooms were actual rooms here. There were couches, a minibar, several mirrors, and more. Nadia would have found it excessive, but Dolly thought nothing of it at all. Dolly kept her eye on Penny, watching her Mistress’ every move. Penny stripped casually. Donna was professional, giving respect to Penny’s privacy, but most of her was vacant now, seemingly distracted with the new order she’d been given.

“You asked about Dolly,” said Penny while Donna worked. “You wondered about the way she talked.” Donna slipped the dress on over Penny and began looking for places to make the fit better, more personalized. “Well, Dolly talks that way because she has no mind. Isn’t that right, Dolly?”

“Yes, Penny,” said Dolly with Nadia’s cadence.

“Talk like Dolly.”

“Yes, Penny,” said Dolly again without inflection.

“See?” said Penny to Donna. “She has no mind whatsoever.”

“Oh,” said Donna. Some of her personality returned as she completed Penny’s task. She didn’t dare speak up again. She knew Penny was valuable, even if today’s commission was weak.

“You know,” mused Penny. “I’ve never thought your job to be very difficult.”

“Really?” said Donna absent-mindedly as she worked.

“Yes. You present me with clothes and measure them. I could do that myself. Or better, stop.” Donna froze. “Step away.” Donna obeyed.

“Dolly,” said Penny. “Come do what Donna was doing. Mark where the fit needs to be improved.”

Dolly obeyed immediately, picking up right where Donna left off. Penny sighed as she felt Dolly’s hands work over her body. “Be sensual,” she added, and Dolly then took any opportunity to press against Penny. She stepped closer, practically straddling her mistress as she dressed her.

“See?” said Penny. “Anyone could do your job.”

“Yes, Penny,” said Donna.

“What’s wrong with your voice?” said Penny with a smile. “It sounds robotic.”

“I don’t know,” Donna intoned.

“You sound like you have no brain between your ears. Poor girl. You stupid girl.” The command showed no visible signs, but Donna felt the swell of Penny’s power fill the room. “You can do your job, but you don’t need your mind to do it. Isn’t that right, Donna?”

“Yes, Penny.”

“You’re just as mindless as Dolly.”

“Yes, Penny.”

Penny smiled. “Stop, Dolly,” she commanded. Dolly obeyed. Penny turned and kissed Dolly hard on the lips, something new boiling in her. She kissed with passion, and Dolly stood limply, accepting Penny’s hunger.

Penny broke the kiss and sighed contentedly. “It feels good to be back. Here, Dolly, sit.” Dolly sat on one of the couches in the changing room. “Join her, Donna,” commanded Penny. Donna immediately sat next to Nadia on the couch.

Penny began to pace. “You know what I haven’t done in a long time?”

Her playthings said nothing.

“I haven’t had the chance to play, you know? To really come out of my box and flex my muscles.” Penny turned to the girls. “What do you say? Should we play?”

The girls said nothing.

“Answer me,” snapped Penny, her smile wilting.

“Yes, Penny,” said both women in unison.

Penny clapped her hands once. “Excellent,” she said, her smile returning. “Let’s see.” Penny turned and began to pace again. “You know, Donna, I never really liked this place? The clothes are divine, that’s true, but the service?” Penny turned. She stepped towards Donna and put her curled finger under Donna’s chin, bending down until she was eye to eye with her prey. “The women who work here can be so cruel. It feels like high school all over again as soon as I step in here. And you know what? I hated high school.”

Penny’s audience was perfect. They were attentive, polite, and, most importantly, silent while she spoke. There would be no hecklers or interruptions. The stage was hers, and she was going to put on a show. The charisma that started Penny’s career, her presence in front of a crowd, her power under a spotlight, all returned to her. Nadia would have appreciated the renewed vigor in her lover, a hint of the former Penny returning to her glory, but Dolly thought nothing of it at all. Penny was speaking. She was listening. That was all.

“I hate bullies,” said Penny. “Now, you didn’t know that, and that may make what comes next a little unfair. But let’s be honest, shall we? No one loves a bully. No one wants to be torn down or called weird. Even if Dolly wasn’t my lover, even if she wasn’t my friend, even if she was a complete stranger that had a bizarre manner of speech, even if she was mentally challenged, none of that would excuse your behavior. Would it?”

Donna said nothing.

“Answer me.”

“No, Penny. There is no excuse.”

“That’s right. You deserve to be punished. Don’t you?”

“Yes, Penny.”

Penny stood back up and began to pace. She was silent for a minute, clearly thinking through what to do next, carefully holding back her next order until the time was right.

“Tell me, Donna. Do you care what other people think about you? Answer.”

“Yes, Penny.”

“Is your reputation at this place vitally important to you? Answer.”

“Yes, Penny.”

Penny stopped pacing and turned to face the women, her mind made up. “Then let’s take that away, shall we?”

The woman said nothing.

“Dolly, get on your knees in front of Donna.”

Dolly obeyed.

“Donna, spread your legs.”

Donna obeyed.

“Take off her panties, Dolly.”

Dolly reached up unceremoniously beneath Donna’s dark green dress. She grabbed Donna’s sheer black thong and pulled. The thong slid down Donna’s legs, and the saleswoman raised her legs to let Dolly take it off her feet. Penny arched an eyebrow at Donna’s initiative.

“Such slutty underwear for work,” cooed Penny. “What were you wearing these for? Answer.”

“My husband and I were going to lunch,” intoned Donna.

“You were hoping he’d fuck you?” asked Penny.

“Yes,” said Donna.

Donna’s breathed heavily. Penny again noted the strange behavior.

“Let’s make sure you’re nice and ready for him,” said Penny. “You’ve always had a kink for humiliation,” said Penny. “You love to be embarrassed and degraded, but you’re scared to tell anyone. You’ve had it for years, haven’t you?”

“Yes, Penny.”

“You never told your husband, but you’d love it if he called you a bitch and slut in bed, wouldn’t you?”

“Yes, Penny.”

Donna’s chest heaved as her breathing went ragged. Penny saw her pupils, which should be still and lifeless, dilate as arousal took over her body. Was it her power turning her on? Was her humiliation kink already taking over?

“More than humiliation, you have quite an exhibitionist fetish you haven’t been able to explore. You’ve never been able to find someone to fuck you in public like you want. But today’s the day. Today you will beg your husband to fuck you in public. That’s why you wore the thong, isn’t it?” The room shook a little as Penny’s power rewired Donna. She was a new woman, made in Penny’s image.

“Yes, Penny.”

Penny smiled. It may not be a punishment, after all. This could be a wonderful gift to Donna’s marriage. Penny needed to make sure Donna learned her lesson.

“You’ve always been scared because you’re quite the screamer during sex, aren’t you?”

“Yes, Penny.”

“You’ve repressed your desire to scream at the top of your lungs when someone pleasures you, but you don’t have to do that anymore. From now on, you scream loudly and wildly whenever you receive pleasure, no matter what circumstances you are in.”

The mirrors rattled a bit as Donna became whatever Penny wanted her to be.

“Hopefully, when you scream, people will see you. An exhibitionist like you would love that. When they see you, you will be embarrassed; the humiliation will put you over the edge. That will cause you to moan and scream louder. Won’t it?”

“Mmmnhm,” whimpered Donna. “Yes, Penny.” Her voice was no longer dead or empty. It was raised and breathy as she spoke, like a porn star approaching orgasm.

“Let’s test it,” said Penny. She sat down on the couch across from her two women. “Lick her pussy, Dolly. Make her cum.”

Dolly began without hesitation. She lifted Donna’s dress and licked Donna’s pussy without emotion or passion. Donna, however, was anything but passive. She bunched her dress around her waist and spread her legs. She grabbed the back of Dolly’s head and pulled the toy in closer to her, grinding her pussy against Dolly’s face.

“Yes,” she said, loud and clear. “That’s right. Lick my pussy. Mmmm, yeah. Yeah.” She sounded like a porn star, and Penny giggled as Donna lost control. “Yeah, yeah,” her pitch raised as she went. “Lick my pussy, mmmm, yeah, yeah.”

Dolly, for her part, did not get excited. She did what she was told to do. It wasn’t humiliating. It wasn’t erotic. There were the mechanics of the action. Dolly would like it if Penny told her to. Dolly would moan and squirm when Penny commanded it. Dolly was told to lick. That was all she would do.

“Uuuuuuhn,” moaned Donna as she slid her hips further, giving Dolly more access. “Oh God, yes. Fuck yes.” Donna pulled Dolly’s face up. Dolly strained against Donna’s hands, trying to continue to follow her command, to lick Donna’s pussy. “You like licking my pussy?” she asked.

Dolly said nothing.

“Answer her,” said Penny, amusement thick in her voice. “Do whatever she asks for now.”

“You like licking my pussy?”

“No,” said Dolly.

Donna laughed. “Fucking do it anyways.” She pushed Dolly’s face back into her pussy, and Dolly continued her work.

“Oh fffffuck,” moaned Donna.

There was a knock on the door. “Everything okay in there?”

“Yes,” answered Penny. “Everything is perfect.”

“Do you need anything?” asked the voice.

“No,” said Penny. “Leave us alone. Listen to us, but don’t do anything about it.”

The door shook on its hinges as those who heard her command fell under Penny’s power. Customers in the store may have heard the command and were now coming to the door of the dressing room, listening to Donna.

“Uuuhn, shit,” hissed Donna. “Fucking lick that pussy. That’s right. Fuck.”

“Why are you so animated, Donna?” asked Penny.

“Fffffuuuuu,” moaned Donna “It feels so good.”

“Why aren’t you like Dolly?”

“Because ….” Donna’s eyes widened, and she shrieked as Dolly quickly flicked her clit. She became a torrent of screams, ‘yes,’ and ‘fuck,’ as Dolly’s tongue danced over her clit as quickly as possible. She pulled on Dolly’s hair, pulling her closer into her pussy. Her thighs clenched tight around Dolly’s head as she was closer and closer to orgasm.

“Feels so good,” she yelled. “Because it feels so fucking good.”

“You know the whole store can hear you?” asked Penny.

“Fuck, yes. Listen to me cum, you perverts,” shouted Donna. “Listen to me get my pussy licked. Oh, shit. Feels so good. Holy shit. So good.”

“It turns you on to have them hear you.”

“Uuuuhn, fuck yes.”

“It turns you on for them to know what a slut you are.”

“Yes, yes, yes,” whimpered Donna. She was close.

“It turns you on because they will never forget this.” Penny raised her voice as she added, “No one will ever forget this.” Hangers fell off the wall as the whole dressing room shook with power.

“Yes, Penny,” said Dolly and Donna and every stranger standing outside the dressing room. They were all for Penny. This was her show, and they were her eager audience.

“Oh shit,” added Donna. “I’m gunna cum. Holy shit. I’m gunna cum.”

Dolly continued her work, flicking the clit as fast as she could. Her tongue was tired, but she didn’t stop. She hadn’t been ordered to stop. Her body would obey Penny’s commands no matter what. No matter what.

“Put your finger up my ass,” shouted Donna. “Do it. Put your fucking finger up my fucking ass.”

Dolly obeyed, continuing to tease Donna’s clit while her finger went to Donna’s ass. It was tight, but Dolly obeyed. As soon as she penetrated the anus, Donna clenched, raise her pelvis, pushing off the ground, and shrieked. She shrieked and held it, letting the whole building ring with the sound of her orgasm. Donna’s thighs quivered, but Dolly did not stop. Donna pulled on her hair and slammed the wall behind her with a free fist, but Dolly did not stop. Dolly obeyed. She was perfect in her obedience.

“Fuuuuuuck,” moaned Donna as she sighed, her body releasing all the pressure at once. She sank back down into the couch, and as Dolly continued licking, she shook with a jolt and pulled Dolly’s mouth away.

“Stop,” she said, breathless. “Stop.”

Dolly obeyed. She pulled her finger away and stopped trying to lick, becoming still as she waited for her next command.

“Well done,” said Penny. “Both of you. Now, I think you should apologize to Dolly.”

“Sorry, Dolly,” whispered Donna.

“Not good enough,” said Penny. “Get on your knees, Donna. Dolly, get on the couch, take off your panties, spread your legs.”

Both women obeyed. They ignored the demands of their bodies. They ignored the ears of those listening. Penny spoke, and they would obey. Life was simple.

“Lick Dolly’s pussy,” said Penny. “And apologize to her.”

Donna obeyed immediately. Dolly felt the tongue against her pussy. It felt good. But she didn’t squirm or moan. Nadia would think Donna’s technique was sloppy, but Dolly didn’t mind. It felt good to have her pussy licked. It felt good to obey orders. That was all that mattered. The orders were all that mattered.

“Look at me, Dolly,” said Penny. Dolly made eye contact with Penny and held it. “This is your life. This is all you will want. You will want my orders. You will want my wishes, but more than that, you will want to make me happy. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Penny,” said Dolly.

“All you need to worry about is making Penny happy, say it.”

“All I need to worry about is making Penny happy.”

“Good girl,” said Penny. “Stay like this. Stay happy and obedient. Stay with me, and you’ll never worry again.”

Dolly felt happiness blossom in her. She was safe. This was safe. Nothing could happen to her here. How could anyone stop them? Penny would protect her. All she needed to do was stay with Penny. She would take care of her. She would protect her. Dolly smiled as Donna licked her pussy. She enjoyed it for the first time, moving past pleasure to genuine joy. She was back where she belonged: a doll on Penny’s shelf. Everything was as it should be.

“You don’t mind what I do to others,” commanded Penny. “You don’t care what happens to Donna. She’s a bully and deserves what she gets. Besides, I’ll make her happy. Everyone who obeys me will be happy. All you care about is me. Donna doesn’t matter. All that matters about her is whether she obeys my commands or not. All that matters about anyone is whether they obey my commands or not. Is that understood?”

“Yes, Penny.”

“Do you want to cum?” asked Penny.

“I want to make you happy.”

Penny smiled. “Good girl. You’re such a good girl.” Penny stood. “Donna stop.” Donna obeyed immediately. “Finish helping me with my dress. We’ll take it.”

“Yes, Penny,” said Donna. She stood, and her chin glistened with Dolly’s pussy juices.

Penny pointed to Donna’s chin. “Don’t clean that up,” said Penny, “until you go to meet your husband.”

“Yes, Penny,” said Donna as she got to work.

“If he asks why you’ve changed, tell him you’ve always been this way.”

“Yes, Penny.”

“Good girl.” Penny smiled and looked at Dolly. “I’m surrounded by such good girls.”


Three weeks later …

“Did you want to move the appointment with the movie people?” asked Nadia as she set the table for dinner.

“You know, I’d forgotten all about it,” said Penny.

“Want me to cancel?”

“No. I should go, but I don’t feel like listening to lawyers talk.”

“I can go,” suggested Nadia. She brought the plates of steaming linguini in a lemon sauce out to the table.

“You sure?” asked Penny.

“Sure thing. I’ll take detailed notes.”

“Teacher’s pet?” asked Penny, leaning in for a kiss.

“Maybe later,” said Nadia, kissing Penny. “If you’ve been good.”

Penny laughed and sat at the table while Nadia finished bringing over the wine and silverware. “It looks delicious, love,” she said.
“Thanks, hun,” said Nadia. “I tried something new.”

“Oh really?” asked Penny, blowing on a forkful of noodles.

“Yup.” Nadia sat down and unfolded her napkin carefully.

Penny chewed on her bite, her mouth and head tilted to one side as she thought. “What is it?” she asked.

“I want you to guess.”

“Hmmm.” Penny chewed carefully. “I have no idea.”

“Try the wine,” said Nadia, raising an eyebrow suggestively.

Penny obeyed suspiciously. Then, as she swallowed, her eyes widened. “Orange?” she asked.

“Just a hint,” said Nadia. “A whisper.”

“How did you do that with the wine?”

Nadia shook her fork at Penny. “Magicians never reveal their secrets.” She scrunched up her nose. “Except you. You’ve revealed quite a bit.”

“I’m not a magician.”

“Ah, a sorceress perhaps? Some powerful wizard dabbling in the arcane?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Penny blushed. She was never good at being coy.

“You must have some power because you stole my heart.”

Penny looked up at her, confused. “Excuse me?’

“Stole my heart. Witch. Get it?”

There was a heavy silence between them. Penny squinted at Nadia, trying to read her, to understand her. Nadia went blank. Something in her mind didn’t make sense. She set up the joke. She was talking about magic and then talked about stealing. That’s what they did, right? She felt the floor give out from beneath her. Vertigo took over her body. Something wasn’t right, wasn’t right, wasn’t right.

“Stole my heart,” she repeated. “Witch. Get it?”

Penny’s face danced with expression. Confusion gave way to realization which dipped for frustration that swayed with disappointment that tangoed with pity that finally landed on rage. Nadia had done something wrong. She knew that, but she didn’t know what. She wanted to fix it, for Penny if for nothing else, but she didn’t know how. How could she fix it if she didn’t know what was wrong?

“Do you mean I cast a spell over you?” asked Penny. Her lips were thin, and her jaw was clenched. “Witches cast spells. Thieves steal things.”

“Oh, right!” said Nadia. Her mind began to whir as normal, connecting thoughts logically. “That’s what I meant. Silly me.”

“Right,” said Penny. She took another bite of her food. She chewed slowly. Her face softened, and the tension in her voice was gone when she spoke again. “We should watch a movie tonight.”

“Another one?”

“You love watching movies with me.”

The silverware on the table rattled. Nadia instinctively reached out and steadied her glass along with Penny’s.

“Sounds great, hun,” said Nadia, forcing her lips to smile. “Your favorite again?”

“That would be lovely,” said Penny, taking another bite. “Thank you.”

The rest of dinner went by pleasantly. Nadia made sure to ask Penny questions about her day. Whenever Penny was frustrated, Nadia made sure to sympathize and not offer suggestions or ways to solve the problems. She was attentive and empathetic, like a good girlfriend should be. They talked about the movie project and all the stress that was putting on Penny. They talked about the book deal and working with programmers to develop The Rabbit Hole as an entire system they could sell. It was their usual business. Nadia took notes on anything she thought was pertinent, making sure that tomorrow at work she could send emails to everyone that needed an update. Penny was busy with dozens of projects now. She needed Nadia to help her manage and keep track of each of them from the home while Penny was at the office.

When they were finished, Nadia cleared the table and washed the dishes while Penny laid on the couch and rested her eyes for a few minutes. Nadia made some popcorn and poured two more glasses of wine as she moved to join Penny on the couch in their living room. Thankfully, Penny had allowed Nadia to decorate the place and give it some heart. Nadia couldn’t stand living in such a sterile environment, and Penny couldn’t stand to see Nadia miserable. It was an easy choice for both of them to put Nadia in charge of the penthouse, keeping her busy between emails and scheduling appointments, while Penny maintained all her projects.

Nadia started the movie and curled up with Penny on the couch. Penny instinctively raised her arm for Nadia to snuggle up beneath and make herself comfortable. Penny took the remote and started her favorite movie: *When Harry Met Sally*.

“You have to have this thing memorized by now,” said Nadia.

“Almost.” Penny kissed the top of Nadia’s head. “How about yourself?”

“I know all of Harry’s lines for sure. I’m still working on Sally’s.”

“Good girl,” said Penny. She took a sip of her wine and relaxed into the couch. She sighed contentedly, and Nadia beamed. That was her favorite sound in the world. There were few times when Penny completely let her guard down, when she relaxed enough to be herself. She felt she needed to be in control all the time. She felt like she had to be put together because so many people were relying on her. Nadia wished she could tell her that while people were dependent on her, no one was afraid that Penny couldn’t handle it. No one was watching and waiting until Penny screwed up and they could all jump out of the shadows and say “gotcha!”

It was rare for Penny to completely and truly relax, and that was what Nadia lived for. Everything she did – all the secretary and domestic work – was designed to make sure Penny felt comfortable enough to be herself. When her Mistress sighed, when she let the whole world off her shoulders for the smallest moment, Nadia knew that she’d done her job. It was better than any praise or thanks Penny could give her. It was the prized fruit of all her labor.

“Truth be told,” said Penny. “I never really liked the beginning.”

“Why so?”

“Harry’s a bit of an asshole, don’t you think?”


“And there is no romance, just miscommunication.”

“Sure,” said Nadia. She was practicing empathic listening.

“And some people say that’s realistic, but I’m not sure. Plenty of people meet each other and the chemistry is there right away, right?”

“I think so.”

“Good,” said Penny. She kissed Nadia’s temple. “Good.”

They kept watching in silence. This was a new routine lately for them. Each night, Penny would pick a movie for them to watch. All of them were romances of some type or another. She didn’t like romantic comedies too much. She said they were silly. She always wanted some element of realism, some authentic tension and passion to the romance. Traditional rom-coms frustrated or bored her. *The Notebook, Casablanca, You’ve Got Mail, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Titanic,* and, of course, *When Harry Met Sally* were all some of her favorites. She was okay with tragedy, but she wanted the couple to earnestly love each other. That was what she emphasized; she wanted their love to be pure.

She was also incredibly particular about dialogue. Whenever someone had a particularly sappy line, she would turn to Nadia and tell her to remember that as though she’d written it down. Penny loved the language of these movies. She would sigh or clutch her chest at her favorite parts. No matter how many times they watched the same scenes, Penny swooned each and every time.

“This is when I fell in love with this movie,” she said. It was when there were interviews with older couples throughout the movie about when they met and how they fell in love. “They mix in these true stories with the craziness of Harry and Sally. I just want to live like them, you know? That’s what it should be like. It’s just so beautiful.”

“Yeah,” said Nadia. “It is.”

When the popcorn and wine was gone, Nadia laid on her side, putting her head in Penny’s lap. Penny ran her hand through Nadia’s hair, scratching her head as they watched. Nadia never felt safer than times like this. Penny was looking out for her, doing what was best for her, providing for her and taking care of her, that was true. But more than that, there was an honest tenderness to Penny. Not everyone got to see that. Most people saw the intimidating hypnotist and businesswoman. But when no one was looking, Nadia got to see the real thing. Penny was so gentle, so pure.

Another one of Penny’s favorite parts came on. Nadia heard her gasp at the lines, and she smiled despite herself. She loved this woman, quirks, flaws, and strengths.

“This is how you should talk to me,” whispered Penny.

Nadia nodded.

“Be like this.”

The room shuddered around them. Nadia looked up at her Mistress and watched Penny put in earbuds. Penny took the remote and pressed a button. Two screens rose from behind the television, each of them with their own swirling lights. Around them, a bell chimed. It didn’t come from the movie; it was layered on top of it. The sound of rain filled the room as the lights dimmed.

“Be like this,” repeated Penny, and she stroked Nadia’s hair.

Nadia obeyed, watching the movie with renewed interest. She tried to focus on the faces of the characters, but her eyes were distracted by the additional screens. It was too much for her to focus on. The music and bells bothered her, but she obeyed. She could not do otherwise. There was the simple command. Be like this. She could be this. She could be like this for Penny. She could use these words, the right words. She will use the right words and take Penny’s breath away. That’s what happened at dinner. She didn’t take Penny’s breath away, but she would now.

She would now.

The movie continued, and Nadia absorbed it. She took in their faces. She took in their behavior. She took in the way they kissed and held each other. She took in their words and the things they didn’t say. She took in their smiles and tears. She took it all in. She could become this. She could do it for Penny. She could be like this.

“I love that you get a little crinkle above your nose when you’re looking at me like I’m nuts,” said the movie. Nadia mouthed the words along with it. She had it memorized, but she needed to do more than know the words. She needed to wear the words like skin.

“I love that after I spend the day with you, I can still smell your perfume on my clothes. And I love that you are the last person I want to talk to before I go to sleep at night.” Nadia thought of all the phone calls with Penny late into the night. Yes, she could do this. She could be like this.

“I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible,” said the movie.

“The rest of your life,” echoed Nadia. “As soon as possible.”

If you want more, and you know you do, find the rest of the series on Amazon, Patreon, or Twitter
