The Heal Slut: Chapter Eight – The Calm Before The Storm [MF] [Fantasy]

# Part Eighteen: Goodbyes

***Tirron Maldrek***

A firm knock on the door brought Tirron out of his dreams. He remembered dreaming of Autumn and Pitrin of all people, but he didn’t have time to focus on it now. Ramona stirred, sitting up in bed, her breasts jiggling distractingly as a voice came through the door.

“Goodmorn’ guys. We’re leaving in two hours, breakfast downstairs in twenty.” Harvey’s strong voice called out. He seemed a little amused to be saying that to his wife and friend after they fucked, but he didn’t seem upset in the slightest. If anything, he was happier than the night before.

“Okay, baby. We’ll be down in a bit.” Ramona called back, smiling with a little blush at Tirron. His footsteps echoed down the hallway and Ramona took no time, mounting Tirron’s waist as she pressed their hips together. He was already hard from the strange dream and Ramona was quickly getting wet as she arched against his member, his hands sliding up to cup her significant tits.

“Round two?” Tirron asked with a grin as she lifted her hips up and angled him towards her entrance. She answered with a moan as she slid down on him. She was just as tight as the night before as just barely stretched around him. The thought brought images of Autumn mounting Pitrin in the same way and he couldn’t imagine the tiny girl being able to take him on the first try.

“Enough of that..” Ramona moaned as their hips settled together. “I can tell you are thinking of that little minx.” Ramona giggled as she put her hands on his and made him squeeze her breasts harder.

“I just can’t imagine Autumn taking my cock as easily as you do, baby.” Tirron chuckled as he pinched the woman’s hard nipples. Ramona rolled her eyes, pressing her hands on Tirron’s chest as she arched her back and began to ride him in earnest.

After their relatively quick and intense fuck the night before, having Ramona ride him slowly and purposely was lovely. He could watch the way her tits bounced, the way her curves shifter with each movement, the way her face twisted with pleasure. He wished he was able to do it again and again, but this would be their last time together.

Clearly, she intended on enjoying it and built up their pleasure slowly, but surely. Her moans were quieter than before, but Tirron enjoyed imagining their neighbors having to hear her husky moans.

“I hope this leaves you with some good memories, in between fucking all your girls.” Ramona chuckled breathlessly as their eyes met. Tirron nodded, sitting up as she came down on his cock. His hand guided her nipple into his mouth hungrily and he suckled, licks, and bit the hard bud as his fingers pinched the other and her moans came more intently.

Several minutes into their fucking, Tirron could feel his pleasure rising up steadily and he switched to the other nipple, lavishing it with attention as her own riding became more focused on making them cum.

“Right here, leave something for me to remember you by.” Ramona gasped as she pulled her breast from his mouth and pointed at a spot on the inside, right below where her cleavage would show in her normal dress. Tirron obliged as their pleasure began to rise up intensely. He sucked hard on her skin, biting a little, but focusing his lips on the one spot as her hips began to buck hard as her orgasm neared.

“Cum with me, daddy!” Ramona moaned a little louder than before as she gasped in the state just before her pleasure washed over her. He felt her pussy begin to clench around him and he couldn’t hold himself back any more, he sucked hard on her skin as he began to cum within her as she held his head to her and bucked through her orgasm.

The aftermath left them sweaty and panting as she fell on his body and he held her in his strong arms. Their lips met and shared an intense kiss that would probably be one of their last. After a couple of minutes passed, their time limit was approaching and she got up. She slid her panties back up her form and found a dress and bra in her pack to put on. But before she dressed, she stared in the mirror and admired the dark mark he left on her breast.

“Hope Harvey enjoys that one. Something to drive him wild next time he fucks you.” Tirron chuckled as he dressed and put his armor back on.

“Oh I’m sure he’ll love it, as much as he likes to act jealous. I bet he’ll even go twice tonight.” Ramona giggled as she dressed and soon, they were headed downstairs together. Harvey’s knowing smirk was amusing and the men shook hands. Tirron declined breakfast, but did give Ramona a peek on the lips before he headed out. He promised to meet them in a bit with Autumn in tow, but none of them were sure if she would be leaving as well.

Tirron was in a happy, yet pensive mood as he hoped Autumn would stay. The front door was unlocked and he was immediately turned on to the sight that greeted him. In the kitchen just off of the front hallway were two naked girls, dancing around as they ate breakfast, taking a piece of bacon here, a bite of eggs there. Bree and Marcia were hand in hand as the human girl sang a high sound and Bree provided a melody with an enchanted flute that hovered in the air over the table.

“Good morning, my girls.” Tirron spoke up when the song ended and their eyes turned towards the doorway where he stood. They were next to him in a flash and Marcia just barely won his lips, but Bree’s mouth quickly replaced hers and then back and forth again until they were out of breath.

“My love.” Marcia cooed as Bree went back to the breakfast with a grin and a wiggle of her plump butt. Tirron gripped the nude girl in his arms and they made out a little more lazier this time, Marcia surely getting a good taste of Ramona’s skin.

“Did you have a good time?” Marcia asked coyly as she wriggled out of his grasp and sat next to Bree, taking another bite of her breakfast. Tirron shrugged playfully, but nodded.

“Ramona has a lovely mark right about here.” He walked to the two girls and pointed at the same point on their breasts that he marked on the other. “But I think I’m glad to be back with my girls. Where is Autumn?” Tirron asked. Bree pointed towards the stairs.

“Waiting on you to wake her up, lover. Don’t keep us waiting, breakfast is getting cold and you Are eating.” Bree ordered with a strong voice, but the girls broke out into giggles at the look on his face.

“Woman.” Tirron growled, but didn’t have the heart to disobey as he leaned forward and kissed her lips, then walked over to the stairs without looking back. He heard another round of giggles as he ascended the stairs to the bedroom, finding Autumn’s lovely body halfway under the blanket as she laid on her back.

Her breasts were small, but looked tasty. Her hair was messy around her head and lips were parted just a bit. Tirron pulled his armor and shirt off before crawling into bed and laid next to her. He brushed her hair softly before laying a heavy hand on her cheek. She leaned into the touch and she yawned before opening her eyes.

“Tirron..” She murmured as her head turned towards him and a brilliant smile appeared on her lips. His fingers brushed down and wiped a little bit of drool away from her.

“Autumn.” He said softly and she turned against him and pressed their lips together insistently. His hands roamed her body, sliding against her bottom, brushing against her sides, cupping her small breast.

“I..” Autumn’s voice came breathlessly after she pulled away and looked down at him. Tirron’s fingers brushed up to her neck and cradled her skin, seemingly relaxing a bit of tension away as she took a deep breath.

“Tell me, baby girl.” Tirron told her softly and she nodded, swallowing as she sat up completely and he followed her lead, sitting up in front of her. Her legs were crossed and it was an act of focus not to follow the curve of her body down to her sex. She slapped his arm playfully as he failed, but he didn’t see much.

“I want to stay here, with you and Marcia and Bree. I.. can I?” Autumn’s words were little more than a whisper, but they brought Tirron a deep happiness. His hands gripped her hips and brought her into his lap, legs on each side of him as he held her nude body close, his lips close to her ears.

“I would love that. You are welcome here, for as long as you want to stay.” Tirron told her in a breathy whisper and she let out all of the tension that seemed to grip her, Autumn’s arms wrapping around his neck as she made a squeal of happiness.

“Pitrin told me that you’d take care of me. He told me in real life, after that battle at Yorgin Bridge and then again in my dreams last night.” Autumn admitted as she tilted back in his lap to see his wide smile.

“Pitrin would be proud of you, my girl. He always wanted the best for you and would never want you to be in pain. I.. dreamt of him as well. It was strange, but I saw you and him together.. The night before.” Tirron told her and tears blossomed in her ears, but it was happiness. Hearing the words from others was one thing, but Tirron knew the man better than anyone else, probably.

“He was passionate, as if he knew it would be the last time.” Autumn murmured, as Tirron wiped away her tears and nodded.

“Maybe he did know, but he faced his fate as a warrior does. But yes, I’ll take care of you, forever if I have to. I want to bring you happiness and I know our girls will love to have you around.” Tirron told her and she beamed at him.

“Come on, lovers!” Bree’s voice echoed up the stairs and Autumn blushed as Tirron chuckled.

“Let’s go eat breakfast, baby girl.” Tirron hefted her into his arms and she giggled wildly as he carried her out of the bedroom.

“Can’t I get dressed first?” She blushed deeply, but Tirron just shook his head as he pinched her bottom and made her gasp. They went into the kitchen and only then did Tirron let her go as she rushed over to the other girls, seemingly to hide her naked-ness but Marcia just pulled the girl into her lap, her legs spreading on each side of her lap. As Tirron went to his seat, he got a good view of the girl’s pale hairless sex.

She seemed utterly embarrassed, but didn’t make a move to cover up as Marcia hand-fed Autumn. Bree put a big plate of bacon, eggs, and pancakes in front of Tirron and he dug in as he enjoyed watching Autumn be doted on. She seemed to fit in perfectly with the girls and soon after they ate, the girls fled up to the bedroom to get dressed.

Tirron wandered up a few minutes later after finishing his food. The girls were in the bathroom, doing their makeup for whatever reason, but Tirron wouldn’t complain. He liked the dark makeup around Autumn’s eyes, Bree’s colorful lipstick and eyeshadow, and Marcia’s natural look with something to make her eyelashes look fuller.

Tirron dressed and soon they were ready to head out, Autumn was anxious to tell her friends that she wasn’t going, but Tirron reassured her that they would understand. Privately, Tirron wouldn’t even be surprised if some of the other’s stayed as well, at least for a time.

They headed out of town and found the Caravan mostly ready to go. Near the front, arranging everything, were Harvey and Ramona.

“Hey sweet thing.” Ramona grinned as Autumn came up to them and the others stood back a little bit. Bree wandered off to help with some of the horses, while Marcia stood near Tirron.

“Harvey, Ramona.” Autumn began and she hesitated, looking at the ground. Ramona glanced at Harvey and nodded towards the girl, he smiled gently and stepped forward, laying a hand on her shoulder.

“It’s okay if you want to stay, sweetheart.” His voice was gentler than he normally spoke. Autumn seemed to tremble in place as she looked up at him.

“You won’t be mad?” She asked and he shook his head with a chuckle.

“Have I ever been mad at you? Okay, maybe when you managed to explode my bottle of liquor with that little magic thing, but I forgave you when you cried.” He teased her and she burst into giggles, pressing in for a hug from him. Ramona hugged her next and murmured into her ear. Autumn gasped and giggled hard, nodding. Ramona shot an amused look at Tirron.

“Pitrin would be happy that you are settling down. Goddess knows Tirron needs all the help he can get.” Harvey chuckled and Tirron scowled playfully.

“Think I can still handle you, old man.” Tirron shot back and the group deteriorated into laughter. Marcia and Harvey went off with Autumn to get her things, leaving Ramona and Tirron to work out their goodbyes.

“I’m glad she is staying, honey. Pitrin would be happy that you are looking after her.” Ramona murmured as she walked into his arms and pressed her face to his chest.

“I know he would. But as much as I miss him, I’m not doing it for him.” Tirron sighed as Ramona tilted her face up curiously. “I’m doing it for her. It’s time for her to settle down and she can’t keep dwelling on the past. I think if she decided to stay with you guys, she’d sleep in the same old cart and miss him every time she turned around and couldn’t find him. Waking up in their tiny cart with the smell of him lingering behind. I want to give her something to look forward to.” Tirron finished off and Ramona was crying silently, a smile on her lips.

“You are the sweetest man I’ll ever know. I’m going to miss you, babe.” Ramona sighed and their lips met, a soft kiss full of both happiness and sadness.

“I’ll miss you too, baby. But your place is with Harvey. Maybe next time we meet, he’ll be ready to tag team.” Tirron chuckled, making her giggle and shake her head at him.

“That’s all you can think about, daddy?” She murmured and he growled softly, but she put a finger to his lips. “Last kiss, okay?” She asked and it was a tender kiss they shared, the last one.

A minute later, Harvey, Marcia, and Autumn returned with several bags of things. As Autumn said her goodbyes to the rest of the group as they readied to leave, Marcia told him that they took some of Pitrin’s things, at Harvey’s insistence. It was mostly little valuables and the rest of Pitrin’s money that he stockpiled after getting control of his bad spending habits. Pitrin’s dagger and bow were included among the things.

“Tirron, it’s been an honor to travel with you and fight by your side. One day, our paths will cross again and may the Goddess bless you until then.” Harvey told him and they hugged briefly, hands gripped.

“May the Gods be with your travels.” Tirron replied and then the caravan began it’s slow drive off. Bree and Marcia watched behind Tirron and Autumn as he held the girl. She cried as his hand held her waist, but they waved at their friends until they were out of sight, obscured by the trees.

“Come on, girls. Let’s head back home.” Tirron murmured after Autumn cried against his chest for a moment. Together, they lifted the bags and went back to Bree’s house to figure out what to do with the rest of the day.


# Part Nineteen: Home

***Marcia Tumbleheart***

Autumn was literally buzzing with energy, so full of happiness as she darted around the room that Bree gave her. Bree and Tirron had excused themselves to her bedroom, the man clearly having some form of praise to lavish upon the woman and Autumn barely noticed their departure as she told Marcia all the things she wanted to do with the room.

The walls were a flat gray right now, but she wanted to paint them an emerald green colored. The carpet was a black color and she said she loved it, Marcia thought it would go well with green.

The bed didn’t have any sheets yet, but Bree could magic up something in her favorite color pretty easily. Luckily, she loved the deep purple color of the furniture already. The attached bathroom was smaller than Bree’s, but the clawfoot tub was still big enough for two and the mirror stretched almost the entire length of the room.

Autumn planted herself in the middle of all the bags, pulling out countless things. By contrast, Tirron packed basically nothing. She arranged the items meticulously, Marcia mused that she was probably the least messy of all of them.

Marcia sat next to the girl and browsed through the piles as they formed. The biggest pile was clothes: dresses, shirts, pants, bras, panties, two cloaks, one large and that belonged to Pitrin and a smaller one for Autumn, along with a few pairs of shoes, socks, and accessories. Among the bedding supplies were a couple of decorated quilts, and one big fluffy pillow.

The next largest group was mostly toiletries: lotions, soaps, shampoos, a shaving kit, makeup, an ivory hairbrush, a kit of potions and bandages, perfumes, and such. Some of them smelled really good and Marcia borrowed a dab of lotion with a promise to share her own. The theme among her scents was mostly a natural minty type smell, with a little fruity thrown in once in a while.

Other items included jewelry, some family rings and a brilliant silver necklace with an emerald green pendant that Autumn explained was a gift from Pit. She also had a small amulet with the symbol for Rhiannon, a crescent moon with a star on one tip and a wolf head on the other tip.

Among the other items were a rough map of Toyok, two wallets, a sewing kit, a couple of books, and a sketchbook. She wanted to flip through it, but Autumn hesitantly asked her not to and Marcia agreed with a smile. The smaller wallet was in the shape of a penguin, while the bigger was a regular thick leather bag.

It was fascinating to watch Autumn dart around the room, putting clothes in the wardrobe, the toiletries in the bathroom, and settled her other things in the places Autumn chose with some sort of organization. The map went up on the wall next to some hooks where the cloaks hung. Pitrin’s dagger was hung up above her bed, while his bow and small quiver were hung next to the door.

The books were put on her bedside table and looked pretty worn already. Marcia made a promise to herself to figure out what she was interested in to get the girl some more books. The sketch book was stuffed under the mattress and Autumn’s severe look with a finger to her lips was enough to make Marcia zip her lips up with a conspiratorial grin.

The quilts and pillow were put at the head of the bed in anticipation of sheets and a heavy comforter. By the time the entire process was over, the room felt like home and Autumn seemed pleased.

“What do you think, honey?” Autumn asked as she helped Marcia up from the floor. Marcia wrapped her arms around the girl from behind and looked around the room.

“It’s beautiful, just like you. You did a good job. Now we just wait on Bree to put the finishing touches on it.” The girls giggled together and Autumn twirled in Marcia’s arms, tilting up to kiss her softly.

“Thank you for everything.” Autumn murmured against her lips before kissing her once more.

“You’re welcome, baby. Let’s go see if Tirron is done with our girl.” Marcia giggled and Autumn led the way, prancing on her tiptoes happily. But by the time they got into the room, Bree was already dressed once more and Tirron was lazing on the bed with a satisfied grin.

“We missed the show?” Autumn complained playfully, Bree planted a kiss on the girl’s lips.

“Yes, darling. Maybe we’ll have a repeat tomorrow, but for now I’ve got to focus on some work.” Bree gave kisses around and then swept from the room with a swish of her cloak.

“Probably has to work on the wards, usually a once a week sort of thing. You guys want to go back to my place? Speaking of work, I need to brew up some potions and add you to the wards.” Marcia asked and Tirron got up pretty quickly, showing his agreement. Autumn was on board as well, pretty excited about seeing her relatively meager cottage.

The trip out through the village was quick and a short walk through the forest later brought them to the cottage, Tirron was mostly accepted by the wards now, their energy was still pretty twisted up, but she had to hold Autumn’s hand while they crossed, not that she was complaining.

Autumn marveled at the beautiful land, the garden that she claimed was pretty brilliant, and found the cottage itself beyond cozy inside. It wasn’t long before the girl threw herself on the bed. Marcia told her to make herself comfy while Tirron went for the bath and asked where he could wash his clothes.

Autumn volunteered pretty quickly, surprising them both but she seemed happy to help out. Tirron relaxed in the bath while Marcia showed the girl out back to the washing tub and clothesline.

Marcia left the girl as she hummed a tune to herself and did the washing for Tirron. Marcia engrossed herself in her duties, first starting some potions, including the one based on the gildfil that she picked seemingly a lifetime ago.

She could hardly believe that in five days time, she’d met her soulmate, fought two battles, and formed a small bond group with her former best friend turned friend with benefits turned lover and bondmate. And then adding Autumn into the mix just rounded them out.

Tirron was the core of their group, a dominant in his own right, while Bree was a dominant personality in pretty much any room she entered. Marcia was a switch, mostly submissive, but with Autumn, who was a clear submissive, she found herself taking the role of guide and caretaker.

Marcia barely noticed as the girl breezed past her and prodded into the other room, but she was focused on making the potion and her introspective thoughts. A bit later, she heard the girl’s lovely moans and Marcia was glad Tirron was finally having his way with her.

After a while, they quieted down and Marcia had time to focus on adding them to the wards, an intricate process, but one that needed to happen for them to come and go freely. The sun was well into its descent by the time she was finished up with both processes, having a Sun Luck Potion to make up for the troubles.

She stepped into the bedroom to see her two lovers fast asleep, both of them naked on top of the blankets and looking delicious. She took off her robe, but didn’t have the energy to strip more before sliding up behind Autumn. The girl murmured a soft “Mm, mommy..” before wiggling her bottom back against Marcia and falling back to sleep.

Marcia wasn’t far behind, rubbing Autumn’s stomach as she began to fall asleep. In the back of her mind, there was a little niggling worry, but she couldn’t place it and it fell away as sleep overtook her.


***Autumn Bizbee***

The routine task of doing Tirron’s clothes, washing and hanging them up, was relaxing. It made her feel even more like she was home. She remembered helping her mother do her father’s clothes twice a week, sometimes three times if he got particularly filthy in the mines. It was a fond memory and she still hummed the same song her mother always did.

The thoughts briefly brought about her wondering how her parents were doing, but she didn’t dwell on it for long. The caravan was hours gone now and perhaps she could take a trip up there with Tirron one day, but for now she was still beset by overwhelming happiness.

When she was finally done, she went inside. Marcia seemed hard at work and focused on her brewing task, so Autumn didn’t want to bother the girl. Instead, she found Tirron dozing off in the tub. She stood near him for a short minute, observing his tan body and his many scars. He was a large man, bigger than Pitrin in every way, she noted as she saw his flaccid cock laying on his belly.

She didn’t know what it would look like when hard, but she wanted to find out. She knelt by the tub and looked at his relaxing face before sliding her hand to his member and exploring it with her fingers under the water. It began to harden immediately and grew to a size that she was sure wouldn’t fit inside of her.

Pitrin wasn’t a small man, but he was a decent size compared to the one man she’d played with before, a guy from her village that she experimented with. It wasn’t an unpleasant experience, but she lost her virginity to him and regretted it until she was with Pitrin and he treated her like a queen compared to her first.

But both of them paled in comparison to Tirron’s member, which was probably as big around as her wrist and longer with an aching nearly purple head. A groan escaped her lips as she began to stroke him and she saw him peering at her in the corner of her eyes, but she was focused on him.

“That feels good, baby girl.” Tirron groaned as she stroked faster and more intently, the water rippling and splashing as pleasured him. Autumn made a cooing sound in her throat and she was fascinated by his body. It didn’t take long, a minute or two of her slightly inexperienced motions to get him close. His hand went to her neck and he gripped her hair softly, making deep sounds of approval.

Autumn’s free hand went to his hefty balls and played with them, feeling them tighten under her fingers when he was approaching his peak. So she didn’t stop her stroking, her rubbing, her eyes watching his cock as it twitched and seemed to swell in her hands.

“Autumn..” His voice rasped and then he began cumming, squirting hard into the bathwater, on her hand, on his belly. She stroked him through his orgasm and only slowed as it subsided and he pulled her lips to his for an intense kiss of appreciation.

He cleaned up and climbed out of the tub, Autumn began drying his form with a towel before he snapped his fingers and she felt a pulse of warmth as he dried. She marveled at his easy use of magic, something she struggled with even on a good day. Her grandmother was magical, but the talent didn’t pass much down to her, still she tried on occasion to learn more.

“Can you teach me how to do that one day?” Autumn asked as Tirron chuckled at her.

“Of course, love. I have something else I want to do right now, though.” His lips turned into a smirk as he lifted her off of her feet and deposited her on the bed. She squeaked and watched him with wide eyes as he began kissing up her legs, her calves, her thighs then he pushed her dress up to reveal her black pantied sex.

“Whatever you want..” She breathed hard as his lips pressed to her panties, inhaling her scent and Autumn was in heaven by the sound he made in his throat. And then his hands were peeling her panties off, exposing her completely and willingly to him for the first time. When his hot breath brushed against her slick sex, she moaned at the intense feeling.

Tirron wasted no time as his lips kissed from her bare mound down to her lips, tongue sliding out to lick her inside and out. His tongue was long as it entered her and filled her with a deep desire to work her way up to fitting his length into her.

“I’m yours..” Autumn moaned as his tongue focused on her clit and she felt her orgasm approaching quickly, her body overwhelmed by the assault of his skilled tongue and lips and the utter arousal she felt for the man, finally together after her crush formed that night in the cart with Pitrin.

“Cum for me, my sweet baby.” Tirron murmured against her sex, his voice rumbling against her and she was thrust over the edge as he sucked on her tiny clit and her body was completely destroyed by the pleasure and power that flowed through her. It was the bond that Marcia spoke of and she felt it stronger inside of her than when they kissed and it made the pleasure so much better.

Soon, she was ensconced within his arms, her face against his chest as he stroked her hair, murmured sweet words to her and it was peaceful and she let sleep take her when it came.

She briefly remembered snuggling her butt up to Marcia when she came in, but she couldn’t be embarrassed by what she called her.


# Part Twenty: The Calm Disturbed

***Tirron Maldrek***

He woke with a start, sitting up in bed as every sense went alert and he felt the wards screaming at him. Marcia was up in the next second and a wordless look passed between them. Tirron jumped out of bed and was dressed in his clothes and armor in less than 30 seconds, but it felt entirely too long. Marcia roused Autumn from sleep and found her robe and wand. Tirron dug through his pack and found a long dagger, handing it to Autumn as he peered out the window.

“Marcia, can you feel what is happening?” Tirron growled as he saw a single figure dart behind a tree just beyond the wards.

“Someone is trying to take down my wards! It isn’t Sybil, she’s tried before and she has distinctive magic. This feels dirty..” Marcia frowned and Autumn stood scared near her, holding the dagger with shaking hands.

“Can they do it?” Tirron asked, grabbing Marcia’s shoulders, not roughly but to get her to look at him. She shook her head, then sighed.

“I don’t know. Sybil was never able to, but if they had multiple people trying, it’s possible. We need to do something!” Marcia spat harshly and Tirron took stock of them. He didn’t fancy getting into another battle with overwhelming odds. But if the wards came down, they would be sitting ducks. A single fireball would take out the entire cottage.

“Alright, come on. Autumn, stay with Marcia and guard her back. Don’t get separated!” Tirron growled and with a nod from each girl, he led them out of the front door. Marcia stuffed her pockets full of potions as she passed the kitchen counter.

Tirron peered around the clearing, but couldn’t see much. The moon was not out tonight and that would bode ill for their chances. But it was nothing Tirron couldn’t work with.

“Marcia, can you be bait?” Tirron asked as he led the girls towards the north. Hopefully, there would be some of their attackers here. Marcia peered at him curiously, but nodded.

“Alright, so as soon as you go out of the wards, they will try to attack you. I’ll be right behind you, but we need to figure out who is attacking us. Autumn, if you see something I don’t, I need you not to hesitate. Can you do that, baby girl?” Tirron asked and Autumn nodded shakily.

“I won’t let you down. Let’s defend our home!” Autumn’s voice was inspiring and Tirron grinned. But he was still worried as Marcia hid her wand in her sleeve and put on the face of a sleepy girl that didn’t know what was happening.

As soon as she stepped out of the wards, she was visible to them. Out of the trees, two large Orks and three goblins darted towards the girls. So it was the clan after all. Tirron gripped his blade and with one slash, he took out the two Orks as he darted out of the wards and took them by surprise.

The goblins were no luckier as Autumn dashed out and took one of them from behind, the one closest to Marcia, slicing his throat. Marcia’s wand darted out and a thorn bush sprouted, gripping the other two goblins and leaving them screeching as the thorns bled them.

“Let’s go!” Tirron growled and then went along the ward line, Autumn was inside the wards, while Tirron and Marcia were on the outside. They found a few other orks and goblins, slaughtering as they went before they found the source of their troubles.

“Tumbleheart! Demonborn!” A harsh voice spat out and Tirron recognized the man as a shaman, his skin was dark green and face half obscured by large tusks that pointed out of his mouth.

“Pleasant surprise seeing you, Wredda.” Marcia cast a firebolt at the man’s feet and he backed up with a smirk.

“Not pleasant for you, I’m going to piss on your dead body.” Wredda cackled and Tirron saw his chance, darting forward and swinging at the man. Tirron’s rage was already up and he saw red as the man dodged several blows. Marcia engaged a couple other Orks that were attacking from behind them, but Tirron was focused on the shaman as his staff shot spells at him. Tirron blocked them or knocked them away, even absorbing one flame lash spell.

Tirron couldn’t help but grin after purposely taking a bolt of magic to the shoulder, because it gave the Ork a boost of confidence. Tirron swung messily at Wredda and the man jumped back once more, but the Ork didn’t notice where he was. Right next to the wards. In a flash of her purple dress and silver dagger, the Ork was stabbed from behind right in the heart.

“Die, bitch!” Autumn screamed as she forced the dagger completely through him and she fell with his body as it toppled forward. Tirron’s sword easily hit its mark as a goblin jumped from a tree at her, the green head and body hit the ground in two different spots. Tirron helped the girl up and pulled the dagger free before handing it back.

The three of them made a quick lap around the wards, taking out any remaining enemies, but few were left and Tirron mused that they probably retreated. That was until a gigantic fireball raged against the night sky and slammed into the wards around the village. Tirron felt the pull on his magic immediately and Marcia fell to her knees as she cried out.

“Bree!” She screamed and true panic set in. Tirron’s eyes were wide and worried as the fireball burned against the wards, but then the pull on his magic lessened as the fireball burned itself out against the wards, leaving them wounded but intact.

“My love, come on. We need to go help.” Tirron pulled Marcia to her feet and she cried for a moment, but then wiped her face and nodded. Soon, the three of them were running towards the village and the sounds of carnage and battle. All Tirron could think is that they better not be too late.
