Who doesn’t like a hot meal? Part One (No Sex)(Upskirt)(Teasing)

Who doesn’t like a hot meal? Part One (No Sex)(Upskirt)(Teasing)

Why did I volunteer to work today. Three Karens and now the wicked witch of Dauphin county. Well at least her 2 minutes are up,

MOM!!! Shut up. My life not yours. Your life choices were some of the shittiest known to man. Now leave before I call the cops…Probably what Grandfather told you when you badgered him to find out that I am living with three women. You have no say on who I date, Who I have sex with, or Who I invite to my bed. You have less than any rights to comment on my romantic life considering your sex life when my age can be best described as Whoreish. Now leave.

I turn around to Chelle,

Chelle I am heading back, if she does not leave, call the cops.

I turn to my mother,
Make sure sticky fingers steals nothing,
I point at my stepfather,
or I will personally break every finger he has.
Even heavy set and shorter than him, my step father of the last 5 years, is terrified of me breaking his pencil neck. I watch him as he turns away from the rack he is looking at. I know he took nothing Because Ray was standing there. My mother starts walking with my Stepfather towards the door. My mother stops and turns towards me.
Your Brother said Hi. Do you even care?
Well since I talked to him Saturday evening for 2 hours, you know when you were telling him he was a waste of money since he was disabled, Yea I know. Why do you think Grandpa came to see you Sunday telling you he was going to throw you out of the house that he owns.
My mother gets a dark shadow over face,

Maybe I would leave him alone if you came to Sunday lunch and for Church.

Now my mood Darkens to a storm cloud,

No then you would have two targets for your vitriol. I will also never let you attack Stacey, Kelley, or Mary Ellen, The loves of my life. Now leave or I will call the police and press charges, I doubt your Probation officer would like that.

My mother turns and walks out. Now to say my relationship with my mother was complicated would be a understatement.

I swear Ray after that, dealing with a Karen would be a pleasure

Ray Laughs and I see Kim,

Hey Chelle, do door duty to I get back. Talk to you soon Ray.

Okay Will catch you on the flip side.

I walk over to Kim

Heard your mother came in

Oh, you heard her flying around the store on her broom, with my stepfather the flying monkey, calling “I will get you sinning son, and your little whore’s too”

As we walk into the back I beckon Kim to follow me and we walk into Stacey’s office and I close the door and I sigh and slump my shoulders.

God, I hate so many of my family for being sanctimonious religious bigots. Anyways Kim, are you coming over tonight?

Kim, smiles,

Stacey said you had some fun I might be interested in.

I smile,

That’s true. Umm you aren’t working tomorrow, right?

Kim looks at me quizzically,

No I am not. Whats up?

Well Stacey and I were talking and she is also off tomorrow. Tho I am working I am heading to Scranton tomorrow and I don’t have to leave early so maybe we can come here in the morning and complete Stacey promise to you. Well if we do this you might as well stay over, Maybe stay in bed with all four of us and maybe we all can take care of you.

Kim smiles,

Sounds fun, sure Will. I will stop home first and get a overnight bag. Oh and I doubt it will be all of you, I doubt Allison and Brian will.

If she only knew.

Okay so we will see you by 6:30 at the latest.

Kim walks out and I start reading email to see if there is anything I need to know. It seems there is. I call Stacey and she looks at the email also on her laptop. I told her that Kim will be spending the night and Stacey can spring the news on Kim later.

After my call I head out to the front end and replace Chelle on door duty. Now Ray walks up behind me.

Hey Will what’s up with Kim? She just told me she is coming over to your house to stay tonight?

We are working on plans for her store set up in August. Going to be lonely or are you and Christina going to christen every surface you have not already had sex on? By the way, we are getting free passes for the Immoral ren faire. I have four if you and Christina want to go. I am sure you can find some fun there from toys, clothes, semi private darkens rooms where you can mess around.

Rays eyes lock with mine.

Are you shitting me with the semi private darken rooms?

Oh Ray, is it you or Christina…wait I bet Christina like public sex. She told all the women in the cash office how she wanted a man to slide his hand up her skirt and play with her clit on a bus.

Yes Will, she does.

Just remind her the cash office has cameras. Lucky for Stacey and me…or maybe it was because of Stacey and Me, they were installed afterwards?

We laughed and just then Christina and Karl walk in.

Looks like your lunch is walking in and it looks like she is carrying a basket with food for you also.

I walk away from Ray and Christina and Karl walks up to me looking puzzled.

Hey Will, what are you doing here?

The hunting lodge Key is sick so I came into cover. But now you are here I am heading out. Talk to you later.

I head out and get home. As I walk in thru the front door, A green eyes, satin wearing, Dragon rocket launched its self at me As Kelly lands in my arms

Will, Welcome home.

Now Kelley gives her pouty face,

You didn’t tell us you were going in today.

Sorry Kelley the hunting lodge Key was sick today so it was either me or Stacey and I figured Stacey needed the break.

I give Kelley a sweet and loving Kiss.

It’s good to be missed but I did tell Stacey before I left. She might have been really out of it.

I put Kelley down and I walk into the kitchen but no Stacey. I base the roast and stir the pot pie. After which I went back to the living room and sat on the lounge as Kelley and Mary Ellen was dozing beside me. Stacey comes in a half hour Later,

Morning Will,

More like Afternoon Stacey.

I chuckle as Stacey comes over and sits on my lap. She gives me a Kiss,

Thanks for going in this morning.

Not a problem my very pretty Manager.

Stacey turns her position so she is facing me straddling my lap and we are just having some kissing fun when we here the groan and see Brian and Allison shuffling into the living room I smile and say,
Good afternoon you two. Sleep well?

Allison looks at me,

I feel like I was ridden hard and put up wet by 5 people.

I almost giggle,

But did you enjoy it?

Now Allison smiles

Yes, and thank you for it.

Okay you two head to the couch and nap or shower and I will make something for you to eat till dinner tonight.

After I made waffles and small omelettes, everyone has eaten and it is now shower time. Later around 4:30 I start my mashed potatoes and my honey carrots.

At 5:45 dinner is ready and keeping warm on the stove. Now we all are sitting in the living room and all the ladies have on there lollita dresses from the night before and Kim’s was waiting for her in the master bedroom when she gets here. Brian and myself were wearing our kilts. Carrie and Ashley had called earlier and we confirmed they will be wearing there lollitta dresses. Carries also made sure to tell me she will have her cat ears on also so she will be Neco Maid.

6pm arrives and Our guest begin arriving. Ashley arrives in her Blue satin maids outfit with a white apron and her blond hair. Very Alice in wonderland’s chic. Then about 5 minutes later Carrie arrives at the door (not really since she was in her car fixing her cat ears during the five minutes) comes in her new Blue Satin maid outfit with her Necomimi ears with blue fur on the outside and white inside. Soon as she see me I see her ear move from the content position to full turn forward with excitement. Carrie walks in and Kelley sees the ears and as Carrie sees Kelley she gets a big smile and runs over to Kelley and rub against Kelley cheek and now her ears starts swiveling forward and back quickly and Kelley Squees in reaction and Hugs Carrie,

I love the ears, How do control them?

I laugh,

Kelley, Carrie, and Ashley sit on the couch as Mary Ellen and Stacey head to the bedroom to wait for Kim.

Kelley do the introductions. Kim just Pulled in and you will help your sisters get Kim dressed.

As Kim’s walking to the door she is still in her work clothes. I am focusing on Kim because I can not stop looking at Allison in her Maroon dress with the velvet collar. I now open the door as Kim walks in and she gives me a hug then a french kiss. Now we hear a hissing sound behind me. I turn around to Carrie looking over the back of the couch and Carrie’s cat ears are laid down flat and down as the hiss comes from her.

I am your cumslut but I can’t kiss you, why does she?

Because she and Stacey asked the family to let me be able to kiss her, you know the same thing me and Kelley are doing tonight for you and what Stacey and I are doing for Ashley.

Kelley has now rolled up the newspaper from the coffee table and begins to strike her hand,

Pet, why are you being bad.

Carrie turns around and her surprise face is reflected in the ears swiveling forward and sort of quivering. Now Carrie whispers,

Sorry Dragon Mistress.

I walk over and kiss the top of Carrie’s head,

Pet, I know you are frustrated. It will be over soon.

I give Carrie head another kiss and then I kiss the top of Ashley head,

The same for you.

Now I look at Kim

Sorry, Kim. Want to use the master bath to freshen up and change?

Kelley drops the paper on the coffee table and walks to Kim.

Come on Kim I will wash your back…My favorite Porn star. I still need your autograph. Now Kelley and Kim heads back. I look at the four on the couch,

What can I get you to drink?

Soon enough Kim comes out and wow. As I am sitting there between Ashley and Carrie who I was showing some pics of Kelley, Stacey, Mary Ellen, Kim, Brian, and Allison. I look up and I wolf whistle at Kim. Carrie looks up and just says “wow” Ashley gets a smug smile and say,

Rember Will, I choose that outfit, Perhaps you two can thank me properly for it.

Ashley smiles and giggles as Kim blushes.

Now I stand up,

Who is hungry, lets get dinner then we can talk.

We all go in and Kelley, Mary Ellen, and Brian serve. I am at one end of the table. On the left side we have Brian, Allison, and Kim. On the right we have Mary Ellen, Kelley, and then Stacey. Now on the far end of table of me we have Carrie and Ashley.

Food is finished and all our casual chit chat has ended. Stacey smiles at me. We agreed I would pretend I got bad news and then it would be Stacey turn to give Kim the news.

Hey Kim, I have some news Deon, the Manager you were going to work with on the new store, well He decided he did not want to be a general manager and he left the company. The company has contacted the new Managers store general manager to make the offer. You will find out soon who the new General manager is once they say yes.

Now Stacey nods to me and smiles and says,

So Kim, would you like to be the new General store manager in York?

Kim just burst out with


I smile at Kim,

Congrats you deserve it. Like I told you you were high on the list and no neither Stacey or I caused this, It was all you.

Kim Get up and runs to Stacey and starts hugging everyone, Including Carrie and Ashley. Almost every hug I got a nice view of Kim’s Pink satin panties with all the little hearts and strawberries on them. I must thank Stacey, Kim, and Ashley for that. As Kim gives me my hug facing away from Stacey I slide my hand up between Kim’s legs and rub her satin covered crotch. Allison and Brian saw then Kim groans out to Stacey

Stacey he is being Bad.

LOL Kim, for as long as you have known him he has always been like this. Plus Kim, I know you well enough that you enjoy it.

Kim Giggles hugs Brian and then Allison. Now Allison turns to everyone,

So who here has not had there crotch petted by Will?

Ashley and Brian put there hands up

I just shake my head

Yea Brian I think that will not happen, sorry buddy. Allison can do that. Now Ashley, we will talk later. Okay now with Kim becoming the store manager I need a another person to be co manager for this store set up.

Stacey looks at me,

Will go with your second place choice then.

I smile back at Stacey,

Reading my mind as always. I will. Oh Allison, I want you to be in charge of the visiting managers and employees and work with Kim to set up the store.

Brian hugs Allison while she smiles and Kim hugs her. I can see Allison get a very excited look from Kim’s hug. I smile,

Now with work out of the way, how about we head to the living room for the family meeting?

Kim smiles,

Come on Will give Carrie and Ashley the full affect. Let’s head to the master suite.

Kim looks over to Carrie and Ashley,

The bed is massive and it will fit all of us.

Everyone gets up and heads to the Master suite. I get up and follow them. Now I hear Carrie,

Crap this bed is bigger than my apartment.

I chuckle as I walk in,

It’s also damn comfortable Carrie.

Carrie lays down and moans,

This is comfortable.

I walk to my spot on the bed.

Every one feel free to take your shoes off and put your feet up. Okay so let’s talk. After a recent incident with Carrie I was thinking we could all have some fun. There are two twist tho. First off it would be like one of my date weekend but instead of two people it would involve everyone here right now. It would also have a little role playing in as we live here and we have some maids,

I point to Carrie and Ashley

They work for us and we have lots of fun with all of us. Nothing nonconsensual. So I guess before we go further is there anyone not interested in playing?

I waited for 30 seconds but nobody says they want out.

Sounds like we all want to play. Good. We will talk more on things. I suggest we set a date for 4 weeks from now for the game. Any problems.

Everyone smiles and shakes there heads no.

Good I say we meet in a week or two to discuss…umm…. preferences of things we like and not like sexually.

Stacey now takes over,

All right, if you want to help clean up or do dishes hit the kitchen.

Stacey turns to me,

Not you. You cooked this dinner we clean. How about you and Kim show them the house.

Now Kim speaks up,

Will, Time to Give Carrie the kiss she wants and actually hissed at me for and give Ashley her petting.

Carries smiles,

I like that idea.

Now Ashley gets up and walks around the bed towards me but Carries is crawling across the bed to me like a cat. Carrie got there first. I smile

What does my pet want first? Petting or a Kiss?

Carrie gets a big smile as Ashley sits down between me and Kim. Carrie does a forward roll with her feet firmly against the headboard and her dress now up over her waist.

Pet your kitty

Kim is stunned but Ashley just giggles. I am now almost face to face with her red satin panties. I shake my head in disbelief,

You are a surprising Pet.

I reach out and I slide my thumb from her ass hole up to I rub her satin covered clit. Carries just burbles in pleasure. I stop she looks up at me as if asking “Is that all?”

Carrie, time for your kiss

Will, Kiss my clit,

Not tonight Carrie. It’s the lips on your face or you are not getting a kiss.

Carrie untangles her self and turns around and crawls up on my lap.. She slowly moves in and Kisses me on the lips with a very slow and soft kiss. She now whispers,

Thank you Master, I will be a good kitty maid for you, Meow.

Now she climbs off my lap and crawls to Kim,

I see his kisses are worth it. I am sorry I hissed at you.

Now Carrie leans and kisses Kim’s lips leaving poor Kim a bit flustered. I look to Ashley and ask her,

So is it a kiss first or the pet?

I think I want petted first.

Ashley giggles. I know there some trick she is trying. She gets up on the bed on her hands and knees.. I see the trick, no panties

You are a naughty girl, but I do owe you for Kim’s wonderful panties, I love the hearts and strawberries.

I reach in and slide my thumb along her slit which was already dripping, till I get to her clit and I run some circles and realize, she was like Kelly with a huge clit. Now I stop my thumb and slide back where I began,

Ashley that was naughty trick. It was a surprise but now turn around to get your kiss

as Ashley turns around I see Kim and Carrie making hand motions to each other and face with the tongues out. Now Kim makes a motion I interpret she want me to hug Ashley for there pay back. I smile as Ashley,

Come closer for your kiss, you naughty little girl.

She leans in close enough and starts the kiss and I let my tongue slide out into her mouth then I wrap my arms around and pull her to me and Kim and Carrie grab her pussy lips and pull them open and start licking. Ashley is trying to break free of my hug. I end the kiss pulling back from her lips and I hear,
That not fair I can not watch.

Now Carrie and Kim stop and smile as I let go of Ashley.

Next time you try a trick, think better of it.

We have a good laugh. Now I get up and give the tour of the house and by the time we are done everything in the kitchen is done. We all sat down for more chit-chat. We started out with Kim leaning against Stacey, Stacey beside me, then Kelley with Mary Ellen, next to Ashley and Carrie, then finally Brian with Allison on his lap. We started drinking wine and beer, except I had some soda. The stories turned to how we all met, then slowly turned to how we started dating then went to first sex. By this time Kim was laying on Stacey lap Then the question was asked of Stacey and I. Carrie asked so I was sure it was a honest question. Stacey launched into the story,

Well about 6 months ago I was Will’s boss at the store. My boyfriend had dumped me and I had try subtle clues to get Will’s attention but I might have been too subtle.

I pipe up,

Or I am really dense since I thought someone was dating Chad still and I would never do anything like get you to cheat on him, even if I was not a fan of him and was so in love with you.

Every one giggles. Now Stacey continues,

I decided on Sunday that the next day I was going to be blatant, something Allison can understand. Well So I put my plan into place where I was going to let Will know I wanted him to be more than friends.

Now Stacey starts describing her plan with the twisted garterbelt. She told how she planned the method how she had heard me admit my love women in satin and knew I love untangling rope, cables, or garter belts straps. How she went to Victoria secret and found the garter belt but she couldn’t find any blue satin panties that would fit. She bought the pink satin panty and bra set she liked and hoped I would like it. Then she told about when she flashed me a bit when she pulled up her grey cupcake skirt (as I named it). Then laughed as she wasn’t ready when I reached out and released the garterbelt clip but stroking up the back of her leg which startled her and made her jump. Now she starts telling about how I explained how to undo the clips and sent Kim and her to fix it. Then she explains that Kim seem not able to undo them to which Kim chimed in with the fact she could but she wanted me to do it and maybe get my courage up to ask Stacey out or get me laid. Stacey begins again and tells about there return where she asked me to help. She then started to tell of the actual incident, We have two really different memories on it. She is telling it as if I was, the best lover she ever had…huu what? I have to interrupt her,

Stacey we have two different memories, I remember being scared of you hitting my face with a knee during fixing the garterbelt. I was trying my best to lick you, but I thought I was failing hence why I told you it was my farm league game.

Kim giggles as Stacey shakes her head,

Will you are a moron and never appreciate yourself…I guess it is one of things I love about you.

Stacey leans in and kisses me deeply. Stacey is still kissing me and she throws her leg over my lap and straddles my lap. Maybe it was the wine but she let loose that puring moan calling my name and immediately my cock was rock hard. My cock is straining against my kilt and in turn against Stacey’s panties. Stacey can feel my cock threw the kilt and panties and again gives a purring moan into my right ear that is close to Kim,

Will I want them to see how much you love me. Fuck me right here and right now. Make it a promise night also.

Kim heard this and is staring. Stacey looks at Kim and reaches out her hand and strokes Kim’s face.

Pet, put two couch pillows on the coffee table for me. I think I will let everyone see.

As Kim stands up and grabs two pillow all the conversation that started after Stacey straddle my lap stop. Everyone is watching Kim, put the pillows down and looks at me undoing Stacey’s beautiful blue dress. Stacey raises her hands and I slide it over her head leaving Stacey in her light blue ruffled panties. Everyone seems to be in a trance since no one said a word, they just watched. Stacey and I was kissing again. I stand up picking Stacey off my lap. I carry her to the coffee table and I lower till she sat on the pillow. I stand up and was about to undue my sporran belt when Stacey gets there first and in a few seconds she has my kilt off and on the floor. She Purrs again for me to take my shirt off so she can kiss my belly. Only 6 months this would have a been a hard no but this woman, Kelley, Mary Ellen..hell even Kim and Allison help my self confidence. I take the shirt off and Stacey leans in and kisses my belly and then pulls me closer so she could suck my left nipple. I notice everyone is just watching with interest except Kim who standing behind me.

Stacey will you need Kim?

Stacey smiles at me,

No, Just you. My pet go get a good seat and watch my Rogue keep his Promise to me.

Yes Mistress.

Kim walks over to sit beside Allison

I smile

Allison, Give Kim a kiss like you have wanted all night.

I watch as Allison gives a Kim a nice french kiss then sit back and Kim is really confused.

My Very Pretty Manager, your panties are sopping wet. How about we take those off.

Stacey smiles at,

Please take them off.

Now Stacey turns to where Carrie is sitting.

Carrie, these are the panties you showed me. I want them back but you can smell my musk and see how wet your Master makes me.

I am pulling the panties off as Carrie comes over and get on her knees beside Stacey and gives Stacey a kiss on the forehead,

Thank you Mistress.

I hand Carrie the panties and she gets up and scurry to the couch with the panties all the while smelling them and rubbing the wetness.

I get down on my knees and lean forward to put my tongue out but first I say,

You are the star tonight, My very Pretty Manager the Porn Star.

Well I say that’s enough for today look for part two soon.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/km5i9t/who_doesnt_like_a_hot_meal_part_one_no

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