My [19M] best friend [19F] taught me how to make a girl cum, when she came to sleepover at my house. (PART 3) [Wholesome][First Time]

Part 1: [](

Part 2: [](

Part 4: out soon

**I’ll be ready when you are:**

“Wait give me a second”, I said, “I wasn’t expecting this.”.

“Oh no, I’m sorry! This is probably way too soon for you…”.

“Wait, no. That’s not what I meant.”.

“What is it then? Your mom is only arriving tomorrow, right?”.

“Yes, that’s right”.

The unanticipated nature of her statement had me hesitating for a second, but I was ready, and I made sure to let her know that she was not pressuring me into anything I didn’t intend to do. She took one out of two condoms from her wallet, ripped it open and asked me if she could teach me how to put it on. I assumed that there wasn’t much knowledge involved in the process of putting on a condom, but I still accepted her help. This time, it was her turn to tease and pleasure me, and so, she took off her towel and sat back on my lap facing me. With her arms around my neck, she passionately kissed my lips while thrusting her hips to grind her pussy on my shorts. I knew she was trying to prioritize my enjoyment, but she was having a really hard time containing herself, judging by the progressive increase in the frequency of her breaths. But this was not the last of her efforts, as, when I least expected, her lips were suddenly on my neck and both her thumbs and index fingers were rubbing my nipples. Before I had time for any form of rational thought, a sudden jolt of pleasure ran through my entire body and I moaned, for what was very likely my first time. It was unlike any form of sexual pleasure I’d felt before, as I’d never experienced anything like an electrifying wave that covers you from head to toe. Undoubtably, she heard what’d just happened, so, even though she didn’t stop what she was doing, I could feel her exhaling through her nose in a soft laughter. This went on for a little longer, and I was struggling all throughout as to not openly display my absolute state of ecstasy. But alas, somethings are inevitable.

“Seems like your cock is having a lot of fun, uh?”.

“What do you mean?”.

I looked down and I saw a wet spot sitting beneath her pussy, as I was already expecting. What I did not expect, was to see another wet spot close to the tip of my cock, after she teased me for a few minutes, as I was leaking precum onto my leg.

“Maybe I should check it out?”, she said.

She got on her knees and carefully took off my shorts. To our surprise, there was a very small puddle of clear precum on my leg and a shiny droplet on the tip of my cock.

“You were really enjoying yourself as I kissed you, weren’t you? Do you… mind if I taste it?”.

She sat her hand at the base of my cock and lifted it, in order to lick the precum off my thigh. Then, while still holding my cock, she took her finger and used it to wipe what remained on the tip, before licking it off her finger. Finally, she squeezed from the bottom to the top of my cock to push out every last drop and lick it up with her tongue.

“It tastes so sweet! Okay, now I’m gonna show you how to put it on.”.

She held the tip of the condom, placed it on my cock and gently rolled it down my shaft with her other hand. All these new sensations were building me up very fast and I could tell that, if she was to insert my cock inside her pussy, it wouldn’t be long before I would cum., but I was honestly too embarrassed to be upfront about this. She laid her hands around my neck again, and slowly slid my cock inside her, while I was still sitting on the edge of the bed. Once she reached the base, she stood there for a second as her inner walls contracted and massaged me. Before she could even get back up, I was incapable of stopping myself and I released all my cum deep inside her pussy.

“OMG, you’re cumming!”.

“Fuck, I’m sorry… This was just too much for me.”.

“It’s okay, don’t worry, this was still a lot of fun! Tell you what, let’s go to the nearest store so I can buy a swimsuit and we can spend the afternoon in your swimming pool.”

Looking back now, I know she was being as honest as she could be, still at the time, I felt the urge to, somehow, explain myself.

“Yeah but…”, she interrupted me.

“No no no, it’s okay. You’ve put so much effort into making me feel good and comfy that, I just wanted to give something back, and we accomplished it. Besides, we have all the time in the world to have more fun together!”.

I was devasted, but I was determined to pull my mind away from self-deprecating thoughts, and instead, simply take her word for it.

**Our first time (holding hands):**

I went for a quick shower, and we decided to share our chores. I was going to prepare something quick for us to eat, while she would change the sheets on my bed, given that, after all those adventures, they were covered in our bodily fluids. When she arrived at the train station the day before, we quickly realized she’d forgotten her swimsuit, therefore, if we were going to spend the rest of the day in my private swimming pool, she would need to buy a new one. There are plenty of these kinds of stores close to me so, while holding each other’s hand, we headed to the closest one. The interior was quite vast with two different floors, they even had many changing rooms, but for obvious reasons, swimsuits could not be tried on. She didn’t even bother checking the bikinis, but unlike me, she’s very undecisive, so having to choose between dozens of different colors and shapes was a tremendous task. After about 30 minutes of walking around, I decided to step in,

“Alright, we can’t spend all day here, so let’s make a deal: I’ll give you five minutes to bring me your three favorite swimsuits, then we’ll take whichever one I choose, cool?”

“Yeah… Maybe that’s for the best.”.

I set a five-minute timer on my phone and patiently waited for her to come back. Once the timer ran out, I went looking for her. What happened next led to me bursting into a tearful laughter, as she was staring down five different swimsuits with the most inquisitive look on her face. She noticed me laughing across from her,

“Don’t laugh! This really hard…”.

“How can I not? You’re genuinely struggling to choose 3 out of 5 swimsuits, all the more with an adorable look on your face.”.

Choosing between 3 or 10 made no difference to me, so I quickly picked one.

“I like this one, you’ll look really cute with it. Actually, I can’t wait to see you wearing it.”.

“Well, I could just pay and change into it, in one of the changing rooms. You can even come in too if you want…”.

After the payment was processed, I grabbed her hand and we rushed into a changing room, making sure to remain undetected. She’s very creative at coming up with fun and sexy ideas, but when the intimacy level rises, she suddenly becomes very shy. So, once we found ourselves tightly packed in this box, and we were crossing our breaths, I knew I had to take the lead.

“Lift up your arms, I’ll help you take off your shirt.”, I whispered as silently as possible.

I grabbed the bottom of the shirt, while she was innocently looking me in the eyes, and I gently pulled it over her head.

“Now, let’s take off your shorts.”.

I placed my fingers in order to unbutton and unzip her shorts and slowly pulled them down, as she raised her feet to completely remove them.

“Alright, turn around please.”.

It took me a few seconds, but I managed to figure out how to remove her bra.

“And turn around again.”.

She had her arms hanging on her sides, which enabled me to clearly see that her nipples were hard and her face was still filled with shyness. All that was left was to take off were her panties, so I slid my fingers underneath the edges to remove them. Her pussy was already wet and I couldn’t help but to gently play with her clitoris, despite the circumstances. She was biting her lips to avoid making any noise, but we didn’t want to be caught, so I took her panties to wipe off the wetness before she’d put the swimsuit on. She dressed up the rest of her clothes as I packed her used underwear inside the shopping bag. As I was doing this, I noticed her smiling at me in gratefulness for my lack of judgmental behavior, so I just said,

“Let’s head back home, shall we?”.


Alright people, I’m gonna have to cut it here. I’ve actually already written 90% of part 4, but it was becoming waaaay too long. Hopefully this was enough to keep you going a little longer, until the grand finale in the next part. It was honestly kinda awkward to expose an episode of premature ejaculation, but shit happens. Find yourself someone that’ll support you, even in these situations and don’t ever tolerate judgements that relate to the expectations anyone has for you. And THANK YOU, to the hundreds of people that already followed me. You make writing these stories 100x more enjoyable, so I’ll make sure to do my best to deliver cute and wholesome (and lewd) stories. Cya on part 4 ^-^



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