A Cucks consensual downfall: How it all begun (Part 1)

“What’s this?!”, Sam demanded to know whilst waving the 8” dildo in his Girlfriends (Emily) face.

“Uh, umm, uh… I can explain” she said hastily.

“2 years together and this is how you want to tell me that I’m not good enough for you!? A huge dildo that I found stuffed in your underwear draw?” Sam whimpered.

“Oh, calm down it’s just a dildo! Also, what were you doing in my draw anyway?!” Emily expressed in a confused tone.

“I was putting away the stupid laundry!”. So? What does this mean? Am I not good enough?” Sam expressed eagerly awaiting his verdict.

“Look, Sam, I love you. I love everything about us it’s just, after 2 years together the sex just isn’t the same anymore. Sometimes I just want to try something a little…different”, Emily said knowing full well that she meant something bigger.

“Something that’s literally twice my size?!” Sam said with a hurt tone.

“Well…ummm…uhh…yes.” Emily explained knowing that there was no going back now. “Look, I’ve just always wondered what bigger felt like. All my friends tell me about hook-ups with bigger guys and say how amazing it was”. And, well, it just made me curious that’s all. And obviously I’m not gonna go out and find another guy because I love you, so I thought I’d just use a dildo”, Emily explained in a comforting tone.

“Oh well that’s just great then isn’t it?!” Sam whimpered as he stormed off upstairs.

Alone in the bedroom, Sam pondered what this meant for his and Emily’s relationship. Was it over? Had she cheated and he not know about it? How long had this been in her thoughts? All he knew for sure was that he loved her, and he’d do anything to keep her. Including let her try a bigger dick? No! Of course not, right? I mean, it’s just sex…no don’t be stupid Sam. What if she leaves you for him? She’d never do that! I think… yeah, our bond is just too strong for that. Maybe it’s best to just let her try it for real, then at least I know about it. Technically she wouldn’t be cheating if I let her. Sam you’re not thinking strai…

Sam’s thought process was interrupted by a knock on the door. “Sam?” Emily asked in a concerned tone.

“It’s fine, you can come in” Sam huffed.

Emily walked over to Sam and sat beside him on the bed. “Loo…”, Emily was interrupted.

“I understand”, Sam confessed.

“You do?” Emily expressed in a relieved tone.

“Yeah. Look, I know I’m not the most masculine man out there. I’m 5”7, skinny and my dick is barely 4”. There’s obviously better guys than me out there and quite frankly, I’ve always wondered why someone as stunning as you with an insane body would be with me in the first place. Other guys might turn you on more in a sexual way, I get that”, Sam explained.

“Sam, I’m still attracted to you it’s just, you’re right. I want something else sexually. And physically, I think we can both agree you can’t give me that. Is that a fair thing to say”, Emily asked in a soft tone.

“Yeah”, Sam agreed whilst sadly nodding. “Do you wan’t to break up with me?” expressed Sam in a worried tone.

“What?! No! I…Never! I love you! This isn’t about the whole relationship, it’s just about the sex! You show me kindness and love that no one ever could Sam. And I wouldn’t want to lose that for anything”, Emily explained.

“S…so, what now then?” Sam asked in a confused but reassured tone.

“I want to be with you forever Sam, but l…I just think life’s too short to hold up on one’s desires. How about I just try it once, that’s it, just to get the craving out the way and then we never speak of it again. Sound good?” Emily asked worried she’d pushed it too far.

“I don’t think I’m ready for that Emily” Sam expressed in a panicked tone. “How about you just start virtually. Like, you can talk to guys, I don’t mind. Just don’t meet up with them, not yet, not until I’m ready to deal with that. Is that okay?” Sam asked hoping it would be.

“Okay, let’s do that” Emily agreed. “So, you won’t get mad if I download Tinder and go on sites like Omegle to chat with guys?”, Emily asked.

“No. I won’t, I promise. On one condition though. I get to be there when you’re talking to them. Just to keep me in the loop” Sam stated.

“Of course!”, Emily agreed. She then lent in closer, gave Sam a kiss on the cheek and hugged him. “I love you” she expressed with a meaningful tone.

“I love you too Emily” Sam responded with a comforted manner.

And so, that’s how it all began. One discovery from Sam changed the course of their relationship forever. They had no idea what was about to cum…

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/kknkbl/a_cucks_consensual_downfall_how_it_all_begun_part