By the Light of the Moon [Mf][Primal][Blood][Breeding]

Dislcaimer: Only lightly touches on the above tags, but touch it does. I wrote this piece as a gift for a friend.

Peace, love and enjoy.


The moon hung heavy, like a silver coin worth far more than its weight. Holding the vista of stars in its gravity as it guided me along on this night. For many moons had I been alone, wandering the wilderness with no purpose. Such was the life of a wolf with no pack. Others I had run into, some more civilized than others living in huts when the moon waned. Others embraced their feral nature. Living deep in the forests, barely ever reverting to their human states. None of these creatures of my kin did I hold anything against, but nor could I bring myself to end my solitude in an attempt to join their pack. I knew not what I searched for, but I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I was yet to find it.

And so my sojourn continued, through forest both deciduous and barren, past brooks both bubbling and iced over. With padded feet and bare soles I traveled, much further distance could I traverse should I choose to stay in my wolf form, but I found it more important to keep my psyche with one foot firmly planted in both worlds. Besides, this exodus wasn’t about reaching a destination, it was about finding something I had been missing all my life. It was thus that that I pondered as twigs crunched beneath my paws, my breath hanging in the air illuminated by the silver moonlight as I suddenly caught a whiff of something sweet in the ear. Raising my snout I inhaled deep.

Like a technicolor scarf the fragrance fluttered in the cool night air, filling my lungs and sending tingles down my extremities, and like a bolt I flew. Through underbrush and over fallen logs, noises of prey scurrying away to safety as I made my passage only barely touching my senses. So focused was I on this scent. With haste did I chase this scent, a black blur on this moonlit night, my breath coming hot and ragged by the time I caught my first glimpse of you. Your reddish-brown coat shimmered in the dim light and I caught the hint of a streak of white behind one ear before you vanished behind a tree. But now I was bolstered, having caught sight of my prey I knew with certainty that you would not elude me. And that before the dawn, I would make you mine.

You did not give up easily though, for hours our hunt continued. The wilderness taking on a magical, ethereal feel as the moon climbed higher into the night sky. A silent observer to the hunt, bathing us with his silver light as the gap between us ever decreased. You knew I was gaining on you, yet you continued to evade me, and I was starting to believe you enjoyed the exhilaration of the hunt just as much as I. My musings proving to be true as I round a corner, to find you as the centerpiece of a small clearing. A break in the canopy sending a shaft of pale moonlight, bathing you in it’s soft glow as I find you lounging in your human form. Silken hair covering your breasts as your plump red lips twist in a wry smile as your eyes lock onto mine. “Took you long enough.” You breathe into the night, excitement and nervousness crackling through your tone as you wait with baited breath.

I do not make you wait, for I have waited long enough for the both of us. On all fours I stalk forward as I make my change, coarse dark fur receding into my skin as my joints click loudly, reversing their positioning as I stand on my hind legs. My forepaws splitting into fingers and toes, my long pointed teeth retreating behind my now human lips. The transition between man and wolf normally all-encompassing, but not tonight. I barely felt the changes as I drew ever nearer, until suddenly I’m right before you. My golden eyes locked with your silver pair, losing my self in their depths as I see a recognition there that I too feel to my core, and it that moment I knew I was not the only person searching for that which I did not know. And on this night, by the luck of the devil or decreed by fate herself, we both found what we were looking for.

I do not recall who was the first to break that gaze, but suddenly I felt my lips pressed against yours, and I breathed in deep. Inhaling your scent, tasting not just your sweet musk and sweat and hair, but also the earth that clung to the soles of your feet. Your smell was intoxicating, as was your touch, and I could not get enough. Opening my mouth I deepen the kiss, my hands moving to your hair as my fingers entwine with your silken locks, your own arms encircling around me completing the embrace. Into your mouth does my tongue search, finding your own and rejoicing. Tracing the pointed tips of your fangs before you do the same with my own, my breathing getting deeper and more ragged as the kiss deepens and our passion grows.

Your wrap one leg around my hips as you pull me back onto you while you recline further on the boulder, and I can feel your heat, stirring the beast within. A guttural growl escapes my lips as I break the kiss, my hunger for you far from satiated. I kiss your jawline and down to your neck, my lips and tongue playful against your supple skin as you throw your head back, a purr like moan emanating from your diaphragm as I drag my fangs across your skin. Your back arching as your hair falls away and I can feel your soft breasts pressing against my chest. Your nipples hard, sending an electric current across my flesh from where they make contact. My blood thrashing through my veins, a torrent fueled by my hunger and desire as I feel myself grow full and hard. Your eyes light up as you bite your lip, and I can tell you feel it too.

Picking you up, I lay you down on the soft grass of the clearing. Bathed in moonlight, lying there in all your glory, I know in that instant I will never witness a sight so beautiful, so pure, and for a second there I am in that moment and no where else. Nothing else exists, except for you, right there. Then you spread your legs for me, your womanhood glistening with your readiness as you reach your arms out to me as I fall into your embrace and inside you. Like a perfect fit your body welcomes me inside you, a howl escaping my lips at the pleasure of our union while you throw your arms around me and moan into my neck. No words can fully describe that initial feeling of finally experiencing that which I have been searching, and as I stare into your shimmering eyes I know you feel the same.

I begin to rock back and forth, gyrating my hips as I fuck you there on the forest floor. Your eyes remain open, and locked onto mine. Both of us savouring every ounce of intimacy of our copulation. Your soft moans drowning out all other sounds of the night for me as you lock both legs around my waist. Drawing me deeper inside you with each thrust. Over and over I driver deeper into you, the pleasure of feeling you envelope me completely with your hot wetness sending waves of pleasure across my body. Another howl rippling through my being as I place my lips against yours once more, this time our kiss is hungrier, more urgent. Tongues and saliva flying as I begin to fuck you harder, faster. My cock growing thicker inside you as my knot begins to form, your eyes bulging at the feeling of stretching you out, but still you clutch onto me tighter. Your long nails digging into my back, trying to pull me deeper into you as I can tell your hunger to be just as great as mine. The realization pushing my over the edge as the beast within took control.

A snarling growl reverberates around the clearing as my knot fully forms inside of you, stretching you to your limit as you let out a scream of both pain and pleasure, only adding fuel to the furnace that was my lust. Opening my mouth wide I clamp down on your shoulder, sinking my sharp teeth into you as droplets of your ruby blood fill my mouth. Another moan from you before you mirror my action, biting down on my shoulder. Your fangs still long enough in human form to penetrate my skin, tasting my own blood in your mouth as I fuck you deeper and harder. My knotted cock slamming hard into your depths as I push us both to the edge. Blood drips from my lips as I place my mouth next to your ear, my pace never slowing as I continue to ravage you like a wild animal. Through ragged breaths you hear “Now… I’m going… to breed you..” all you can manage in response is a desperate, fervent nod. Your entire body radiating desire for such, and I can hold on no longer.

Together we howl into the night, our voices making a sweet melody as my thrusts take us both over the edge. My knotted cock stretching you out and filling you deep, fucking you relentlessly, the tempo rising to it’s crescendo when suddenly you let out a moan of pure pleasure. Your back arching thrusting your breasts up into the moonlight as I let out a deep groan of my own. Pleasure cascading throughout my body, emanating from our point of joining as I pump you full of my seed. A feeling of divine correctness as I come hard inside you while you convulse in pleasure, as if all choices made before lead to this moment, and all choices made hereafter emanating from our coupling. Two lone wolves, finding each other in the night to start something beautiful together. Or so were my thoughts as I lowered myself next to you, our chests heaving as I stared into your twinkling eyes and utter the only words I can manage right now. The words I have been waiting so long to say to you.

“Now, you are mine.”


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