The Pleasure of Business: An Erotic Novel, Chapter 39 (MF) (Bondage) (Voyeur)

A few days pass, and Anna and Bruce enjoy the time with Monique, getting into a rhythm and routine. They wake up, go to work, come home to play, sometimes playing over the lunch hour in hia office.

Monique enjoys having both of them together but will beg for play time with just Anna while Bruce watches. But clearly she needs more than that. They’ve walked in on her multiple times fucking various members the staff. It seems to Anna that the only time she gets alone with Bruce is if Monique is occupied with a gardiner, chef, maid, or other staff.

On the last days of her stay, Monique seems out of sorts, sad almost. Anna wakes up on the last morning. It’s Sunday, so no need to go into the office. She strolls down the hall in her robe and knocks on Monique’s door.

“Yes, come in, whoever is there!” sings the French girl.

Anna giggles and opens the door, seeing Monique lounging in bed.

“Good morning, Miss Anna,” she coos. “Take off the silly robe and get in bed with your friend.”

“Are you ready to go back Monique?” Anna giggles and asks as her robe hits the floor and she climbs into bed and lays next to her.

Monique absent mindedly starts running her finger around Anna’s nipple as if she can only think if she is arousing someone. “Yes and no. Miss Anna. I do enjoy the sex with you and Mr. Bruce but I certainly miss my sister and Mr. Wyatt.”

She lays her head on Anna’s chest and giggles, “You could come back with me. Surprise him with your visit.”

Anna laughs and strokes her hair, “I can’t do that last minute. I wouldn’t want Bruce to miss me too much/ I’d want him to come along as well. And we both have important things at the office to take care of. Too bad Wyatt didn’t come here himself, he certainly has the funds and means to get here.”

They both giggle and then hear Bruce at the door laughing at them.,

“What’s so funny. sir?” Anna asks playfully, both women sitting up in bed to look at him.

“You girls know why Wyatt didn’t come along, don’t you?” he chuckles.

They both look at him with blank expressions telling him they do not.

“Wyatt is a wanted man in this country,” he informs them. “If he set foot on American soil he’d be arrested immediately.”

He sits down on the edge of the bed opposite them, making sure his robe stays closed so they will listen. “Wyatt St Cloud is the wealthy playboy owner of Paradise, Europe’s premier nudist and swingers resort.”

“Yes, of course, we know this,” Monique pipes up.

“Wyatt St Cloud is also a made up name and identity that he has crafted over the past few decades.”

“Who is he really?” Anna says, concerned. “Is the story he told me even true?”

“Partly,” Bruce responds. “He did make money selling his family ranch and cattle. But he made a lot more of it robbing a bank, killing his two partners, laundering the cash through the Mob, and running off to Europe to create a new life.”

“He… Wyatt has killed a man?” Monique is near tears. “But he is not so violent! No! You are telling a story!”

“Yes, I am. The story of Roy Shackleton, Wyatt’s real name.”

He walks over to Monique and strokes her bare skin to calm her. “That was all decades ago. He isn’t a bad man. Just a man who needed a way out and took it.”

“But I have left my sister all alone with him!” she sobs.

“Your sister is perfectly safe,” Bruce assures her. “Maybe a little sore from being trained to fuck the way he wants but still perfectly safe.”

She giggles. “I just have so much shock! I know nothing of this!”

“Wyatt has always been good to you, hasn’t he?” he asks.

“Yes. He is the best man and the best at the sex,” she says. Then she starts giggling uncontrollably. “Even if…” She loses herself in giggles before finishing her statement. “Even if his dick is sometimes too big to be nice!”

She lays back and keeps giggling, her entire body shaking with laughter. Anna and Bruce look at each other, assuming it must be a joke they are not privy to. It’s big but not that big, Anna thinks to herself.

“Can we call Mr. Wyatt on the video?” Monique says suddenly, nearly jumping up. “Can we show him our fun times before I go?”

Bruce looks over to Anna. She’s trying not to smile but not doing a very good job. The story has clearly not shaken her, maybe even excited her a little more. Bruce already knows she wants to say yes.

“Anna, call the old man,” he chuckles.

Anna puts her robe back on, walks over to her phone, and calls Wyatt through video chat. He’s probably busy, she thinks. But since Monique mentioned it, she can’t stop thinking about the older man’s cock. She closes her eyes and bites her lip.

“Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes,” Wyatt’s voice booms out of the speaker, startling her. “But Anna, you’re overdressed. I would have thought young buck would have broken that habit by now.”

Anna smiles at him, blushing slightly, “We’ve just woken up, sir. I figured you wouldn’t care.”

“Oh I don’t, just wishing you were naked,” the gruff voice intones.

Monique bounds up next to Anna. “I am naked, Mr. Wyatt!” she squeals as she sees him and starts to talk quickly about her time with them. “I very much like having the sex with Mr. Bruce and Miss Anna…”

“I know you do,” Wyatt chuckles. “Training your sister has been fun but I couldn’t keep up with the both of you at the same time. I knew Bruce and Anna would take care of you.”

Wyatt listens to Monique chatter on but it’s clear his eyes don’t leave Anna, trying to remove her robe by sheer force of will.

“Mr. Wyatt, where is my sister?” Monique demands suddenly, her hands on her slender hips.

“Oh she’s around somewhere,” he chuckles. “I don’t keep her on a leash. Not all the time anyway. The little filly gave me my morning attentions then wandered off to do whatever or whomever she does all day.”

Bruce lets out a laugh. “Haven’t been able to train this one, old man?”

“Oh she’s trained. Just has a bit more fire than her sister,” he chuckles. “In fact, she’s a real fucking brat. Requires more discipline than Ms. Eager to Please.”

“Oh Mr. Bruce gives me the discipline! I like it!” Monique inserts herself back into the conversation.

Wyatt makes a face, clearly wishing Anna had called him alone and for less conversational purposes.

“Anna, you could teach these girls a thing or two about how to please a man,” he says, knowing he can make her weak just with his words. “Any time you want to come back and take care of an old cowboy, I’ll buy the ticket.”

Anna looks over to Bruce as Wyatt mentions her coming back to visit. He smirks. Clearly she wouldn’t want to go alone and his face tells her the same.

“I’ll gladly take care of you, Wyatt,” she says with a wink. “ But only if Bruce comes to take care of me while I take care of you.”

She turns to Monique before he can answer, “You like the discipline then? You always put up a fight when we’ve played with you.”

She smacks Monique’s ass and again doesn’t allow for an answer, turning back to Bruce, “So what’s your plan today, sir? Any ideas in mind before we send Monique on her way? Anything you want to see, Wyatt?” She hopes by addressing them both they’ll both try to control the events that take place.

Bruce unties her robe and pushes it off your shoulders knowing Wyatt is only getting a back view of her.

“I could think of a thing or two to help you ladies occupy your time,” he says, running his hands along her body where Wyatt can’t see.

“Yes please, Mr. Wyatt,” Monique nearly shouts. “I want to be told what to do. I want you and Mr. Bruce to take me as you wish.”

“Monique, are you a good girl?” Bruce calls over to her.

She comes over and gets on her knees between him and Anna, silently.

“It’s a little trick we taught her,” Bruce chuckles to Wyatt.

“Good trick,” he says. “Does she roll over and play dead too?”

“No but she’ll roll over and play slut,” Bruce answers. He reaches down and puts his hand on her throat. “Isn’t that right, you dirty French whore?”

She nods and smiles. Still silent.

“Anna, I think our pet deserves a treat, don’t you?” he says

Anna giggles. “I think I could find something for her to eat,” she responds.

She snaps her fingers. “Monique, on the bed. Now.”

Monique obediently jumps up onto the bed and waits for instruction. Anna walks to the bed, bends over it and wiggles her ass at Wyatt, then climbs up, leans back and spreads her legs.

“Get to work,” she commands, pushing Monique’s head between her thighs.

“Yes Miss Anna,” Monique moans as she pushes her tongue against Anna’s waiting lips.

“Mmm, good girl,” she moans and looks at Wyatt as he watches. Bruce walks over to her, leans in. and kisses her deeply. She moans into his mouth and feels his hands go to her nipples.

“Enjoying yourself, Wyatt?” she asks playfully, her hand still holding Monique in place, her lips and tongue expertly working pussy, especially since she’s trying to impress Wyatt, her body squirming, her mouth moaning into the growing wetness.

She looks up into Bruce’s eyes and smiles, wondering what else will happen today with them both at his and Wyatt’s mercy and control.

“It would be better if you were doing it in front of me,” Wyatt says. “I like interactive entertainment.”

He pans the camera down to show she is getting him hard.

“I bet you both miss this,” he says confidently.

Anna lets out a small moan at the sight of Wyatt’s cock. He’s right. She does miss it.

Bruce doesn’t say a word. He grabs Anna’s face, turns it toward him, and pushes himself into herr mouth.

“I don’t think either of them has complaints about the accommodations available here, old man,” Bruce shoots back to him.

As Anna starts to eagerly work his cock, Bruce smacks Monique’s ass as she sticks it up in the air. She moans into Anna’s pussy but doesn’t stop.

They have trained her well.

Anna moans onto his cock to put his attention back on her. She feels him push into her throat as she hears Wyatt’s moans coming from the screen.

“Fuck, I miss her throat, young buck. You’ve got to bring her back here,” the old man groans.

Bruce says something back but she can’t hear him. She’s too busy holding Monique by the hair with one hand and massaging Bruce’s balls with the other, all the while his cock starting to thrust in and out of her mouth.

Monique’s mouth pops off of her pussy and Anna feels her move away from her. She grips the French girl’s hair harder and pulls the cock out of throat, growling, “Did I ask you to stop?”

Monique’s eyes twinkle, she wants to be punished.

“No, Miss Anna,” she says, fighting back a grin.

“What happens when you disobey and are a bad girl?” Bruce chimes in.

“Bad girls get punished”. Monique answers, now unable to suppress her grin any longer.

“What do you think, Anna? Take our disobedient pet to the dungeon or discipline her right here in her room?” Bruce says.

“Has Wyatt seen our dungeon?” Anna asks, wondering if he should show off for him.

Bruce kisses her gently then puts his hand on her throat. “It’s my dungeon,” he says in a low growl.

“I’m sorry, sir,” Anna says. Wyatt can’t see the big smile on her face as she says it.

“Maybe you both need a little discipline today,” he says.

He puts his other hand on Monique’s throat, holding them both gently but asserting his control unquestionably.

“Yes, I think I have two sluts that need discipline,” he growls.

“Yes sir. I apologize for speaking out of turn” Anna says quietly. Monique nods and giggles, still not taking this seriously.

Bruce turns to face Wyatt and smirks at him, “I’ll bring you along old timer, don’t worry”.

He guides both women to their feet, releases their throat, turns them toward the door, and smacks their asses to send them on their way, “Five minutes, don’t be late.”

Anna doesn’t care about Monique at this point. She is more focused on following Bruce’s orders. When they arrive in the dungeon she kneels by the door as normal/ , Monique stands in front of her and hesitates before she sitting on the bed again. She doesn’t care about following the rules of the dungeon. Part of Anna thinks she’s jealous of her sister but another part of me thinks she wants to be punished more than her. Like she’s wanting to one up her. Like she wants to feel more like Bruce’s slut than her.

Anna laughs to herself at the very idea that someone could be more his slut than her., Monique has no idea what she’s done by disobeying again.

Bruce opens the dungeon door, bringing the video screen with him.

“When I open the door I should have two sluts on their knees with their mouths open and their hands behind their backs as they have been instructed,” he says loudly.

“As you can see I have one good slut and one who doesn’t fucking listen,” he keeps on. “I think being a brat may run in the family. You just haven’t brought it out of this one.”

He pats Anna’s head and puts his cock into her waiting mouth, letting her suck as she pleases for one minute.

“Good girl, now over to the bed,” he says, pulling out of her mouth.

Anna gets up and walks over to the bed, laying down with her legs spread, awaiting further instruction.

He sets the video monitor on a small table near the bed.

“And now to deal with the bad girl,” he says, turning to Monique. She giggles.

In one quick motion he lifts her thin body off the bed and carries her over to the wall. He forcefully presses her against it and shackles her hands. She wiggles as he tries to strap in her feet.

“Stop moving, you fucking brat,” he growls at her.

He gets her feet shackled, leaving her spread out on the wall.

“That’s what this room needed. A dirty disobedient slut on the wall. Really ties together the decorating,” he chuckles to no one in particular.

As Bruce shackles Monique to the wall, Anna steals a glance at Wyatt and winks at him, biting her lip, before looking back up at the ceiling, waiting for her own punishment.

She can hear Monique beg for attention as Bruce walks over with a riding crop. She tunes out the French girl’s pleading as he runs the leather over my body. She bites her lip to keep herself quiet as he teases her. She knows the rules. She is not to speak or make noise until she is told to..

“Monique,” Bruce says, not facing her, “make one more sound and you’ll regret it.”

Monique retorts, “This is not fair Mr. Bruce!”

“One moment,” he whispers to Anna, then walks over to Monique

“You know the rules and you didn’t follow them. Now you’re being punished,” he says as he grabs the gag from the shelf and puts it in her mouth, fastening it tightly behind her head.

“That should shut her up, ” Wyatt says with a chuckle.

“Anna’s been good young buck, she hasn’t moved or made a sound, I’m impressed at how well you’ve trained her,” he continues.

Anna smiles up at the ceiling, glad Wyatt is impressed with her.

“Anna is a good girl,” Bruce says, returning to running the rider’s crop along herr skin. “I have truly trained her to be the perfect slut.”

A slight moan escapes her mouth as the leather graces the skin of her inner thigh.

“But she broke the rules and needs to be punished,” he says, swiftly slapping the crop against her thigh.

Monique’s muffled cries increase in volume.

“Got plans for your wall decoration?” Wyatt asks.

“The most intense punishment you can give that one is to make her watch but not allow participation,” Bruce answers.

He strikes Anna’s other thigh. “Two slaps. Have we been punished, slut? Should we move to rewarding good behavior?”

Anna winces as the crop strikes her skin again but she keeps her mouth shut and feels herself growing wetter. Bruce’s attention and Wyatt’s voice together has her aroused in a way only they two of them can achieve.

“Yes, sir, I am sorry for speaking out of turn” she responds, still not looking. She knows her place in the dungeon, punishment or not.

Her skin stings from his strikes and she feels him continue to run the leather up and down her skin, wordlessly contemplating the next move for her.

He rubs the crop up and down her lips, gently spreading them apart. He wouldn’t slap her pussy would he? It takes all of her resolve make a sound as he rubs the leather edge up and down across her clit.

“Young buck, don’t be foolish now,” Wyatt says sternly. “That’s top class pussy and you goddamn well know it.”

Without a word he takes the crop and brings it to her mouth, letting her taste her sweetness on the leather.

Then he turns and walks toward the shelf of toys. He grabs two items Anna can’t make out and walks toward Monique with them. He removes her gag.

“Are we ready to be a good girl yet?” he asks her. But before she can answer he pinches both of her nipples firmly, rendering her response to just a moan. Before she catches her breath he puts the clamps on her. Then he starts vigorously rubbing her clit. After thirty seconds he stops and applies a clamp to her clit as well, running a short chain up and attaching it to the nipple clamps. She can no longer move without pulling on one or the other.

“Mr. Bru…” Monique starts to say before he puts gag back in and watches her struggle, moan and whimper in both pain and pleasure.

“Now be a good girl and watch me fuck Anna,” he tells her, walking away.

Anna doesn’t know what he did to Monique but she hears her whimper and moan. She doesn’t have long to think about it as he comes back to the bed and positions himself between her open legs. He kisses her deeply, shoving his tongue against hers, her pussy throbbing for his attention.

“Now let’s show what good girls get to do,” he says. He wraps her hand around his cock and whispers in her ear with a moan. “Feel how hard you make me, Anna. Feel me just throbbing in your hand.”

Another moan as he starts to use her hand to stroke himself.

“Since you have been a good girl you can put it in whatever hole you want most.”

She breaks her silence with a moan and starts to stroke his shaft faster, feeling him throb in her hand, his breath and voice in her ear making her entire body shudder.

“Thank you sir…” she moans in delight, trying to make Monique and Wyatt extremely jealous. “But what if I want you in all of my holes?” She kisses him deeply then repositions herself so she is on her stomach and he can push his cock into her mouth/ A good slut always pleases the master first. Her own pleasure comes second.

“I’m officially jealous, you son of a bitch,” Wyatt’s voice rings out. “I have wanted your mouth since the second you left, little lady.”

He tries to show her his cock again but Bruce keeps her face turned toward him.

“You always want my mouth, you dirty old man,” comes a French tinged voice that is not Monique. Francesca appears on the screen. She is a good deal shorter than Monique. Long blonde hair with blue tips. Cute face that belies unbelievable trouble.

“Bragging or complaining, you little brat?” Wyatt asks.

“Neither,” she sasses him. “Simply stating.”

“Well get down to work,” he tells her.

“No. I won’t. I sucked your cock this morning. That is enough,” she defies him.

They keep going back and forth. Bruce tunes them out completely, focused on the incredible things Anna is doing to him.

He moans and whispers, “Don’t make me cum. I want them all to watch me fuck you.”

Anna tries not to laugh at Francesca and her brattiness. She doesn’t understand how good she has it. Wyatt is a good lover even if he’s demanding sometimes. Maybe she should go back to Paradise and show them what a good girl is supposed to do.

She pulls Bruce’s cock from her throat and gets on my hands and knees in front of him, wiggling her ass to tease him, both holes accessible. “Sir, please fuck me,” she moans

Bruce turns her body so she is facing Monique and Wyatt on the screen. He wants them to watch her face. He wants her to put on a show. He grabs her hips and smacks her ass roughly, causing her to yelp sharply. The yelp turns to a moan as his fingers graze over her clit, her slit wet and ready for whatever he decides to do with her, however he decides to fuck her.

Francesca and Wyatt stop their squabbling when they hear Anna start to moan. He coats his fingers in her juices and rubs them on the head of his cock. As he slowly pushes into her pussy, he pushes two fingers into her ass. He begins alternating thrusts, each of your holes being given attention.

Anna moans and tightens around him. “Such a good slut,” Bruce moans.

Wyatt can’t take anymore. He needs attention.

“You don’t want to suck me?” he says. “Fine. I’ll make you a wall decoration like your sister.”

Before she can respond he has lifted her tiny frame in the air, pushed her legs over his shoulders, and slammed her back against the wall, shoving his face into her pussy. She struggles and tries to get away before giving in to her own pleasure. Her moans are short and high pitched. Bruce can tell Anna enjoys the show because every time Francesca yips her pussy tightens around his shaft. Wyatt is showing off for her and she likes it.

Anna groans and starts to push back against Bruce to keep up with his rhythm. She meets Monique’s eyes and starts to moan louder, which only causes Wyatt to work Francesca more. Monique is the only one not getting any pleasure at this moment and her muffled screams grow in intensity.

Her eyes are pleading with Anna. She wants to ask Bruce to bring her over so she can taste her again but she doesn’t want to say anything to make him stop. Her body trembles with pleasure and she moans louder. Having others watching makes is so much more exciting for her. She hasn’t had a proper audience since they left Paradise and she realizes now how she missed it.

Suddenly he smacks her ass and pulls out. “Go free our friend, Anna. She deserves some kind of relief now.”

Anna smirks and crawls over to Monique, swinging her hips so he can see her wet holes and red ass from across the room.

Carefully, she removes the clamps from Monique’s body and gently sucks on her swollen nipples and clit, making her squirm on the wall. She stands and pulls the gag from her mouth and kisses her lips, rubbing her fingers gently against her clit.

“Will you be a good girl now, Monique?” Anna asks, playfully.

“Yes… Yes Miss Anna… I will be a good girl” she gasps, so close to cumming but knowing she is not allowed yet.

“Good girl,” Anna whispers, as she undoes the shackles. “Go lay on the bed. You can watch Bruce fuck me but you may not touch us or yourself. If you keep quiet maybe I’ll make you cum myself.”

She starts to protest but closes her mouth into a grin before the words come out. She scrambles over to the bed on shaky legs and sits with her back against the wall, her legs spread. Anna goes back over to Bruce and wraps her arms around his neck, kissing him deeply, moaning at his touch. His cock still glistens with her juices. She starts to stroke it gently before laying on her back, pulling him to her, pushing his back cock inside of her. Her back arches and she moans loudly, encouraging him to continue.

She grips him tightly as he ramps up his rhythm . “God you have the best fucking pussy,” he moans. If Wyatt wants to show off for her, Bruce decides he is going to remind the old man of what he can’t have.

Monique sits on her hands to keep from touching herself. She is free of her bonds but her torture continues. She wiggles and squirms, dying for release but obeying her commands.

Bruce moans and growls as Anna rakes her nails across his back and wraps her legs around him.

Wyatt lets Francesca off his shoulders but as she hits the floor he grabs her head and pushes himself into her mouth. He lets out a roar, trying to conquer the bratty French blonde. She smirks around his cock, getting what she wanted but making it seem like his idea. She moans and rubs her nipples as she sucks him.

Then she takes him out and strokes him slowly, looking up at him. “Please fuck me, Mr. Wyatt,” she says, her big blue eyes pleading with him. “Fuck me like the Americans fuck.”

Wyatt grunts, pulls her to her feet, turns her around, bends her over, grips her hips, and pushes into her, grunting again, words beyond him in the moment.. She moans loudly. “Yes, use me,” she moans. “Fuck me like I am a little whore.”

Bruce catches Anna watching them as he fucks her. She wants Wyatt’s attention back on her and he can tell.

“Bruce, I think you should fuck our friend for a moment,” she moans. “I want to watch.”

She pushes him out of her and towards Monique. Before he has even reached her, Anna spreads her legs as wide as she can and begins to rub herself. She moans loudly, putting on a show for Wyatt, wanting his attention even as he fucks Francesca.

She moans loudly as Bruce pulls Monique onto her hands and knees and pushes into her, smacking her ass roughly. “Thank you, Mr. Bruce,” Monique cries out.

Anna starts to rub her clit and pussy quickly, pinching her nipples. Wyatt stares her down through the screen, not paying any attention to the girl he is fucking.

“Do you miss my pussy Wyatt? It’s still so tight and wet… Fuck…” she moans at him.

Anna rolls her head back and push her breasts forward, trying to make the old man cum from across the world. He doesn’t take his eyes off her, pumping Francesca harder, faster. He struggles to find words. “Come back, Anna,” he manages to grunt as he slaps the tiny girl’s ass.

“How’s Monique’s pussy, sir?” I ask playfully, giggling as she realizes she has both men under her control momentarily. Two of her fingers are inside of her. Her face is flush. She has put on too good of a show and feels like she could cum at any moment. But she won’t. Not without him.

“It’s good pussy but you know damn well this French whore can’t make me cum,” he grunts, slapping Monique’s ass again. Anna giggles at how much he and Wyatt are the same at times.

“Not even if I want you to, sir?” she says with a smirk.

Bruce grabs Monique’s hand and starts rubbing her pussy with it. Then he pulls out and commands her, “Don’t stop until you are told, whore. And don’t cum.”

He comes back over to Anna and pushes her hands away from her pussy. Wrapping his arms around her thighs, he pushes himself into her and starts to fuck her hard, deep, and intensely. He wraps a hand around her throat and looks into her eyes.

“Don’t forget who is in charge here, Anna,” he growls. Then he leans in next to her ear. “Now cum for me, my little slut.”

Monique is still rubbing her pussy and is struggling to not cum until she is told. “Mr. Bruce, may I cum please?” she gasps, her face flush, her fingers loving quickly.

Bruce ignores her, focusing on Anna.

“Cum,” he growls again.

“Yes, sir,” she cries out, relaxing completely, allowing her orgasm to rocket through her body. She tries to scream but can’t with his hand still on her throat. Her body twitches and shakes, her pussy clamping down on his shaft, begging for his cum.

She hears Wyatt grunt and sees him cum inside Francesca, her own orgasm being too much for him to watch without his own participation. The power over the old man makes her cum a second time, a smile on her reddened face.

“Mr. Bruce, please,” Monique gasps.

“No. You cum last,” he growls at Monique.

He struggles to hold back his own release to ride out Anna’s climaxes. He lets go of her throat and kisses you.

“You’re such a good girl,” he says, starting to thrust again. “Do you know what good girls get?”

She smiles bigger. She knows. And she has been waiting for it.

He calls out to the video monitor, “You going to make that pretty little Frenchie cum or did she wear you out, old man?”

He grabs her nipples between his thick fingers. “Oh she’s going to cum alright.”

“No! I won’t!” Francesca squirms but her voice reveals she is already on the edge.

“Francesca, if you don’t cum, your sister doesn’t get to either,” Bruce calls out. He is using them to distract himself. It’s a struggle not to cum when Anna does. But he isn’t finished with her.

“Hands and knees, Anna,” I whisper to you. “Let’s remind the old man what he isn’t allowed to do. I want to cum in your ass.”

Anna moans and kisses him, running her fingers through his hair.

“Yes, sir. I’d love nothing more than for you to fill my tight ass with your cum,” she says to both him and Wyatt equally. She knows Wyatt already finished but she can’t help herself. She kisses him again before getting onto my hands and knees and wiggling playfully, beckoning him towards her.

Monique pleads, “Mr. Bruce, I want to cum! I need it. Oh Francesca, please cum for Mr. Wyatt! I want to cum…” She’s almost in tears, she wants to cum so badly.

Bruce ignores her again, gripping Anna’s ass, his lips kissing and nibbling her cheeks. He squeezes and releases her thighs again and again as he teases her hole with his tongue. Then he rubs her juices over his throbbing head before placing it against her hole. Then he pushes in slowly. Moaning loudly. He immediately feels like he is going to cum but holds off as best he can.

He starts to thrust, gripping her hips. Wyatt has Francesca pinned to the wall by her throat, the thick fingers of his other hand working her tight pussy. She struggles and moans and spits at him. A brat through and through.

Monique begs for release. Her body is shaking but she keeps rubbing as she was told.

Anna is showing off. Moaning. Backing into him. Making sure every bit of his cock fills her tight ass. Then she takes control by doing the one thing she know he can’t resist.

“Sir, cum inside me,” she moans. Then she looks back at him. “Cum in me now.”

Francesca screams and her juices start to run down Wyatt’s hand. Her body goes limp. She’s cum but also passed out from Wyatt’s hand on her throat. He releases her and carries her body to the couch and lays her down, setting her head in his lap so she can come back to earth.

“Damn whore loves it like that,” he growls, and turns his attention back to Anna, watching Bruce fuck my ass. “ I’m going to have that ass of yours, Anna. Just you wait,” he smirks and starts to stroke his cock. It’s hard and ready for action again, even if Francesca isn’t.

Anna groans and turns back to Bruce, saying the words again. “Sir, cum inside me. Cum in me now”.

His hands go to her neck. He pulls her up onto her knees and grips tightly, grunting and moaning loudly. He’s so close to release. She can feel it.

“Sir… Fill my tight ass with your cum ..” she gasps, barely audible. His lips on her ear he growls. She love how fucking her ass bring out his animalistic side.

“Sir…” she gasps one last time.

He releases her throat and pushes her forward. His eyes roll back in his head. He can’t see. He can’t speak. His body is putting all energy into cumming for her.

“FUCK,” he manages to force from his throat, the volcanic verbal spout followed by a whispered, “Anna…”

Then he explodes inside of her. Pulsing, twitching, and pushing blast after blast of cum into her. His eyes cross. His body goes limp. He falls onto the bed beside her. He struggles to catch his breath but manages to gasp, “Cum now.”

Monique hears and immediately gives herself over to her release. Her body spasms and twitches. She falls forward and continues rubbing herself as she lays on her stomach. She moans and screams and laughs like a woman suffering a psychotic break. And then she is silent. Her body heaves up and down as she regains her breath. Then she rolls over and smiles and giggles.

“Hot damn, you all take cumming seriously over there, don’t you?” Wyatt’s voice chuckles. Anna smiles and kisses Bruce but your eyes stay on the sight of Wyatt’s now throbbing cock. He knows what she wants most.

Anna kisses Bruce deeply then crawls over the the camera across the room. She bites her lip and turns her ass towards the camera, looking over her shoulder and winking at Wyatt. “Do you like my ass, sir?” she moans and spreads her cheeks apart so he can see Bruce’s cum inside her ass.

Wyatt moves Francesca’s face off his lap and grunts, “You know I do.”

“Will you cum for me, Wyatt?” she says, starting to rub her pussy. “Will you cum for my ass?”

She’s still the insatiable slut Bruce created. Even if Wyatt is across the ocean, she still wants him to cum because of her.

“I’ll give you anything you want, Anna,” Wyatt responds stroking his shaft for you.

She moans and continues to rub herself for him. “God you have such a nice big cock, Wyatt. I wish it was inside me.”

She’s playing him exactly how she wants. The all powerful Wyatt is putty in her hands.

“I got Bruce’s cum. Now I want yours. Give me your cum, Wyatt,” she moans at him. All of this is exciting her more than she thought it would. She feels like she could cum just from teasing him. The power over him turns her on so much more.

“Mmmm, Wyatt… Do you want this pussy?” she continues, rubbing herself faster and faster. She knows she won’t cum unless she is told to but she can’t help herself from wanting to.

“Yes, Anna, you know how I feel about your pussy, fuck… I miss it so much,” he grunts, starting to stroke faster, his breath getting heavy. Anna has never seen Wyatt like this before. She didn’t realize the full effect she has on him until now. No wonder he wants to steal her away.

“Sir… My pussy is so wet…” she continues to tease but also speaking to Bruce. She wants him to know how aroused she is by their play today and not just how badly she wants Wyatt again.

Suddenly there is a hand on her breasts and lips on her neck. And they are not Bruce’s.

“I miss Mr. Wyatt’s penis,” Monique says, sliding up next to her. She moans, “Remember when we had it together, Miss Anna? It was so wonderful.”

She reaches for her pussy but Anna swats her hand away. “Just kiss me, you dirty whore,” Anna hisses at her. Anna is a little shocked at how quickly she gets competitive. Wyatt still has that power over her..

“Yes it was wonderful wasn’t it, Monique? And you’ve had it many times since I left Paradise, I’m sure,” Anna says, settling back into her teasing role.

“Yes, Miss Anna,” Monique giggles. “I like this side of you”.

Anna grips her throat and looks her in the eyes, “Did I tell you to speak?” Monique shakes her head and puts her hands on Anna’s breasts, squeezing them.

“Well, well,” Wyatt chuckles, “she sure does know how to make Monique behave doesn’t she?”

“She sure does, and she’s quite good at getting what she wants,” Bruce chuckles back. “But she also knows her place. Anna, let Monique go.”

“Yes sir,” Anna says quickly, letting Monique’s throat go.

“Monique, come here. You weren’t told to go over there,” Bruce says to her. She tries to protest but Wyatt says sternly, “You best listen or you won’t get this,” he shakes his cock at her, “when you get back tomorrow.”

Monique kisses Anna deeply again then crawls away defeated.

“We’ve finally gotten her to understand that her actions have consequences,” Anna says, turning back to Wyatt, her hand back between her legs. “Where were we, sir?”.

She giggles and starts teasing again/ “I want your cum, sir. Don’t you want to give it to me?” she moans, her body starting to tremble again. She is getting close to orgasm again but knows she must resist. Just because she is teasing Wyatt doesn’t change the rules in the dungeon.

Monique looks at Anna and Wyatt then at Bruce. Then grabs Bruce’s cock and starts forcefully stroking.

“What are you doing?” Bruce says without looking at her.

“She wants to have the cock that belongs to me, I am going to take the cock that belongs to her!” she says, moving her mouth to suck his head.

“Why don’t you cum for me, Mr. Bruce?” she continues, popping her lips off of him like she has seen Anna do. “Am I not enough for your cum?”

Bruce slaps her face. “Let go.”

She doesn’t. The slap brings out a crazed look in her eye as she moves to start sucking again.

Bruce slaps her a second time. “Let go.”

“No! I won’t! You fuck me and let me suck your cock but I never get the cum! It is always Anna for your cum! I want it!” she says defiantly.

“You want my cum?” he growls at her.

“Yes,” she says.

He grabs her hand and pries it off his cock.

“Then go lick it out of Anna”s ass,” he says, pushing her toward Anna.

“Mr. Bruce that’s not what…” she begins before being cut off.

“I said lick it,” he pushes her again.

Anna hasn’t paid attention to this at all, lost in her teasing.. The feeling of a tongue on her ass hole surprises her, making her jump and cry out before relaxing and settling into the feeling.

“You can cum, Anna,” Bruce whispers to her.

“Because her cum belongs to me, old man,” he says sternly to the video monitor.

“Thank you, sir…” Anna moans loudly, increasing the speed of her fingers. She looks Wyatt in the eye, worldlessly speaking her control, and cums loudly. The combination of Bruce’s permission, Monique’s tongue, and looking at Wyatt is almost too much to handle.

“Oh fuck… FUCK!. Thank you sir!” she screams as a second orgasm washes over my body. She’s never been able to get herself to cum twice so fast before.

Wyatt grunts and she opens her eyes in time to see his cock pulse and shoot jets of cum in the air/ Anna bites her lip and moans, licking and sucking her fingers clean.

“Fuck, Anna, I never cum that hard by my own hand,” Wyatt smirks, trying to catch his breath. “Come visit soon. Monique, I’ll see you tomorrow when you arrive back at home.” Then the camera goes black/ Wyatt has taken back his power by hanging up.

Anna pulls Monique from her ass and takes her face in her hands. “Did I hear you being a bad girl to Bruce?” She notices her cheeks are red from the slaps. “My dear, you should know by now his cock doesn’t belong to me/ I belong to him and he gives me his cock and cum if I follow orders and behave. Sometimes he lets me take over, but I have to earn that privilege.”

She stands and walks over to Bruce, kneeling behind him on the bed, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing it gently.

“You may not fully understand it, but this is how we do things/ I’m sorry if you feel differently but we’ve both agreed this is how things are. And how we like it.”

Monique opens her mouth to protest but Bruce stops her.

“Go get showered. We all have an early start to get you on a plane tomorrow,” he says.

Monique does as she is told without another sound.
