The Heal Slut: Chapter One [MF] [Fantasy]

# Part One: The Beginning

**Tirron Maldrek**

Tirron growled to himself as he looked up into the sky. The sun was bright and the day was hot. The sweat was uncomfortable, but not unfamiliar. The wind was still today, though normally it blew in behind them as they followed the road away from the sea.

“What’s the matter?” His riding companion asked in a low voice, eyeing Tirron from the side. Pitrin was a warrior mercenary like Tirron himself, but less skilled with a sword and more with a bow. But his lack of emotions often irritated Tirron, whose own anger was easily stirred.

“Its fucking hot. Ready for a cool bed and some liquor.” Tirron complained to his companion. Pitrin shrugged and looked forward to the leader of the caravan.

“Harvey says we should arrive today. Is that not soon enough?” The human spoke with a small smile. Tirron growled again and shook his head, urging his horse forward.

“Take up the rear, Pitrin. I’m going to head up front for a while.” Tirron ordered his companion, riding away before the human could respond that neither of them were in charge. Tirron didn’t care and shook his head, using his hand to pull his braid away from his neck.

“Tirron. Want a drink?” Ramona Drumwind asked as he approached the cart at the front, where some of the other warriors rested. Ramona sat on the back of the cart, blonde hair shining in the sun. A bead of sweat caught his eye as it rolled down her neck and towards her cleavage. It only served as a reminder of what else Tirron desired, aside from a soft bed and a stiff drink. Ramona belonged to Harvey, but she would have been a lovely fuck on the way to New Ingleston.

“Perhaps later.” Tirron growled, bringing a smirk to the woman’s lips as she traced his brief gaze and leaned slightly forward in teasing him.

“Don’t keep me waiting.” She declared and glanced to the other side of the cart. Tirron lingered, taking in her plump form once more before guiding his horse forward and up next to the group at the head of the small caravan.

“I’m just saying that perhaps we can haggle with Rudolph on the prices. He needs the medicine and the weapons, I’m sure. Let alone the need for the Green Leaf.” The man on the left spoke quickly and seemingly urgently. Fedrick was a short man, bald, and unskilled for anything except bartering. Harvey kept him close and out of trouble, having some affection for the man due to his help many years ago. Tirron didn’t care to remember the tale, as often as Fedrick told it.

“Fed, Rudolph may not be able to afford increased prices but feel welcome to haggle a bit more. You may be able to force him to his breaking point.” Harvey responded with a bit of disinterest, his eyes scanning the way forward. Though he sent a scout forward, Harvey was a careful man and kept the caravan safe since our journey from the coast.

“Very well. I’m sure someone else at least would by the Green Leaf at a higher price. I’ll check around when we arrive.” Fedrick looked back and noticed Tirron as he approached, scowling at the large horned man. Last night, Fedrick was telling a story of killing a demon-blood, without realizing Tirron was listening. In a fit of anger, Tirron grabbed Fedrick and threatened him with showing what a demon-blood could actually do. Fedrick nearly pissed himself in fear, but Harvey calmed them both without taking sides.

“I’m going to rest for a bit, Harvey.” Fedrick declared and wheeled his horse around. Harvey looked over his shoulder, noticing Tirron and smirked as he understood Fedrick’s sudden departure. Harvey waved his hand toward Tirron and motioned him forward.

“The scout hasn’t reported back yet, but Thodek is skilled. We have traveled here before and the Orks are a few hills in that direction, but never bother us when we have guards.” Harvey told Tirron as he pulled his horse up alongside. Ahead, the plains gave way to a sparse forest and it would be prime battleground for an ambush, if one was coming.

“The Orks wouldn’t attack us until we get up to the forest. Thodek is agile, he would be able to escape unless he was killed. I don’t think it likely. How long for New Ingleston?” Tirron asked, glancing at the rolling hills to the north of them. An Ork clan nearby a village would be dangerous, but Harvey didn’t seem unnerved. Tirron knew he would give a fierce battle if they were attacked.

“At this rate, probably a couple hours. Pushing faster would be more dangerous, but we should arrive by afternoon at least. Would you take the lead for a bit? I would like to see Ramona and check on Theo before we arrive.” Harvey turned to Tirron to see an honest answer. Tirron nodded towards the man and let a small smile play on his lips.

“I shall return, my friend.” Harvey slowed his horse, letting the horse-driven carts catch up to him. Tirron kept his eyes scanning around, mostly forward towards the trees. The warriors in the lead cart that protected Ramona and Theo would have eyes out as well as weapons at the ready. The rest of our party were in the three carts that trailed behind, with most of the other children in the last cart with the other warriors.

We came up the trees at last and I was suspicious at the scout still being out. He would have checked the immediate forest out and then returned, but perhaps he had found other trouble and was resting waiting for us to catch up. Harvey’s horse began to approach again and had a scowl on his face.

“Still no sign of Thodek?” He asked and Tirron shook his head. Harvey scanned to the south, while Tirron kept his eyes north and looked for trouble.

Our suspicions were confirmed as the sound of battle began. Several roars and yells came first, followed by the sound of metal on metal. All of it came from the rear.

“Tirron!” Harvey ordered and the quarter-demon reared his horse around quickly and took off a swift gallop towards the rear as Harvey stopped the caravan and rallied the other warriors.

The sight was harsh, bright blood on the ground. A horse, slain with arrows to its neck and heart and half underneath it lay the former warrior, Pitrin. His arms still held a bow and an arrow, but loosely as if he died before he could loose it. His face was anger, throat sliced and blood seeping from arrows to his midsection.

Further away, the battle was in earnest as the human warriors fought against three large Orks. Behind the Orks were two smaller green beings, goblins that shot arrows when they could. Whimpers of fright came from the carts, mostly children but women as well.

Tirron was thrust into a rage, skin turning from a dark tan to nearly red as one hand went to his back and pulled his large sword from its holster. He urged his horse faster and took the two archers by surprise, using speed and the honed blade to cleave both of them in half with one swing.

It was then Tirron saw the true enemy. A beautiful light-green skinned woman stood not far away, a long staff in her hands as she chanted. Her brown hair was loose as wind swirled around her and went nearly to her waist. Tirron could sense the magic surrounding her and shifting through her staff and into the warriors that were now behind him.

“Ahh.. A warrior worth my time.” Her voice came, deeper and more lovely than Tirron had imagined. She waved the staff towards the north and a beam of light shot from the end and towards the forest. From within, Tirron heard several more roars, more Orks that would assault the rest of the caravan, possibly overtaking Harvey and the warriors at the front.

Tirron whirled his horse around once more and managed to get a swipe at one of the closest Ork warriors, cleaving into his side and giving his opponent a chance to stab his sword up into his stomach. From behind him, chanting came and Tirron pulled his sword back and rode hard towards the Priestess.

“Come, my sweet.” She called out loudly and waved her staff in a half circle, then a stab towards her opponent. Tirron felt the pulse of energy hit his chest and easily unseat him. Tirron hit the ground on his back, hard. The wind left his lungs and eyes went dark for several moments. Tirron didn’t expect the spell, though he should have.

“Tirron!” A call came at my back, one of the warriors rushing towards him. But in his haste to help Tirron, he was slain from behind by one of the reinforcements. The sight brought Tirron back to the battle and the quarter demon pushed himself to his feet. With a swift strike, Tirron took the Ork by surprise, not expecting him to get up so quickly. The Ork fell to the ground, his arm dangling at his side as blood poured out of his shoulder.

Tirron saw Harvey and some of the other warriors joining the battle now, giving reprieve to the few remaining here. The women in the last cart began to urge the children out and towards the front and, hopefully, safety.

“Can’t let this go on much longer..” Tirron heard the Priestess over the battle that surged. Tirron stalked towards her, scowling as his anger once more built in his chest. This woman led the battle and the demise of his comrades. She was responsible and she should die, Tirron knew.

“What is your name, woman?” Tirron growled as he approached her, holding his sword with both hands. Her face looked at his, bright brown eyes piercing his dark eyes. She tilted her head with a smile.

“My name is Sybil. I am a Priestess of the Lady Orianna and the Lord Lin-Eros. And you, dear warrior?” She declared, bowing at her waist as if this was a proper introduction. A wave of magic still surrounded her and brought strange feelings to Tirron.

“My name is Tirron Maldrek and you will die today!” He yelled and rushed towards her, holding his sword out and preparing his own limited magic around him to prepare for her strike.

“Tirron.” She uttered and the word drifted from her lips in a pink mist. The warrior tried to swing through the mist, urging his magic along with the strike but it didn’t help. The mist came towards Tirron and he felt his world shift, his mind shift.


# Part Two: A Spell of Lust

**Marcia Tumbleheart**

Marcia smiled as she picked a bright purple flower and set it gently in her wicker basket. It was the three Gildfil she found today, good luck if there was ever a sign. And a potion made with the three of them and then drank on the day of Longest Sun would give the drinker more power with light spells until next year.

The forest was quiet today and the peace of the last several weeks seemed to help her recover her energy from her last battle with the evil little goblins up north. Her leg was healed, at least, from the black blade that cut her and wasn’t able to be healed with her normal magic, but over time.

Her Healer robes seemed to get heavier, though, and brought Marcia out of the sweet mood she was in. A pulse of energy reached her in the next second and came from the east and towards the Liver Road. Marcia sighed to herself and urged her feet forward, placing the basket in a tree hollow that she would have to pass to return home. Hopefully it would be safe, if not.. at least next year would bring a new bloom of the Gildfil.

The magic was familiar to Marcia, but not something she wanted to deal with. But her duties as guardian of the village and her duties to the Light wouldn’t let her ignore the clear sign of danger. As she came upon the road, she found the first wounded. A short, thin dwarf was propped against a rock, dried blood on his scalp and an arrow to the stomach.

“Sir, are you alive?” Marcia called out as she approached, warily holding her short sword in one hand and her wand in the other. His eyes opened and looked toward her, shoulders drooping as he sighed.

“Aye. I’m a bit worse for the wear, but I fear I will survive. Others may not and they are more important. My caravan was headed this way and goblins attacked me. Neither of them got away, but I wasn’t able to warn my comrades.” The man spoke slowly and with care for his wound, holding the areas around the arrow to keep it still. Marcia finally noticed the two slain goblins at the other end of the clearing, both with arrows sticking out of their heads.

“I can heal you..” Marcia began, biting her lip as she glanced towards the east as she felt another pulse of energy.

“Go. Worry about the others first. I’m not going to die today.” He tried to reassure her, but only made her worry more. Finally, she nodded and pulled a small vial from her robe and handed it to him.

“It’s only a minor potion, but should help you if you need to move.” Marcia told him before hurrying towards the road, running as fast as her robes would let her. The sounds of battle approached quickly. Carts and horses were in disarray, but a group of women and children stood at the head, the women with swords drawn and several of the older children with bows.

“You are a healer?” A blonde woman stepped forward from the front, eyeing Marcia suspiciously for a second, then firmed herself and pointed towards the rear. “The battle is back there, Orks attacked the back of the caravan. I’m sure many are wounded. Please help.” The woman urged and Marcia nodded with conviction as she urged her pace past the group. None of them appeared wounded, at least.

At last, Marcia found the battle. Several Orks, probably around 6 or 7, battled a larger group of humans. The orks were more skilled and far more aggressive and Marcia spotted several dead warriors closer to the carts. The warriors at least were slightly pushing the Orks away with sheer manpower.

A burst of energy, more potent than any before alerted Marcia that these weren’t the ones that needed her help. She moved beyond the group, though she managed a killing blow on an Ork that was distracted by the magic in the air as well. She came to the end of the caravan just in time to see the effects of the spell.

A large man with dark skin that was tinted red stood holding a sword that seemed to purr with energy. Just beyond him stood an Ork Priestess, one Marcia was familiar with. Sybil of Zibush was a contradiction. On one hand, she loved life and dedicated herself to nature and fertility, learning and mastering Lust magics. On the other hand, she led parties such as this against regular people, often killing many of them and kidnapping any women and girls that were able to bear children.

From Sybil’s staff was a faint string of a spell, pink mist that wrapped around the man’s head, slowly traveling down his body now. It was intoxicating to simply witness the lust magic that gripped him, stilling Marcia’s thoughts and focusing them towards the strong man.

“Tirron. It has been so long since you have felt wetness around your cock. I’m sure there is a woman here, aroused by the battle and the sight of your strength, willing to take you and let you take her.” Sybil’s voice was deep, husky, and seemed to slip into Marcia’s ears even as it gripped the man, Tirron, and his mind completely.

With a wave of her staff, Tirron’s clothes began to peel away from his body in front of Sybil. His leather armor peeled away, falling to the ground and leaving him in under clothes. And then those disappeared as well. From her viewpoint, Marcia could see his scars, his strong muscles, and especially his aching hardness.

Marcia felt the lust rise within herself in response to the sight, and perhaps to Sybil’s spell. Her mind was becoming lost and she stepped forward before she could stop herself. But the battle behind her was still raging and distracted her away from the magic forming in front of her.

In that moment, Marcia felt Sybil’s mistake and witnessed it a moment later. The spell of lust that gripped Tirron’s mind would pull on his lust, pull on his feelings, pull on his cock to lead him towards the nearest female that would mate with him.

Marcia would have been the nearest female, she knew she would give into him in a heartbeat, but one female was closer and Sybil didn’t set up a protective field beforehand.

Tirron stepped closer to Sybil and batted away her staff as she began to wave it around. The look of understanding and fear crossed the priestess’s face in the next moment. Tirron’s large hands gripped her waist and pulled her to him, pressing their lips together.

Sybil yielded easily, Marcia knew she accepted the magic and knew there was no escape without her staff. Sybil gave in so thoroughly that she helped Tirron as he stripped her. Straps of leather came off and her thin dress fell to the ground, revealing her pale green body. Her breasts were large and nipples pierced, her stomach taut, her nethers furred with light brown hair that was trimmed into a four pointed star.

Her thighs were wet already and Tirron’s hand pressed down her body as he pressed his lips to hers once more. His fingers pressed at her sex, not hesitating as he pushed fingers into her wetness and split her green lips. Sybil broke the kiss and gasped out as he forced her to the ground and pressed between her legs.

Marcia saw her cunt for a split second before the large cock found it and pushed into the waiting Ork woman. The battle seemed to be winding down behind her and Marcia forced herself to look away as Tirron urgently coupled with the priestess.

Marcia closed her eyes as she heard the moans of pleasure, the grunts of need, the squelching sound. Her own lust quivered and urgently presented itself to her, telling her that pleasure could be hers. She could be next, Marcia knew the spell wouldn’t end so easily. Tirron could fuck every woman here and have need for others, until his lust was fully sated.

The horns on his head, the dangerous magic that swirled underneath his skin, told her of his demonic heritage and she knew he wouldn’t be sated.

Marcia prepared, instead of giving into the urges. She turned back to the warriors and found the battle over. Several of them watched as their comrade fucked their enemy senseless.

“You must get to the village!” Marcia told them, one of them stepped forward and nodded, frowning as he looked towards Tirron.

“I am in charge here. My name is Harvey. I can’t leave Tirron under that bitch’s spell.” Harvey insisted, as if he would charge forward and stop the mating himself. Marcia shook her head and instead pressed her hand to a wicked wound on his shoulder, healing it with a muttered spell.

“You must. If these women aren’t gone by the time he is done, he will fuck them as well. I can help him, but I must be the only one here. Do you understand?” Marcia tried to explain as she heard the priestess climax, screaming out as pleasure gripped her body and mind.

“We will go to the village. Please take care of Tirron. I owe him far more than just gold, if not our very lives for holding off the priestess and saving many of these warriors. What is your name?” Harvey turned and barked orders to the remaining warriors to get the caravan moving and now.

“My name is Marcia Tumblehert. Tell Talfen Longtall what has happened. I met a friend of yours up the road as well, he is very wounded but alive. Please, go now.” Marcia turned away finally as Harvey walked away. The caravan began to move as the wounded and dead were loaded up.

Marcia walked as close to the couple as she dared, biting her lip as she felt the magic tensing around them. If Sybil hadn’t set up a spell for preventing pregnancy, she may very well have this man’s child in many months. Marcia didn’t doubt it as she felt her legs tremble, climax approaching like a storm.

Forcing herself through the haze and the building pleasure within her loins, she chanted and waved her wand several times and set a ward in front of her. It would trigger when he crossed it, as he inevitably would.

Marcia staggered as her eyes fell upon the couple once more. Sybil’s legs wrapped around his hips as best they could, his hips thrust viciously at her and his groans of pleasure rose up and mingled with her cries of intense pleasure.

At once, the air twisted and seemed to suck all the life and mingled with the stillness in the air. Marcia felt it as if all things non-pleasure were being sucked out of her body and mind through her pussy. It buzzed, tingled, called on the only remaining thing, the pleasure.

“Fuck!” Marcia cried as she fell to her knees and felt the exact moment that he began to cum within Sybil. All three of them came, climax taking them like a burning fire that spread everywhere at once. Marcia felt her orgasm as intensely as any she had felt before, perhaps all of them at once.

Marcia felt it as semen pumped into Sybil, even as his cock still pushed deeply into her. Her womb would take it all in and, Marcia had no doubt now, produce a child from this moment, mingled in the magic of its parents.

Tirron felt it more strongly than either of them, feeling the magic pulsing with the orgasm, the utter pleasure and utter relief that this gave. His magic felt so much stronger now and able to overtake the spell. His mind returned in the moments afterward and he realized what happened.

Marcia watched in blinking eyes as the man pushed away from the ork priestess, cock oozing the last of his seed and slick from her wetness. He wore a victorious smirk as he leaned over her.

“Hope you enjoyed that as much as I did.” He declared, growling as he eyed her used cunt and the seed seeping from her.

“Believe me, I did.” Sybil laughed, eyes finally lighting upon me through the haze of pleasure slipping away.

“Someone else did as well, my lover Tirron. Don’t you sense her arousal, the smell of her pussy.” Sybil’s words turned Tirron around and his eyes fell upon Marcia for the first time. The magic gripped him, but he fought it his time.

“Who are you?” Tirron growled as he resisted the step forward his body took.

“I am Marcia Tumbleheart. I came to help with the battle and your fight against the priestess. The caravan has gone to the village.” Marcia told him, eyeing him as his cock began to harden once more.

“Marcia, you must go as well. I can feel the spell. It won’t let me stop it. Please go.” Tirron took another step and Marcia almost wanted to obey him, but the magic wouldn’t let her leave now.

“I can’t, Tirron. The magic has me as well.” Marcia frowned and lifted her wand, sending a fire spell at the spot the priestess laid in before she darted away.

“Good luck, dearest loves. Tumbleheart, it was so good to see you again and now I have my revenge for our last battle. Tirron, when you wish to see me again..” Sybil grabbed her clothes and staff with a wave of her hand. “You can find out where I am.” Sybil disappeared with a wave of her staff, leaving the two of us alone on the road.

“Marcia..” Tirron growled as he took several steps forward then. Marcia bit her lip, closing her eyes as she felt the magic of her ward jump up and grip him. The magical irons gripped the core of his being, even deeper than the magic of the lust spell.

“Tirron. We don’t have long. I’m going to take you back to my home and try to find a way to get rid of the lust spell. I have you under a calming ward and you must follow me. Okay?” Marcia urgently told him. She still felt the pull of the spell and knew if he didn’t agree, both of them might give into the spell once more.

“I trust you, Marcia. I will follow you.” Tirron said with some emotion in his voice, gratitude perhaps. Marcia nodded and felt the spell slip away for now. She helped him dress quickly, though she didn’t touch him. After grabbing his sword, she led the way down the road. The caravan was much further now and the wounded dwarf was gone, though his blood still stained the grass and the rock.

Marcia hoped and she hoped. She had a book at home that may have this spell and the way to dispel it. Sybil would have been able to, but she was apparently unwilling. Marcia thought to herself that if she wasn’t there, Sybil may have let the spell go, or she would have urged him to fuck every woman there.

Marcia hoped she could help him and stop that fate.


# Part Three: Of Two Minds

**Tirron Maldrek**

Tirron had two minds from the moment the pink mist drifted into him. One mind was at the forefront, focused on Sybil, focused on her body, on the feeling of her sexual energy.

The other mind was trapped in the back behind the pink mist that obscured his mind. Tirron fought against it, trying to push against the bonds of his internal prison but it did no good.

Tirron felt his body respond to the pressures of the spell, his eyes lighting on the form of the ork priestess. She was beyond gorgeous in this moment, light green skin glistening in the sunlight, the rays of light bouncing off of the sweat on her neck.

“Tirron. It has been so long since you felt wetness around your cock. I’m sure there is a woman here, aroused by the battle and the sight of your strength, willing to take you and let you take her.” Her voice slipped through Tirron’s ears and it seemed to focus the magic that gripped his mind and brought his lust from deep inside, where he tucked it down.

Tirron’s body responded as the priestess waved her staff and his armor and clothes began to fall off of their own accord, removed by invisible hands and winds that bore them to the ground. Tirron, from the sane part of his hidden mind, felt the lust fill his body and harden his cock into aching form. His lust pulsed from deep inside as his blood pumped.

Tirron felt the magic urge him towards the nearest willing female, in his mind the quarter demon felt utterly amused that the priestess was that person, though he felt another nearby that would have been his target if not for the ork woman.

His feet brought him forward and he felt his satisfaction grow as he slapped the staff from her hands and grip her around the waist, pulling her closer and kissing her urgently. The priestess gave in and accepted the magic as easily as Tirron had. His mind retreated, giving way for his body to find its pleasure.

When Tirron’s mind focused again, it was behind the haze of pleasure as he thrust himself over and over into the Ork’s pussy. She moaned and he groaned and Tirron felt the power inside him well up, forming into a spear pointed into her.

He vaguely felt the power building behind him, an energy that resonated with his and brought his pleasure ever closer. A wind swirled around them, the energy building up into a wave of power. Tirron felt his mind and body on a precipice, teetered on the edge of an endless abyss.

At once, a firm push knocked him over the edge and Tirron’s entire being contracted with pleasure. He felt his energy rise at once with two others, Sybil the Ork Priestess and the other behind him. Both were part of the pleasure, part of the orgasm that pulsed and pulsed.

Relief filled his body and the magic loosened its slack around him. Tirron’s mind pushed forward and occupied its proper place for the first time since the pink mist began, though he could feel the mist resting in the same place his mind did before, waiting for its turn again.

Tirron let his cock pulse once more within the squeezing cunt around him, then pulled away and stood up, leaning over the priestess with a smirk.

“Hope you enjoyed that as much as I did.” Tirron growled as his eyes traveled down her nude body to the crease between her legs where his cum oozed from her. Her legs were still spread lewdly as she stared up at him.

“Believe me, I did.” She laughed, the magic finally slipping from her as she pleasure ebbed away. “Someone else did as well, lover Tirron. Don’t you sense her arousal, the smell of her pussy.” The priestess’s words reminded Tirron of the energy he felt, the power that resonated with his. Tirron turned and his eyes fell upon its source.

The girl was beautiful, he knew that even before the pink mist tried to surge forward and grip him once more. His pleasure was still too recent and power strummed around him.

“Who are you?” Tirron demanded as he pressed his foot hard on the ground, resisting the urge to move towards her. She was pale skinned and curvy, her form clear even under her heavy robes that marked her as a healer.

“I am Marcia Tumbleheart. I came to help with the battle and your fight against the priestess. The caravan has went to the village.” Her soft voice explained, watching him with bright green eyes glittering with the remnants of the energy around him. Her hair was dark and tinted green and long. Tirron felt his body respond, the magic taking hold to his shifting thoughts.

“Marcia, you must go as well. I can feel the spell. It won’t let me stop it. Please go.” He took a step forward, growling under his breath as the pink mist drifted into his mind and began to replace his thoughts once more.

“I can’t, Tirron. The magic has me as well.” The girl shook her head and motioned with her wand. A ball of fire sped from the tip past Tirron. He glanced over his shoulder long enough to see the Priestess grab her stuff.

“Good luck, dearest loves. Tumbleheart, it was so good to see you again and now I have my revenge for our last battle. Tirron, when you wish to see me again. You can find out where I am.” The Ork disappeared with a motion of her staff, leaving Tirron and Marcia to their own devices.

“Marcia..” He tried to resist the spell as it urged him closer to her, his lust pounding once more. She looked more than delicious in that moment, biting her lip as she closed her eyes and seemed to give into the inevitable. Tirron took one more step before he felt a spell jump up and grip him even more tightly than before, the pink mist retreated into the back of his mind.

“Tirron. We don’t have long. I’m going to take you back to my home and try to find a way to get rid of the lust spell. I have you under a calming ward and you must follow me. Okay?” Marcia explained and Tirron nodded, blinking as he felt a deep calm take over his being.

“I trust you, Marcia. I will follow you.” He told her as he felt the sympathy in their magic, a feeling that inspired him to believe in her as she did in him. Marcia handed him clothes as he dressed quickly and haphazardly. When his sword was returned to his hand, he felt his confidence return.

She explained that she lived close by and led him along the road. Tirron glanced at the blood-stained road as they passed, but noted the lack of bodies. Hopefully only a few warriors lost their lives.

As they passed a large tree, Marcia seemed to pull a basket of flowers from nowhere. Tirron watched her curiously, but didn’t say anything. He observed her as he followed, hand still gripping his sword in case of other enemies, but he doubted there would be any. The orks had been firmly defeated.

Tirron felt her touch for the first time as they came towards a clearing through a dense grouping of trees. It nearly roused the pink mist, but the touch of her magic was more important as he felt the wards they crossed through. As soon as he was across, she let go of his arm and sighed.

“Is it as hard for you as it is me?” Marcia asked in a soft mutter, glancing back at him. Tirron nodded slowly, clearing his throat after a moment.

“Quite. I can still feel the pink mist in the back of my head and it tries to grip me whenever..” Tirron growled as he tried to push through the words. “Whenever my thoughts stray.” His words brought a smile to Marcia’s lips and at least she found it a compliment.

“I have a book about lust magic. I hope the solution is there. If not..” Marcia trailed off as a rumble came from Tirron’s throat. They came into the clearing and a small house was there, built against a large rocky hill. In front was a garden split in two, one half was beautiful flowers, the other half was vegetables.

The house itself was mostly made of a bright brown wood, with a dark red roof of clay shingles. Decorations hung from the two front corners of the house near the door, one a metal wind chime that jingled softly and the other a round piece of wood etched in the likeness of a spiderweb.

Marcia forged ahead, running up to the door and slipping inside without a glance back towards him. Tirron took the moment to get a breath of air without her energy and his own lust suffocating his mind. He could do this, focus on moving forward. Harvey would be wondering what was going on, if Marcia hadn’t told him already.

Tirron moved forward and stepped into the house, looking around idly. The first room was fairly large, one end dominated by a kitchen, a table in the middle with three chairs. Closer to the door, the walls turned into bookcases and stands for various jars and glasses. In the corner near the door was a potions work table, with her basket deposited on the chair next to it.

Further, the room gave way to another doorway that was concealed by a thin silk fabric decorated with images of birds and flowers. Marcia was in a chair at the table, flipping through a large tome. He felt the energy swirling around her, urgent and focused. The close-quarters brought his internal feelings back into his mind.

“Tirron, please go into the bedroom. I can not focus with your lust so close.” Marcia murmured. Tirron could see the blush rising up her pale cheek as she glanced at him. He nodded slowly, forcing his feet to carry him to the cloth and beyond.

The bedroom was considerably more intimate, though no less decorated. It smelled like sweet flowers and something more that Tirron couldn’t place right now. The wall next to the door was decorated with a large tapestry that showed an ancient Healer ritual that Tirron was sure he’d seen before in a Light Temple somewhere. He couldn’t focus on the image for long as each participant was nude.

When that wall ended, there was a small doorway on the adjoining wall. Tirron could see a basin of water within and stone walls. The bed itself took up most of the room, put into the far corner against the stone wall. Draped silk hung over the bed and its posts. At the end of the bed was a large chest made of heavy dark wood and outlined in bright silver metal.

Across from the chest was a small writing desk and a chair and on the wall behind it was a large window that dominated that wall. The bed itself was distracting with a pink and purple blanket that was covered in soft fur.

Tirron sat heavily in the chair and looked out of the window at the afternoon sky. This day shifted from anything he expected, of course he expected a battle, but the one he received wasn’t the basic hack and slash.

His lust was a dangerous thing in most cases, his ancestry was a bane to him except for his ability to use magic at all. His grandfather, his mother’s father, was a lust demon summoned by his grandmother to help her conceive a child as she was nearly infertile.

The demon agreed, but his descendants would gain his magic as well, and lust would be a powerful thing both for and against them. Perhaps the priestess sensed it, or knew the spell would work against him because of the way his lust was caged inside.

Now, it was not. Tirron thought back to the way his eyes lingered on Ramona earlier. It wasn’t rare for him to look, even desire, but it provided the spark that helped his lust unfurl so completely.

“Gods..” Tirron growled to himself as he felt his cock stir at the images in his brain, the pink mist trying to climb forward and grip him once more. He knew, the pink mist knew, Marcia would be completely willing. It would be a simple thing to strip his clothes, find Marcia in the kitchen, strip her, take her naked on the wooden floor.

“Tirron.” Her voice came, disturbing his thoughts. She stood in the doorway there, staring at him with eyes that revealed how deeply the thoughts affected her as well. Her robe was gone now, she stood in a thin baby blue dress. It was clear how curvy her hips were now, how her waist called for his hands to grip it. Her bosom wasn’t so large, but her breasts were called for his attention, her nipples hard underneath the fabric.

“Marcia..” Tirron growled, trying to tear his eyes away from her but coming up short. “I didn’t mean to let the spell..” He trailed off as she lifted her hand and shook her head with a smile.

“I think I know the solution.” Marcia told him with her bright green eyes shining. He nodded slowly and she moved forward into his arms, their lips pressing together as the magic gripped them and their minds gave in as one.
