Luke and Emily Part 1 of ?

Hey there! This is my first post so go easy on me. If y’all like it, I got more comin’ soon! I would love to hear feedback and comments ❤️

I knew she wouldn’t like the way I showed up to her house. My music was loud as I pulled into her driveway, bobbing my head back and forth to the song, and tapping my hands on the steering wheel to the beat of the drum. As I turned off my car I looked up at Emily’s house and I saw her dad staring at me from their living room. I swore under my breath and stepped out of the car, sauntering up to their front step.

Before I could even knock, the door swung open. I looked to see Emily’s dad staring at me with a scowl. His arms were crossed and shot daggers with his eyes. Even though we were both the same height and relatively well built, I felt tiny. Slowly, I outstretched my arm to shake his hand, but he just took a step back and ushered me inside to their living room. He sat me down on the brown, leather couch and sat across from me, eyeing me warily.

“What’s your name?” he asked me, drinking from a bottle of beer.

I looked down at my feet and sighed, looking back up at him, “I’m Lucas…Luke preferably. I’m eighteen. She’s older than me by three months. Say, um… is Emily ready?”

“She’ll be down in a few minutes. Her mother is helping her get dressed. Now, what are your plans for tonight? I’ll expect her back by 12:30 at the latest.”

I smiled weakly and tried to collect myself. My blood ran cold as I sat there, hands shaking. I had no idea why I was so intimidated by Emily’s dad. For a moment, I just sat there in thought, but then I looked up at the stairs. I grinned and stood up as Emily came down the stairs. I clutched my wrist behind my back and stepped forwards a few feet to meet her at the base of the stairs.

Her burgundy hair was gently curled, hanging over her shoulders, blue eyes sparkling in the artificial light. She wore an orchid-colored chiffon dress that stopped just below her knees and black high heels. The dress hugged her body, showcasing her small chest and full hips, leaving nothing to the imagination but the smoothness of her skin. Emily wasn’t wearing any makeup, and she didn’t need it. Her skin was already a beautiful porcelain, complementing the deep blue hue of her eyes. All she wore was a little eyeliner and pink lip gloss.

I took her hand to help her down the final few steps. At the base of the stairs, she kissed my cheek and I pulled her into an amicable hug. Her father watched on in displeasure as I took her arm and winked at her.

“I’ll be home by 1:00, Dad, don’t wait up for me, I have my keys!” she said cheerily, staring at me lovingly.”

Her dad growled, “12:30, *latest*. And I’ll be here.”

I shivered and nodded, smiling and waving at her mother. Emily led me to the door, tugging my arm. I opened the front door for her and led her down the front steps. As the door closed behind me I let out a sigh of extreme relief. She giggled and laid her head on my chest, wrapping her arms around my lower back.

“You look amazing. Like…stunning,” I said as I laid my head on top of hers, “that dress is fucking gorgeous.”

She looked up at me with a slight smirk, gnawing on her lower lip, “Hopefully you can get me out of it before 12:30.”

She pulled away from me and skipped towards her car, leaving me quite aghast on her porch. Emily looked back at me and laughed as she opened up the passenger side door and climbed in. I quickly walked back to my car and opened the door, sitting down inside. I leaned over the armrest and pulled her head towards mine. Emily kissed me hungrily, locking her lips onto mine. I exhaled through my nose and pulled away, resting my hand on her bare thigh. She placed her hand atop mine and pulled out her phone.

I started the car and pulled out of the driveway, accelerating as I drove down the street. From my seat I could smell her perfume, a bottle of lavender that I had spent a fortune on over Christmas time. Emily raised my hand to her lips and kissed my fingers, pressing them against her cheek.

I turned onto my street and hummed as we passed rows and rows of cookie cutter houses. Every single one was the same, minus the different cars in the driveways. Each house was a two story home with a two car garage. I lived on the very end of the block with my roommate, but he was seeing family out of town.

“I made us dinner. Your favorite. Chicken parmesan. And I got you cream soda,” I said, staring down the road, slowing down to turn into my driveway.

Emily squealed like a child and laughed, clapping her hands together, “Awe! You’re the best babe!”

I stopped in front of my garage door and turned off the car. Once again, I leaned over the armrest and pecked her cheek, taking a lock of her soft hair in my hand and smiling. Emily leaned her head against mine and mouthed ‘I love you’ silently.

After I pulled away and climbed out of my car I opened the door for her and led her out, up the porch stairs and inside. The whole house smelled like an Italian restaurant. I had spent the whole day cooking, after all. I led her through the kitchen, past the oven that was keeping our food warm, and into the dining room. I had set up two chairs at the table, complete with candles and champagne flutes full of cream soda.

Emily made an endearing sound and wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me, showering my neck in kisses, “I love it Luke! I absolutely love it!”

I laughed softly and pulled her chair out for her, letting her sit and pushing her in towards the table. I rushed into the kitchen and put on oven mitts, pulling our ceramic plates of chicken from the oven and rushing to the table. I laid down both plates and tossed the oven mitts back onto a counter before sitting down across from Emily.

“Here’s to you, Em,” I raised my glass and took a sip of the bittersweet drink.

Emily lifted her glass, took a sip, and sputtered back into the glass, “What did you put in here, Luke?”

“The finest and most expensive whiskey my dad could buy and I could nab from his cabinet. I think it really compliments the cream soda.”

She laughed and started to eat her food, as did I, more amazed that the chicken was properly cooked than anything else.

Dinner went on without a hitch, and after maybe an hour of laying around in my room kissing and watching a movie, we decided to hit up a festival on the waterfront. Emily dragged me out to the car and we both climbed in. As I buckled my seatbelt and turned on the car, she looked at me rather seductively. I smiled and ran a thumb over her cheek, pushing it slowly into her mouth.

She sucked it gently, eyes narrowed at me. I winked at her and pulled my thumb from her mouth. I gently wiped the warm saliva from my thumb and shifted the car into reverse. Emily stopped me and put the car back into park, leaning over the armrest. She kissed me, the sweet taste of soda still lingering on her lips. I closed my eyes and felt her hands slide down my chest and into my lap. With a wince of surprise I opened my eyes and pulled away from her.

“Woah there cowgirl! What are you doing?” I chuckled and stared her right in the face with a warm smile.

Emily said nothing and continued to paw at my pants. She slowly unzipped my fly and unbuttoned the top button of my jeans, keeping eye contact with me as she leaned down into my lap.

“Better start driving, cutie. I wanna get to the canal side as soon as possible,” she tittered, looking down at my lap.

I felt a cold hand reach through the hole in my boxers and pull out my semi-soft member. I chuckled hesitantly as I pulled out of my driveway and onto the street. Emily kept her head ducked down, her soft hands stroking up and down. I was relatively well endowed with eight inches hard and four soft, so she had plenty to play with. I was circumcised and made sure I always shaved down to the skin. I liked to keep it nice, what can I say?

“It’s been a while…I forgot how big you were, cutie,” she whispered.

It didn’t take long for me to become hard, my cock standing straight up in her hands. Emily leaned in closer and started to kiss the tip, working her way down to the base. I sighed quietly, draping her arm over her back. She took the tip in her mouth, sucking gently and swirling her tongue around the soft head. I moaned softly and turned onto the main road.

Emily took it slow, taking small bits at a time, pulling her head up and dropping back down, taking more each time. I tried to steady my breathing as my hands clenched the steering wheel. She used her tongue and licked from my base to the tip, going up and down, up and down. She giggled softly, stroking my cock up and down. Her hands mixed with saliva and pre-cum made a squishing sound as she stroked.

I continued down the road towards the entrance of the highway. I stopped at a red light and looked to my left. In the car next to me was a woman in her mid-sixties, wide eyed and horrified at what was going on in my lap. I forced a smile and looked away with a laugh.

Emily looked up and waved before looking back down and closing her eyes, going back to sucking. She wrapped her fingers around my shaft and took the tip in her mouth, both moving up and down in unison. She pulled away and kissed my cheek softly.

“H-how is it?” Emily panted, licking her wet hand.

It took me a minute to clear my head, “Oh yeah…no it’s really good. I can’t think straight ‘cause of you.”

She giggled again, leaning down and let a big mouthful of spit drip from her mouth and splatter onto my shaft. I bit my lip and let out a soft moan once more as she leaned back down into my lap. She decided to pick up the pace, slurping up the spit and swallowing before beginning a vigorous sucking and stroking motion. She was so close to bringing me to climax and I tried to resist as much as I could. Emily gave a seductive purr and stuck her tongue out, pushing her head all the way down to the base where I could feel her tongue on my navel.

As she was pulling up, I held her head in place and moaned. I clenched the steering wheel as I came in her mouth, feeling several long ropes of semen spurting into her mouth. Emily moaned, clearly delighted, as she sucked it all up, swallowing with a satisfied gulp. She took a deep breath and leaned over for a final time, kissing my tip gently.


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