[FM] Compliance Training [Part 1] [MindControl] [Romance] [Bimbofication]

Craig was tired. In earnest, he had been tired since before quarantine hit, but he’d never admit it. He had always been a hard worker. The kind who checks emails on the weekend, vacations, 3AM. Married to the job more than he was married to his wife. But that didn’t mean he wasn’t still interested in her. Of course, he had had more sex with his right hand than with her in the last few months.

Craig had seen it start. Claire started getting lazy. She skirted on certain chores, missed meeting Craig at the airport, and their sex life had gone downhill. He was still interested, but he had to admit she’d lost some of her fire since the wedding.

But not anymore.

Craig was a man of extravagant wealth. And men of extravagant wealth had access to things that lesser men would never dream of. He’d been skimming a website, trying to find ideas for how to reignite the spark, when he stumbled onto a video series.

*Compliance Training.*

At first, he assumed it was just corporate mumbo-jumbo. Some sort of “make sure your workers stay loyal by paying their wages!” type of video, but as he did more research, he realized how wrong he was. Once he read a few reviews, he pounced on the purchase. *The perfect way to make her obey!*

The discs arrived within two days. While he was excited, Craig didn’t want to give anything away. He shuffled up to his office, claiming he had an important meeting to attend, as she laid on the couch watching some Real Housewives spin-off for the thousandth hour.

He sat behind his computer and loaded up disc 1: Informational Preload. As he watched and listened, a smile crept across his face. This could work. This could actually fucking work.


Claire was younger than Craig by a bit. She was his intern at one time, but an affair blossomed and his first marriage went to court, eventually settling in divorce. Claire was 25 now, and as pretty as ever. Despite some concern from her friends and family about marrying a much older man, she knew he was the one and she genuinely felt love for him.

Now, Claire was living the dream. Craig still worked all hours of the day, but she didn’t need to anymore. She lived in his house, cooked him meals when the personal chef wasn’t around, but she didn’t need to even clean. Her job was just living.

She didn’t monitor his spending, she didn’t really care what he got into. If he was fucking the receptionist, that would be something she’d deal with, ultimately gaining the upper hand through the Credit card in her wallet. She watched TV most of the day, scrolling Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter and checking up on her old friends pushing their MLM products. God, she knew how lucky she was.

It wasn’t even that Claire wasn’t thankful for everything Craig did. He had left his first wife for her. He had put on her dream wedding. Hell, he had spent more on her custom Tesla than her parents had spent on their house in upstate New York. She knew she was living the dream. But when you’re married to a man who’s mistress is work, things can be less than ideal.

More than once, she’d woken up to him out of bed. She’d wandered the halls of their massive house, every time eventually finding him in his office, plowing away at another project. Perks of being a CEO, she guessed.

Claire was pretty. Not in a “holy shit, that woman should be a supermodel she’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” type of way, but in a more “Girl next door,” kind of cute. Her brown hair was straight and long, cutting just between her collarbone and the top of her breasts. Her blue eyes had always been one of her best features, the kind of look that could kill, and her pink lips were perfectly plump.

She was shorter than Craig, 5’3” to his 6’ figure, but she had been an athlete. Her body still retained some of that figure, even if she’d put on a few pounds since quarantine hit. Her breasts were perfect, perky B-cups. Claire liked the way she looked, and she liked the attention she got from men.

“Hey babe, do you wanna come watch this with me?” She heard him call out loudly. It was unusual for Craig to ask her to hang out during work hours, but then again his office clock ran 25-8.

“Sure!” She responded. She tucked her phone into the waistband of her lululemons and headed upstairs towards his office.


Hey all!

This is part 1, kinda part 0.5, of a story I’ve had floating around in my head. I think the general idea is obvious, but I’d love to hear feedback and your thoughts!


Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/khojea/fm_compliance_training_part_1_mindcontrol_romance

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