(F33) having fantasies about my older (M50+) coworker [str8] parts 1-5 included


I have a husband. I would say that in comparison with other couples that have been married as long as we have, we have a pretty decent sex life. We’ve known each other’s bodies long enough that we can make quick work out of climaxing together…. But there’s somebody else that I can’t stop thinking about.

There’s a man I work with that I’m having daddy-like fantasies about. He’s absolutely nobody that I would have ever found myself being attracted to. I’ve always been drawn more to the dominant man in the room. However when he and I work together I find myself being so turned on by how he just lets me boss him around like a little bitch. Let’s call him “Rob.”

Rob is married. He’s been married to what I can only describe as a man-eater for the past 20+ years. We get off work at 5 and at 5:01 she’s calling to see why he hasn’t left work yet. All of us at the office pick fun, and bust his chops, but we work in a professional environment, so we really don’t let ourselves get too carried away with it.

Fast forward, I’ve been working with him for 8 months now. I’m an office admin, so technically he is running the show. But when he comes into my office he has to ask for all this help. He’s in his late 50’s and can barely use a computer. So when the day gets wild and he’s been bugging me all day I start feeling the urge to put him in his place. For example, walking in mid-conversation and I shoot him the side eye. “You know, that’s why they compare women to cats and men to dogs. Because at the end of the day, we don’t really NEED you, do we?” Then he flashes me a recognizable glance. He WANTS me to talk down to him. It’s his kink. And the thought of it just makes me fucking tremble.

So we’ve been doing this dance back and forth for a few weeks. He asks for help all day, I tell him how worthless he is to me as a man, he laughs and smiles and stares me down with his handsome blue eyes and I’m left sitting there. Left daydreaming about his submissive ass just turning on me and pushing me over a desk showing me that I actually have no idea what kind of man he is. But that’s it. It’s just a daydream.

The other day I came home and was with my husband but thinking about Rob. I begged him to grab a handful of my ass and just fucking ram me. I felt so guilty about it after because through 12 years of being together I’ve never thought about someone else this way. But now I can’t stop. Every time I see Rob at work my eyes roll back a little, just thinking about him touching me, wanting him to slide into me. I don’t know how long I can keep these urges from snowballing.


After writing out my thoughts last night before bed I woke up to get ready to go into work and my pussy is absolutely DRIPPING. My husband was out on call and when he got home at 3 am I had fallen into a light sleep. But when I heard him get into bed my clit was throbbing. I wanted him to roll over and touch me so bad. If he would have rubbed even one finger over my swollen lips I would have cum. But, he was tired and didn’t realize I was awake so he went to sleep. I knew that if I just climbed on top of him and he felt how wet I was he’d ask me “what’s got you so turned on,” and I just feel so guilty that I couldn’t face the question, so I went to sleep too.

Now this morning I wake up and I’ve literally leaked through my pants with pussy juice. I don’t know why all these urges are coming out the woodwork now, but I can’t go to work with this cloud on my brain.

I sit down with my morning coffee and feel the wet spot of my pants press up against my butt. It’s still a little warm. I have to touch it. First on the outside, then walk my fingers down the front of my body and into my pjs. I’m so turned on that I can’t stop my hips from pushing up towards my hand. I’m pulsating for the need to be entered.

I slide my middle and ring finger over my rock hard clit. Everything is so slippery. My fingers are cold against my steaming hot, wet, skin. I circle around my clit twice and it’s like turning on a faucet. More juice gushes out. I keep thrusting up so my fingers might “accidentally” slide inside me, but not yet. What if Rob knew…

What if he knew that I was touching myself, wishing that he was sliding the head of his cock through the pool of lubricant my body has produced in his honor. I wonder if he would tease me, or if he would just ram himself right in. I think I’d like it if he would just slide the head in about 2” and let me squeeze it with my pussy walls. I slide my 2 fingers in. Get to the first knuckle. Fuck. It’s like my body is trying to suck a dick. It wants more. I want more of him inside me. If he was here I’d wrap my legs around him and pull his ass all the way in. So fucking deep. And I’d just gyrate in the slightest bit. And I’d explode cum all over his cock. But alas, I slide my fingers in, to the base of my hand, 3 or 4 “come-hither” motions, I cum so hard. This is so fucking wrong.

Time to shower off this guilt and start my day.


I’m home from work. My pants have been wet all day. If you’ve made it this far in the saga, you know I’m having some issues. Usually I go to work, come home, do wife and mom stuff like shopping, dinner, etc.; but these past few weeks have been different. I don’t know what’s changed in my life, but I find myself suddenly more aware of others around me perceiving me as not just someone’s wife, or sandwich maker extraordinaire, but an actual sexual being…

And it’s fucking with me.

Rob, Rob, Rob… You’re such a little man. You’re old. You could be my dad. You drive a fucking sports car to prove you’ve been dog-paddling your way through your midlife crisis. But what about me? How are you going to make your way through this? What are you going to do when I corner you, ROB?

I hear you go up the stairs to the attic to pull some archives. I’ll give it a couple of minutes so no one sees us go up together. As I turn the corner of the top step I see you shuffling through documents. “What is it now?!” You feel like I’ve been harassing you all day, but you’re easily distracted and if I don’t ride your ass about getting stuff done we would never leave the office. You haven’t completely written me off as a bitch yet though because somewhere there’s a hint that there might be some sort of reward in all of this for you. Obviously your controlling wife has taught you one thing.

“Rob, you always act like I’m a pain, but for some reason, your needy ass is always in my office. So what do you want with me?” This is the giant rope I’m throwing out to hang myself. I step closer to him. If he doesn’t take the bait then I’m going to have to leave town. Everyone at my job knows my husband.

My brain is rushing a mile a minute waiting for him to destroy my life either way. But I couldn’t hold back any longer. I needed complete confirmation or rejection so I could carry on with my life. Every inch of my body is on fire with anticipation. He gives me the side eye and he stands up from the files. “Are you really asking me this right now?” I can tell he feels like this is a trap of some sort. I start telling him about all the fantasies I’ve been having about him, and told him about when I begged my husband to fuck me but I was really thinking about him. He never breaks eye contact, but he just keeps rubbing his rough, thick hands over his salt and pepper hair. I look down because I start to think he’s about to turn me down and I see the pleat in his pants is horribly misshapen.

Seeing him get a little hard from all the stories I told him throws more wood into my dying flame. I take the last step in and touch his lips with mine. That’s it. Internal combustion. His hard stance breaks, and he brings his hands up to the sides of my face. He pulls me in and kisses me hard. My pants had a little wet spot before from fantasizing about getting up the gumption to say something, but now my panties were just soaked from one leg to the other. He wrapped my curls around his hand and pulled my head to the side and started kissing my neck and put his other hand around my back. I feel his bulging slacks press up against me and I just want to jump on him.
I push him away. “Well, now I know.” I smile over my shoulder back at him and head down the stairs. “Get back to work, Rob.”


The first kiss lit the fuse. I am now a swinging ball of atomic, sexual energy, destroying all in my path.

I need to reach out to him, but it’s a huge risk. His wife/babysitter will swoop down like a hawk at the slightest hint that anything has swayed from her default settings. He’s been off work for the past 2 days. I haven’t seen or heard from him at all. I’ve been guiltily fucking my husband and wearing out my vibrator 2-3 times a day at least. I’ve sprung a permanent leak at this point, and I’m losing my mind. I need a release. THE RELEASE. If I don’t find a way to get this man’s dick inside of me I don’t know what is going to happen. And so the scheming begins.

I can’t call him. It would be too suspicious. I send him a text. “Can you call me at the office? The [client names] showed up and they have some questions about the contracts they signed.” As soon as I hit send I feel a panic wash over me…

I’m married.
I can’t do this.
Why would I risk this all?!
He’s gonna be too nervous and leave me hanging.
This is going to be a huge disaster.
Oh my god. What am I even going to say when he calls me back?! SHIT! I didn’t think this through.

I feel my face getting flushed. There’s static in my ears. I’m shutting down. I can only hear the thump of my heart beating through the static. Someone is faintly saying my name… “Hannah… Hannah…. HANNAHHH!” I snap back to reality. I’m sitting at my desk, white knuckling the edge of my desk. “Hannah, Rob is on line 1, calling you back.” I’m dying.

I pick up the phone. “hello?”
“Who the hell is [client name I made up earlier]?!”
“Well where are you? They had a bunch of stuff they wanted to go over with you.” I’m still trying to keep both ends of the conversation open for escape in case he’s not alone.
“I’m dropping off my check and then going to get my tires changed.”
“Do you have time to deal with them while you’re out, or do you have to run back home to your mommy?”
“You’re such a fucking bitch,” he laughs.
“I’ll meet you outside.”

I watch the back cameras like I’m doing laparoscopic surgery. 10 minutes feels like 10 years. I tell my office mate I have to bring the estimates out to Rob when he pulls in. She’s barely listening. She nods her head, doesn’t look up from her cellphone. I see the flash of red in the far right of the screen when his car pulls up. He parked in the corner spot where you can only see the passenger side of the car. It takes everything in me not to run to the back door. I grab a stack of scrap paper off the corner of my desk like I’m about to actually do some work. I feel high voltage electricity running through every inch of me. My heart is racing. My face is flush again. I hope no one stops me because at this point my poker face is null and void.

My reflection shines back at me as I approach his driver side window and I take note that I need to settle down with the Christmas morning smile. He rolls down the window and he’s wearing a pair of super reflective aviators like he’s some kind of badass and I bust out laughing. “Are you fucking serious right now?!” I’m bent down with my hands on his window, laughing, and then I noticed he’d let his glasses slide down and he’s looking down my shirt. We’ve got to dress pretty conservative at work because of the type of business that we are in, so this is the only way he’s seeing any cleavage at work.

“See anything you like?” I broke his concentration obviously, because he jumped a little as if he forgot it was my tits he was staring at. Peering in I see what I want. His pants are already tight. “ I brought these out for you.” Tossing the blank sheets of scrap paper into the passenger seat of his car I let my hand take the long way back and “accidentally” rub against his pants. His heat was radiating through and sent a jolting reminder of why I was standing there at this moment. “What’s the plan, Rob? I fucking want your cock. How you gonna get it to me?”

“God. You’re so lewd, Hannah. Were you raised by wolves? For fucks sake.” His attempts to flip the script and talk down to me just make him more irresistibly pathetic to me. “You know [his wife] has every cent of mine accounted for. I can’t even get lunch without her bitching me out about it.” I leaned in farther, scoop my hand up under his balls and give him a little squeeze and hold. “I don’t know what you’re gonna do, Rob, but you need to figure it out.” I release his rock hard cock from my grip. “You find a place, and I’ll call in a reservation. I need you.”


I get the text shortly after he left work that day in the parking lot. “Wednesday, 7pm. The hotel on State St.” I’m so ready for this. I called and made the reservation. No view, no tub, no glam. Just a hole in the wall where no one will find us together. I shoot him a text. “#208”

Every other Wednesday Rob and I both have the day off. Our spouses leave for work in the morning and we have almost a whole day to ourselves. Usually I spend my day catching up on house work, getting groceries, and cooking for the week ahead. But this Wednesday… this Wednesday is for me. Welcome to Selfish Wednesday. I do everything I normally would and then text my husband and tell him I’m gonna get drinks with a girlfriend when she gets off at 6.

Tuesday night never ended for me. I laid motionless in my bed, wondering why I’m cursed with this burden. Why can’t I just stop thinking about this man? Why can’t I just keep being in love with my husband who only has eyes for me? Why am I so insatiable right now? I watch the sun come up through the bedroom window and finally force myself to get up.

I drink my coffee, and watch my husband leave for work. I think back to the first day I touched myself while thinking about Rob and find myself in disbelief of how far things have escalated from that point. If I just never went up those stairs that day… Could I have just forgotten about him if I had never let our lips touch? Now there’s no turning back for me. My brain will never stop. I have to do this.

The rest of the morning goes by in a blink. If You put a gun to my head and asked me to tell you a single detail about anything that happened between putting my feet on the floor, and pulling up to the hotel I would die right there. But now time has stopped. I see the car. He’s already here. I’m deafened by the sound of my own heart, beating out of my chest. …this is it, no turning back, this is it, no turning back, this is it… I stop at the door. Take a deep breath. Knock on the door. It opens to complete darkness. I step in and he shuts the door behind me… This is it.

When the door closes, all traces of light go with it except for a dim red glow shining through the top of the curtain from the hotel sign. I can barely see because my eyes haven’t adjusted. As soon as my purse makes a sound of hitting the floor I’m grabbed by my arms and lead backward until my legs catch the end of the bed. I fall back, and forget what the word regret even means. His thick hands have my wrists pinned down to the bed above my head. He brings his face down to mine. I can hear him breathing heavily in my ear as he gently bites me down the side of my neck. I’ve 100% lost control.

His hands slide down my arms. One stops at my throat and applies the slightest bit of pressure. He kisses my lips then pulls away, putting his thumb to my mouth. I crack my lips as he pushes his fingers to the back of my throat and I swallow them while trying not to choke. As he’s straddling my legs a feel him; he can’t stop himself from grinding his concealed cock between my thighs. Somehow without a single word being said I have found myself the most turned on I’ve ever been in my whole life. My pussy is throbbing to the beat of my pulse. Every piece of me is steaming with lust and need.

As he shifts his weight off my other arm I snatch him by the shirt collar and bring him back to kiss me. I nibble his bottom lip and then pull him into my neck. I turn my head, and heavily sigh into his ear, “I want your fucking cock, now.” He presses his groin into me and even through our clothes I can’t help but let out a moan.

Pulling me into a sitting up position, he takes my shirt off, and unclasps my bra. I already feel so exposed. I lay back down for him to he take off my panties and pants in one motion. I can see his dick pulsating through his pants and I’m now more aware than ever that I’m leaving a trail of pussy juice wherever I rest my butt. It makes me so fucking hot just thinking about the wetness I’ve made for HIM dripping down my legs. I get up on my knees and meet him at the end of the bed, pulling him to my naked body. As we kiss he puts his warm hands on my hips and slowly glides them up to massage my breasts. He delicately puts my right nipple in his mouth and circles it with his tongue. I push the back of his head and arch my back to meet his mouth. Unbuttoning his shirt, and pulling it over his head, our naked torsos touch. He’s so warm and flush. I smirkingly smile at him, “Come on, daddy. Show me your goods.” I hear the clank of the buckle and the rustling of his pants hitting the floor.

Wrapping one arm around his shoulders I reach down with the other. The anticipation to touch this man’s cock… I’ve never had to wait this long for anything. My fingers brush against him. His dick pulsates up and hits my hand. I finally wrap my hand around him and pull. He lets out an exhausted grunt. He’s been waiting for this too. He pounces on me and we fall back together on the bed. My legs instinctively wrapped around his lower body to bring him to me. As he hovers over me I feel his cock hanging down and brushing against the lips of my soaked pussy. We lock eyes. “This is it, no turning back.”

He slid his cock into me and I lost it. I clenched into his back as he rocked into me a little harder with each thrust. Every part of my body was tensing around him, trying to pull him in deeper and harder, as though if I pulled deep enough I could absorb him completely. I already feel a volcano erupting inside of me. I run my fingers over the back of his head and deeply kiss him as he continues to pound to the beat of my heart. He curls his body tighter around mine to gain leverage, his face is buried in my hair. I pull his ass towards me. “Fuck! You’ve got me ready to cum on your cock already. Slow down daddy. I want you to cum with me.”

My head tilts back. I can’t hold in much longer. I’m moaning and screaming. My hips thrust up to meet him rhythmically. The head of his dick gently kisses my cervix and I feel him trigger the implosion. “FUCK, Baby, I’m cumming! Fucking cum with me please!!!! Give it to me, I fucking need it!” My pussy clamps down on his dick so tight trying to milk him dry. He finally breaks. I feel him tense up, his dick swells to max capacity and then pumps me full of what I’ve been begging for. We collapse into each other, lay there panting, feeling our heartbeats transfer into each other through our sex organs.

Afterwards, we both decided that we wouldn’t see each other again except for at work, but we also agreed that this was one of the best sexual experiences that either of us have had in years. Work will never be the same. Every time I see Rob, and have to pick up the pieces of whatever kind of jerry-rigged situation he’s put us in I will think back to the night we played hookie from life and rocked each others worlds.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/kh80gv/f33_having_fantasies_about_my_older_m50_coworker


  1. Shit this was definitely a turn on as a female reader! It makes me think back to who I lost my vcard to because it was never the same seeing him around university after the first time. I thought I could make it less awkward by pretending he was a different person, but that only worked for me to some extent.

    Do you ever miss him?

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