Soft Femdom, Male Chastity

First post ever, constructive criticism welcomed and appreciated.

we’re getting ready for bed, and as usual, i am so horny

i rub my hardening dick up against you, Hey i made something for you , i say

yeah i can see that, you say. you’re not amused

i’ll meet you in bed, i say slyly

i get into bed, trying to look all smooth and attractive. waiting for my girl, and i have every intention of making her mine. gonna take her and get all up in her. that’s my plan, at least

think about how surprised i am when you walk in holding my cage – a stainless steel beast, prison for my dick. my dick immediately deflate

whatcha gonna do with that?

you know. lay on your back

with a smoothness normally reserved for ninja masters, you swoop in and lock me up.


my love, i’m worn out. i need a break tonight. your eyes meet mine. the look you give says you’re sorry, but you must. you gently move your lips to my cage. you kiss my cage lovingly and tell my dick not to worry, that you’ll be back for him

after speaking so sweetly to my dick, you inform me that it’s bed time. as if in an attempt to make the fact that you just locked up my dick ok, you get into bed by draping one leg over my head, and dragging your pussy across my face. instinctively i flick out my tongue, hoping for a taste. unfortunately that is met with a swat to my cage. Be good, you remind me. You need to earn it



i don’t sleep well that night. my cage binds me. it pokes me, but worst of all, when i look over and see you, or i hear you, i want you. my dick presses and struggles against my cage. not such a good feeling. i think about puppies or computers or whatever else, and i try to go back to sleep


good morning my love, i say

mmmmm good morning! rub me….

you roll on your side, facing away from me. i scoot close. i start running my hands all up and down your body. you respond with Mmmmms and Ahhhs. i scoot even closer, in an attempt to spoon. bad idea. my cage tightens against my straining dick.

how did you sleep? you ask. Oh pretty good! i try to cover it up, but doubt i’m fooling you.

i continue rubbing you, tracing lines all along your body. over your tummy, up your arms, down your legs. omg across that ass. bad idea.

you sense my struggle and tell me it’s time to get up. much like the night before, you throw your leg over my head, and drag your pussy back across my face. you witch! i know better than to try to give you a lick this time

once again you lovingly bend to my caged dick and whisper Don’t worry, i have plans for you. with a gentle kiss to my cage, you’re gone.


the day drones on. i struggle with my caged dick. i think about anything that will take my mind off my frustrated dick. nothing seems to work


later that evening (or the next? or the next??? i’m no longer really sure) you tell me to go up to my studio, and take off my pants, and have a seat on the couch. i eagerly comply

after what seems like forever, you walk in wearing a black leather, very Domme, corset top and matching bottoms. Hmmm, nice, i think to myself. this is going to be good. how wrong i am….


you lay a towel on the floor. ok, not out of the ordinary

but next you bring out a large dildo mounted to a base and set it on the towel. Uh-oh what’s this?

your wand and some lube is in your other hand. i don’t know what to think

you tell me Baby, you’ve been so good, i thought you might like to have some fun tonight. you hand me the key to my cage, and immediately i start trying to work the lock. Not so fast!!! i didn’t tell you to unlock your cage. you wait til you’re told. Yes Mistress.

your Domme outfit fits you perfectly; the corset lifts your breasts, pushing them up and together, making your already ample cleavage even more prominent. your midriff is bare, showing off your nice flat tummy. the bottom is snug, and curves out with your hips, and is high-cut around your legs, making them appear even longer than they already are. a garter with fishnets and mile-high heels complete your look.

you turn around, almost as if you’re dancing, and shake your ass from side to side. damn…. i hadn’t noticed before, but the back seam is open all the way thru to the front. my jaw drops. i hope it’s for my easy access.


slowly, you saunter back towards the towel. you stand over the dildo. you say Wow, that’s big. it’s nice. look at how real it looks. thick head, veins bulging, it look like it could cum at any time…

yep it looks real, alright, and i’ve been wondering where it’s going. i don’t have to wait too long to find out

honey, come over here. lube that big cock for me.

obediently, i do as i’m told. i get the lube, put some in my right hand, and rub it on the dildo. i look back at you as if to ask Ok? but you beat me to it

Not like that! kneel in front of that cock! put lube in both your hands and rub it up and down, up and down. do it slowly. carefully. thoughtfully. Balls too!

I’m enjoying watching you, you say. looks like you’ve done this once or twice. ok that’s enough, go sit back down.

i have a little trouble getting back up. my dick, which has been tingling the whole time, is now fighting with me. he wants to get hard, i want him to stay soft. damn cage hurts if i don’t catch him in time and he starts to grow. i manage to make it back to the sofa and plop down

you’ve watched the whole thing with a sly grin on your face. now, you kneel before the cock, facing me, cock between us. as you begin to kneel, your knees push outwards, and for the 1st time in days, i see your freshly shaved pussy, lips parted ever so slightly. you take the cock in your hands and let out an Mmmmm…. you scoot up closer to it, pull it to you and begin to rub it against your pussy. up and down, up and down. your eyes are closed, you breathe a little heavier. your eyes snap open. You’d better be watching this, this is for you my love.

goodness knows i’ve not taken my eyes off of you for even a second. consequence of course, is my straining dick. i weigh my options: is watching the show worth the pain. easy answer: Yes

you rise up ever so slowly, shift the cock backwards slightly, and ease yourself back down onto it. as the head pushes its way past your parted lips, the rest begins to slide in. it’s so big, so long. it seems to take forever to go all the way

you sit there for a few seconds, cock buried deep in you. you’re enjoying the way it fills you, how deep it goes up inside you. you rock back and forth on it a bit, then you rise up. up and down you go, you’re fucking it.

my dick is fucking killing me, but my eyes are glued to you, watching you fuck this big cock. the way it slides out, so long that it never seems to end. you get to the top, and plunge back down on it, clit rubbing on the balls. time seems to stand still as you continue, eyes closed, fucking your big cock, and enjoying every minute of it

you snap me out of my hypnotized stare, and tell me to hand you your wand. i put a little lube on it because i know that’s what you like. you take the wand and flick the switch and it buzzes to life. with the cock buried deep inside you, you press the buzzing wand to your swollen clit. more moans escape from you, eyes are closed, head is back, you’re rocking on the cock, and buzzing your clit. pure ecstasy.

your body tenses up, you groan, and with a loud AAAhhhhhh you orgasm. this will be the first of several, as you continue on, resting, restarting, resting, restarting for a few more.

precum haș been dripping from my dick since you first mounted the cock, and now it’s basically free flowing. my dick is as hard as the cage will allow it to be. i still am holding your key in my hand. i look over to you, trying to work up my best “I’ve been a good slave, will you please let me out?” face. you ignore me

honey you like? this feels so good. i’m happy we’re sharing this

ok, if that’s your idea of sharing…..

you rise up off the cock. it’s glistening with your cum and juices. you run your finger up, from the balls to the tip, and with your finger just about dripping, you tell me to open my mouth and close my eyes

obediently, my mouth flies open, and my eyes snap shut. Don’t peek, you say. never! i’ve got no intention of spoiling it now. this is what i’ve been dying for and i cannot wait for a taste. as i feel you draw closer, my mouth begins to water…and…you wipe your finger under my nose! what??

Good boy, you say. you can open your eyes now.

my eyes slowly open, and are almost blurry they were squeezed shut so tightly. you tell me, So far, you’ve only earned a smell. Enjoy my love. Yes Mistress, is all i can think to say

you walk back to the cock, shaking your ass as you go.

you look over your shoulder at me. you look at my dick, practically purple from straining so hard against my cage. you see the wet spot of precum i’ve made on the couch. You’re cleaning that up, you know. Yes Mistress. you look up, look me in the eyes. a look crosses your face that i’ve not seen before. i can’t figure what it means: fun, fascination or maybe a little bit sadism?

i’m quick to find out, as you kneel back down in front of your cock. but this time, you’re facing away from me, and your cock is on the other side of you. i see you grab the lube and squirt some directly onto your cock. putting the lube aside, you rise up, and slide back down onto your cock in one smooth motion. again, you moan Mmmmmm. you start riding it, reverse cowgirl style, and i can see every inch of it sliding out, and then all the way back in. over and over your pussy lips grip your cock on the way up, and relax on the way down. your ass is wide, and curvy. it looks so damn good. i want to feel it. i want to hold your hips. i want it to be my dick thrusting in to you, if only you would free me… most of all, i want to kneel behind you and eat your sexy ass, to get my tongue up in there, swirl it around your tight hole, and then slip it in as you relax. even if i’m trapped in my cage and i can’t jerk off while my tongue is busy, i would still give anything to devour your ass.

the buzzer comes on again, and it seems only seconds that you have another orgasm. your face is flushed, your cheeks red. i am doing everything i can to lick my upper lip, to taste the juices that you spread there. you smell so good. i know you taste even better.

satiated, you rise, maybe a little wobbly, and come over to me. i’m still sitting on the couch like you told me to. my dick is just throbbing. thanks to the heels, my eyes are at pussy level. your pussy is no more than a foot away, and i’m imagining i can feel it’s heat. i want to lick your pussy, taste the sweet cum you’ve made. sensing this, you slide your hands down across your tummy, placing one hand on each side of your pussy. moving your legs slightly, you spread your pussy lips, right in my face. your pussy is a happy color, more than pink, but less than red. she’s wet, too. i look up at you, my eyes pleading

You want a taste, don’t you? Yes Mistress

Well, you were good during the show. Which part did you like best? Front or back? Both Mistress, is all i can muster

As if to help me decide, you turn around. now your ass is right there in front of me. you look over your shoulder and smirk. your hands are on your hips, and they slide inward. you spread your ass cheeks, bend over and wiggle your ass. i see your freshly fucked pussy from behind. i see your ass hole too. my dick just about explodes. god i want a taste!

you giggle and stand up. you hold out your hand. Give me the key. Yes Mistress, i say with probably a bit too much enthusiasm and hand it over.

you look at it. you look at me. you look at my dick straining in it’s shackle.

You’ve been a good sport, you say. you tell me to stand up, which i do, albeit a bit slowly. as i stand, you sit where i was. it’s noticeable that you avoid the wet spot

now my swollen, caged dick is in front of you. you gently work the key and set me free. i feel the blood rush to my dick. first it feels as if it’s resuscitating it, then next the blood floods in, and he stands at attention

at this point, i’m wondering, i’m hoping, i’m praying that you saved a little of that good pussy for me, or maybe i can eat your ass? neither apparently, as you gently take my dick into your hands, you lovingly rub your tongue over the tip. you taste me precum and look at me and smile as ask, Did you make this for me? Yes I did Mistress. Aww baby, how sweet! you giggle. you slide your mouth over my dick, and i feel your tongue twirl around it. i am immediately ready to explode

Not so fast tiger! that’s not where this is headed. stroke your dick 5 times. with your left hand!

as a righty, my left hand strokes my dick awkwardly, but it still feels good. i count off 5

2 more with your right

ahhh, way better

you lean back on the sofa, spread your legs, dip a finger into your still soaked pussy, and start rubbing your clit

You like what you see? Yes Mistress, very much! thank you!

well then keep stroking. go slow, i love to watch

i know i could cum in about 8 strokes if i’m not careful, so i slow it down, making it last. i get close to cumming a few times, but you stop me. you like to ruin a few of them

i’m looking at your pussy, almost salivating. you tap your bare tummy. Put it right here my love

that’s all i need to hear, 3 more quick strokes and i’m cumming. i’m cumming so hard that i feel as if i might pass out. cum explodes onto your tummy, leaving ropes up and down. it finally subsides, and i stand there, a little dizzy

Great job! would you mind cleaning it up please? Yes Mistress I say, and turn to reach for the towel on the floor

What are you doing? you ask. getting the towel to clean you with, Mistress

I didn’t ask for a towel, i told you to clean it up. on your knees. lick up every drop.

and that’s exactly what i do.



1 comment

  1. It read very well, it had a good back-and-forth voice shifts in multiple ways. It’s not the craziest thing I’ve read but it was definitely very visual and out there ?

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