Orgy: “An all out orgy in a secluded Alaskan cabin”

I had met Ilsa during the Summer, quickly moved on her and got to the first date before I’d known her a week, got the first sex on the 2nd date and became regular lovers before the Fall. As snow moved in to blanket the Northland and temperatures dropped below freezing she introduced me to the sport of skijoring. On weekends we would strap on the skis, harness up the dogs and hit the high mountain trails.

Being self employed my time was open, and when Ilsa got a Covid related layoff from her job she asked if I wanted to go visit her family out in the Bush. I thought it would be fun and she made arrangements for us to spend two weeks with her brother and his girlfriend out at their remote cabin. They ran a remote fishing Lodge but with the pandemic their summer had brought only a single visitor and the winter had zero bookings. We would have the place to ourselves.

I paid a friend to fly us and the two dogs out in his Supercub and Sven and Melissa met us at the lake. We loaded our bags on their snowmachine’s trailer and hooked up the dogs and followed them back to the lodge that sat just above the lake.

After getting acquainted over hot drinks and lunch we were shown to our room and after settling in we went down to get the dogs situated in the kennels. Sven ran a trapline and kept a dozen dogs himself so ours were no imposition….[more](
