Breeding the Colony, Part 2 [Breeding] [Creampies]

[Link to Part 1](

Two weeks had passed since John had first had sex with Mary, and in that time he had been with ten other women of varying ages, races, and occupations. His mating had been indiscriminate heat of the moment encounters, generally initiated by the women themselves, rather than John. This was because a few days after he had had sex with Mary, the Overseer announced alongside Mary that she was officially the first pregnant woman on the colony. But more relevantly, they had announced that mothers would not have to work for the last 3 months before the birth or the first six months after the birth. This fact, combined with the fact that all of the women would be getting impregnated sooner or later, spurred some of the women to take some *initiative.*

John was laying in bed pondering on these matters and the developing situation when there was a ring from the door to his living quarters. “Sir, are you awake?” Ashley asked through the speaker.

“Yes, I was just getting up.” John responded as he rolled out of bed, he glanced at his bedside digital clock, it read *08:00* – Ashley was always right on time, he thought as he walked to his closet where his uniform hung. “What’s on the itinerary for the day?” He asked as he slipped on his pants.

“You have a meeting with the Overseer at *08:20*. After that, I don’t have anything scheduled sir. Dr. Everett told me she would fill us in together at the appointment.” Ashley responded through the speaker.

“What could she want to talk about?” John responded, he had a suspicion, but he wanted it confirmed.

“I believe it had to do with the incident from the other night, sir.” Ashley responded suggestively.

“Ah, I see. I figured she wasn’t going to let that one go.” John said, his suspicion now confirmed.

After the announcement of the nine months of maternity leave, some women had gotten aggressive about getting their turn with John. But so far, only two women had succeeded in actually getting with him. Due to his bodyguard contingent, it was almost impossible for women to get to John without his permission. But, this didn’t stop his bodyguard contingent from getting their turn themselves. Two nights before John had been sound asleep when he was awoken at 2:00 am by his two guards, Lucy, and Lisa, sucking his cock. He was stunned at first and even protested, but once the more attractive of the two girls, Lucy, began riding him there was little he could do to resist. He hardly lasted two minutes before he exploded inside of her, she didn’t say a word. She simply sat on his cock for a few moments as if trying to soak the seed in, then rolled off of him, got dressed, and left the room. Bewildered, he looked to Lisa. She smiled and repeated the maneuver. It took him nearly half an hour to cum this time, but when he did it was substantial. Long spurts of his seed shot up into Lisa as she sat back into his pulses. He had little doubt it would take and she would be pregnant. After he was finished dispensing his load, she leaned down, kissed him on the cheek, then got up and left. His seed slowly dripped out of her pussy as she put her uniform on. “Why?!” John had asked. Lisa simply looked at him and winked, then walked out.

What a crazy situation he had gotten himself into, John thought remembering that night, he finished putting on his uniform and glanced at himself in the mirror one last time.

“Sir, are you ready yet? The Overseer’s office is a ten-minute walk, and it’s alrea-” Ashley was cut off as the door to John’s quarters slipped open. “Yes, yes I’m ready. Wouldn’t want to keep ole’ Linda waiting would we?” John said sarcastically. He had started to frequently use the Overseer’s first name around Ashley, it was guaranteed to get Ashley to smile, and John had come to love her smile. She was a beautiful young woman who was only two years older than John at 22. Moreover, she was intelligent and charming. Her brown eyes and brown hair complemented her dark Hispanic skin then, in the light of the hallway. John looked forward to the day he would breed her. But, he also dreaded it. Ashley was the closest thing he had to a friend, and even though she had already said she had accepted the situation, John couldn’t help but feel wrong about the situation requiring her to have sex with him.

“I would encourage you not to use that name around her, sir.” She joked as she lead the way towards the Overseers office. John’s two *new* bodyguards dropped in behind them, and so they walked. The first few minutes of the trip were uneventful enough. However, the situation changed when the group reached the dining hall nearest to the administrative sector of the hab. Hundreds of women were in the dining hall eating breakfast, and though their meals sat before them, most of them looked at John with hunger. Though, in others, John thought he saw disgust. He looked to Ashley, she seemed totally oblivious to the other females in the room. They crossed through the dining hall and onto the concourse that led to the administrative section, they walked on and on, occasionally passing women who would wink or smile at John. Others scowled at him. At this, John began to think that some of his mating sessions would not be as cordial as his session with Mary or his bodyguards.

After a few more minutes of walking, they finally reached the Overseer’s office. The doors slid open as the guards standing before them stepped aside, John and Ashley walked through, while John’s personal guard attachment stopped to wait outside. Finally, the duo turned the final corner into the Overseer, Dr. Linda Everett’s office. John’s vision was immediately drawn to a beautiful holo display behind the Dr’s desk, which displayed the world outside the sprawling hab complex. It was still in the early days of terraforming, but already the area around the hab complex was coming along well. Beautiful green grass and flowers could be seen for miles. John looked forward to the day it would be safe to venture outside.

“Welcome to my office.” Dr. Everett said, interrupting John’s line of thought. She reached out a hand.

John took it and gave it a professional shake. “Thank you, Overseer Everett.”

“Please, take a seat.” The doctor said, gesturing to the two beautiful chairs before her desk. John and Ashley kindly sat. “Wow, nice chairs doc-”

“Let’s cut right to business, shall we.” Dr. Everett said, cutting John off. She didn’t wait for him to agree. “Two nights ago you slept with, and likely impregnated your security attachment.”

“Well, I’d argue they really slept with me, but yes, that’s what happened.” John responded in his defense.

“Right. That is why you are here today John. We need to clear some things up going forward. Firstly, you cannot sleep with bodyguards again, until given permission. We only have about 30 military and law enforcement trained females. The majority of our law enforcement contingent was on the male transport. We can not afford to lose a single trooper. Every loss seriously impacts our ability to enforce law and order in the hab.” The doctor explained.

John winced. He had no idea there was so few security personnel, and he supposed that was by design. “I’m sorry doctor, I didn’t know, nor did I want it, really.”

“It’s alright John, they came onto you, after all. That we can agree on. But, it simply cannot happen again. The women in question have been punished, and they may end up spending the extent of their terms confined to their quarters for their actions. I’ve explained the consequences of such an action to the rest of the security personnel, and it shouldn’t happen again.” The doctor said.

John nodded in understanding.

“Now, on to the next business. Up until this point, Ashley and I have essentially let you sleep with whomever you want. This was a mistake, and I take responsibility for it. There are roughly 350 women over the age of 35 on this colony, their biological clocks are ticking. So, you’ll have to breed them first going forward. Starting with the oldest and working your way down.”

John was startled by this, at 40 years old, the Overseer was the oldest female in the hab. He looked at her with surprised confusion.

Ashley picked up on his expression and interjected, “Sir, you won’t be sleeping with the Overseer first. You’ll work your way through the other 350 women, doing roughly two a day, then in about six months, you’ll meet with Dr. Everett.”

“…I see…” John managed, he glanced at Dr. Everett. She wasn’t an unattractive woman by any stretch of the imagination, but they had conflicting personalities and she seemed all business. He wondered how their arrangement would go. Finally, his mind caught up with what Ashley had said. “Wait, you want me to sleep with two women a day?” He asked, flabbergasted. His work, if it could even be called that, had felt impersonal before, but this would be taking it to a new level. He looked to Ashley, then the doctor for answers.

Dr. Everett spoke, “John, we all knew there would be risks when we came on this en-devour. And we came all the same. Now we have a duty to do.”

John wondered where she was going with this, he had heard her speak like this many times before, but he continued to listen.

“Now, all the technology for indirect insemination was lost in the disaster. Do I wish it was different? Yes, of course, I do. And I know quite a few of the other women in the hab wish it was different too. But this is the hand we’ve been dealt and we have to play with what we’ve got. Older women, such as myself, our clocks are ticking, and the sooner we’re all pregnant, the better.” The doctor paused and took a breath, “One day you will impregnate Ashley, one day you will even impregnate *me*, this is just how it is. And we have to make it work, for the sake of humanity.” She paused and looked to the holoscreen behind her, then back to John. “One day we will spread the dream and promise of humanity across this planet, John. But to do that, we will need children. Now can I count on you to help bring that dream true?”

He paused for a long moment, he already knew what the right answer was, he didn’t have much of a choice. And besides, it wasn’t like it was a bad deal, having sex with thousands of women? Most men would kill to be in his position, he thought.

“Yes, you can count on me, doctor.” He said with confidence.



  1. Hey all, new account here, same writer. I deleted the email to my old throwaway after posting the write-up. Frankly, I had never written erotica before and I wasn’t confident it would have been received well, and I felt a bit dirty having written it.

    But after seeing the support for the first entry, and the requests for a series, I decided to continue on. Not sure how long I’ll do this for, but I imagine at least a few more entries at the minimum.

    I hope you enjoy this entry. Any constructive feedback would be appreciated.

  2. Honestly, I don’t see any criticism to give. Just a good story! I’m thinking maybe we can have like 3,4,or 6 more parts, depending on if you want to make it quick and just have John fuck the overseer and Ashley, or if you want to add actual story to it. How did this colony only have lots of women and 1 man? What caused that? Why is there so few military? Is this post apocalyptic? Etc. Keep up the excellent work man!

  3. Anyone getting fallout vault 69 vibes when reading this? That’s all i could think of. Good story though with interesting premise. If you do continue or do a follow up you should adress the problem of possible incest. I don’t know the exact science of it but 1 man with thousands of women would make for a small gene pool.

  4. Great followoup! I read and was hooked by part 1, really enjoyed part 2. Can’t wait for more! The pacing is just right, not hurried, not rushed, the details are filled in as part of the story, rather than just being shoved in, it carries the storyline along, without getting it mired down. Excellent!!

  5. Thanks for part 2! I’ve been looking forward to this series so I’m glad you picked it back up.

    Question though, did you mean to say Ashley is two years older or the overseer, because later on you describe the overseer as being the oldest in the hab

  6. A creative and interesting read that has a lot of potential for erotic, romance, or just good sci-fi. Thank you for what you’ve written and I hope you continue to be inspired to work on this series.

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