Three years a sex slave [FF] [inc]

The title may seem a little dramatic, but it’s not as bad as that. Yes, I am enslaved sexually to a group of men and women. But I love it! I am cared for in the best possible ways. I have been given, given mind you, my own apartment. It’s in my name, there is no mortgage, I own it, lock stock and barrel. My masters and mistresses have pooled their resources and purchased my apartment on my behalf. How many 21 year olds can say they own their own apartment?

I have full health insurance, full dental, I am subject to the indignities of medical attention on a regular basis, but these are for my protection as well as for my masters and mistresses. I have no job other than to meet their demands for sexual gratification. I can pursue whatever interest I want, but I cannot leave the city without their permission. To get that, I must perform for them all, but I am not extravagant in my travel needs and they are not stingy in permitting me to travel. It is, for me, the best possible arrangement. I am taking online courses from a prominent university here and the group has already agreed to my enrolling at a rather prestigious English college to complete a PhD, online if my graduate results are good enough to be accepted.

So how did this happen? Easy, I fucked my mother and father, they are leaders of the cadre of Doms, well, okay, my mother is, daddy goes along for the ride. Most of the members are professional people, doctors, lawyers, mainly, but also there is a city politician, a captain of police and a few others in key positions. This includes both husbands and wives, and one couple of two men, there is also a lesbian couple who are currently being assessed for joining. (I hope they make it, I love being fucked by the women, and fucking them when they demand it.) There are only ever twelve couples, but one of the older couples has indicated they are retiring due to health issues, which is why the much younger lesbian couple are being considered.

Once a month, there is a ‘meeting’. It’s actually a fancy word for an orgy, in which I get so full of cum that I squelch when I move. I eat so many pussies, tongue everyone’s butt hole, have cocks and dildos in every hole, mostly all holes at once. Then they give me the next week off. By the end of it, I am really looking forward to having sex again, I can’t wait to get back into it.

Then about a year ago, it changed. Oh the benefits remained, but instead of being the only slave the group had, another joined me, she was my younger sister. She was gift wrapped and given to the group on her eighteenth birthday. She experienced the full joy of being a slave that night and I was envious of her experiencing that wonderful debasement. I did ask my mom why there was another slave, thinking I might be displaced. She simply said that would never happen but the doctor I see, also a member, recommended that I be able to relax more, that so much sex was going to have a detrimental effect on my long term health. I didn’t mind, myself, but I have agreed to their rules and if the doctor is saying it, then I had better pay attention. During the initiation, I got to fuck my sister, she was really tasty, and a good fuck already.

I became sexually active just before my 16th birthday. I didn’t know anything and did think that nothing bad could happen if I picked the most popular guy in school. At first it was all good, but as time went by, I learned he was also a self-centered, violent rapist. I was left with black eyes and a broken cheek bone after one night, my parents were horrified but I covered for him. I told them I fell down stairs and was rushed to the hospital. I was actually thrown down the stairs by him, after he raped me and he just laughed. He also ordered me to not ever say anything about the rape, the assault, I was to do exactly as he told me. It was another boy who saw what happened, he called his brother to come and pick us up and take me to the hospital. I thought my parents bought my story, but I learned later my assailant bragged about what he had done and the real story got to another member of the group, then to my parents. I refused to corroborate that version, sticking to my original story. After that, two things were decided that I was unaware of then. One was I needed protection from the so called boyfriend, and my Mother was to assess me for suitability as the group’s sub.

A consequence of the protection of me was that on a particular Saturday evening, police were called to a disturbance at a house where there was a loud party by a neighbor. While there, the most popular boy in school assaulted two police officers as they were trying to calm him down. He had been drinking, got into a fight and was still very aggravated when police arrived. Apparently, he tried to run and ran straight through a first floor bay glass door and fell off a balcony. I didn’t know that such a fall could produce so many broken bones. I wasn’t at the party as my parents decided at the last minute we were going away that weekend. After all the effort I put into making sure the right people knew about the party, it was disappointing. After facing court for his actions his parents decided to take him out of that school and he could attend a private faith-based school. Our school didn’t object, after all, he could no longer be a star athlete with his severe broken bones, his criminal conviction, his falling out with other members of the team, poor boy, seems he lost a lot that evening.

The other consequence was for me. I knew there was something, erm… odd… about what my parents did, especially on Saturdays. As children, Emma, my sister and I would, once every two or three months, go and stay with our grandparents for the night. Always a Saturday. They always went out on Saturday nights, that was normal, but they would get us a baby sitter, usually someone from an agency who would be staying until my parents returned. This was often just before dawn on Sunday mornings, I could hear them coming in, paying the sitter and the sitter leaving. On Sundays, after staying with our grandparents until time for dinner, we would come home to a house that smelt of disinfectant, I mean reeked of it. Every room, except mine and Emma’s would reek of that terrible bleach smell.

Sorry, my cell has just gone off. It’s a message, ‘In 45 minutes, you are to appear at Mistress J-‘s house and be available for her pleasure. No underwear.’ That makes it easy to dress, warm day, simple halter top, shorts, sandals. She must be particularly aroused to give me only 45 minutes warning. Better go, brb.

Back again. I love lapping Mistress J- to orgasm, it’s always rewarding for me, but more so this time. I was ordered naked the moment I walked in the door and dressed just before I left, I love walking around a house naked, especially when there is two or more sets of eyes looking at me. One of the women of the lesbian couple was there too, I think I am going to love them. Her name is Mistress A-, tall, leggy dark complexion, exotic eyes and a pussy worth eating. She fucked me with a strap on, really got into me. Had me spreading my legs while touching my toes in one position, on my back with my knees up by my ears in another, then she had me face down while fucking my pussy from behind. Said I had a really tight ass and she could use it for a fulcrum. Then I got to eat her pussy, lick her until she came. She’s a squirter and I got a face full of it, eyes, nose, mouth and throat. I drank it in. Then she allowed me to use a dildo and make myself cum. It was a very pleasant way to spend nearly two hours. Anyway…

After my first boyfriend, well I called the asshole that, mother ordered me to not seek out the company of other boys. She told me that if I wanted sex, I was to come to her and together, we would work something out, but I always had to come to her first. She caught me masturbating one afternoon, I had my panties around my ankles and a video of two women fucking on the computer. My legs were spread, my dress around my waist and I was so engrossed in watching the video, I didn’t hear mom come into my room. She was really cross with me, she called me by my whole name, Catherine. She smacked the back of my head, then threw the power switch, turning my PC off. She ordered me to her room where I had to lie on the bed while she strapped my wrists and ankles to the posts of the big king sized bed. She threw my dress above my head, then pulled my panties down so hard she ripped them. She was really angry.

I felt the sting of her whip across my ass. Emma came racing up to see what was happening and mom told her to go back downstairs and watch the TV or she would be getting a whipping too. Emma ran down the stairs and turned the volume of the TV up so my screams wouldn’t disturb her. Mom then whipped me again. This time there was no interruption and she asked me if I knew why she was doing this? I said no and she whipped me again. Think harder and answer the question. I did think harder but had to say no. She whipped me again and I swear, my pussy just tingled so I said no again. The whip came down again and I swear my pussy spasmed so I said NO so I felt another blow of the whip and I thought I was going to cum, hard. Then I realized what she wanted to hear. “You told me I had to ask you first if I wanted sex. But I wasn’t having sex, I was just touching myself!” The whip came down again, “Don’t argue.” and I went into a sexual frenzy, thinking I was cumming for the first time, ever. Mom knew what was happening, I was a sub and I was just 16. After my orgasm subsided, she told me that I could have more experiences like that, if I wanted and if I was to come to her first.

She gently caressed my red ass, rubbing the pain away, replacing it with an even more exquisite feeling. Here I was, on my parent’s bed, spreadeagled, tied securely, no panties and a naked butt. I’m not sure it was deliberate, but her hand seemed to slip and ran into the cleft of my ass then down along the aroused lips of my labia. There could be no doubt, whipping me turned me right on. Mom knew it.

“I told you to talk to me when you are thinking about sex. See, we can work something out.” I felt her finger slide even further down and touch my clit. I was already swollen, already heated. I raised my hips a little to give her better access to touching me and she did. Without much finesse, mom stroked my pussy, put her thumb inside me, pumped it while her fingers wiped over my clit. Already strongly aroused by the whipping, I was one the verge of cumming in just a few strokes. I pumped my hips onto the push of her fingers and moaned. She pulled her thumb out of me just as I started to cum again and I heard the swish of the whip. I felt the sting of the lash across my ass and I cum so hard. Mom pushed the handle of the whip into my love hole and pumped it some, prolonging my orgasm so I felt like it wasn’t going to end. That was the greatest orgasm ever! And I have had a lot of orgasms since, but that still was the best. Who would have thought my mom could do that to me? I loved it, and her more in that moment than I had ever done before.

I lay on the bed, made immobile by the straps holding me and the aftermath of my orgasm, my fuck hole filled with handle. I felt mom untying me, but I still couldn’t move. “Get up,” she ordered, pulling the whip out of my pussy. I willed myself into standing alongside the bed. “Undress,” she ordered again. I hesitated, a little surprised. I was given a stroke with the whip. “Undress,” she ordered again. My dress fell off my shoulders and my bra quickly followed. “Nice,” she commented as she ran her hands over my breasts, my stomach, again, running her hand over my pussy. “Turn around.” I turned and she touched my back, my ass, my legs, “Yes, very nice.”

“If you want to be sexually active, young lady, there are some rules. My rules,” she stated, “Do you understand?”

“Yes, mom”

“Yes Mistress, when we are alone or with your father or any time when Emma is not near. Understand?”

“Yes Mistress, any time Emma is not around.”

“I am going to help you in this, going to help you become sexually skilled,” she continued, “First, we’ll go to the doctor and get you on the Pill. Then we shall talk about the rest of it.”

And that was the first step on the road to my sexual enslavement. I loved every step thereafter, until I was fully initiated into the group at 18. I was gang banged for the first time by 12 men, cleaned up a little and then gang banged by their wives. I was sore for a few days, my ass bled when I took a dump a couple of times but I loved every minute of it. I wouldn’t swap it for the world.



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