Rose of Two Thorn’s part 26-30 RVS & Dream Master (FF MM MF MFF MFM Bondage Solo Toys)

After finally leaving work I head to the grocery store in my cart because this morning it decided to rain, now I have a full charge and enough sextons for groceries. I want to try and make my own wontons, so I grab all the wrappers, pork meat and some spices, also sesame seeds and sesame oil. I also get my coffee, creamer, cereal (for my lazy nights), frozen stuff and toiletries because I need to shave and have toilet paper after all. Getting back home I put my stuff away and get a video from Robbie, its King doing some of his training and he is getting so much better.
Now to get over to Vivian and Jack’s house so we can do some design work. She told me he was an architect, and he can design the garage and anything else the house needs. I get there, they are waiting for me by the porch. I go in there house first and we go over some plans “here are some garage designs for the house, the garage will be toward the back but we can build a overhead shelter for you to walk back and forth”, Jack says. I see the designs and look at some driveway ones as well. “I like the two car one here and the driveway can go back to the road and I can enter from there, meanwhile visitors can park out front or by the garage as well.” Then after going over the perfect fence design we settle on interior stuff, so we all head over to the other house. “I can see this need outside paint what about a light green or maybe a yellow.” They both look at me and say “light green” in unison. I smile and we pull out some light green paint that they had on hand, we all start on the area by the door and wait for it to dry.
They need to get to a dinner with friends so I will check on that tomorrow and se how it turned out. On the way home I get a call from Detective Lane “well Scott its nice to hear from you glad you are feeling better.” I tell him all the details minus all the Robbie details and he lets me in on “ the drugs come in through the airport, its seems like some private airliners are flying in the drugs from the island and someone is getting them there we have some people in mind, “Care to help again.” I have some apprehension but tell him “Sure whatever I can do to help I don’t want to see another Ricky again.” We all agree to meet tomorrow night at El Serrano at 5 so they can give me all the new details. I get home and get to the kitchen I am not so ambitious after painting, so I get out a frozen burrito and heat that up.
I am finishing up when I check out Pride Corner just for fun, I see Tyler again, but I just scroll right by I do not want that mess again. Devon texts me and want to come over he has something to ask. I tell him come on over I am home.
Devon is about 5 minutes away, so I clean up a bit I have not done much since I got back but here I am. I let Devon in, and he says, “dude I need your help I have a date Friday and my internet went out can you help me do a deep dive.” I look at him and say “sure man lets look this guy up, you don’t want no scrubs” he gives me his side eye and we both have a laugh. The internet was a bit of a help, so we look at his posts from Pride Corner and Bumble, not too much there so we look at the student body and staff from the University and find him there. He is a janitor, and he has been there about 6 months so about the same time as me. He seems legit so we know at least he is not lying about anything, though his profile says BI and Devon gets a bit sad. I tell him “t’s not so bad I think I may be turning Robbie but just like you told me keep the guard up” We get some beers and head out to the back porch and share a joint too. He tells me some of his life story and I share a bit of mine. After the joint is done its starting to sprinkle so we head back in, both of us are bit horny so we do give in to blow jobs, he has a big dick and I don’t have rubbers that size, but dam it tastes so good. I give him head until he explodes deep down my throat and dam its tasty. After I get done with him, he takes mine down dam I am feeling so good he dose give great head he licks my balls and I have a massive blow out down his throat. We decide to have some make out before he has to go, “That was amazing Devon lets do that again sometime” he smiles at me and kisses me one more time, “of course babe I have been wanting that cock since I saw you at the mall, let me take that sweet looking ass sometime ok.” Just after he took off.
I get a text from Brian: I will be getting a new assignment looks like I may be at Blonde island for a while, more details soon.
I do smile a bit thinking about Robbie and just remembering Devon sucked me off, but Robbie is a fire stick and has my lust. I shake my head and text back: sounds great Brian hope we can see each other more.
I get out my pajamas and get ready for bed, got a staff meeting in the morning so I get out my good slacks and maroon shirt. It needs to go to the cleaners, so I choose my green patterned shirt instead. Thinking about the last 6 months it has been quite a journey, I have made some new friends and have had two possible lovers, the romantic in me wants that steady relationship but the steady flow of part time lovers has me feeling good again. I get in the bathroom for teeth brushing and can hear Gemma talking through the wall. : I told you to get that package to me yesterday, yes the weather is bad, but I need the supply or no money.” The suspicious part of me is intrigued and I realize that is the second package she is waiting for and with the weather comment I make sure to remember all this for tomorrow and my dinner with Robb and Lane. Now its time for sleep and I just might dream about Devon tonight that was a sexy blow job.

Finally, the rain cleared up so I can ride my bike again, it roars to life as I get out of the garage. I notice I need gas but all I have is a big sexton, so I pull up to Gemma and Marie who are about to get in the Jeep. “Good morning dose anyone have change for this I need gas and did not want to break a big bill” Marie searches her purse and Gemma dose as well” Here you go I found it for you Scott” Gemma says. “Thank you I owe you one see you later Marie” I wave as I head to the gas station. I put fuel in and get to the school and set up for my school day, only 2 students so a short day maybe I can get to the other place before dinner tonight.
After the staff meeting Miss grant and I have a chat about labs and I tell her all I know, “I just wouldn’t want the dog to jump the fence, that would be terrible.” I tell her about proper exercise and attention will curb that and I will look at dog daycare options here too so nothing to worry about. In the meantime, my student Hailey comes in and we chat about her rooming situation, she tells me some of the girls in her house and being mean as she is the only gay girl there. We look at the housing on campus and go out to Miss grant and she set Hailey up with a new house, off campus but close by in walking distance, “you can move in tomorrow let me call the house Mom for you, she is really open and tolerant plenty of gay girls there so it should not be a problem.” Hailey seems much happier then when she came in, so I leave her in capable hands back in my office. I read up on the do not do drugs policy. After a while, its lunch time so I head down to the cafeteria and see a sad looking Marie.
I get my lunch of ham sandwich, chips and some diced up fruit and grab a tea to sit down with her. “Marie whats going on you look rather sad,” she looks at me and nods but does not say anything, so I continue eating. I do show her Kings new video and that makes her smile. She gets up and heads to the ladies’ room and comes out and sits back down,” Gemma maybe be cheating on me, she is always gone every other weekend and won’t tell me where she is going” I let out a whistle that was a little louder than intended, “sorry everyone that was not supposed to be that loud,” I look at her “Marie I do hope that its not true, I mean dose she have work commitments or something” she gives me a shrug but nothing further. “If you need me, I am right next door but tonight I am meeting some friends for dinner at El Serrano,” that cause more tears and then she bolts from the table. I get up to console her when a coworker named Mel(I am assuming Melissa) shakes her head no and I back off. “Can you ask her if she needs a ride home though,” she goes into the kitchen and come out to say no, so I head back to the office to see my last student of the day. The student leaves and its 330 so Miss grant comes in and hands me a set of keys.
“These are yours so you can do any work you want on the place, the permits will hopefully be available in the next few weeks.”
I thank her and check some emails for the day, grab my jacket and helmet to head over to the house to see how the paint came out.
I pull up to the driveway and yeah this will need to be fixed, a gravel driveway is not good for a beauty like my Triumph. Looking up at the house the paint came out very nice I think this is the color and so do Jack and Vivian, speaking of Jack here he comes.
“Scott hello do you like the paint color, I think it really works well” I look at him.
“Yes I was thinking that myself, your house has the same trim paint so this will work well for the exterior.” We walk around the outside of the house and he point to where the garage will be, and we discuss the driveway situation.
“I only know a bit about that but it may entail drainage issues and type you want but that can wait a bit we need the permit for the garage” and with that Jack and I head in.
He gives me some advice about the bathrooms and floors, he tells me the fireplace is gas and the fence can go back to the property line. We chat for a while longer and then I head back home to get ready for dinner at El Serrano. Again, I can hear the girls in the bathroom and Marie is arguing with Gemma about her out of town trips, this sounds like a blowout so hope the cops do not need to be called. I can hear a door slam and more crying but its almost 5 so I need to go. I get in my cart because the rain might come back so I arrive at 5 exactly and see Robb at the bar.
“We are waiting for Lane but let’s head back to the room he will see us back there. We can just talk about your brother or something.”
We head past the kitchen and down into a banquet room, yes, we do chat about Brian just as Lane walks in. An other man walks in who looks like the manager so Robb introduces him to Lane and I. “This is Armando the owner of El Serrano he has been a family friend for years so its ok that we use this room for our talks.”
We both shake his hand, and he offers us drinks, I decide on a mezcal neat and the detectives have the same. We get menus and choose our food. They talk about some cop who got caught banging the secretary of an office building and after Armando takes our orders we get down to business. “We have information from Denton that the private pilots are running the drugs from the states to Blonde and then off to here, we have not been able to pin down which pilots yet, that is one of the reasons he took you to the regular airport that day was to scope out the scene and see who could be game for a runner. Our food arrives, carne asada for me, two enchilada plates for them and we get waters to go with the food. “I have an idea, it’s a long shot but I think my neighbor Gemma is the drop point person, before I left to go see Brian I was waiting for a cab, she was on the phone waiting for a package, so I did not think anything of it. I got back home and heard her in our adjoining bathroom wall say she needs that package and yeah the weather is bad but no package no money.” They both look at me stunned and say: she’s on our list, she has a rap sheet from Australia” I tell them all I know and we strategize for some spying on my neighbors, poor Marie this will hurt if its true.

Coming home from dinner was a drag I got roped into spying on Gemma and Marie now I need to be nosy without looking like it, well here goes something I still need to find out if Marie is going to the club so Devon can get the table. Parking the bike and walking over there at least its quiet unlike earlier but the place looks dark, so I will try in the morning or talk to her at work. After changing into my actual pajamas because dam this place is cold, I get a call from Robbie.
“Hey sexy how have you been” he dose his cute giggle and tells me all about his adventures with King and looking for a new place because his now ex wife won the condo in the divorce settlement.
“You could move down here to my new almost place its sill needs a garage and some interior work and a driveway.” We chat for a bit longer and I hear Gemma pull up, so I tell him I need to go but will give him details later. I put my slippers on and go out to the porch, but she is already inside, heading back in I get to the bathroom and listen through the wall. “Yes, I have it but money first love or no fun candy, I know you have to sell but guess what this is a business after all, pay up.” She really is selling well that solves one riddle but not the other. I text Lane and Robb to tell them what I heard. Robb responds by telling me “yeah the kids call it candy, that is some dumb shit, but we will need more evidence then that, we will be in touch.” Then after texting Robbie back telling him what I am now up to he understands why I had to cut it short.
Hitting the school gymnasium because I recently found out this was an employee perk is a nice change of pace, since its raining again I got to hit the treadmill and some weights. Devon gives me a buzz about the table I tell him I will have an answer tonight and have fun on your date. Using the shower was fun, I am taller than the average student, so I had to duck.
I set out my students’ files for the day when Miss Grant comes in and tell me the permits had been approved Jack want to start immediately. “That is wonderful news I am trying to recruit for the tile work on the bathroom, but the garage will be wonderful.” After my students are done its lunch time, I like these short days though I do have files to upload so I will hit that after lunch I smell pasta of some sort.
The cafeteria is buzzing because some chicks are making out in the corner, so I head over to the line and yes, I was right, fettucine alfredo with sausage. I take that and a salad with olives and head over to Marie. “Good afternoon, I hope all is well” she smiles at least and tells me: we had some makeup sex, but I still have my doubts” I let out a low whistle this time. “Well how about some fun this weekend, are you going to the club so Devon can get a table, Robbie will let me know if he can make it tonight.” Thinking between bits of her salad she says, “yes I will have a good time without her maybe I can see Jane there she’s a good friend.” I text Devon that Marie is on and she may have a friend with her, and Robbie is supposed to let me know tonight. Now to get to my mission “Marie where is Gemma from I detect an accent, on some of her words anyway.” She tell me “originally from Victoria Australia but was actually born in whats now Myanmar her parents were missionaries” we chat a bit she tells me they meet at a concert in Sydney when Marie was traveling with a group from the Peace Corp. After that service was over, she lived in Tight Hole for a while before getting, the job here and then her and Gemma meet again online.
Now back to my work, Marie says she will need a ride because Gemma is at meetings till late. So I tell her to come to my office I am just uploading files for the rest of the afternoon. I am on my last upload when Marie comes in and sits on one of my chairs opposite me “ have this last upload then tomorrow no students, so I need to get some stuff done around the new place, I will tell you all about it soon.” She looks stunned to hear I am moving but I tell her I will still be here, and I am right on the other side of campus if you need anything and how handy are you. She tells me she knows electrical work and some plumbing, so I keep her in mind for projects so that’s Devon for tile work, Marie for electric and plumbing, Brian for cabinets and Jack for anything else I need. I can paint and do some mechanical motorcycle work but other than that I am useless. I get a call from Robb and I answer “I have company babe I can’t talk right now, oh Marie you don’t have to leave I can call him later,” he gets the hint and we disconnect. Marie want to go grab some groceries so I wait in the cart for her and call Robb back, “Hey sorry about that Marie was sitting there I sometimes take her home but right now she is in the store” he tells me no problem and then we get down to some business, I tell him what I learned and he tells me to rope Robbie in and we hang up because her comes Marie.
I take Marie home and tell her I need to go to the pot shop, so we say goodbye as she gets inside with her bags. I head in the direction of the pot shop and call Robbie, “yeah that is all we know right now anything new on your end” he tells me he will be able to come out and his flight leaves Saturday morning and he has to be back by Monday afternoon, my cock is springing to action at the thought of him in my place. He also tells me that Dr. Bronson will take care of King for the weekend, so I am on cloud nine when I get my joints and some sample edibles and head back home just as I pull into the driveway the cart dies, I look up and see Robbie on the porch, he tricked me but her dose help me push and get the cart on the charger. I close the garage and have a massive make out with him, we end up fucking on my Triumph and his sex is just as fiery. I hold him for bit while he tells me his moving plans might include a move to Silk Stockings, he did not want to jinx anything with telling me, but he had an interview today. I take him inside and we both make spring rolls for dinner he tells me he is also here to spy so I show him the bedroom and bathroom wall are and he sets up a microphone that picks up sound through wall (we speak low so no one can hear). Once that is all set up, we have each other for dessert and I sleep that night right next to one hot cop, I am lucky I want this man I hope he moves here.

I got up before Robbie so I head out for a run, Devon is “busy” still from his date he will see me tonight. I hit the town loop as I call it and run up through the main part of the campus, around the admin building and down through the athletic field. Heading back the other way I see Gemma’s jeep up on the ridge and she is talking to two guys who look like linebackers, I hot foot it back home and find Robbie awake. I tell him what I saw and as we head to the garage Gemma’s’ jeep pulls up, so we head out to the porch keeping cool. When we get there, she is nowhere to be seen so we go to the bedroom and bathroom but all we hear is Marie, lamenting about why Gemma was not home and she needs here blah, blah, blah.
We get dressed and I put him on the back of my bike, and we head over to that ridge I saw here on. No one is there when we arrive but we do see a city camera so we contact the city force and they investigate the camera but it’s been disabled, from within so that will be investigated further.
I tell Robbie we are heading to the local diner for breakfast then up to the new house so I can show it to him. We have breakfast of pancakes and bacon for me, veggie omelet for him and of course coffee for both (so glad he likes coffee my ex did not). He shows me more videos of King from his training” I am trying to get him to pick up things that people drop but he is not getting it.” I study the video a bit more “Ok he is still a puppy but start small and use the bridge technique, take an object like a ball cut it to pieces and wrap it around a small thing like a set of keys. Then work your way up to bigger things like a cane or remote, start small he will get it labs are people pleasers, so he wants to do well.” He holds my hand under the table and man it feels so right, but now to finish up and get over to the house. Getting up to the house I dig out my set of keys but I show him were the garage will go and the covering which jack already has built, then we go around the front and I show him the paint color before heading in. I show him all I will do to the place with my crew here and there of course (my brother is in the Coast Guard and Robbie lives on Blonde island) but over time the house will be done with a remodel.
We get to the master bedroom and I must kiss him and thankfully he feels the same. Then he shoves me against the wall and grabs at my dick, I mean I am wearing joggers I rise to the occasion his grip is firm. “Mmm I like your grip, feel me throb” his hands easily drop my pants, and he swallows my rock-hard dick down his hot throat. He comes up for air and jerks my dick, dam I could cum on his face and I nearly do before he swallows me down again. Then I give him my load and he drinks all of me down. I get down on the floor which is covered with paint cloth and I kiss him before I return the favor. I start licking those shaved balls and he is instantly hard, putting them in my mouth makes him moan and I do a bit of ass chewing before I take that dick down my throat. He gives me his load as well god he tastes wonderful I can get used to this. We lay there on the floor holding each other and I tell him my grand plans for the room. I show him the bathroom as I get up and we see the hall bathroom as well, after seeing the kitchen we head into the den area and more make outs, we are wanting each other so bad. I lock up and we head back to the other place. When we get inside, we get to the couch. I have some rubbers on the bottom of my joint box, we wrestle around before I get him first and I take that hot ass and orgasm deep in him. He is having some trouble getting himself back up and I can see the frustration in his eyes. I tell him “relax don’t try so hard, kiss me babe.” So, we do my hands get him rock hard and he takes my ass and makes me his.
We lay there and hold each other for a while before I tell him about the club we will be going to tonight. “This town is very open and accepting you don’t have to hide” he looks at me and kisses my neck “the truth is except for a messy college relationship you are the first serious man I have these feelings for, so I don’t know how to act.” He looks down and I hold him close to me I feel some tears but I tell him “I want to hold hands, put my arm around you, give you kisses and tell people you are my boyfriend.” He gets up and heads to the bathroom I hear the door close and lay there partially devastated, I talk to myself out loud and say “Crap I jumped the bridge, broom, something I can’t think I want him and I just blew it. He sits down next to me and say “Jumped the gun, you did not blow it I am not ready, it doesn’t mean I don’t like these feelings but being 40 and BI the confusion has set in.” It is getting to be 7pm so we start getting ready to go to dinner with Marie and her friend Jane, we hop in the cart and head down to the Chinese restaurant. Dinner was excellent and Jane seems nice though rather butch, but hey I am no lesbian.
We all get to the club and our fees have been paid for by Barry that was great of him. I tell Robbie all about Barry and how he came out to his parents and they wanted to send him to a conversion camp, so he ran away. Eventually they accepted him, but it was a long journey, I promise to show him the book later. I introduce Robbie to everyone, Devon, Barry, Marcus, Detective Robb (though I do not know why he is here) and some other regulars. We get a round out drink on Devon and we all have a great time, the girls were fantastic and funny. After the show Robb and my Robbie head outside and I can see them having a chat so maybe its cop stuff. Devon and I dance for a time before Robbie cuts in “We have some new evidence we need your help come outside.” I follow him outside and we proceed to tell me, my neighbor is not the runner she is the distributer. Holy cow this is getting sticky.

Heading home after the club Robbie and I start talking about Gemma, “So she’s the big fish here on the island and we need to find her crew to snake this out.” I drive in silence for a bit “Yes I still can’t believe this, glad Marie left with jane I would not want her to hear any of this.” Getting home we unwind with a bit of make out and some smoke he puffs a little because he gets random drug tests as a cop. He falls asleep easily, but my mind is spinning, Gemma sells drugs to young impressionable kids such as Ricky. I eventually drift off knowing this hot man is next to me I reach for him in the morning, but something smells good, so I get into the kitchen. “Good morning babe I made omelets with sausage and cheese; “I can’t figure out your coffee maker so if you don’t mind.” I show him the steps, grind, water, power on and we have coffee in no time.
After a very sexy shower with bathing included, we hop on the bike and head over to the other place. “I know Vivian and Jack have the paint here somewhere I will go around back” and sure enough there it was. I surely am glad Robbie, and I wore our bumming clothes because we had a lot of painting to do, after the front was done Vivian and Jack come down to help us with the rest. “What color for the trim Scott” Vivian asks. I look at the house and think eggshell, “I think eggshell that would make it stand out and the porch is already the same color.” We all agree and Robbie and Jack start on the posts for the cover while Vivian and I head inside. We walk around the rooms with a tablet computer and pick paint colors for living room (light beige) kitchen a light gray and back splash later). My room a great aqua along with the light gray in the bathroom. The guest room will be the same living room color and the den and utility room will be light beige with the white trim. Now we order paints and that should be ready by the end of the week, “I can come over after work a few times and get this done, these floors are great they only need a polish.” She tells me about a company that can do that, and I take down their number.
After a long day of work around the house Robbie and I head back to my place shower and sex each other up and order dinner in tonight. We get Indian and I have found my tika masala soul mate, “I like this stuff its my favorite,” I smile and kiss his cheek it is a favorite of mine too. We cuddle on the couch watching Roadhouse when he sighs “I don’t want to go home tomorrow but I have a job and King needs me” I hold him a bit tighter “I will miss you Robbie dose punching a cop and stealing his dog get me in trouble” he laughs and tell me “Yes it dose but you can see him whenever you want, next time I will bring him after you get into that house.” We both look up as we hear Gemma pull up for real this time, so we tip toe into the bathroom and get the microphone started. The first bit of conversation is Marie telling her how much she missed her but after she told Marie to get naked and wait on the bed she gets a text, ‘yes do I have to do everything sell it dam it I need the cash and you won’t get paid either, good dealers are hard to find.” Robbie and I look at each other and head to the garage, “So she must think she’s Hugo Chavez or something” Robbie is thinking but says “You know them butter her up a bit maybe she will talk to you, I know it’s a lot to ask but I could leave recording devices for you, we need to catch her in the act.” I agree reluctantly and we leave the mic on for the rest of the night.
Now I was getting sentimental and I told him “I will miss you too I want to see each other again but it probably won’t be till after Christmas when I go to Hawaii, not really wanting to but it’s a family obligation.” He kisses me before moving down to my already rock-hard cock, I get his deep throat action and he swallows me like a champ. I want him so bad so I whisper in his ear “I want that dick babe its so big, I love your cock” he drops his shorts and I swallow that sweet dick down and then he gives me his juice. After that we lay there holding each other I can feel the tears coming but I hold back, he dose too and I kiss him and he kisses me back, this sucks I am falling in love and he lives over on another island. The alarm goes off in the morning I look over and he is gone. I go make coffee and find his note: I got a call from Robb late last night I must take the mic back then get to the airport; I will update you later. I had a wonderful time this weekend, come see me soon and yes King loves you I even mention you name and his tail wags. I am falling for you Scott, you make me feel sexy and wanted, Robbie. I hold that note and read the last line about 12 times, I want him so bad this is my soulmate I just know it.
