* * *
Sinking down to avoid the larger wave. Thrusting my body down as the salty water was all around. The feeling of weightlessness was exhilarating. Butt you know that one thing that is needed to survive pushed me up. Kicking my long legs, for once during this vacation, letting the muscles push against the tide.
The tranquil plan of the waters surface. The one place that had a mirrors shine. In between each wave of Jism Bay was so rudely interrupted first by the bubbles then by the beauty that just broke the event horizon.
Looking back to shore, scanning over the sexy body’s that lined the beach till my eyes settled on… “She is back, Mmm and with Sex on the Beach, which is not a bad idea for round two..” not bothering to finish that observation as my soft foot falls where teasing my nipples.
“Its a wonder why so many people just don’t fuck right here” squeezing my own tits, caressing my sensitive clit.
My eyes locked on that sex booty that was bent over, exposing her marvelous.., “Oh my..” I exclaimed. My eyes now locked on that little jewel that my cabana bunny had resting in between her cheeks.
Even as I walked up the ocean still had ahold of me. With the gentle waves that was soon to batter against my clit. Squeezing my chest, pinching my nips as my hands twisted them.
“This is why there is no more coverings” shaking as the final wave wanted to pull me back in. Shaking even worse as my fingers ended where I wanted her lips to be. “No.. no, I can’t do.. … Ooo (the first signs of a orgasm, the uncontrollable urge to spasm) Ooo fuckkk” look at my hand, the position my arm was in. The crook in my elbow that traveled down to my wrist. Watching as my magic fingers found my clit. The torture was so exquisite! Bring my knees to the shaking point, my breath was a panting mess of future orgasms. “I must capture dat ass.. so Mmm tongue can.. can Oh fuckkk Ooo Ooooh OooohOooohOooohOoooh” my fingers found its target and would not give up till, “Ooo Mmm fuckkk I’m c… ….” the softness of the sand was just only a few feet away when my knees collapsed.
My legs where not pressed together like some ordinary fainting spell, nor was I sitting on my bum. Kneeling, legs spread wide, fingers plunging deep inside myself bring fourth the next vicious orgasm.
My head craning back as the spankings came. Each one aimed at my sexual gratification. Each one getting closer to my asshole. Wanting to scream out even as my hand spread my bum. Stretching my asshole into a horizontal line. The one thing that stopped me was not the fact that I was in public butt the thrust from my hips. The shortness of breath that I didn’t even know I had till my moans went silent!
Bent over with the waves tickling my knees, gently washing up over my calf’s. Trying to catch my breath before she found me down here panting just like I had the world’s biggest orgasm (I did butt that is not important).
Slowly, yes even slower than I wanted, I caught my breath butt the ocean can be a fucker the next wave crashed against my ass! Forcing its way against my clit, using the forward momentum to tease my pussy, to penetrate my every nerve ending. Then just like this bay was named the water was being pulled out sending me over the edge! My hips started to buck, my breath had left my body for the second time since emerging from its depths. Not caring who heard me, I moaned so loud. My Jism was already cuming out, “Yesssssssss.. Oh fuck yesssssssss!”
* * *
Staggering up to my cabana. That little green jewel still fresh in my mind. I wrap my right arm around her chest as my lips find the nape of her neck. My left hand gropes Bunny Rei booty with vengeance.
“I fucking want your body!” Came out a little loud for a whisper butt my right hand had mashed her tit giving the impression of wanting to fuck not just to tease.
Pushing her down on the lounger as I squatted down behind her. “Perfect ass up (starting the deep penetrating lick and talking at the same time not a good combo butt I did it anyways) tits (grabbing those golden globes that begged for a spanking) down…” pressing my face into that little slit of a pussy.
“Ooooh yes, lick.. lick Mmm Mmmm Mmmmmmmmm” getting a early orgasm was music to my ears.
“Ahh Ahhh.. Oh I.. I OooOoooOoooo” Bunny Rei moaned as I locked my teeth around her little emerald jewel. Teasing her ass with it’s bulbous tear dropped shape.
“You.. yOoou are sOoo fu.. bad.. Ooooh please ..n’t st..p” throwing her head back, arching her back as the next orgasm decimated her body.
Collapsing to her knees, Bunny Rei was in paradise.
With that little lung forward, getting Rei’s ass back was now a priority! Kissing her bum, biting the cheek only made Rei even shorter on breath. “Yes.. … Bite Mmm ass.. asshole” it was to understand her after that for as bad as I tried my tongue had delved into her asshole. Bringing nothing butt spasms, jumbled moans and more cum then I could swallow.
* * *
With the surrender of my tongue Bunny Rei spun on the lounge. Kissing, licking, nibbling over my hole face, neck and tits.
“You are (hard lick over my tit) so fuckkking.. (Rei’s next orgasm, thank you tongue) Mmmmmmmmm yesssssssss..” pulling her into me. Juggling with her tits, fighting her for control.
Taking in my entire tit, by the way I lost control. The hard tongue that flicked my nip. The suction that drew in my breast, the double penetration that now invaded my body.
“Ooooh yes… OooOoooOoooo yesss, OooohOooohOooohOoooh yesssssssss” as my body buck against hers. Locked in a scissor hold our clits bumped together.
“How did I end up down here?” Played through my mind over and over again as my clit was getting banged.
“Yesssssssss Oh.. OooohOooohOooohOoooh (damn that Bunny Rei, she is making me cum so hard again) OooohOooohOooohOoooh!!”
Driving her pussy down onto mine. Still fighting off all the indications that she was cuming. “I will Ooo.. (that crack in the armor was all her body needed).. fuckkk.. yOoooh tOoo tOoo.. Yesssssssss fuckkk Mmm Mmmm OooOoooOoooo..” bucking hard against it’s oppressor. Bunny Rei’s pussy just creamed all over her client, one Nya Rose.
* * *
“I’m..” giving the look of fear. “, so sorry I.. I didn’t mean..” if there was ever a time for a second orgasm it would be now. Bucking hard against everything Bunny Rei was taught. The whites of her eyes was all that shown as the next orgasm came in with a vengeance. Once again creaming all over her rubbing post my, Nya’s, cunt.
Collapsing in a heap against the rise in the lounger. “I.. so.. sorry.. Mmm Mmm..” clearly still suffering the after shocks of the first orgasm.
Grabbing one of the Sex on the Beach. “Now it’s my turn” I said silently.
Settling back down with Bunny Rei behind me. Using my bum as a extra rubbing spot, I tortured her before offering more sex.. on the Beach to my thirsty hostess.
“Now we’re even I said resting the back of my head between her double D’s.
